The Galilean wedding is the model for the pre-trib rapture

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
What I can do is show you some verses that prove the 144,000 are of the twelve tribes of Israel and are not the Church.
The Jews do not know their tribal roots today. The Church Is true Israel.

Israel has lost its historic records since AD70. They will never find them. They've been burnt up. They're gone forever.

This whole teaching you are advocating will never happen.
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The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
Don't even go there. You're scared to actually tell us how long your tribulation is. That is because you cannot tell. You are just winging it now.

We have already demolished your 7-year tribulation myth that was taught by your teachers.

Your doctrine is crumbling before your face.
LOL. It's the neighbor kid that was always picking fights, getting pounded and never learned.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
The Jews do not know their tribal roots today. The Church Is true Israel.

Israel has lost its historic records since AD70. They will never find them. They've been burnt up. They're gone forever.

This whole teaching you are advocating will never happen.
So you think God is confused?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
LOL. It's the neighbor kid that was always picking fights, getting pounded and never learned.
Where are your 2 raptures in Scripture separated by a protracted tribulation period? Nowhere! It is a figment of your imagination. You cannot bring anything to the table to show that. Your teachers have deceived you, yet you blindly follow them.

Even your Pretrib buddy admitted:

MA2444 said:

There doesnt seem to be one single verse that says there shall be a pretrib rapture.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
When you understand apocalyptic symbolism you will understand Revelation. Until then you'll buy into the error that you have been taught.
Who are my teachers. Who understands that there are two raptures that have been teaching me.

While you are over there with your apocalyptic symbolism, lost in confusion, I'll just accept what is written. No need to make anything up.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Who are my teachers. Who understands that there are two raptures that have been teaching me.

While you are over there with your apocalyptic symbolism, lost in confusion, I'll just accept what is written. No need to make anything up.
Lol ... and still you are unable to bring one single Scripture to the table to show these 2 raptures happening in the future. That is because they are not in God's Book. You know this, that is why you are incapable of showing us them in Scripture. They are only in your imagination.

Until you present the evidence, we have the right and responsibility to reject your claims.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Me too! Glad we agree on that.

What wrath is 1 Thessalonians 5:9 referring to?

This wrath that Paul referenced shortly before that, right?

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

When does this wrath occur? Over a period of years? No. It happens on the day of the Lord that comes as a thief in the night. The day Jesus returns. Here is a specific description of the wrath that will occur on the day of the Lord that will come as a thief in the night:

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Of course, we are not appointed to any of God's wrath of any kind, but what Paul was alluding to specifically was the wrath that will come down on the day of the Lord. We will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air just before this wrath comes down upon the earth because we are not appointed to it.
This all sounds good, but that Day of the Lord is your denial of the Millennial Kingdom on earth. If you deny that Jesus returns as the Prince to come, and sets up an earthly throne, you have replaced Israel with the Church.

The time of Jacob's trouble is after the church is gone, and Jesus cleans house, tossing the goats into the LOF, and redeeming a remnant of Israel, thus all of Israel left on the earth, will be saved.

You deny this time on earth after the church is gone, because you don't see Israel separated after the Second Coming. The church, including the OT redeemed were never supposed to have an earthly kingdom. It was always the heavenly kingdom. Since you decapitate the Day of the Lord, in your interpretation, then you have the church coming down in two different waves:

On white horses.

In the New Jerusalem.

So you still manage to split the church up.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
Lol ... and still you are unable to bring one single Scripture to the table to show these 2 raptures happening in the future. That is because they are not in God's Book. You know this, that is why you are incapable of showing us them in Scripture. They are only in your imagination.

Until you present the evidence, we have the right and responsibility to reject your claims.
I have brought countless scriptures. You however walk without understanding. Do you think I don't understand your tactics. All those who think they have replaced Israel follow the same pattern. I could post a hundred scriptures and it would change nothing. You would babble on and on about no proof being presented, when in fact the proof is undeniable.

One coming like the days of Noah and one coming like the days of Lot.
One coming the Lord Himself comes and one coming He sends His angels.
One coming is the grain harvest, and one coming is the fruit harvest
One coming we can escape ALL THESE THINGS that will come to pass and one coming when you see these things begin to come to pass, look up.
There are two folds.
The fullness of the Gentiles has to be brought in before part of Israel has its blindness removed.
The fig tree has two harvests.
Jacob had two brides.

I could post all the scriptures and more and it would change nothing. You are not interested in the truth, as you have proven by altering the scripture to support your position. The time is very, very, very short. And you have no idea what is getting ready to happen. There are five foolish and five wise. Who do you think the foolish are? The ones that are watching and waiting for the coming of the Lord or those looking for the Antichrist?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Are you able to answer my questions regarding the Antichrist?
Totally. I've written many posts and started a few threads on that very topic. I will start a new thread, with copy/paste, posts of mine from previous. Many will come in and disagree and offer alternatives. It will be up to you to decide what is biblical, historical, and/or conjecture.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Seems you are taking things too literal, no?

Both the Israel of the OT and the church of fhe NT was the wife. So the bride is not either, if you are being literal.

That would make the church the wife, as the bride pertains to pre-marriage. I know how you scoff at all the "pre" words. Also you don't think the nation Israel as ever being re-wed, evidently.

Marriage is just symbolic of the Covenant relationship. At some point, you have to have humans no longer in need of redemption period, no?
The Bible ends with the bride calling to the groom to come fetch her to heaven.
The bride becomes the wife in heaven, at Rev 19.
The last supper mirrors vividly the Jewish betrothal.
Jesus said " I go to prepare a place for you..."
He went to heaven to build at his father's house...again mirroring the Steps of the Jewish betrothal.
Mat 25 has the groom fetching the bride to heaven.
They all go into a room with a door,and the door is shut.
The wife is the covenant Jews.
They are the wife gone aworeing. Fetched twice in Rev 14. Romans 11, and Ruth, adds to the fact of the bride and wife.

We are set aside as the bride. Everytime we take communion, we are re enacting the dynamic of the engagement, and eagerly await the consummation and marriage, and supper in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Prophetic time is understood by a principle, day for a year. One day in prophecy equals a literal year in real time.
KJV Numbers 14:34
34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.

KJV Ezekiel 4:6
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.
This is not necessarily prophetic. This is about punishment that God places on people for disobedience or lack of faith.

Some apply that to prophecy.

Even the 70 years in captivity was a punishment on the southern kingdom.

The 70 weeks may have been a direct relation to the 70 years, or just God working in His own time frame. 490 years is still short of 500 years which is half a time to God.

I think most would agree that Daniel lived 500 years before the earthly ministry of Jesus.

Times, time, and half a time is 3500 years. That is good enough for me. Placing 2300 years or anything else, into history is just date setting. Many want to date set, and interpret the 70 weeks into their comfortable human dates from history.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Don't even go there. You're scared to actually tell us how long your tribulation is. That is because you cannot tell. You are just winging it now.

We have already demolished your 7-year tribulation myth that was taught by your teachers.

Your doctrine is crumbling before your face.
Conversely, how long is the pretrib raptured church in heaven?
She is there pretrib, returns in rev19.

Most likely 7 years.
I can give you room to call it anything you like.
It makes zero difference in your quest to ignore and modify the pretrib rapture verses.

How long are we on the white horses in heaven prior to actually decending to earth?
20 minutes?
An hour?
10 minutes? does not matter at all.
You are taking a noble stand, but your entire deal is busted with 2 gatherings in mat 24 .

your entire deal is busted with Rev 14 rapture of jews during the trib.

your entire deal is busted with the "50-50 taken/left" in 2 side by side declarations BY JESUS.

But hey, I admire your stubbornness, but feel for ya. Standing in rubble and hoping for a new cliche , or pretrib put down, on some page of the postribber workbook.
It is over friend....your deal is so busted, and emasculated. That is upsetting for sure, that huge investment in a bogus doctrine.

Totally futile what you are doing.
How frustrating it must Be ,to come in here and get mowed down by Jesus's words.
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
I have brought countless scriptures. You however walk without understanding. Do you think I don't understand your tactics. All those who think they have replaced Israel follow the same pattern. I could post a hundred scriptures and it would change nothing. You would babble on and on about no proof being presented, when in fact the proof is undeniable.

One coming like the days of Noah and one coming like the days of Lot.
One coming the Lord Himself comes and one coming He sends His angels.
One coming is the grain harvest, and one coming is the fruit harvest
One coming we can escape ALL THESE THINGS that will come to pass and one coming when you see these things begin to come to pass, look up.
There are two folds.
The fullness of the Gentiles has to be brought in before part of Israel has its blindness removed.
The fig tree has two harvests.
Jacob had two brides.

I could post all the scriptures and more and it would change nothing. You are not interested in the truth, as you have proven by altering the scripture to support your position. The time is very, very, very short. And you have no idea what is getting ready to happen. There are five foolish and five wise. Who do you think the foolish are? The ones that are watching and waiting for the coming of the Lord or those looking for the Antichrist?
They are at a point of total annihilation.
They can not go toe to toe honestly.
They change mat 24, mat 25, and run from Rev 14.
I still get a chuckle out of the 50 50 deal that ruined any hope of their deal...( not that it ever had traction.)

I know one of their greatest talking points is some myth of how the pre-trip Rapture Doctrine originated. Well it has been proven decisively that their Doctrine originated out of pure ignorance

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
This is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

They got to be really feeling hopeless.

But any real challenges are still accepted.
Just approach the masters with honesty and respect.
We can be gentle.
We can be rough.
We can let you decide the conditions.
But it is fun nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Interesting you accept this truth. And I couldn't agree with you more.

How is it you don't understand that the Day of the Lord, the day of His wrath is 1 year long?

The tribulation of those days is over at the 6th seal and then the 1-year Day of the Lord begins.

Jesus died in 30AD

I look to the future because there are 7 kings. 5 have fallen, one is and one is yet to come. The 7th king will give His power to the eighth king............who is of the 7.

This has yet to take place.
Jesus is the 7th King of the 7th Kingdom declared at the 7th Trumpet. The 7th Trumpet will either kick off the Millennium, or Satan will be granted a 42 month extension as the 8th kingdom. Then Jesus will return on a white horse to take back the 7th Kingdom. One can assume Jesus and the 144k left on white horses in the middle of the week of the 7th Trumpet. Daniel 9:27 is the week of the days of the 7th Trumpet. It is not a 7 year period, but a week long event.

Jesus is the 70th week, both as Messiah and the Prince to come. Jesus already accomplished 3.5 years as Messiah. The Prince to come part is the last half of the 70th week, since Jesus ascended to heaven, was cut off from setting up the Kingdom at that time.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Lol ... and still you are unable to bring one single Scripture to the table to show these 2 raptures happening in the future. That is because they are not in God's Book. You know this, that is why you are incapable of showing us them in Scripture. They are only in your imagination.

Until you present the evidence, we have the right and responsibility to reject your claims.
Here is yet another verse for you to ignore, modify ,or muddy up.
Take a look at Acts chapter 1, "this same Jesus that you see ascending up into heaven shall return and like manner."
The pre-trib Rapture Doctrine fits this absolutely perfectly.
But no other Doctrine has the components and setting of "like manner".
I don't know if you're "post trib pre-wrath ", or "post-wrath return", but, none of that fits "like manner". The only doctrine that fits "like manner" is the pre-tribulation Gathering of the Bride.
All the components are there.
Jesus coming, not as a warrior king on a white horse , not with a sickle in his hand , (of Revelation 14), but he's coming with the small group standing on Earth looking up.

That's us and the emminant return.
looking up for Jesus the groom, not on a white horse, not with a sickle in his hand of Revelation 14.

So that's another little deal that you absolutely must change or muddy it up somehow.
... or just flat out ignore it

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
The Jews do not know their tribal roots today. The Church Is true Israel.

Israel has lost its historic records since AD70. They will never find them. They've been burnt up. They're gone forever.

This whole teaching you are advocating will never happen
I have seen these bogus statements about Jews, no longer exist, over and over on this board.
When I see that I think of a ball game in Yankee Stadium, and some fan sitting close to the left field player , telling him: "hey buddy, baseball no longer exists."
" it was done away with many many years ago," ...and that left fielder just kind of glancing over his way, letting out a chuckle, and then just flat out ignoring him, knowing that there's something wrong with that guy.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Lol ... and still you are unable to bring one single Scripture to the table to show these 2 raptures happening in the future. That is because they are not in God's Book. You know this, that is why you are incapable of showing us them in Scripture. They are only in your imagination.

Until you present the evidence, we have the right and responsibility to reject your claims.
This is pure craziness at this point.