Why are some interpreters not being honest with the text involving Daniel 9:27?

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Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
Are you saying Jesus never rose from the dead? That the "cut off" you interpret was the end of Jesus on the earth? Think man, think.
What is wrong with you? Seriously. There is something very wrong with you and it needs to be dealt with. You need serious help. Do you actually think I believe that Jesus never rose from the dead? Is that a serious question? If so, you should be ashamed of yourself. Do you think I'm not a Christian just because I disagree with your end times views? What have I ever said that would lead you to seriously think I don't believe Jesus rose from the dead? Nothing. Do you think I'd ever ask you a question that is basically the same as questioning your salvation and questioning if you are a Christian or not? No, I wouldn't. That is as insulting as it gets.
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