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  1. L

    leech therapy

    I've watched video of leech therapy on eyes. It sounds medieval to me. A very primitive practice. Though if it works in contemporary therapy,God be praised. I don't see myself able to steele my nerves so to find out if it is so at that personal experience level.
  2. L

    Return of the Ten Commandments to American schools? - Louisiana leads the way

    I do not believe the ten commandments are necessarily the exclusive domain of Abrahamic religion. I think at least eight of the ten are relatable to a moral secular society. Whereas the two additional commands relate to religious faith and yet could easily be seen as common sense for...
  3. L

    Can God not save souls, before, during and after the Tribulation?

    Yes,that's it. These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
  4. L

    Can You Truly Love Others If You Don't Love Yourself?

    I don't think we can believe ourselves lovable if we don't first love our self. If we can't feel love for our self,how would we know what love is so to say we love others? How can we say we love God if we don't know what love is? How do we learn to love but through learning to love who we...
  5. L

    How do I put this

    There are millions of Muslims here now. Really,we have no way of knowing where individuals hale from just by appearance. There are many from the middle east. The standout for Muslim women are the traditional covering. There are others who simply wear the hijab only. The men vary in their...
  6. L

    Are You Dead to Self?

    I think our loving response is because we know who saved us. Just as God said happens. We come to know our Savior because God called us to find that home.
  7. L

    Tel Aviv currently under attack

    I recall there was a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in the late 70's. I don't know there to be love between the two today. In the 90's Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty. Their relationship is tenuous at best. Syria has a policy wherein they do not allow Israeli's entry. They do...
  8. L

    Tel Aviv currently under attack

    Israels land foot print is but a little over 8,400 square miles and is populated by more than nine million people. If the surrounding sworn enemies truly wanted to wipe Israel from earth, wouldn't a targeted surgical strike executed at the same time by all those surrounding adversaries...
  9. L

    How do I put this

    You are not wrong. In the spirit of privacy I do not share both my country and town location.
  10. L

    Do you believe this is...

    My name was brought to my attention here in an alert. Angels most certainly can sin. See 2nd Peter 2. There are also those who God insures shall not. See 1st Timothy 5. And Matthew 25 reminds us of the eternal fire God prepared for the devil and his angels. There's more in Jude 6.
  11. L

    How do I put this

    Hello. It is a nightmare I'd rather wake up from. In 2016 a Salafist movement activated here. We called them a death cult. They'd patrol a city or town and take issue with anything that was against the order within Shari'a. Pubs,women and our manner of dress, gambling, movies. They were...
  12. L

    Are You Dead to Self?

    The terms are synonymous.
  13. L

    Do you believe this is...

    The word Trinity does not appear in our Bibles . The two chapters I referenced are educational to this discourse.
  14. L

    Do you believe this is...

    Are you not the author of this invitation to delve into Fathers word? Shouldn't you first know the subject here ? 130 The revelation of Your words brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced.
  15. L

    Hello everyone from debby

    :kiaora:I am also newly arrived. May our time here be richly blessed.