Q for JW- KIEW?

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
And He will change the hearts of your loved ones if you believe He will.
I pray for them. They don't want to see. TOOOO self-righteous. It's been many years now. That's who seems attracted to that religion. I feel bad for the children of Jws- they don't have a chance to know Jesus. However, that was me and He saved me!!!
I'm grateful to have my own family now. Believers too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Uhhh Cassandra,
Are you for real, girl?
Read post 15 on here-- carefully. Then read 19.

I will never apologize to anyone for revealing that JWS teach that JESUS did not die for our sins!! Never! I will also never apologize for exposing that they offer their own dead bodies to God as a payment for their sins! Jane just can't handle truth? So she shuns me on my thread and diverts the conversation.
f you cant see how anti-christ that teaching is, then you need to think more about it!!

Also, I replied to Jane on here today- but she is sticking to her miserable guns. And you and Kiew want to blame me. Serioulsy? You don't even know what you are talking about.
you don't have to apologize. Who asked you to? I just don't understand why you would want to post up the problems you see with JW, and then stop them from responding.
You get mad at what folks believe? So do I. but i would never report a Calvinist for arguing Calvinism(I think Calvinism is awful) But there are Calvinsts on this board that i like.
If i didn't want to read what someone had to say. I'd put them on ignore instead of reporting. I don't think her explanation of Romans 6 is a reportable offense. It may not be correct, but I don't think she broke any rules.Now, if you two were cussing at each other, that's quite different.

It seems to me, that you are not interested in debating it, and it makes me wonder why you would put it on a discussion board. A blog might be better.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
you don't have to apologize. Who asked you to? I just don't understand why you would want to post up the problems you see with JW, and then stop them from responding.
You get mad at what folks believe? So do I. but i would never report a Calvinist for arguing Calvinism(I think Calvinism is awful) But there are Calvinsts on this board that i like.
If i didn't want to read what someone had to say. I'd put them on ignore instead of reporting. I don't think her explanation of Romans 6 is a reportable offense. It may not be correct, but I don't think she broke any rules.Now, if you two were cussing at each other, that's quite different.

It seems to me, that you are not interested in debating it, and it makes me wonder why you would put it on a discussion board. A blog might be better.
Ha!!!! You did not read post 15 and 19? HELLO? If you dont want to be an adult, fine with me.

Calvinists reject Jesus atonement?
I had no idea! You are too much.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
FOR the lazy people, Below is post 15 on this thread. I wrote this to RLT.
BELOW THAT is Auntie Jane's post To ME..

I'm happy to have you post! I want so badly for these JWs to see that Romans 6 is not about our physical death.

Jane brought up hell and I purposefully did not address it because they don't believe in punishment after death. That's a whole other topic. I want to keep them on topic of Romans 6:7 ,23. It's very serious. Jesus was spotless, blameless in death, and it's is utterly ignored that is what God requires! They are literally trying to SUBSTITUTE for Jesus . Do you see this? I don't think they see it!

Can you imagine thinking that we die to pay for our own sins? Jesus only died for Adam's original sin according to them, and Adam will not be resurrected. So, Jesus did not die for him either, but for original sin. They say, Jesus does not cover our personal sins. We have to die to pay for those. They think that the wages of sin is death means that we are paying our sin debt to God. They don't understand that a wage is something you have earned, a wage, your punishment,-- not us paying God, but him paying us what we deserve!

They don't even address the rest of the sentence of verse 23. They say they understand grace, and yet they are so far off that it's horrifying.
I want them to be free. I have many family members that are JWs. They don't speak to me. I was never baptized as a Jw but I have been shunned for as long as I can recall.
Aunty Jane has told me that she didn't have bible knowledge when she had "bible" studies with Jws 50+ yrs ago. Bible is in quotes because it is actually Watchtower book study with the bible along side. Verses are cherry-picked and woven into their own doctrines. You don't realize that is what is happening at the time. It happened to me too!
People that don't know their bible are especially at risk with Jws. So, I have sympathy for them. I hate what they teach, but I don't hate them. They are victims- angry, self-righteous, rude, know it alls too.. yes lol but still naked and in need of Christ.
Help me keep them on topic, please?

Auntie Jane to me--------------------- POST 19 ON THIS THREAD
I knew this was a personal vendetta…save your boo boos for yourself.

God didn’t “draw” you to his truth, but he drew your family….tells me a lot….(John 6:44; 65)
You speak like an apostate…..so I will join your family and have no further dialogue with you….
Your motives are very obvious despite your very thin veneer of phony sincerity…..

Now WHO shunned WHO?
and she meant that.
she still doesnt reply to me today.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Ha!!!! You did not read post 15 and 19? HELLO? If you dont want to be an adult, fine with me.

Calvinists reject Jesus atonement?
I had no idea! You are too much.
Adults would debate, and not come on here complaining and moaning.

Calvinists believe God has predetermined who is to be saved, and others are lost. I believe that is pretty bad. They believe in atonement for some. I was trying to tell you that you are not going to like some of the stuff here, but coming in and not discussing, no one is going to learn anything besides the fact that PS95 is angry, and doesn't want to talk about it. You need to remember that there are others who read this forum that you may have an impact upon.
As for me being too much, I think I've had enough. You keep making digs. I think I'm gonna take my own advice and put you on ignore. All you do anymore is make snide comments. I have better things to do.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
All you want to do is argue with me over the SHUNNER. You sure didnt contribute much. You don't have to like the way I approach deceivers. --------------- Good night.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Kiew just babbling blindly doesn't make you sound intelligent. Go on believing that when you die that is your payment for your sins. I'm sure Jehovah will have a thing or nine to say. Or Jesus- yes, it Jesus who judges. You reject HIS SACRIFICE!!!!
What should I expect other than false accusations from a person who claims to be- NOT BORN AGAIN *, NOT IN THE NEW COVENANT+ DENIES JESUS AS MEDIATOR* ETC.
I am fighting FOR YOU. NOT AGAINST YOU. You can't see that because the watchtower has filled you with their lies.! YOU CAN NOT PAY FOR YOUR OWN SINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That can ONLY BE DONE BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS!!!!
You seem confused. I have studied, religions, history and very carefully studied all that Jesus teaches since 1961. 100% undeniable fact= In every translation on Gods earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. How do you get by that fact? I know the answer. You don't know what Jesus actually teaches. No you are not fighting for me. Maybe in a twisted way but you are wrong.
So tell us what religion are you?


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
You seem confused. I have studied, religions, history and very carefully studied all that Jesus teaches since 1961. 100% undeniable fact= In every translation on Gods earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. How do you get by that fact? I know the answer. You don't know what Jesus actually teaches. No you are not fighting for me. Maybe in a twisted way but you are wrong.
So tell us what religion are you?
100% undeniable fact that JWs teach the bible truthfully? Oh boy. Well, tell me then what does Romans 1-10 teach?
All I hear you say is that it verse 7 means that when you physically die it pays for your sins.

Let's start with Romans 6:1-2, ok?
Romans 6:1-2
1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?

Verse 1- First, Paul asks if we should keep on sinning so that grace may increase. Agree? So, tell me why would Paul think that maybe a Christian would think that sin would increase grace?
Does Paul think they are alive or dead physically here?

Verse 2
- of course Paul says the answer is NO! Then, he asks," how can we WHO DIED to SIN STILL LIVE in it?"
Are they alive????!
Do you really think Paul is speaking to physically dead people here?
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Active Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
It really doesn't make sense does it? If it were true, there would've been no need for Jesus to die. So everyone who dies is forgiven? This is a JW teaching?
No, it’s not quite that simple.

Remember Jesus’ words at John 5:28,29?

It’s where the “Resurrection of Judgment” comes in.
Paul stated something similar, at Acts 24:15.

It’s late here, I’ll go into further detail at another time.

Suffice it to say, that the unrighteous ones’ judgment is based on their actions after their resurrection to life, not what they did before they died.

And some, will never be resurrected.

Have a good day, my cousin.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I dont read this the same way you do. One resurrection of the righteous, and they who pierced Him, and after the 1000 years, another resurrection of the wicked. No second chances. Once to die and then the judgement.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I dont read this the same way you do. One resurrection of the righteous, and they who pierced Him, and after the 1000 years, another resurrection of the wicked. No second chances. Once to die and then the judgement.

I dont read this the same way you do. One resurrection of the righteous, and they who pierced Him, and after the 1000 years, another resurrection of the wicked. No second chances. Once to die and then the judgement.
Jws had a resurrection in 1918- That's when Paul etc finally made it to heaven..
Perhaps you can begin a new thread on that subject, since HC wants to go into further detail. I would prefer to keep this thread on the topic at hand. Can I have your cooperation? The topic of the thread is the central theme of Jesus' sacrifice which Jws reject. They are putting their own bodies in HIS place.
As a Christian, I find it of utmost importance for them to grasp that error, as I'm sure you would agree?
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You seem confused. I have studied, religions, history and very carefully studied all that Jesus teaches since 1961. 100% undeniable fact= In every translation on Gods earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers. How do you get by that fact? I know the answer. You don't know what Jesus actually teaches. No you are not fighting for me. Maybe in a twisted way but you are wrong.
So tell us what religion are you?
How long have you 'studied' at Kingdom Hall? Why do you keep ducking my question?
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
@Jack Seems to be 64 yrs. Since 61? Probably was born in or young.
I didnt see your question to Keiw. I'm still waiting on mine.......... Pray Keiw reads Ro 6.
Do you know their beliefs on Ro 6:7 & 23? Those 2 verses are utterly pulled from their context to form this new false doctrine.

I can't imagine why Keiw wont simply go thru these verses with me. It makes little sense. I asked a Jw relative to read Romans 6 beginning to end and was flat out refused! Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
@Jack Seems to be 64 yrs. Since 61? Probably was born in or young.
I didnt see your question to Keiw. I'm still waiting on mine.......... Pray Keiw reads Ro 6.
Do you know their beliefs on Ro 6:7 & 23? Those 2 verses are utterly pulled from their context to form this new false doctrine.

I can't imagine why Keiw wont simply go thru these verses with me. It makes little sense. I asked a Jw relative to read Romans 6 beginning to end and was flat out refused! Does that make sense?
Keiw ATTACKS the Christian Bible constantly. Typical JW.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
100% undeniable fact that JWs teach the bible truthfully? Oh boy. Well, tell me then what does Romans 1-10 teach?
All I hear you say is that it verse 7 means that when you physically die it pays for your sins.

Let's start with Romans 6:1-2, ok?
Romans 6:1-2
1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?

Verse 1- First, Paul asks if we should keep on sinning so that grace may increase. Agree? So, tell me why would Paul think that maybe a Christian would think that sin would increase grace?
Does Paul think they are alive or dead physically here?

Verse 2
- of course Paul says the answer is NO! Then, he asks," how can we WHO DIED to SIN STILL LIVE in it?"
Are they alive????!
Do you really think Paul is speaking to physically dead people here?
Do you fear standing up for your Jesus? What religion are you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
How long have you 'studied' at Kingdom Hall? Why do you keep ducking my question?
i Started studying-1961--What religion are you Jack?
I studied in trinity religions as well, JW,s, i checked into the Mormons. Muslims, etc. I studied various history of God things and carefully studied Jesus teachings. I read many apostate materials as well. There is 0 doubt in all creation, in EVERY translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers as does true God worship history.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Do you fear standing up for your Jesus? What religion are you.
Odd question Keiw. Why would you say that? I have been standing for Jesus showing you what He wants to give you freely on this thread.

He died for all of our sins. That includes you if you believe Him!
Why do you ignore my asking you to read each verse of Romans 1-10 together slowly to understand that it doesn't teach that you can pay your own sin debt?? That's insane!
God will reject your offering of your body. You are not spotless and blameless are you???!! I'm not either. No one is. That's what God demands as a sacrifice-- perfection. and that's what HE provided with JESUS.
All you'll be doing is dying. You need to present Christ in your place. That's the only offering that is WORTHY!!!!!!! You can die or choose Christ and live. There are no others options.

I'm a Christian.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
i Started studying-1961--
Why did you go to Kingdom Hall? Why didn't you just read the Bible?
What religion are you Jack?
Bible believing Christian!
I studied in trinity religions as well, JW,s, i checked into the Mormons. Muslims, etc. I studied various history of God things and carefully studied Jesus teachings. I read many apostate materials as well. There is 0 doubt in all creation, in EVERY translation on earth the teachings of Jesus back the JW teachers as does true God worship history.
Then why do you REJECT even the JW bible that teaches Jesus is God and Hell is "FOREVER and EVER"?