What will happen to Christians who reject the Sabbath?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What you've basically said here is that it's more important to challenge the clubs people may belong to than what's actually being discussed.


Is this a "Christian forum" or a "everybody stand up and be counted for their cult or religion" forum?

I guess we can't see it the same, @BarneyFife

So, here is what happens to me.

When i read someone's religion, that is teaching "how to go to heaven by works".. then this causes me to need to correct it.... and not for myself.
But for the benefit of weak believers, and non believers, who might read someone's false religion's teaching that if you do good, you are good........as that is not the case, according to the Cross of Christ.
See, there is none good, but there are those who are born again, and have been "made righteous"., and that is not the same as the religion of... "if i do good, then that means i am good".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I'm glad I don't discriminate based on religion.

Well, once you learn that there are ministers of the Devil, then you'll need to learn how to "discriminate".. which means to discern them..

Here is what i can tell you.

If you are not a student of Paul's Theology, then that is why you have your particular opinion, that you are stating. @BarneyFife


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Is this a "Christian forum" or a "everybody stand up and be counted for their cult or religion" forum?

I guess we can't see it the same, @BarneyFife

So, here is what happens to me.

When i read someone's religion, that is teaching "how to go to heaven by works".. then this causes me to need to correct it.... and not for myself.
But for the benefit of weak believers, and non believers, who might read someone's false religion's teaching that if you do good, you are good........as that is not the case, according to the Cross of Christ.
See, there is none good, but there are those who are born again, and have been "made righteous"., and that is not the same as the religion of... "if i do good, then that means i am good".

Which is still just a big, fat straw man.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Which is still just a big, fat straw man.


I asked you to post where the member stated that they had trusted in Christ.
Haven't you read all their posts , from Thread to Thread?

So, i then asked the member to do the same, and they have not been able to post that fact about themselves yet.
They only posted some generic christianese that is basically Catholic speak.

Still waiting on them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Righteous people EXIST, and the Bible provides PLENTY of evidence. Plenty. Both in the Old and New Testament.

Here is what the NT says about your idea of righteousness. .which is..>"if i do good, then i am good".

The NT says.. (Paul teaching)....

A.) "Being IGNORANT of GOD's Righteousness, they go about trying to establish their OWN Righteousness"..

What is that?

= "If i do good then that means i am good" and that self righteousness, is not God's Righteousness, @Pancho Frijoles

See....... the issue with "doing good to try to be good" so that God accepts this good that a person does, is that the person is comparing themselves to JESUS, and in that case, all the "doing good" is as filthy as SIN.

That's SELF Righteousness, and its not good.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I asked you to post where the member stated that they had trusted in Christ.
Haven't you read all their posts , from Thread to Thread?

So, i then asked the member to do the same, and they have not been able to post that fact about themselves yet.
They only posted some generic christianese that is basically Catholic speak.

Still waiting on them.

It's just barely possible that some folks don't like to oblige virtual inquisitions caused by morbid pharisaical curiosity.


Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
What you've basically said here is that it's more important to challenge the clubs people may belong to than what's actually being discussed.


This is a frequent resource for people who cannot refute a proposition they are too afraid to acknowledge to be true.
I could be Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh or a robot with an advanced form of artificial intelligence... and so what?

I may be wrong, but I guess that the elephant in the room is that people like @Behold considers unthinkable that Non-Christian people can be touched by the grace of God, forgiven and transformed into new persons.
They may even witness directly the acts of Oskar Schindler, who put his life at risk to save hundreds of Jews... and still, think that those good works must be the result of self-righteousness, hypocrisy, a yearn for popularity, trying to buy a ticket to heaven, etc.
Of course, if Oskar Schindler had been a self-declared born-again Baptist, then these people would happily recognize his works as propelled by the grace of God. To them, creed makes the diagnosis. To Jesus, fruits make the diagnosis.

Jesus's enemies accused Christ of healing people by the power of Beelzebu.
Jesus replied that Satan cannot fight Satan, and that those who adjudicate the works of God (like healing) to Beelzebu, were commiting a sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

So, before adjudicating the holy life of a Buddhist or Muslim to Beelzebu, please think twice.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Here is what the NT says about your idea of righteousness. .which is..>"if i do good, then i am good".

The NT says.. (Paul teaching)....

A.) "Being IGNORANT of GOD's Righteousness, they go about trying to establish their OWN Righteousness"..

What is that?

= "If i do good then that means i am good" and that self righteousness, is not God's Righteousness, @Pancho Frijoles

See....... the issue with "doing good to try to be good" so that God accepts this good that a person does, is that the person is comparing themselves to JESUS, and in that case, all the "doing good" is as filthy as SIN.

That's SELF Righteousness, and its not good.

So you only subscribe to imputed righteousness—not imparted?

Should we walk also as Christ Himself walked?

Was His righteousness on Earth only imputed or was it also characterized by the righteous works He did?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
"He started it. I needed to reply."

Yes, of course.

See, anytime i read Calvinism, or "cult of the virgin" or "mormonism", or "JW", or Baha'i.. or Euro-Paganism, or Scientology, or any cult teaching,.. = then i need to reply... i need to highlight it, on a "christian" forum.

And i explained that, if these Satanic tactics, are not revealed, then some people who are not Christian, or some who are weak believers, having no sure Foundation of Faith, .. they can be harmed for life.
This is what happened to a CALVINIST, or someone who is now a disciple of Mary Baker Eddy.

So, i always feel the need to intercede on behalf of those who might be led astray... for about 35 yrs now.

Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
I asked you to post where the member stated that they had trusted in Christ.
Haven't you read all their posts , from Thread to Thread?

So, i then asked the member to do the same, and they have not been able to post that fact about themselves yet.
They only posted some generic christianese that is basically Catholic speak.

Still waiting on them.

I believe we must trust in Christ.
Trust in Christ means trust in what He taught us to do. There is no other meaning of "trust" or "faith" in Christ.
"Faith in Christ" is not about uttering some words. Faith in Christ is about doing what Christ asked us to do.

Jesus taught us in many many ways, by parables and examples of his life, how God forgives sins.
He taught us to ask YHVH, his Father, for forgiveness. Don't you do that when you recite "Holy Father, who art in heaven?" He taught us to be merciful to others, so that God can be merciful to us. He taught us we must come with a humble, contrite heart, like the tax collector, and not with a self-righteous, arrogant heart like the Pharisee.

Do I need to quote from the Bible all teachings of Jesus about how God forgives a person?
I can do it gladly.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I believe we must trust in Christ.
Trust in Christ means trust in what He taught us to do. There is no other meaning of "trust" or "faith" in Christ.
"Faith in Christ" is not about uttering some words. Faith in Christ is about doing what Christ did.

Jesus taught us in many many ways, by parables and examples of his life, how God forgives sins.
He taught us to ask YHVH, his Father, for forgiveness. Don't you do that when you recite "Holy Father, who art in heaven?" He taught us to be merciful to others, so that God can be merciful to us. He taught us we must come with a humble, contrite heart, like the tax collector, and not with a self-righteous, arrogant heart like the Pharisee.

Do I need to quote from the Bible all teachings of Jesus about how God forgives a person?
I can do it gladly.

I don't think it will count unless it comes from one of Paul's epistles (which I just love, btw). And you should only quote the ones that are controversial, or seem to be (but actually are not) contradictory to other Scripture. That's really popular and folks around here really like that. ;)


Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
We probably ought to get back on topic, by the way. Just sayin'.

You're right. My apologies for taking this too far.

Keeping the Sabbath with the spirit of Christ, out of love for the Creator, is an inspiring thing to do. It is a source of many spiritual and physical blessings from God.

Keeping the Sabbath with a spirit of self-righteousness, or trying to impose Sabbath to others as a condition for salvation, is falling from grace.

I could say the very same thing about other works: fasting, reading the Bible, wearing a special underware, keeping the hair uncut, abstaining from pork, adopting a vegetarian style, giving money to the poor, etc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Keeping the Sabbath with a spirit of self-righteousness, or trying to impose Sabbath to others as a condition for salvation, is falling from grace.

Do you think advising others to abstain from breaking the other nine commandments, "saved" or not, is falling from grace?



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So you only subscribe to imputed righteousness—not imparted?

You said that about me., @BarneyFife
I didnt stay that at all.....

I "ascribe to " the born again believer having become a "new Creation in Christ"... now = "made righteous", having become "The Righteousness of God In Christ"...

An excellent way to teach this.......is .:

The Cross is where God delivered your sin upon Jesus,.. as "God hath made Jesus to be sin for us"... and Jesus's Righteousness became the eternal life of the Born Again Believer.
This is the "Gift of Righteousness"...

So, this RIGHTEOUSNESS, is God's "Gift of Righteousness"...... and you can't earn that or keep it.

And once you are "made righteousness".. then you are to do what Paul teaches..

"Present your Body, as a Living Sacrifice to GOD.. as your reasonable SERVICE"..


So, the born again are to do that, not to try to stay saved, nor to try to be saved...

The Born again do this because they are born again, "in Christ" and now they are to provide that "service" to God, because God has SAVED THEM, based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

Heretics, try to do the Service, without the Spiritual Birth, and that is why they talk about works and good deeds, but never about the Cross or about God's righteousness. And that is because they can't discuss what they don't yet possess... so they instead talk about their SELF righteous.......all their good deeds.........all their. ..... "ME ME ME ME ME, look at all that im doing that i say is GOOD GOOD GOOD works".

See that?

Should we walk also as Christ Himself walked?

Paul teaches..

Romans 12:1

Was His righteousness on Earth only imputed

Christ was not imputed His own Righteousness, as He was not a sinner who needed God's Gift of Righteousness.

Christ was sinless, .. He was alway Righteous, Holy, and perfect., under the Law.

or was it also characterized by the righteous works He did?

Jesus is God's very righteousness, created as a Virgin Born Human.
So, when we Trust in Christ, God takes that "Christ's Righteousness" and we become it, as a "new Creation" "In Christ".

Welcome to : Salvation.

Its "the Gift of Righteousness">


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
@Behold considers unthinkable that Non-Christian people can be touched by the grace of God, forgiven and transformed into new persons.

Everyone who Trusts in Christ, because they understand that they are a sinner, who needs To be forgiven, will be touched by God's Grace as "Salvation"

What you are trying to prove, is that you can have God's Grace, by trying to be good, and that is why your Religion has no Cross of Christ in it, and only talks about "here is the good i try to do....... and that is why you have not told us when you trusted in Christ as your Savior, as an adult., and WHY you trusted in Christ.

see, anyone can say....>"oh yeah, i did that".....but not everyone can explain why they trusted in Christ.. and we are still waiting on you to explain it...

Still waiting for that WHY <<<<<<. @Pancho Frijoles

Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
Do you think advising others to abstain from breaking the other nine commandments, "saved" or not, is falling from grace?


No... we can advise anyone about doing any thing that we think will help that person to get closer to God. But....

Looking down into those who keep Sunday, as if they were more distant from God, future persecutors of Sabbath-keepers who will be destroyed by fire for their disobedience, is falling from grace. The very thing Paul fought against in his letters.