The social gospel?

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
God loved His creation. And instead of leaving us powerless under sin, and needing to be forgiven forever...over and over and over. He decided to send His Son to EMPOWER at least some of us to walk in the same holy perfection as His Son. (Those who love God would give up their own selfish existence to be as Jesus. The Lord can make it grace through faith.)

Of course, people hate the truth, as witnessed here every day...they hated God's Son and put Him to death to preserve THEIR IDEA of peace. The chastisement of OUR peace was upon Him. So we punished Jesus for His holiness. Just like preachers of holiness are railed at, lied about and despised to this day. (These are in very good company, for so they also hated the Lord and His prophets.)

So then Jesus took on Himself all our sinful ways. We made Him to be sin by us ...who knew no sin. So we showed our rebellion for what it really is. We have become as selfish as the devil.

The devil also wanted Jesus out of the way...dead. But something happened that the devil had not planned for. Jesus not only died but was resurrected in His humanity because His divinity could not be killed. Jesus is God just as the Father is. The Father would not allow His Son to see corruption. So Jesus elevated, with His resurrection, a new justification for all who would enter into Him to partake of His life and holiness.

Not a justification for an outward obedience to the law as in previous covenants...that didn't go far enough to walk with a holy God. We were unable to walk with God until the outer man of sin...the sin nature in each of us...was dealt with. The cross of Christ kills that sin nature on the way to raising us into new life in Christ. Now we see the purpose of the cross to cleanse us, make us holy. An instrument of death...but a gateway into a holy life in Christ.

So a New Covenant was established in the heart of whoever would give up their own life for that of Christ. By faith we are raised up into heaven Enoch, but not in a physical, in a new and living way. From there we walk in the perfection of His holiness. Of course few will do this...instead perverting God's work to benefit themselves in their fallen condition, unwilling to go to the cross themselves. Instead these glory in the cross the same way that the Pharisees did...happy to put Jesus on a cross. Glorying in His death. But those who love Him take the cross for themselves and glory in their own death on order to be raised into intimacy with the Father.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So then Jesus took on Himself all our sinful ways.

Wrong again. @Episkopos

Jesus didn't take our " sinful ways"... @Nancy

Jesus died for all our SINS,

"God hath made JESUS... to be SIN... .for US"..

A.) US, = the Believer, born again..

See that?

How did that happen?

= so that by JESUS's Shed BLOOD and DEATH, we can be forgiven, born again, made righteous, and become a "Son/Daughter of God".

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States

1.) Can you be this one......>"seated in Heavenly places, in Christ", .......and have any sin?

If so, you are a sinner, found in heaven, and you can believe that wont happen, and you can just ask the Devil and his angels what happens when you have sin, and are in heaven.
(you wont last long, there).

2.) Can you be joined to God, and and have sin, when its your sin that separated you from God, to begin with...?

3.) Is there SIN.. found "IN CHRIST", and all the born again are "IN Christ".

4.) Is there SIN, found In "GOD", and all the born again are "ONE with God".

A.) Jesus has our sin, died for it, took it to the grave, and rose again without it.

"but behold, how can i not have any sin"?

Very simple.
Jesus has it, 2000 yrs ago.. He bore it, BECAME IT, and died for ALL your sin...

But to understand all this, you have to go a little deeper.....into Paul's theology.

Like this..

What accuses the person of being a SINNER?

A.) The LAW... Its the LAW that defines carnal behavior as SIN.

So, when there is no LAW, there is no defining behavior.. as sin ever again.

"Christ is the END OF THE LAW, for Righteousness, to/for, everyone who believes">..


The born again are """"" not under the LAW.........but under Grace"......... and Grace always defines us as "made righteous"... as a "new Creation in Christ"... "born.. again".... as.. "THE righteousness of God in Christ".

"but behold, my church, my mother, my friends on the forum, and my Pope all said yesterday....that im still the same old sinner who has to confess sin, to try to keep myself saved, and OMG i hope i dont forget one !""""

Yet i know that your church/Pastor, Pope, taught you this nonsense... I know that you church has no understanding of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus and what it means to have become "made righteous".
Most Denominations are clueless regarding what Christ has eternally accomplished on The Cross, and by His Resurrection.

This is why im here....
It so that you can learn the JUSTIFICATION basics regarding = Paul's Doctrine... regarding what God has actually done for you through The Cross.., and then once you learn it, once you SEE IT..... you can teach it yourself, and help others to see Jesus as The Light of their Salvation, that their denomination, has not seen yet..... reader.
And that will be such a reward for you, when You meet Jesus, at the Bemas Seat.
That's a fact.
You did not answer my question bro

Can you try again?

Are you saying you no longer sin. Ie. you never mess up even a little?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You did not answer my question bro

Can you try again?

Are you saying you no longer sin. Ie. you never mess up even a little?

I did answer it.

When i told you that there is no sin found in Heaven, no sin found in Christ, and no sin found in God, and all the Born again are "seated in heavenly places, In Christ, as One with God", = there is no sin found there.

I explained to you that your "little mess ups", that use to be defined by the LAW as SIN.......this has ended, because the born again are "not under the LAW, but under Grace".

So, its not about your "little mess ups", it about the fact that Jesus has "redeemed us from the curse of the Law", and that means that the curse of the law, that was the law's dominion over us, has been removed forever, so that the Law can never again, define your "mess ups" as SIN.

"where there is NO LAW, there is no SIN.. (no transgressions)...

The born again are "NOT UNDER THE LAW... but under Grace". @Eternally Grateful
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
We made Him to be sin by us ...

God made Jesus to be sin for us........not you, not us. @Episkopos

"God hath made Jesus to be sin, for us".

So, your entire theology is so utterly "self righteousness".............You even have yourself "making Jesus sin for you".

Remarkable false religion you spew out in sentences that deceives the weak believers and the unskilled believers.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Bearing our own cross. Working out our own salvation, strive to enter in the narrow gate as few there are...

What about the blood of Christ, was that not to cleanse us from sin? Make a way to the Father for sure but...doesn't the blood of God's perfect sacrifice do what bulls and goats did for a temporary fix, only His was permanent?

Israel is God's people. When a person sinned against another person there was a eye for an eye basically. But towards a holy God there was a life for a life. The life is in the blood. Without blood there is no cleansing...atonement. This should not be confused with forgiveness. The very fact that we all are living and breathing means God is merciful and compassionate towards us.

The blood of bulls could make people holy for the purposes of a representative covenant that was a marker for the real holiness to come. Even the temple was a physical representation of the real thing in heaven. But temporal holiness is not the same as eternal holiness. Jesus went into the holy of hollies in God's actual sanctuary there to offer His life to all who would believe INTO Him to be where He is. So we sacrifice ourselves to partake of Christ's sacrifice. We give ourselves selflessly in order to partake of the blessings of the Selfless One.

Whoever seeks to save his/her own life will lose it, but whoever loses his/her life for Christ will find it.

Our sin gets nailed to the cross and starts a new covenant, aren't our sins forgotten by God far as East is from West? Were we forgiven already before the cross? And without blood there is no remission of sin.

Our sin NATURE is nailed to His we can be raised into Christ who knew no sin. In Him is no sin. There is no sin in the life of Christ that we are translated into. Whoever believes INTO Christ HAS eternal life...His life.
I don't mean to be so questioney (lol) but I just get caught up on how and when and why Jesus had to spill His blood for us.
Jesus bought back His fallen creation...with His blood. God can forgive sins...but He can't stop us from being sinful and selfish because we have free will. As Paul said...he WANTED to walk in holiness BUT there was a sin nature pulling him back into the world.

So he needed to be saved from, delivered, set free, liberated...from his sin nature in order to walk in holiness with God. Thanks be to God in Christ.

I've been forgiven, but I'm not holy and not even sure how to be. I am celibate now for many, many years and it does not even bother me anymore, lonely but lot's of folks are lonely. But being holy is more than overcoming certain sins that once beset us... Sry-off track.
Sorry to hear of your loneliness...

We need to be forgiven many times...there is no event that you are forever forgiven and you never need to be forgiven again.

God's mercies are daily.

But we can be freed from sin and sinning, through the cross. One must surrender to God and be accepted as one willing to leave this world behind to enter into Christ. That is where the faith comes in. Do you trust that one day in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere? If you believe that then you will cry out with ALL your heart till God hears you and translates you into the kingdom of His Dear Son.

Yes, the mainline churches for the most part, around me anyhow, do not seem to want you to grow, they will always have the upper hand because they will "always know more than you".

They only know as much as a carnal man can misunderstand things through a religious indoctrination. Just look at the offspring of these fake ministries we see on display here. The religious system is set up to promote success in numbers and money.
Hence, many fall through the cracks and never grow from day one.

Very sad. I'm trying to do my part to wake people up to the truth..humble themselves, reject indoctrinating practices...etc..
I too have been indoctrinated for decades but am growing and learning through the word, bible studies and love confrontational type debates as long as they are done maturely.

God bless you bro!
And likewise blessing to you, my sister! :) I pray that the eyes of your understanding would take in the fulness of the truth so that you would know the height and depth of God's love for those who choose to forsake a worldly agenda for that of His eternal will.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
So he needed to be saved from, delivered, set free, liberated...from his sin nature in order to walk in holiness with God. Thanks be to God in Christ.
There was no sin in Jesus...he was God’s Son, show me where Jesus had a sin Nature?

How could he have been the perfect atonement, if he had a sin nature..he was without spot or blemish.

Then I will rest my case?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
God made Jesus to be sin for us........not you, not us. @Episkopos

"God hath made Jesus to be sin, for us".

That's not even in the mis-translations. You have God doing evil. But God was IN CHRIST reconciling the world to Himself.

To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:19

God was not outside of Christ condemning Him as sinful. I have to spell this out since you have no truth at all.
So, your entire theology is so utterly "self righteousness".............You even have yourself "making Jesus sin for you".

The opposite is true. You have justified yourself for a scheme that doesn't exist but in the mind of the devil.
Remarkable false religion you spew out in sentences that deceives the weak believers and the unskilled believers.
That's what you are doing. What I'm doing is showing people that God is love and has no wrathful intentions toward His Son or His creation. Only the devil has that kind of condemnation. ...even putting Jesus on the cross. Of course he uses religious dupes to do his bidding...based on....self-interest.

It is..for God so loved the world. God is love. You spew bible verses (mis-translated and mis-quoted only) but have no love for anything or anyone but yourself. I think most people here see that in spades.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
God made Jesus to be sin for us........not you, not us. @Episkopos

"God hath made Jesus to be sin, for us".

So, your entire theology is so utterly "self righteousness".............You even have yourself "making Jesus sin for you".

Remarkable false religion you spew out in sentences that deceives the weak believers and the unskilled believers.

You did not answer my question

Yes I know God made jesus to be sin for us

I asked you if you sinned

I did not ask you if God sees us as if we did nto sin

Can you please answer my question? Do you think you have zero sin, You have not sinned even once since you were born again

Are you decieved as the apostle John said. I really would like to know your answer.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
That's what you are doing. What I'm doing is showing people that God is love and has no wrathful intentions toward His Son or His creation. Only the devil has that kind of condemnation
By our very nature we were subject to God's anger, just like everyone else. KJV Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That's not even in the mis-translations. You have God doing evil.

"For God so loved the world, that He Gave JESUS"... so that By this "one time Eternal Sacrifice"... "many will be made righteous", as Paul teaches..

This is not "God doing evil".

But in your mind, according to YOUR POST, you perceive this as "God doing Evil", and that is because your self righteousness theology, has no other way to think, or believe... @Episkopos


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
I know you dig really deep and I do know that the cross was for several reasons. What of 1 John 1:7? "7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Good example. "Cleansing" is HOLINESS language, whereas "Forgiving" is RELATIONAL language.

I went through a long discussion about Atonement theory with a brother who came to Christ from a Buddhist perspective, which prompted me to do some research in the Theology books. One of the things about Penal Substitution theory that doesn't make sense is WHY Jesus's death would be necessary for forgiveness? If you're going to forgive somebody, forgive them. And before the usual howling about "God's Justice demands that somebody must pay!", that's easily refuted biblically by Ezekiel 18:20 ("The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.") and Jesus's parable of the unforgiving servant who would have to be considered in the right for demanding payment of a 500 denarii debt.

Atonement itself, going back to the OT sacrificial model, IS about holiness. But yet I do see some overlap with forgiveness. I also see IDENTITY. Jesus in His death identified with us in our sinfulness. We in our lives are to identify with Him.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
By our very nature we were subject to God's anger, just like everyone else. KJV Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Do you hate your children? Even when they do bad things? God is love...and His mercy endures forever. But He will not put up with willful sins...or sins that deviate others from the truth. Whoever causes a meek one to sin will receive great wrath so that it would be better if that person had never been born. Yet, there is no fear at all among those who do those kind of things as if it was a ministry.

The wrath is to come on the sons of disobedience....beginning at God's house. Those who think the truth is based on many do here.

God is angry at our choosing evil and darkness over light and truth. He allows us to be lost if we want. He allows us to be fact, He tests us to see if we will fall for man-inspired schemes. And I'm talking about the church. The world will be judged on a different standard. According to righteousness.

But those who claim to be Christ's will be judged according to holiness...a MUCH harder judgment.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Do you hate your children? Even when they do bad things? God is love...and His mercy endures forever. But He will not put up with willful sins...or sins that deviate others from the truth. Whoever causes a meek one to sin will receive great wrath so that it would be better if that person had never been born. Yet, there is no fear at all among those who do those kind of things as if it was a ministry.

The wrath is to come on the sons of disobedience....beginning at God's house. Those who think the truth is based on many do here.

God is angry at our choosing evil and darkness over light and truth. He allows us to be lost if we want. He allows us to be fact, He tests us to see if we will fall for man-inspired schemes. And I'm talking about the church. The world will be judged on a different standard. According to righteousness.

But those who claim to be Christ's will be judged according to holiness...a MUCH harder judgment.
I’ve just posted scripture Epi...your post is irrelevant..because it’s your words and notthe words of God.

Therefore my friend, makes no sense in the Spirit.nothing biblical in what you say whatsoever.

Ephesians 2:3-9

King James Version

3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

You did not answer my question

Yes I know God made jesus to be sin for us

Can you please answer my question?

Jesus has all my sin, as otherwise i'd not be born again.

Are you saying that Jesus does not have all your sin @Eternally Grateful ?

the born again have become "God's righteousness", = a born again Christian has no sin, because "God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us"....


Paul said....>>>"Do not use your LIBERTY (In Christ) for an occasion to the FLESH".

See that?

"occasion to the flesh" example..... is for a believer to go to Netflix, and watch a movie that has a topless woman in it, and they knew it did before they watched it.., and they wanted to see it.

So lets say a believer born again, did that... last night.... again.
They chose to do it, and they knew that viewing a topless woman, in a Netflix program, is WRONG.
Let say they watched her fornicating with a male...or with a female.
Its the same... they watched KNOWING it was wrong.. for them.

Now.....Paul explaines that this is a "work of the flesh".. and the reason he said that, is because.. .regarding the born again, The Born again, are """not under the LAW", so the Law can't judge what the (Born again) person has done, or the fact that this CHRISTian decided to do it, which is just as wrong as doing it..

Notice also, that in 13 Epistles.. Paul never once confessed a sin, and never once told any of the Churches, at Corinth, Ephesus, Galatia, "confess a sin".
You can read the account , in Corinthians, of the young man that was fornicating with this Dad's new wife.
Paul found out, and never told that Christian boy, to "confess your sin".
Go read it, and ask yourself......>>"why didnt Paul tell that boy to confess that SIN"....

Then come and read what i keep showing you, and see if you can "get the revelation", @Eternally Grateful

See, = there is NO LAW, that can define us as a SINNER.........because the born again are "not UNDER THE LAW.. but under Grace".

"The Law came by moses, but GRACE and TRUTH, came by Jesus The Christ".

So....a CHRISTian can commit "works of the flesh", but the Law cannot define them as "sin".. because "the born again, are not under the law, but under Grace".

"where there is no Law, there is no Transgression, (sin)"".

Read 1 John 3:9, in a KJV.. as that is the correct understanding.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
"For God so loved the world, that He Gave JESUS"... so that By this "one time Eternal Sacrifice"... "many will be made righteous", as Paul teaches..
God sent Jesus into the world knowing He would die at the hands of sinful men. God was in Christ. God did NOT put Jesus to death. We did that.
This is not "God doing evil".

Your god is evil. Your god is selfish and rewards selfishness and self-interest.
But in your mind, according to YOUR POST, you perceive this as "God doing Evil", and that is because your self righteousness theology, has no other way to think, or believe... @Episkopos
False. God is sacrificial and self-less. Those who want to exploit you and some here do...will find Jesus saying...go away you lawless ones. What you promote is lawlessness. That is the truth of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God did NOT put Jesus to death. We did that.

Not True.

Jesus said...>>>>"Father i will do YOUR WILL"... and that will of God was for Jesus to Die on the Cross for the Sin of the World.

John 3:16
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 3:17

Read it sometime, in a bible.....

Jesus was BORN for this SACRIFICE, and God caused Him to be born into this world, from a Virgin's womb, as a offering for sin..


Jesus said.....>"NO MAN, takes my Life from me (on the Cross). .I Lay it down willingly"... I am THE Sacrifice, and I decided this. .. not any MAN..

Understand @Episkopos

Your god is evil.

Im not saying you are a hyper religious fool, but your posts are continually trying to prove it to be so. @Episkopos

Listen..... my God, created THE Savior inside a virgin's womb, so that He would go do the Cross, for a religious sinner like you, so that your sin can be forgiven.

Believe it @Episkopos