Q for JW- KIEW?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
From Awake, 10/8/68, page 23. You can look through the archives if you wish.

So in their own words, they admitted to falsely prophesying in the past. In their own words, they admit that the publications published in times past were missing "God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them"... But why are they any different? They aren't! Because only 2 months before that, in The Watchtower, 8/15/68, in page 494, they prophesied the end of the world was coming again in 1975! This wasn't the first time they prophesied of Armageddon either. They had done so several times, as I outlined in the document. But you can also watch this 10 minute video that goes through the Watchtower sources:

So that was false prophecies. How about false teachings and false doctrines? Well here's a website for you to read, which again goes through all of the Watchtower sources to see how they have changed their minds on very important issues: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower's changing stance on blood transfusions

Or you could watch the video, which is simply just reading through the Watchtower magazine from sources you can find on JW.org:

And most importantly, why did they change their minds? Because they couldn't afford the legal costs! From Watchtower, December 15th, 1952, page 764, they said:

But remember, this was after they'd said vaccinations were a devilish practice... From Golden Age 1921 October 12th page 17

They kept this belief for 10-20 years, saying it goes against the everlasting covenant that God had made with Noah after the flood, and only changed their minds because they couldn't afford the legal costs... all of this is covered in the video. They changed their minds on this "devilish practice" because of money!

All of this is using YOUR sources. Nothing is left to speculation or interpretation. All of the sources used in the videos come directly from The Watchtower.
I will look that awake up. It doesn't say what you wrote.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
I proved my case from the watchtower. They teach physical death for Romans 6 like you do! Surprise! Now will you please read Romans 6 with me? How can you be this ridiculous?
Like i would believe the words of one who stands in opposition to God and his son. Nothing but darkness comes from one like that. I believe Jesus' appointed teachers.


Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
I will look that awake up. It doesn't say what you wrote.
Yeah it does, it starts on the bottom left page: 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Also in this same awake magazine they claim the end of the world is coming in 1975. So in their words they are missing God's truths, and are false prophets.

Read this page, it speaks of the coming Armageddon destruction 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Yeah it does, it starts on the bottom left page: 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Also in this same awake magazine they claim the end of the world is coming in 1975. So in their words they are missing God's truths, and are false prophets.

Read this page, it speaks of the coming Armageddon destruction 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
It stated others were guilty of false prophesying about the end.
I already know 100% it was error. In Zion watchtower July 1879 Mr Russell explained 1914--He said in 1879-peace( Rev 6:4) will be taken from the earth in 1914. And the birth of Gods kingdom occurs( Rev 6:2)-He was correct according to bible prophecy from Daniel revealed only through him. He however did err by thinking the ride of the white horse at Rev 6:2 was this ride-Rev 19:11-- Any could make that error. It was actually the war in heaven--Rev 12 explains the war in heaven and the birth of Gods kingdom.--Thus they corrected that error in front of all creation. Reality= those who think they have no error and never make corrections in their religion are sadly mistaken.


Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
It stated others were guilty of false prophesying about the end.
I already know 100% it was error. In Zion watchtower July 1879 Mr Russell explained 1914--He said in 1879-peace( Rev 6:4) will be taken from the earth in 1914. And the birth of Gods kingdom occurs( Rev 6:2)-He was correct according to bible prophecy from Daniel revealed only through him. He however did err by thinking the ride of the white horse at Rev 6:2 was this ride-Rev 19:11-- Any could make that error. It was actually the war in heaven--Rev 12 explains the war in heaven and the birth of Gods kingdom.--Thus they corrected that error in front of all creation. Reality= those who think they have no error and never make corrections in their religion are sadly mistaken.
The prophets in the Bible never made errors.
"20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." - 2 Peter 1:20-21

And how is stating the world will end in 1975 not a false prophecy? It's not a minor error about the details. They got EVERYTHING completely wrong. In 1941 they said only months remained before Armageddon. In the 1910s/1920s they said 1925 would be the end of the world. They kept making prophecies, and none of them came true, not even a little bit.

They have repeatedly demonstrated their prophecies are wrong, and solely come from their poor interpretation, and have repeatedly changed their beliefs on things like vaccinations because it costs them money not to.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
The prophets in the Bible never made errors.
"20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." - 2 Peter 1:20-21

And how is stating the world will end in 1975 not a false prophecy? It's not a minor error about the details. They got EVERYTHING completely wrong. In 1941 they said only months remained before Armageddon. In the 1910s/1920s they said 1925 would be the end of the world. They kept making prophecies, and none of them came true, not even a little bit.

They have repeatedly demonstrated their prophecies are wrong, and solely come from their poor interpretation, and have repeatedly changed their beliefs on things like vaccinations because it costs them money not to.
.The JW,s corrected the errors they made. The men who made those errors are dead and have paid in full their wages of sin. The JW religion-NEVER said it would come in 1975--A single man at a convention giving a talk said it.
You can twist it any way you like but your words are darkness. What are you an ex JW apostate? You believe apostates obviously. Here are some words of apostates- Matt12:24--do you believe the words of those apostates? Apostates hearts are filled with hatred and lies. Even if you don't believe the words of Matt 12:24 you do believe their words when they stated Jesus was claiming to be God. But Jesus never did.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Like i would believe the words of one who stands in opposition to God and his son. Nothing but darkness comes from one like that. I believe Jesus' appointed teachers.
THAT is your answer to me asking you to reads Romans 6? Falsely accuse me all you like, Keiw. It's ok.
If Jesus appointed YOUR teachers they would not be cherry picking 2 verses out of 23 verses to form a false doctrine!! Reading IN CONTEXT matters! You have been shown the context and you choose to stick with the context deniers? How sad is that? Please reconsider that, for ONE IS TO BE YOUR TEACHER!!!!!!!!! & YOUR LEADER! according to Jesus. You quote a sentence of Matt 23 to catholics but dont read the rest---- DO YOU see what you are doing? We need to seriously check all that anyone teaches us!!! Pray and ask for clarification if needed. NEVER EVER just take a man's word for a teaching. Rely on our heavenly teacher!!!!!! He leads us!!!!!!!!
Matt 23: 1-12
Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, 2 saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3 therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. 4 They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger. 5 But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their [a]phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments. 6 They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues, 7 and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men. 8 But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. 11 But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.
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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
.The JW,s corrected the errors they made. The men who made those errors are dead and have paid in full their wages of sin. The JW religion-NEVER said it would come in 1975--A single man at a convention giving a talk said it.
You can twist it any way you like but your words are darkness. What are you an ex JW apostate? You believe apostates obviously. Here are some words of apostates- Matt12:24--do you believe the words of those apostates? Apostates hearts are filled with hatred and lies. Even if you don't believe the words of Matt 12:24 you do believe their words when they stated Jesus was claiming to be God. But Jesus never did.
In that Awake magazine, it literally says Armageddon is coming in 1975. The entire magazine was about how the world would end in 1975, and why they definitely aren't wrong about it. Read the right side here and look at the graph 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Or just read the entire magazine. Their false prophecies are throughout. The false prophecies made in 1941 were also by Awake and Watchtower. I literally gave you all of the names, dates and pages.

So no, this isn't about some guy on a podium saying some things in the heat of the moment, it's about the whole JW organization publishing false prophecies about the end of the world in their awake and watchtower magazines. If you can't trust them then, why do you trust them now? Beware of false prophets.

And no I was never a Jehovah's Witness. I just got interested in this topic after I met a lovely old woman who is one, and saw how this sick organization practically forces her to go door-to-door during the freezing cold when she can barely walk. She's extremely old and frail, and I genuinely cared about her.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
In that Awake magazine, it literally says Armageddon is coming in 1975. The entire magazine was about how the world would end in 1975, and why they definitely aren't wrong about it. Read the right side here and look at the graph 1975 Predictions in Awake Magazine by Jehovah's Witnesses : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Or just read the entire magazine. Their false prophecies are throughout. The false prophecies made in 1941 were also by Awake and Watchtower. I literally gave you all of the names, dates and pages.

So no, this isn't about some guy on a podium saying some things in the heat of the moment, it's about the whole JW organization publishing false prophecies about the end of the world in their awake and watchtower magazines. If you can't trust them then, why do you trust them now? Beware of false prophets.

And no I was never a Jehovah's Witness. I just got interested in this topic after I met a lovely old woman who is one, and saw how this sick organization practically forces her to go door-to-door during the freezing cold when she can barely walk. She's extremely old and frail, and I genuinely cared about her.
I know all that happened in JW history. Errors were made until the proper time( Matt 24:45) they corrected the errors at the proper time.
You must have missed that at no time was God ever a trinity in reality. No trinity was served by any servant of the true God ever. Its recorded history fact. In 381 ce at the council of Constantinople was the very first time the holy spirit was added to a godhead.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I know all that happened in JW history. Errors were made until the proper time( Matt 24:45) they corrected the errors at the proper time.
You must have missed that at no time was God ever a trinity in reality. No trinity was served by any servant of the true God ever. Its recorded history fact. In 381 ce at the council of Constantinople was the very first time the holy spirit was added to a godhead.
Try to focus, Keiw. It's in your best interest. Really and truly.
You missed the point heis is making. The Awake! said this---
From Awake, 10/8/68, page 23. You can look through the archives if you wish.
True, there have been those in times past who predicted an end to the
world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The end' did not
come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?..Missing
from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding
Read it a few times. It's a good statement and has biblical backing. Do you agree? I do.

However, when they DO the SAME EXACT THING. ( AND have MANY times) It's NOT false prohecying only if it's THEM????. That is hypocritical aside from just being plain wrong and unbiblical..
You say they didn't claim to be prophets? SURE THEY DID. Do you need that magazine too? 1971 they did. You must know it. And there are many other times!!! So just tell me how can they call others a false prophet and not themselves? It's quite serious to do something wrong and then not admit to it. It's wrong to accuse others of what you are also doing. Isn't this sinful?
No one here wants to upset you. We are trying to help you. I know this is hard. Just be totally honest.
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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
I know all that happened in JW history. Errors were made until the proper time( Matt 24:45) they corrected the errors at the proper time.
You must have missed that at no time was God ever a trinity in reality. No trinity was served by any servant of the true God ever. Its recorded history fact. In 381 ce at the council of Constantinople was the very first time the holy spirit was added to a godhead.
False prophecies are not mere errors. No prophet in the Bible ever made errors about prophecy. That's not how prophecy works. And yes, the JWs may have updated their traditions over time, just like the Catholic church has, but they're not supported by scripture, which needs no updating, and contains everything needed for teaching. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 proves that you ONLY need the Bible to know God. Not an organisation like the Watchtower.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Try to focus, Keiw. It's in your best interest. Really and truly.
You missed the point heis is making. The Awake! said this---
From Awake, 10/8/68, page 23. You can look through the archives if you wish.

Read it a few times. It's a good statement and has biblical backing. Do you agree? I do.

However, when they DO the SAME EXACT THING. ( AND have MANY times) It's NOT false prohecying only if it's THEM????. That is hypocritical aside from just being plain wrong and unbiblical..
You say they didn't claim to be prophets? SURE THEY DID. Do you need that magazine too? 1971 they did. You must know it. And there are many other times!!! So just tell me how can they call others a false prophet and not themselves? It's quite serious to do something wrong and then not admit to it. It's wrong to accuse others of what you are also doing. Isn't this sinful?
No one here wants to upset you. We are trying to help you. I know this is hard. Just be totally honest.
It was still error. I know 100% Jesus is the head of the JW,s. The world will find out soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
False prophecies are not mere errors. No prophet in the Bible ever made errors about prophecy. That's not how prophecy works. And yes, the JWs may have updated their traditions over time, just like the Catholic church has, but they're not supported by scripture, which needs no updating, and contains everything needed for teaching. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 proves that you ONLY need the Bible to know God. Not an organisation like the Watchtower.
No one understands the deep things of the bible without being taught by these-Matt 24:45--Its why there are hundreds of religions claiming to be christian with hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion= a lack of holy spirit. Jesus is with 1 single religion-Unified in thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division= 1 single religion=99% of them are false.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
No one understands the deep things of the bible without being taught by these-Matt 24:45--Its why there are hundreds of religions claiming to be christian with hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion= a lack of holy spirit. Jesus is with 1 single religion-Unified in thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division= 1 single religion=99% of them are false.
Do you want to discuss why they are not FDS? it's clear they are not. It's a history of lies, Keiw. I know you think that. That's the kingpin- getting you to believe that you NEED them. You don't! Jesus will take over and show you!! He is alive and He died for your sins. He will help you to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh so you can be more like Him!! He will baptize you into His death- make you no longer a slave to sin. he will free you! Very few come to Him- instead they rely on religion. It's not about following the rules of a religion. It's about following HIm!!


Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
United States
Hi Kiew, you've stated this a couple of times now on another thread--

Would it be correct to say that you believe that when you die, your sins will be forgiven automatically because you died?
You will pay for your sin debt at death? Does your death pay for all of your sins?

I am confused.
Will you please elaborate further on this Jw teaching for me? I have heard it before from a Jw, but it doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks for your time in advance.
The wages of sin is death. - Romans 6:23


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
The wages of sin is death. - Romans 6:23
Hi Berean,
Yes, we know. Thank you for HALF of the LAST verse of Chapter 6. :)
Do you also believe that Ro 6:7 is speaking about our physical death?
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Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
United States
Hi Berean,
Yes, we know. Thank you for HALF of the LAST verse of Chapter 6. :) I see you are also a Jw.
Do you also believe that Ro 6:7 is speaking about our physical death?
Apparently, you need to fix your vision, as you see in error. I am not a JW.

As to Romans 6:7? The Apostle is not speaking of original sin – the transgression which brought the death penalty upon the race: he is addressing those who had passed from death unto life through Christ, and who now, at the time of his writing, were New Creatures in Christ Jesus. He is representing sin as the great taskmaster which previously held them in slavery to wickedness, and he exhorts them now to consider themselves as though they had gotten free from that slavery to the taskmaster in as full and complete a sense as a slave would be free from his master if he died. You will notice this thought running through the theme of this chapter, as for instance in verses 12,14,16,17,18, and this is explained to be figurative language in verse 19.

You'll notice that this is not a question of sin having dominion over the New Creature, but a question of sin still having dominion over the flesh, the earthen vessel. Carrying on the same argument, the Apostle says (8:10), "If Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness." Then he exhorts that it be not satisfactory to us merely to count our bodies dead to sin, so that we will not permit them to serve sin, but that the new mind in us shall take control and actuate these mortal bodies, and make of them servants of the new mind, servants of righteousness, servants of Christ. He assures us that the Spirit of God which was powerful enough to raise our Lord Jesus actually from the dead is powerful enough, if we lay hold of it properly, to permit such a quickening of our mortal bodies to newness of life.

Man can pay his penalty in death; but when the penalty has been inflicted to the full there is nothing of man left: hence it means his utter and everlasting destruction. To suppose anything left after the penalty had been inflicted, would be to suppose some part of him that had not been condemned; but we know that the language of Genesis is, "Thou shalt surely die," and that the law was stated to be, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." We see, then, that nothing of the man, nothing of the being, is exempted from the penalty, and so long as the man lay under the penalty he could have no right to life to all eternity.

There is no provision for a second life except through a redemption accomplished by our Lord Jesus – the work being finished at Calvary, and subsequently accepted of the Father, and his acceptance manifested by the outpouring of the holy Spirit at Pentecost. But God did not deal with the man to acquit him. God merely passes the man as a purchased possession over to the care of his Redeemer, Jesus, – Justice giving to Jesus a full title to the man, and all the rights, etc., which he ever enjoyed.

You will perceive that this gives the man no rights of his own, but commits all things to the Son. We must therefore inquire of the Son how he proposes to deal with the purchased possession. Briefly we understand the testimony of the Word to be that the Son, during the Millennial Age, will judge the world by, through and in conjunction with his elect Church, and that all shall have the opportunity of coming up to human perfection under the chastisements and disciplines of the Millennial Age, and that failing to improve these blessed opportunities they will be cut off in the Second Death. Some of the Scriptures bearing upon the subject would seem to imply punishment for misdeeds of the present life – but we believe only for such misdeeds as were committed against some degree of light, or against some of the children of light. Those who had no knowledge whatever of the divine arrangement in Christ could have no responsibility in the sense of meriting special punishment, because they were under the original condemnation, and their personal responsibility under the New Covenant could only begin when they came to some degree of knowledge respecting it. However, we can readily see that to whatever extent any violate the laws of nature, they degrade themselves; and that every step downward in the present life, will require effort to retrace it during the Millennial Age.
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