The social gospel?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
@Episkopos you know God in your spirit?

That’s where we have that divine revelation?

Are you one with God in spirit?

Born Again of imperishable seed?...that liveth and abideth forever?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Better yet to depart from iniquity. Better to humble oneself in godly fear and stop naming and claiming things AS IF they were true...but are not. Part of spiritual warfare is to cast down imaginations. My next podcast is about that very thing....spiritual warfare. :)
God calls those things which be not as though they are. Says so in plain language. And faith is deemed a good thing by God. Come on brother, it is very clear that Abraham was commended for believing God even though his body was as good as dead.....and that is the reason why righteousness was imputed to him...not on the basis of works, though his works demonstrated his faith afterward. But we of course need to know the difference between what is being graciously imputed to us and what we have actually attained and are actually walking in. We need to be seeking to live up to (attain/apprehend) what has been imputed. "Nevertheless whereto we have already attained....." See how imputed righteousness does not contradict that we need to also "attain" it.....that is the journey and narrow path that we are on...on our way there, and if some are "perfected" in that sense in this life, then amen. We are to "go on to perfection". Although being truly holy would mean that one is truly humble and not considering that they have attained, as Paul teaches. And he also wrote "I know of nothing against me but that by no means means I am acquitted.....the one who judges me is God"....and elsewhere, "If we think we know then we do not yet know as we ought". Come on now...ears to hear these things....

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
He speaks bits of truth imo....the rest is of Epi....nothing biblical in most of what he’s jarg imo....his jargon.....that is what I believe the Spirit has shown me.....he’s after power!

I Love Epi, but imo, there is no power in his words.

There just there to try and confuse,imo.
Everyone speaks bits of truth. Some more than others we should never think we have it all figured out we need to remain humble


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Everyone speaks bits of truth. Some more than others we should never think we have it all figured out we need to remain humble
Remain humble...I don’t think anyone has remained humble on this thread?

What do you mean have it all figured out?

What more do you need to know if one is Born Again? In their spirit?

That is Gods truth...we are spirit children?

You don’t need to keep reading the Bible to know that one is Born divine revelation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I agree

But God created angels as eternal beings.

Hell was created for them.

God made a way for all Humans, that they may be saved. The ones that reject him send themselves there for 50 - 60 years (if they are lucky) of what they think is fun.

when we get the eternal perspective. We are just a blip of a section of time.. And we think we have it

Sadly we are eternal being also.. So if we send ourselves there In unbelief. Thats on us We can’t blame God because he sends people to outer darkness (whatever that may be)
Honestly I don't know for sure. Wages of sin is death...and Jesus spoke about fearing Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. But there is also a factor that God exists outside of time in eternity which it is hard to grasp all that that means.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
You must be Born Again in your spirit to have the wages of sin removed....there is only life in Gods Spirit...there is no sin in the Spirit, therefore God sees our sin no more as we have been Born Of God’s seed.

We live in a body of sin...our spirit has been set free from sin...when we were Born Of God’s seed.that comes by divine revelation.

Divine Living Gods Living witness His Living Holy Spirit....

Spirit to spirit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
That's not what judgment is about. NOW is the time to be set free...not later when people are forced to admit their sins. The bible says that EVERY KNEE will bow. And Universalists think that means ALL will be saved. Using your reasoning you have to admit the same. But to be found out as a liar and pretender on judgment not the same as being faithful to God.
You missed the whole point. The only reason I said regardless about what one thinks of timing …the point I was trying to make is that passage is God prepares now. In be found in Him not having our own righteousness but the righteousness that comes from God …which is the man that “he himself is saved by fire” even though his own works were burned (the chaff).
Now is the time to escape the burning house....before you die. If you wait until you are dead to escape a burning house...well then comes judgment.
Agree. To me its merciful and amazing God providing a better way before the casket comes.
Are you saying that we will not be baptized in the Spirit until judgment day?
No that is no what I’m saying. You assume. So then you can rail on me in an instant epi. I can’t say a word that you’re not picking through for some morsel to condemn. Yet you speak of sinlessness and contradictions. And as harsh as you are on others (claiming)for their own good you say…good grief do you not consider yourself religiously bloated and touting your own horn at all? You will probably say far from it. But I can tell you as much as religion tries to exclude me…you’re quick to do the same. Just an opinion of you can hear it past the ego.
Purging means destroying the chaff...and those who produce it.
That is what the passage speaks of as if any man looses his works. Yet you say this one where “he himself is saved” has forever shame and reproach. I’m not buying it. Not when it was the works of the chaff loss. He himself saved …by whom?
The fire saves NOW...burning away our sins. But the fires of judgment day REVEAL who is serving God, and who is serving themselves (and by proxy, the devil). So unless you think God is going to save all of mankind...including the Pharisees and Hitler, then you are mixing up what happens NOW and what happens on judgment day.

The same thing goes for the idea of a "purgatory" invention of the RCC. There is a purgatory right NOW. Otherwise purging His floor means you think the RCC is right.
It’s like you know that day comes as a thief.
So that day comes as a thief that you don’t get caught unaware as thief.

Preparations are being made for …so that day does not overtake you. I think that explains the above you posted preparation…revealing.
No. There is no outer man on judgment day. That man is carnal and temporal. No outer man makes it to judgment day. He dies with the body. The temporal life dies at physical death. What is left is who we really are, what we did, what we permitted.

When Jesus rebuked the Laodiceans and threatened to spit them out (into glory??? Of course not) He was speaking to the inner buy from Him...not trust the flesh. If we trust the flesh we are under a curse.
I’m talking about the passage on the one that makes it through the fire. “he himself saved” …you just said it “no outer man makes it” …what chaff was burned in “if he suffered the loss of works” but “he himself saved” yet you tag this …even calling this one where he suffered the loss of works of the chaff, yet “he himself saved, even so by fire” <your judgement is when I asked what of this one? …perpetual Shame and reproach. Be careful calling that which God has cleansed dirty.
You are looking for a religious certainty...choose faith instead.
I’m starting to doubt you even know what the attributes of the new man is that you preach is to put on. Maybe …yes most likely I am one religious talker. But epi …you’re quickly loosing me to where I’m seeing you are no different.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I’m starting to doubt you even know what the attributes of the new man is that you preach is to put on. Maybe …yes most likely I am one religious talker. But epi …you’re quickly loosing me to where I’m seeing you are no different.
Short commentary.

The "new man" is the New Covenant man. He is the man to whom God has given a new heart and in whom He has placed a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26). Here, God takes the initiative; it is His doing.

We are Born Of The Spirit, therefore spirit children who belong to God....our spirit is in His Spirit...we are not our own.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Look at it this way

You grow up in a legalistic system,

Someone shows you the Grace of God

Your faith is in that system of rules you grew up in. But you are intrigued by the new grace system.

Buf the legal system (of works) keep tugging on you, so you can not totally receive this law of Grace that is shared with you. In the end, you walk away fro Grace and return totally to the law system you truly trusted in,

one could say you fell from Grace, You were going up the mountain of Grace and able to accept it. But before you truly repented, you fell of that mountain and back into the valley of death (works)
Fallen from grace means that they had repented, but fallen from the grace they once had. It says they had been running a good race until Judaizers cut in on them. Ultimately it's the flesh that wants tangible certainty, which is not of faith. The flesh wants what it can see, hear, taste and touch and control. (Similar to why the Israelites craved a flesh and blood king like the pagans had rather than the One who is invisible.) That is the kind of idolatry that the flesh is prone to and which may tug at us since the flesh lusteth/wars against the spirit....especially if we start listening to false teachers/preachers. Faith is of the Spirit, of God, not of the flesh.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
God calls those things which be not as though they are. Says so in plain language.

God is Master of prophecy...because He sees the future as if it was the present.
And faith is deemed a good thing by God.

God decides what faith is....not people. When a person has faith they are translated into the heavenly kingdom realm. That's how you know you have "saving" faith.
Come on brother, it is very clear that Abraham was commended for believing God even though his body was as good as dead.....and that is the reason why righteousness was imputed to him...not on the basis of works, though his works demonstrated his faith afterward.

God sees the future. He knows when we say something whether we will follow through or not. You forget this truth. But people claiming to be justified based on the religious beliefs goes the opposite way....self-righteousness, without any say so beyond reading oneself into the bible narrative always in a positive way.....basically self-interest.
But we of course need to know the difference between what is being graciously imputed to us and what we have actually attained and are actually walking in.

How can you know that iniquity is not being imputed to you? Will you wait for judgment day? Why is there weeping and gnashing of teeth? Why are people so shocked on judgment day?
We need to be seeking to live up to (attain/apprehend) what has been imputed.

false. You have decided you a rock star and now practicing guitar to make your imagination become a reality. The chances of that being true is slim indeed.
"Nevertheless whereto we have already attained....."

Attaining is in the higher walk.
See how imputed righteousness does not contradict that we need to also "attain" it..

Someone who has begun in the Spirit needs to follow through and be perfected by the Spirit by walking in the Spirit.

It's like ...apprehending that for which we have been apprehended IN Christ.
...that is the journey and narrow path that we are on...on our way there, and if some are "perfected" in that sense in this life, then amen. We are to "go on to perfection". Although being truly holy would mean that one is truly humble and not considering that they have attained, as Paul teaches. And he also wrote "I know of nothing against me but that by no means means I am acquitted.....the one who judges me is God"....and elsewhere, "If we think we know then we do not yet know as we ought". Come on now...ears to hear these things....
You are trying to justify a lower walk by claiming a higher walk. That's like shooting a rifle with the barrel facing you.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Remain humble...I don’t think anyone has remained humble on this thread?

What do you mean have it all figured out?

What more do you need to know if one is Born Again? In their spirit?

That is Gods truth...we are spirit children?

You don’t need to keep reading the Bible to know that one is Born divine revelation.
When we think we know it all we are unreachable and unteachable God can’t help us.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
God decides what faith is....not people. When a person has faith they are translated into the heavenly kingdom realm. That's how you know you have "saving" faith.
When God gifts us faith our spirit is Born Again, we are then in the Kingdom Of God.

Faith is a manifestation of the Spirit....

Without God’s Spirit we are none of His.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
You missed the whole point. The only reason I said regardless about what one thinks of timing …the point I was trying to make is that passage is God prepares now. In be found in Him not having our own righteousness but the righteousness that comes from God …which is the man that “he himself is saved by fire” even though his own works were burned (the chaff).

Agree. To me its merciful and amazing God providing a better way before the casket comes.

No that is no what I’m saying. You assume. So then you can rail on me in an instant epi. I can’t say a word that you’re not picking through for some morsel to condemn. Yet you speak of sinlessness and contradictions. And as harsh as you are on others (claiming)for their own good you say…good grief do you not consider yourself religiously bloated and touting your own horn at all? You will probably say far from it. But I can tell you as much as religion tries to exclude me…you’re quick to do the same. Just an opinion of you can hear it past the ego.

That is what the passage speaks of as if any man looses his works. Yet you say this one where “he himself is saved” has forever shame and reproach. I’m not buying it. Not when it was the works of the chaff loss. He himself saved …by whom?

It’s like you know that day comes as a thief.
So that day comes as a thief that you don’t get caught unaware as thief.

Preparations are being made for …so that day does not overtake you. I think that explains the above you posted preparation…revealing.

I’m talking about the passage on the one that makes it through the fire. “he himself saved” …you just said it “no outer man makes it” …what chaff was burned in “if he suffered the loss of works” but “he himself saved” yet you tag this …even calling this one where he suffered the loss of works of the chaff, yet “he himself saved, even so by fire” <your judgement is when I asked what of this one? …perpetual Shame and reproach. Be careful calling that which God has cleansed dirty.

I’m starting to doubt you even know what the attributes of the new man is that you preach is to put on. Maybe …yes most likely I am one religious talker. But epi …you’re quickly loosing me to where I’m seeing you are no different.
And you will think less and less of me as I expose you to more and more truth.

Judgment day is a day of great wrath. That is not the time where pretenders, imaginers, hypocrites, and gross sinners are "liberated" from the fruits of their doings.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
When we think we know it all we are unreachable and unteachable God can’t help us.
As I only need to know you are Born divine revelation.....after that only the Spirit can teach us....our faith is in God...unreachable and unteach able...makes no sense...only to unbelievers...

We are spirit children of God and His Spirit is our teacher not you or me.

We are led by the understanding Gods can’t lead yourself through scripture without the Spirit...only he can bring Gods word to our understanding in our spirit....

We are spirit children....not unbelievers of the world.
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Christian Soldier

New Member
Jun 30, 2024
I get that. But saved to what? What does Jesus say about those who are naked? Do a study.

I think you are going in the wrong direction with this. Are you saying you don't want to please God? That you don't care if He is pleased with you or not?

True. But motivation is not the issue on judgment day. Building with gold is to build with eternal materials...that's a holiness thing, not a righteousness thing.

Jesus tells the Laodiceans to "buy from Me". This is to get something that is BEYOND us that we need to get. And this requires faith that God has something we need to seek Him for and that we are willing to pay the price for.

So then having good or bad motives ( something we already have) does not fit the bill for what is burned up on Judgment Day.... at least for believers.

The world will be judged in/by maybe on THAT level, for non-believers, motivation comes into play. But we will be judged by what kind of materials (eternal materials/wisdom or what we conjure up though human reasoning) we built with. Did we (in the House of God) rely on God and GO TO HIM or did we rely on our own understanding.

Regarding the "works being burned up", you rightly made the distinction between the temporal things of this world and the unseen eternal things of God. The counsel Jesus gives to the Laodiceans, to buy gold from God, can be understood as Jesus instructing them to trust in Gods pure gold and not in the corrupt gold of our works or what human reasoning has to offer. You summed it up better than I did, in asking if we relied on God or our own understanding.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Fallen from grace means that they had repented, but fallen from the grace they once had.
I disagree in point. Everyone hs a measure of grace. The fact we are living and have the opportunity to come to God is but of Grace.

It says they had been running a good race until Judaizers cut in on them.
But we can’t earn salvation. Remember the warnings and remark. The author always said, If you have been….
Ultimately it's the flesh that wants tangible certainty, which is not of faith.
The flesh wants what it can see, hear, taste and touch and control. (Similar to why the Israelites craved a flesh and blood king like the pagans had rather than the One who is invisible.) That is the kind of idolatry that the flesh is prone to and which may tug at us since the flesh lusteth/wars against the spirit....especially if we start listening to false teachers/preachers. Faith is of the Spirit, of God, not of the flesh.

Now I think Gods children can be trapped to return to legalistic thinking, and this can stunt our growth and keep us from the power of God

But I do not believe they lost salvation.. I just think God puts doubts in our minds. I have struggled with this many times


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
We trust in the Spirit of God, because we are Born Of His Spirit, by His divine Living revelation.

Gods pure gold is being Born Of His seed....there is NOTHING on the planet that can compare to being a spirit child of God.

Short commentary.

In the Bible, gold holds significant symbolism, representing wealth, power, and the divine presence. It is often associated with royalty and used to construct holy places. The color and brilliance of gold make it a fitting representation of God's glory and majesty.
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