Q for JW- KIEW?

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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
Aposte liars call them false prophecies. They were errors. They aren't prophets thus cannot prophesy falsely. Real false teachings never corrected are a bigger problem in Gods view, Like-God is a trinity, All are going to heaven, All should partake of the Lords evening meal. The holy spirit is a living being- all are 100% error, never corrected by the false religions. The JW,s corrected their errors. Thats just like repenting=exactly what God requires. God knows all make errors.
The Watchtower themselves said they were false prophecies. So you've just called The Watchtower aposte liars. You didn't read the document clearly. And this isn't about the trinity, don't change the subject. Again, The Watchtower in their own words admitted to falsely prophesying in the past, and from JW.org sources I've demonstrated the deity of Christ and shown the blatant corruption in the NWT. Charles Taze Russell couldn't even read Greek. He was taken to court, and lied about being able to read Greek, but within a few minutes he was proven to be a liar because he couldn't even identify letters in the Greek alphabet. I suggest you seriously humble yourself and look at the facts, watch the video and listen to the people in this thread instead of ignoring all the proof given to you.
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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
Hi Heis,
Yes, the blatant hypocrisy of the blood policy is just sad. The ridiculous misunderstanding of Acts has led to many Jws to their early deaths. Big pharma has aided some of them with drugs, but they have black box warnings on them, so it's a gamble. Aside from the fact that they have to use blood to make the drugs. It's akin to claiming electric vehicles don't use fossil fuels in manufacturing. lol In a real emergency situation jws are just left to die. Water won't save them. I have seen real emergencies were people are bleeding out heavily, requiring immediate red cells otherwise, it would have been sure death. JWs can't argue that, although they will actually attempt it with lies.
The JW hospital liason shows up in the Jw hospital room to make certain they don't change their minds, and has DF'd people on the spot for coming to their senses and choosing life. Then, they shun them. --------- Oh the love , they'll say.
I know of a lady whose baby required white blood cells, and was not allowed, but when she learned that her own breast milk contains them she began to question. Then, she also learned that all blood components pass throught the placenta during pregancy. She told the elders what she learned and her decision to help her baby with her own blood. She was DF'd immediately. Of course, also shunned by her family and friends, as well..
--------- Oh the love among our members ,--------- they say. sigh.
No mercy in this group, just sacrifice. We are to be living sacrifices!!

Even sadder than the early deaths of many Jws, is the fact that they teach that the dying (regardless of the cause) is their way to forgiveness. There is also great superstition surrounding blood. I recall Jws afraid to eat certain M&M candies because they feared they could have blood in them. Smurfs (toy) were feared too because they were demon possessed. Wind chimes are a no-no because pagans belived that spirits liked them. I could go on.. They have many unhealthy fears & superstitions and sadly what they need to fear is GOD/ REJECTING JESUS' BLOOD FOR THEIR SINS!
I know that a Jw will NOT look at your video. They are afraid that you could be apostate... LOOK AT THIS THREAD! They won't even read Romans 6:1-10 WITH ME. WHY? FEAR. It's just too sad what this religion does to people.

The leaders of the Watchtower are going to pay dearly for deceiving these people into thinking that their physical death forgives their sins, thereby, robbing them of Jesus and life. The enemy comes to steal, destroy and kill. That is what we see here.
I knew the JW and Watchtower were bad, but it's much worse than I thought. The fact they're too blind to see they're exactly like the Pharisees is almost ironic. But I suppose the reality is it's to be expected. Just the sheep being separated from the goats. I just wish the children didn't have to be led astray by them, but I know God will find a way when he can.
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May 3, 2022
United States
I knew the JW and Watchtower were bad, but it's much worse than I thought. The fact they're too blind to see they're exactly like the Pharisees is almost ironic. But I suppose the reality is it's to be expected. Just the sheep being separated from the goats. I just wish the children didn't have to be led astray by them, but I know God will find a way when he can.
I've been debating JW's for years. They avoid questions and Scripture like PLAGUE!
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Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I think they're looking for gullible victims to prey on.
I just want them to see. Being raised in it i know how it does a number on the mind in causing everyone to look evil except them.

A Christian could have shown me someting true in the bible Jws did not teach, and I would have gone cold on them because they had Christmas lights on their house last year, or a flag on their yard, or a b-day cake, etc Therefore, nothing they can say is ever true unless the WT says it.
WT teachings change like the wind, and flatly contradict a prior teaching- YET IT ALL CAME FROM JEHOVAH'S HANDS?
Seriously disturbing to think of God as a liar.
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I knew the JW and Watchtower were bad, but it's much worse than I thought. The fact they're too blind to see they're exactly like the Pharisees is almost ironic. But I suppose the reality is it's to be expected. Just the sheep being separated from the goats. I just wish the children didn't have to be led astray by them, but I know God will find a way when he can.
Yes, It is far worse than most people know. It's worse than even many Jws know. Pray for them, hies.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I just want them to see. Being raised in it i know how it does a number on the mind in causing everyone to look evil except them.

A Christian could have shown me someting true in the bible Jws did not teach, and I would have gone cold on them because they had Christmas lights on their house last year, or a flag on their yard, or a b-day cake, etc Therefore, nothing they can say is ever true unless the WT says it.
WT teachings change like the wind, and flatly contradict a prior teaching- YET IT ALL CAME FROM JEHOVAH'S HANDS?
Seriously disturbing to think of God as a liar.
You know more about JW's than most people! Good for you.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I just want them to see. Being raised in it i know how it does a number on the mind in causing everyone to look evil except them.

A Christian could have shown me someting true in the bible Jws did not teach, and I would have gone cold on them because they had Christmas lights on their house last year, or a flag on their yard, or a b-day cake, etc Therefore, nothing they can say is ever true unless the WT says it.
WT teachings change like the wind, and flatly contradict a prior teaching- YET IT ALL CAME FROM JEHOVAH'S HANDS?
Seriously disturbing to think of God as a liar.
JW's TWIST nearly every verse in the Christian Bible.


Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
Yes, It is far worse than most people know. It's worse than even many Jws know. Pray for them, hies.
What I don't understand is, if they truly trusted God, why should they be afraid to look at other things that may contradict their beliefs? Plus if you really believe with all of your heart that something is true, why should you be afraid of things outside of it? If they could just realize that, then maybe they'd learn something. They fear being wrong more than they fear God. Or if they're afraid they'll be deceived somehow, they fear the enemy more than they fear, or even trust God.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
What I don't understand is, if they truly trusted God, why should they be afraid to look at other things that may contradict their beliefs? Plus if you really believe with all of your heart that something is true, why should you be afraid of things outside of it? If they could just realize that, then maybe they'd learn something. They fear being wrong more than they fear God. Or if they're afraid they'll be deceived somehow, they fear the enemy more than they fear, or even trust God.
Their own JW bible contradicts their beliefs, many times! But maybe the Governing Body will edit out more Bible truths as they have before!
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Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
What I don't understand is, if they truly trusted God, why should they be afraid to look at other things that may contradict their beliefs? Plus if you really believe with all of your heart that something is true, why should you be afraid of things outside of it? If they could just realize that, then maybe they'd learn something. They fear being wrong more than they fear God. Or if they're afraid they'll be deceived somehow, they fear the enemy more than they fear, or even trust God.
The basis of this religion begins with fear. Horrid pics in books and the world in chaos with giant hailstones coming down on people running in horror.. Follow us or else..
The WT fills them with constant fear of anyone not in their group. They are taught to fear anything outside of the "society" in order to keep them from learning truth! same with shunning- you never see your shunned relative so you wont know why that person truly left. All you have is gossip.
One thing sure of is when I had fear- to face that fear is the cure for it. As long as you carry that fear, it grows. They won't admit to fear. They'll cover it with "bad associations spoil useful habits." which IN CONTEXT is speaking to those who deny bodily resurrection!!!
and- sounds like them,actually, since they deny that Jesus' body rose.
and yet.. Christians are all antichrists to them. No joke.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
ALL sins are unacceptable to God
let's see- 1 Cor 6:9-11
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

There is nothing there that I would disagree with.^^^

and Gal 5:9:19-21

19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Nothing there I disagree with either. So, will you now read ROMANS 6:1-10 verse by verse with me?

small sins? you mean like hating others, looking at a woman? I don't think it's small- same as murder, adultery, according to Jesus.
I didn't say the small sins were acceptable, But the 2 lists i showed are 100% unacceptable, both spots say-will not inherit Gods kingdom. Small sins do not say-will not inherit Gods kingdom. Like a traffic jam, a swear word could slip out. No where does it say will not inherit Gods kingdom if a swear word slips out. I am not speaking of the F word. I am sure that isn't acceptable. Some do selfish acts, that would be considered a sin as well. No mortal in an imperfect state of being can be perfect.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
I have answered you multiple times now. lol , CHRISTIAN, Isn't an answer?. What the heck do you want? I don't have another answer for you. I have answered you honestly. Is this a game to you?
When will you answer my question?
I did answer your question. You are fooling yourself. You are standing in opposition to Jehovah and his son.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
The Watchtower themselves said they were false prophecies. So you've just called The Watchtower aposte liars. You didn't read the document clearly. And this isn't about the trinity, don't change the subject. Again, The Watchtower in their own words admitted to falsely prophesying in the past, and from JW.org sources I've demonstrated the deity of Christ and shown the blatant corruption in the NWT. Charles Taze Russell couldn't even read Greek. He was taken to court, and lied about being able to read Greek, but within a few minutes he was proven to be a liar because he couldn't even identify letters in the Greek alphabet. I suggest you seriously humble yourself and look at the facts, watch the video and listen to the people in this thread instead of ignoring all the proof given to you.
Prove it out of a watchtower.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
The Watchtower themselves said they were false prophecies. So you've just called The Watchtower aposte liars. You didn't read the document clearly. And this isn't about the trinity, don't change the subject. Again, The Watchtower in their own words admitted to falsely prophesying in the past, and from JW.org sources I've demonstrated the deity of Christ and shown the blatant corruption in the NWT. Charles Taze Russell couldn't even read Greek. He was taken to court, and lied about being able to read Greek, but within a few minutes he was proven to be a liar because he couldn't even identify letters in the Greek alphabet. I suggest you seriously humble yourself and look at the facts, watch the video and listen to the people in this thread instead of ignoring all the proof given to you.
Trust me, hies, your document was not even read & aint they no way gonna watch the apostate video!
Those are the same reflex answers that are constantly used. Then, you'll sometimes run across a particulary self- righteous Jw, who will try to prove to you why they are still right! They are the fun ones because you can see the green smoke coming from their ears as they type. And they MUST have the last word at all times, with long dissertations. They think that with their many words that someho it magically changes trtuh
............And of course the baiting pet topics, hellfire and the trinity to bait n switch. THAT is always a tactic. Divert divert! take the bait please!! And sadly many will take the bait.
My favorite is when they treat you nastily, then they cry out persecution. That happened on this very thread.
Aunty Jane is a shunner when it's convenient for her, so she can divert from the topic, then tells everyone that I had her banned. She is being persecuted. NOPE. She EARNED what she got from the moderator. I did not request a ban. She earned it for diverting too often and she will earn death if she doesn't wise up and actually READ ROMANS 6 honestly, in order to understand that she is being deceived by wicked men in NY who stole Jesus from them and shut up the Kingdom of heaven.
wicked blind guides.
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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
Prove it out of a watchtower.
From Awake, 10/8/68, page 23. You can look through the archives if you wish.
True, there have been those in times past who predicted an end to the
world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The end' did not
come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?..Missing
from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding
So in their own words, they admitted to falsely prophesying in the past. In their own words, they admit that the publications published in times past were missing "God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them"... But why are they any different? They aren't! Because only 2 months before that, in The Watchtower, 8/15/68, in page 494, they prophesied the end of the world was coming again in 1975! This wasn't the first time they prophesied of Armageddon either. They had done so several times, as I outlined in the document. But you can also watch this 10 minute video that goes through the Watchtower sources:

So that was false prophecies. How about false teachings and false doctrines? Well here's a website for you to read, which again goes through all of the Watchtower sources to see how they have changed their minds on very important issues: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower's changing stance on blood transfusions

Or you could watch the video, which is simply just reading through the Watchtower magazine from sources you can find on JW.org:

And most importantly, why did they change their minds? Because they couldn't afford the legal costs! From Watchtower, December 15th, 1952, page 764, they said:
The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself. Each individual has to take the consequences for whatever position and action he takes toward a case of compulsory vaccination, doing so according to his own conscience and his appreciation of what is for good health and the interests of advancing God’s work. And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.
But remember, this was after they'd said vaccinations were a devilish practice... From Golden Age 1921 October 12th page 17
Vaccination never prevented anything and never will and is the most barbarous practice... we are in the last days and the devil is slowly losing his hold making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can and to his credit such evils can be placed... use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations
They kept this belief for 10-20 years, saying it goes against the everlasting covenant that God had made with Noah after the flood, and only changed their minds because they couldn't afford the legal costs... all of this is covered in the video. They changed their minds on this "devilish practice" because of money!

All of this is using YOUR sources. Nothing is left to speculation or interpretation. All of the sources used in the videos come directly from The Watchtower.
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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
Trust me, hies, your document was not even read & aint they no way gonna watch the apostate video!
Those are the same reflex answers that are constantly used. Then, you'll sometimes run across a particulary self- righteous Jw, who will try to prove to you why they are still right! They are the fun ones because you can see the green smoke coming from their ears as they type. And they MUST have the last word at all times, with long dissertations. They think that with their many words that someho it magically changes trtuh
............And of course the baiting pet topics, hellfire and the trinity to bait n switch. THAT is always a tactic. Divert divert! take the bait please!! And sadly many will take the bait.
My favorite is when they treat you nastily, then they cry out persecution. That happened on this very thread.
Aunty Jane is a shunner when it's convenient for her, so she can divert from the topic, then tells everyone that I had her banned. She is being persecuted. NOPE. She EARNED what she got from the moderator. I did not request a ban. She earned it for diverting too often and she will earn death if she doesn't wise up and actually READ ROMANS 6 honestly, in order to understand that she is being deceived by wicked men in NY who stole Jesus from them and shut up the Kingdom of heaven.
wicked blind guides.
Honestly, it's kind of funny seeing them act like Ostriches with their heads in the sand. But they're worse, because they won't even read their own material!


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Honestly, it's kind of funny seeing them act like Ostriches with their heads in the sand. But they're worse, because they won't even read their own material!
For me it's not funny. I was once mostly indoctrinated, and still have family stuck in it. Their lives are miserable. I want to help them to be free in Christ. I want them to know the love of God. I want them to actually read their bible in context! As you see by this thread, THEY REFUSE.
They sincerely believe that these men in NY speak truth for God & believe and teach ANYTHING they are told.

They can't get past several of stumblers that were deeply instilled in them, therefore anything we say is EVIL..

1) The need to prounce the tetragrammaton, YHWH even though no one knows how. (Which they admit) but..
2) Name of Jesus<-- (Yah is Salvation) <-- isn't good enough for them
2) The idea that we worship the Lord Jesus. (Even tho He is on the throne since 1914)
3) the thought of a birthday present, worship of parents on mothers/fathers day, dec 25 isnt the real day of Jesus' birth, the wise men were evil and Satan put the star in the sky, that we vote, ETC
4) They actually think that we teach cheap grace. Say a magic prayer and go on sinning.. so we are the workers of lawlessness (matt 7)
5) They are the only ones God has chosen. Jesus returned in 1914 invisibly. They can not go to heaven. you are arrogant and lying.
6) The cross terrifies most of them
7) Jesus said there would be "few" not all so that must mean them..
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Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I did answer your question. You are fooling yourself. You are standing in opposition to Jehovah and his son.
No you did not answer me, Keiw.
Maybe the question I've asked 100 times isn't clear yet?--> WILL YOU PLEASE READ ROMANS 6: 1-10 WITH ME?
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