Again, there is no temple.How many animals have you sacrificed for your sins?
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Again, there is no temple.How many animals have you sacrificed for your sins?
They built alters to sacrifice. Why don't you?Again, there is no temple.
Yes, God is Sovereign.God is sovereign, so we are all obligated to obey Him regardless of whether or not we agree.
Yes, Gods Way is About Love.God's way is the way to know, love, glory, believe in, and testify about Him by being in His likeness through being a doer of His character traits, so everyone who wants to do those things should follow His instructions for how to do them regardless of whether they are a Jew or a Gentile.
That's a very sad and incorrect motivation for obeying the gospel. Obey out of fear? That completely destroys the real reason God desires our company. Love.Stick with the New Covenant so you don't burn in Hell!
We are obligated to walk in God's way regardless of whether or not we choose to do so.Yes, God is Sovereign.
Men have FREEWILL to choose to follow, believe, obey or not.
The Bible repeatedly shows that God taught how to walk in His way through the Mosaic Law, such as in Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Isaiah 2:2-23, 1 Kings 2:1-3, Joshua 22:5, Psalms 103:7, Psalms 119:1-3, and many others.Yes, Gods Way is About Love.
Yes, Gods Way is Good, Righteous, Holy.
Yes, works have a role.
Works, unto Gods Glory, Glorifies God.
Works a man does to Glorify God, is a debt unto God, God Rewards.
Works a man does unto other men, if other men reward him, that is their Reward.
Gods “Order” was Father First, Son Last.
God “Way” is Father and Son are One God.
Gods “Order” was Jews First, Gentiles Last.
Gods “Way” is Jews / Gentiles “IN Christ” are One People.
Matt 19:
[30] But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.
Faith is a gift from God for Hearing Gods Word.
Righteousness of a man is For Believing Gods Word.
Holiness in a man is For Testifying his True Heartful belief unto the Lord Jesus
AND the mans willingness to Lay down unto Death his OWN body, For his Testimony of Belief, Be True.
AND Forever…
* Receiving the Blessing of Forgiveness from God (for having HAD not believed).
* Receiving the Blessing of Baptism from the Lamb of God
* Receiving the Blessing of Gods circumcision of their heart
* Receiving Gods Gift of a new Heart
* Receiving the Gift of Gods Spirit of Truth, (Jesus)
* Receiving the Gift of Gods Spirit of Seed (Christ)
* Receiving the Gift of Gods Spirit of Power
That man…Has completed the Works God REQUIRES to be With God Forever.
His Reward is the Crown of Life.
Other Rewards from God, are for Works that man DOES to Glorify God.
All Works men do (regardless if they are IN Christ, With God, or Not)…That Glorify God, God Rewards.
All works that Do Not Glorify God, shall be burned.
Order, Way, Purpose, Intent, Result is revealed in Scripture, the Understanding thereof is A Gift from God to Individuals who believed, who lay down their Bodily Life, Without Understanding.
Order and Way…belief First…understanding Last.
Rules, Laws, Statutes, Precepts…are the Teaching Method to learn About Belief In Who, What, When, How, Why.
Committing to The Belief, Establishes FULFILLMENT of the Rules, Laws, Statutes, Precepts…and opens the Door to Receiving Understanding.
Hope is to obtain Fulfillment.
Fulfillment is Hope Realized / Accomplished.
Glory to God,
'Obligated' hmmm, what does that mean?We are obligated to walk in God's way regardless of whether or not we choose to do so.
What's more important than escaping Hell? NOTHING! Please don't learn the hard way.That's a very sad and incorrect motivation for obeying the gospel. Obey out of fear? That completely destroys the real reason God desires our company. Love.
Yes my darling I will marry you because I don't want to live with mum and dad any more. Thanks.What's more important than escaping Hell? NOTHING! Please don't learn the hard way.
Yes, God is a consuming fire to sin... And to anyone is still attached... it's everyone's choice. Cleave to sin and be destroyed with it, or be freed from sin and live forever. Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die oh house of Israel?'Obligated' hmmm, what does that mean?
God is long suffering. It means it never ends. So why is it a good idea to walk in God's ways? Is it not because his ways promote LIFE? Is it not because it is the way to relational joy? Is it not because everything thrives in life giving ways?
Will sin and sinners come to an end? I think so. Is it because God will deliberately and proactively destroy them. I don't think so.
Sin has in it the seeds of its own demise; it will destroy itself and everything it touches......just as Judas was destroyed by the principle he chose to lock onto. God did not kill him, he killed himself.
No thanks. Don't Aussies have Bibles?Yes my darling I will marry you because I don't want to live with mum and dad any more. Thanks.
You don't get it. The Bridegroom is Jesus, you are a part of the bride, the church. Did you agree to Jesus's proposal? Why? Because you didn't want the alternative? That's the most compelling motive for marrying Jesus that you can come up with? If my wife had accepted my proposal of marriage and later told me her most compelling reason for accepting was to get away from home, I'd take the ring back..No thanks. Don't Aussies have Bibles?
If you are speaking of “we” being “all” people, that statement is not true.We are obligated to walk in God's way regardless of whether or not we choose to do so.
Not in debate.The Bible repeatedly shows that God taught how to walk in His way through the Mosaic Law, such as in Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Isaiah 2:2-23, 1 Kings 2:1-3, Joshua 22:5, Psalms 103:7, Psalms 119:1-3, and many others.
What an imagination!You don't get it. The Bridegroom is Jesus, you are a part of the bride, the church. Did you agree to Jesus's proposal? Why? Because you didn't want the alternative? That's the most compelling motive for marrying Jesus that you can come up with? If my wife had accepted my proposal of marriage and later told me her most compelling reason for accepting was to get away from home, I'd take the ring back..
And yet what does Christ ask of Believers..The Law and Commandments have no power to make you righteous or justified before God.
So, "Legalism" tries to cause a person, a Christian, to keep laws and commandments FOR THE PURPOSE of attaining righteousness, or to try to not lose your salvation.
This means that the person is trying to keep something and do something to be right with God, or to try to remain right with God.
= That is "legalism".
Paul teaches that when you are doing this........ you are "in the flesh"... "carnally minded" and "Fallen from Grace".
A Christian who is pursuing the Law and Commandments, or good works... to try to stay saved, or to be saved.......has "broken faith".. Their faith is not in Jesus........its in themselves and self effort, .. and that is defined as "SELF... righteousness"...
Which in reality is to be expected. It is the character of God that is under question in the earth today. Is He good? It is the character of God that is being slandered and attacked by Satan. Here...We still haven't figured out who God is, let alone who we are.
Many will be surprised that God does not accept unrepented sin or allow continued iniquity in His Kingdom.Yes, God is a consuming fire to sin... And to anyone is still attached... it's everyone's choice. Cleave to sin and be destroyed with it, or be freed from sin and live forever. Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die oh house of Israel?