2300 evenings and mornings will end on 1st Nisan 2027

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Nov 11, 2024
United States
God measures out the time by giving us signs. These milestones are conditional, because the process of the Judgment itself is eternal. The conditional death of the "two witnesses", because the "two witnesses" are two world religions. The conditional birth of the "male child" by the "woman clothed with the sun", because this "woman" is the Church, and people faithful to God have always been and are. The conditional flight of the woman into the desert, because there have always been flights into the desert: Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus. God through a cloud in Turkey, through a NASA satellite, through earthquakes in Sumatra, simply gave us milestones so that we could see and prepare.

On October 2, 2025, the Lord will descend from heaven. The dead will be raised before July 2, 2026. Then there will be a rapture of the Church for three months, until October 3, 2026. The signs show this sequence. The temple must be built by September 23, 2025.
Now factor in Apophis on April 13, 2029. Back that up 1260 is October 31, 2025….1290 October 1, 2025. signs are all there, calendars have been changed by man repeatedly. We will soon find out, until then deny the mark, do not deny Jesus Christ. His return is very very close.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
On October 2, 2025, the Lord will descend from heaven. The dead will be raised before July 2, 2026. Then there will be a rapture of the Church for three months, until October 3, 2026. The signs show this sequence. The temple must be built by September 23, 2025.
I admire your positivity.
But I reject your timings. I cannot see how the Lord Jesus can Return before 2033, or later. And all the dead are not raised until after the Millennium, only the martyrs killed during the GT will be raised at the Return.
The Temple could be built as late as 2030, for the Anti-Christ to conquer the holy peoples and to sit in it.
because this "woman" is the Church, and people faithful to God have always been and are. The conditional flight of the woman into the desert
Yes; the 'woman- in Rev 12:6 & 14, is the faithful Christian peoples, they will be kept safe in a good place on earth for the 1260 days of Satanic world control.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
I admire your positivity.
But I reject your timings. I cannot see how the Lord Jesus can Return before 2033, or later.
In the early 2000s, I corresponded with a Catholic priest from an educational publishing house in Belgium. He was the first to support us then, that the name of the beast from the sea is εὑπορία = (5 + 400 + 80 + 70 + 100 + 10 + 1) = 666 . Until his death, he celebrated liturgies and prayed for us daily. He wrote to me that according to the old prophets, the Second Coming will be in 2033. But global signs now point to 2025. By the way, the false prophet, Brandon Biggs, who predicted with incredible accuracy, 4 months in advance, the bullet that wounded Trump's right ear, then predicts the Great Crisis, worse than the Great Depression, which will end in Awakening and Prosperity. This is a completely logical picture, which I have always adhered to. As soon as the Awakening comes, the newly converted masses of pagans will do what they want: build the kingdom of the beast of Prosperity. "the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." Obviously, the Third Temple will be a parallel process here, which will be of little interest to Christians, because the main perks will be given out by the Antichrist.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
From the 8th day of Hanukkah to the 8th day of the month of Tishrei, when Jesus was born, there are 271 days, the normal period of pregnancy for a woman.

From the current Hanukkah to "aseret yemei teshuva", "ten days of return [to God]", when the elect from the four winds will enter the eastern gate of the Temple, there are also 9 months. That is, the "pregnancy" of the Church is resolved by the saints, in whom Jesus Christ will be incarnated at the Second Coming.

And if from the entry of the saints into the eastern gate of the Temple, in "aseret yemei teshuva", the Jewish people "become pregnant", then Judaism will be relieved of its burden exactly 9 months later, during the fast of 17 Tammuz, which is indicated by the period of 2300 evenings and mornings, 1290 days and 1260 days of the wife's flight into the desert.

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Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Now factor in Apophis on April 13, 2029. Back that up 1260 is October 31, 2025….1290 October 1, 2025. signs are all there, calendars have been changed by man repeatedly. We will soon find out, until then deny the mark, do not deny Jesus Christ. His return is very very close.
Why do we need Apophis and calendar changes? I have linked the events based on actual signs: the death of two witnesses (confirmed by a pair of earthquakes, at Christmas 2004 and Easter 2005; the dumbness of John Paul II; the fall of the Dow Jones by 777 points exactly 3.5 years later, on September 29, on Rosh Hashanah, at the beginning of the 70th anniversary of Israel, confirmed by the "voices of seven thunders"), the end of the super-week of Daniel in Nisan 2020 (confirmed by the global lockdown due to Covid), the beginning of the count of 1335 days (confirmed by a double earthquake on Tu Bishvat in Turkey on February 6, 2023), the deadline for the construction of the Third Temple, unfulfilled by Jews and Christians (confirmed, in addition to the beginning of the second half of the super-week of Daniel - by the launch of the Large Hadron Collider on the day of the first vision Ezekiel, and the commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope, on the day of Ezekiel's first prophecy, and the term of his 430-day lying in chains ended on the eve of 1 Tishrei, when the Temple was NOT BUILT). In October 2024, there was a sign: a comet in the constellation Virgo, when the Sun was there, and this comet came out of the lower part of the "body" of the constellation Virgo on the 8th day of the 7th month of Tishrei, on the birthday of Jesus Christ. Now the sign a few hours before 24 Kislev, "day zero" of Hanukkah, corresponding to the prophecy of Haggai about the shaking of heaven and earth - a NASA satellite has come as close as possible to the Sun. The "shamash" candle (servant) from the Messiah ("sun") will successively light the other candles ... Are you not satisfied with the signs? There will be more and more.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
Why do we need Apophis and calendar changes? I have linked the events based on actual signs: the death of two witnesses (confirmed by a pair of earthquakes, at Christmas 2004 and Easter 2005; the dumbness of John Paul II; the fall of the Dow Jones by 777 points exactly 3.5 years later, on September 29, on Rosh Hashanah, at the beginning of the 70th anniversary of Israel, confirmed by the "voices of seven thunders"), the end of the super-week of Daniel in Nisan 2020 (confirmed by the global lockdown due to Covid), the beginning of the count of 1335 days (confirmed by a double earthquake on Tu Bishvat in Turkey on February 6, 2023), the deadline for the construction of the Third Temple, unfulfilled by Jews and Christians (confirmed, in addition to the beginning of the second half of the super-week of Daniel - by the launch of the Large Hadron Collider on the day of the first vision Ezekiel, and the commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope, on the day of Ezekiel's first prophecy, and the term of his 430-day lying in chains ended on the eve of 1 Tishrei, when the Temple was NOT BUILT). In October 2024, there was a sign: a comet in the constellation Virgo, when the Sun was there, and this comet came out of the lower part of the "body" of the constellation Virgo on the 8th day of the 7th month of Tishrei, on the birthday of Jesus Christ. Now the sign a few hours before 24 Kislev, "day zero" of Hanukkah, corresponding to the prophecy of Haggai about the shaking of heaven and earth - a NASA satellite has come as close as possible to the Sun. The "shamash" candle (servant) from the Messiah ("sun") will successively light the other candles ... Are you not satisfied with the signs? There will be more and more.
We don’t need any signs, but apophis is another sign in a long line of them. What it will do is wipe out the satellite network used to control the mark of the beast System. I don’t need any of these signs that you’ve mentioned, it’s clear as the hand in front of my face that His return is coming soon. But before that there will be a false light that rises, we are repeatedly warned of that in the gospels. Jesus tells us every eye will see including those whom pierced Him.

our duty is to warn, while all this is interesting it’s an intellectual exercise of little importance.

Whether that is tomorrow or 2029, only God knows. But the signs are there. That being said I don’t like to box Him in. Changing Times and calendars are important to further confuse people on His return.
Why do we need Apophis and calendar changes? I have linked the events based on actual signs: the death of two witnesses (confirmed by a pair of earthquakes, at Christmas 2004 and Easter 2005; the dumbness of John Paul II; the fall of the Dow Jones by 777 points exactly 3.5 years later, on September 29, on Rosh Hashanah, at the beginning of the 70th anniversary of Israel, confirmed by the "voices of seven thunders"), the end of the super-week of Daniel in Nisan 2020 (confirmed by the global lockdown due to Covid), the beginning of the count of 1335 days (confirmed by a double earthquake on Tu Bishvat in Turkey on February 6, 2023), the deadline for the construction of the Third Temple, unfulfilled by Jews and Christians (confirmed, in addition to the beginning of the second half of the super-week of Daniel - by the launch of the Large Hadron Collider on the day of the first vision Ezekiel, and the commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope, on the day of Ezekiel's first prophecy, and the term of his 430-day lying in chains ended on the eve of 1 Tishrei, when the Temple was NOT BUILT). In October 2024, there was a sign: a comet in the constellation Virgo, when the Sun was there, and this comet came out of the lower part of the "body" of the constellation Virgo on the 8th day of the 7th month of Tishrei, on the birthday of Jesus Christ. Now the sign a few hours before 24 Kislev, "day zero" of Hanukkah, corresponding to the prophecy of Haggai about the shaking of heaven and earth - a NASA satellite has come as close as possible to the Sun. The "shamash" candle (servant) from the Messiah ("sun") will successively light the other candles ... Are you not satisfied with the signs? There will be more and more.
It’s Another sign, and a big one. I don’t need any of these signs, He’s told me He’s coming back. all one has to do is look up and see. You say there will be more and more, of course there will be. That’s why repentance and belief on Him is more important than ever before it’s too late.

Your over intellectual posts are just that, overconsumed with Hebrew (man made) calendar dates.

The meat is the Good News that Christ came in the flesh, died on the cross for our sins, and was resurrected three days later in the flesh. The end times are here, it’s time to warn people to stop looking to man (any) and get their eyes on Jesus Christ, because the great deception is here and many will be fooled.

The foundations of man are about to be shaken. This isn’t fear mongering but a duty to warn those whom can/will likely be deceived. deny the mark. Confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Trails and tribulations ahead.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
When you try to interpret the 2300 evenings and mornings, the first problem you have is that the evenings and mornings obviously correspond to the daily evening and morning sacrifices in the Temple, but no one will ever build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, there will be no Second Temple again, and in the Third Temple described in Ezekiel's prophecy, there will be no daily morning sacrifices.

Therefore, you cannot explain the number of evenings and mornings in a direct way, you have to look for an allegorical interpretation.

The second obstacle for the interpreter of 2300 evenings and mornings appears if he is a Seventh-day Adventist. There they have the outright delirium of the false prophetess Ellen White, in whom everyone believes, and if you look for other interpretations than the meaningless nonsense offered by White, then you will be uncomfortable remaining in this false religion.

There is another obstacle if you believe that the 2300 evenings and mornings have already come true in the Book of Maccabees, as the interval between the setting up of the abomination of desolation in the Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes, on Kislev 15, and the cleansing of the Temple from the abomination on Kislev 25, a little over three years later. One fool launched this version, and the rest of those who believed in this nonsense are not smart enough to check that never, under any combination of leap years in the Jewish calendar, will you have 1150 days from Kislev 15 to 25.

Furthermore, Daniel says that the prophecy of the 2300 evenings and mornings refers to distant times, which cannot be said about the events in the book of Maccabees, which occurred about the same time that the book of Daniel was written.

So, it is useless to try to interpret 2300 evenings and mornings if you have not understood the main thing: the abomination of desolation has long since struck all of Christianity (as well as Judaism), and one must look for a specific period of this abomination of desolation in the events related to the modern period of the existence of these two religions. And as it turns out, this prophecy cannot be interpreted if we have not interpreted Daniel 9:24-27. And if you look at the interpretations published in religious literature, there is not a single correct interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27. Because all the interpreters are INSIDE their religions, and cannot be witnesses AGAINST themselves. You must first leave the Christian mentality and try to enter the mentality of God, Who does not look at your external religious affiliation, but evaluates everyone by other criteria. You must not be a partisan defender of your religion. You must take God's position. Few succeed in this.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
We don’t need any signs, but apophis is another sign in a long line of them. What it will do is wipe out the satellite network used to control the mark of the beast System.
The mark of the beast has nothing to do with modern technology. The mark of the beast on the forehead is given to every liar who lies for his own well-being in this world. This is the habit of lying that has struck everyone (watch the series "Lie to Me", 2009-2011). Presidents lie, senators lie, businessmen lie, managers lie, merchants lie, buyers lie, everyone tries to lie when it comes to their material interests. They all already have the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast on the right hand is given to those who steal. There are different ways to steal. Some steal from stores, others steal "surplus value", others steal by usury, bank interest, which is prohibited by the law of Moses and even more so by the teachings of Jesus Christ. All these thieves already have the mark of the beast on their hands.

They have all fallen into the net of the beast of Civilization, they have become accustomed to this antichrist system of distributing goods without God. Now they will all have to suffer.

The lie is not destroyed by a mechanical strike on the satellite system. The lie is exposed by the Third Temple and the city of Yahweh Shammah, where the resurrected tribes of Israel will live without lies and without usury.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
The mark of the beast has nothing to do with modern technology. The mark of the beast on the forehead is given to every liar who lies for his own well-being in this world. This is the habit of lying that has struck everyone (watch the series "Lie to Me", 2009-2011). Presidents lie, senators lie, businessmen lie, managers lie, merchants lie, buyers lie, everyone tries to lie when it comes to their material interests. They all already have the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast on the right hand is given to those who steal. There are different ways to steal. Some steal from stores, others steal "surplus value", others steal by usury, bank interest, which is prohibited by the law of Moses and even more so by the teachings of Jesus Christ. All these thieves already have the mark of the beast on their hands.

They have all fallen into the net of the beast of Civilization, they have become accustomed to this antichrist system of distributing goods without God. Now they will all have to suffer.

The lie is not destroyed by a mechanical strike on the satellite system. The lie is exposed by the Third Temple and the city of Yahweh Shammah, where the resurrected tribes of Israel will live without lies and without usury.
Just like there are several 3 day periods, there are several marks. nothing new under the sun. Your issue is that you box God into one specified outcome. Jonah- 3 days, the resurrection, 3 days. Many more examples of allegory , which you yourself point too.

You dismiss apophis, yet point to earth quakes. You’re so locked into your evidence that you refuse to look at anyone else or other places in scripture. Have you even read Jubilees?


Nov 11, 2024
United States
In the early 2000s, I corresponded with a Catholic priest from an educational publishing house in Belgium. He was the first to support us then, that the name of the beast from the sea is εὑπορία = (5 + 400 + 80 + 70 + 100 + 10 + 1) = 666 . Until his death, he celebrated liturgies and prayed for us daily. He wrote to me that according to the old prophets, the Second Coming will be in 2033. But global signs now point to 2025. By the way, the false prophet, Brandon Biggs, who predicted with incredible accuracy, 4 months in advance, the bullet that wounded Trump's right ear, then predicts the Great Crisis, worse than the Great Depression, which will end in Awakening and Prosperity. This is a completely logical picture, which I have always adhered to. As soon as the Awakening comes, the newly converted masses of pagans will do what they want: build the kingdom of the beast of Prosperity. "the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." Obviously, the Third Temple will be a parallel process here, which will be of little interest to Christians, because the main perks will be given out by the Antichrist.
Who also just predicted Las Vegas and New Orleans. Now, I don't know if he is in-fact a prophet or not and I haven’t brought it to the Lords feet and asked Him personally. However, what is your inclination to bear witness against brandon?


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Just like there are several 3 day periods, there are several marks. nothing new under the sun. Your issue is that you box God into one specified outcome. Jonah- 3 days, the resurrection, 3 days. Many more examples of allegory , which you yourself point too.

You dismiss apophis, yet point to earth quakes. You’re so locked into your evidence that you refuse to look at anyone else or other places in scripture. Have you even read Jubilees?
I was looking through the book of Jubilees, and it interested me only in one thing. The author of this book calculated the periodicity of jubilees of 49 years, as I did when I was dealing with the "voices of the seven thunders". Moreover, the calculations of the author of the book of Jubilees extended to the crossing of the Jordan, and my calculations began with the crossing of the Jordan. The end of the book of Jubilees corresponds to the 50th jubilee, and in my calculations from the crossing of the Jordan in 1423 BC to the present day, 70 jubilees have passed, the 70th began on September 29, 2008, on Rosh Hashanah, and it was marked by a historical record drop in the Dow Jones index - by 777 points.

That is, from the creation of Adam to us, 120 jubilees have passed.

I wrote in detail about the calculation of the sequence of jubilees in the topic on the forum:

The Voices of the Seven Thunders and the Death of the Two Witnesses


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Who also just predicted Las Vegas and New Orleans. Now, I don't know if he is in-fact a prophet or not and I haven’t brought it to the Lords feet and asked Him personally. However, what is your inclination to bear witness against brandon?
Brandon Biggs is not just a false prophet. Every denomination is full of false prophets right now, their words are empty words. Brandon Biggs is a CONFIRMED false prophet. I have never seen such an accurate prediction as Brandon Biggs made, predicting 4 months in advance a bullet that would pierce Trump's right ear, and that Trump would immediately fall to his knees. It came true exactly. Since the spirit that gave Brandon this vision penetrated so deep into the future, into such a protected area as the highest political level on Earth, I immediately concluded that the rest of the prediction would come true: Trump would win the election, Trump would face an unprecedented Crisis, worse than the Great Depression, he would kneel with the senators in the Oval Room of the White House praying, and a miracle would happen - the fatal wound on the head of the beast would be healed, Prosperity would come to the USA. This is a perfectly true picture, but Brandon Biggs is preaching a DIFFERENT Jesus Christ. He is leading people to another god, whose name is mammon (possessions). This is the gospel of prosperity. This contagion has been seducing a great many people for a long time, but after the shock of the crisis, many Christians and pagan converts will fall into this delusion.

There is a Spirit from God, which has come to us from the ancient prophets and saints, from Jesus and the apostles, passed down from generation to generation of believers. And there is a spirit from the earth, from people, performing signs. When hundreds of millions of people have something hammered into their heads and believed a lie, then this lie begins to come true for them. If they believe that God requires a tithe, then this works for those who believe in tithing. This religion is all mired in the lawless tithe, which God supposedly requires for our material well-being in the kingdom of Satan, which is now this world. And this false faith works: they pay a tithe to the beast from the earth, pray for their well-being, and this pumps up the entire devilish system of the current world. At the same time, the world does not become better, but those who are involved in his fraudulent pyramid have the illusion that their faith works and they live correctly. You can listen to what Brandon Biggs preaches on his YouTube channel. Which cryptocurrency should Christians invest in. This is the teaching of the Antichrist.
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Nov 11, 2024
United States
Brandon Biggs is not just a false prophet. Every denomination is full of false prophets right now, their words are empty words. Brandon Biggs is a CONFIRMED false prophet. I have never seen such an accurate prediction as Brandon Biggs made, predicting 4 months in advance a bullet that would pierce Trump's right ear, and that Trump would immediately fall to his knees. It came true exactly. Since the spirit that gave Brandon this vision penetrated so deep into the future, into such a protected area as the highest political level on Earth, I immediately concluded that the rest of the prediction would come true: Trump would win the election, Trump would face an unprecedented Crisis, worse than the Great Depression, he would kneel with the senators in the Oval Room of the White House praying, and a miracle would happen - the fatal wound on the head of the beast would be healed, Prosperity would come to the USA. This is a perfectly true picture, but Brandon Biggs is preaching a DIFFERENT Jesus Christ. He is leading people to another god, whose name is mammon (possessions). This is the gospel of prosperity. This contagion has been seducing a great many people for a long time, but after the shock of the crisis, many Christians and pagan converts will fall into this delusion.

There is a Spirit from God, which has come to us from the ancient prophets and saints, from Jesus and the apostles, passed down from generation to generation of believers. And there is a spirit from the earth, from people, performing signs. When hundreds of millions of people have something hammered into their heads and believed a lie, then this lie begins to come true for them. If they believe that God requires a tithe, then this works for those who believe in tithing. This religion is all mired in the lawless tithe, which God supposedly requires for our material well-being in the kingdom of Satan, which is now this world. And this false faith works: they pay a tithe to the beast from the earth, pray for their well-being, and this pumps up the entire devilish system of the current world. At the same time, the world does not become better, but those who are involved in his fraudulent pyramid have the illusion that their faith works and they live correctly. You can listen to what Brandon Biggs preaches on his YouTube channel. Which cryptocurrency should Christians invest in. This is the teaching of the Antichrist.
thank you for your response, indeed prosperity is as you say, Mammon.