The social gospel?

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You are asking me a personal question/opinion and that is not my place to as a moderator. If their are violations you can feel free to report them. Other than that, taking in consideration Hebrews 13:12 and the true meanings of the words "deror and liberty", there could more here than meets the eye. This is just MYOP.
Bless you my friend.
I am speaking to you as a moderator asking if this false teaching g is blasphemy. If this is not against the rules that would scare me about this chat room

As for Heb 13

Heb 13:12 Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate.

where is the word deror and liberty? What am I missing?

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Matthew 26:28 ""This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the FREEDOM from sin.""

Jesus came to set the captives free. :) The gospel gives us power over sin...that we should be slaves of sin no longer.
You can’t set people free when the penalty of sin that made them dead to begin with is still in place.

You have people being saved who have not yet been saved.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Matthew 26:28 ""This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the FREEDOM from sin.""

The reason that version's verse does not work, is because "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness, remission".

So, sin has to be dealt with, based on FORGIVENESS of Sin, through the Sacrifice of Christ.... and then once this is completed by the "Purging of our sins" by the Blood of Jesus.. then now being "made righteous"...we are made free from sin.

This is "God hath made JESUS to BE SIN.. for us".. as once that Happens, then we are forgiven, and then freedom from the power of sin, that is the LAW, has been resolved.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Jesus came to set the captives free. :)

And yet many are the "captives" of Calvinism, Mormonism, JW, Catholic, Mary Baker Eddie.... and all claim to have been "set free".

Some even teach the "whipping boy" Cross assaulting theology that you teach, and claim they are "set free".

A.) not quite.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
You have a point there. Youtube is one of the platforms that my podcasts are on. Also I wrote a book...and I write on this forum.

But last I checked google wasn't a real person.

It should be very helpful. Most people have no understanding of spiritual things and preach vaguenesses so that they aren't caught in their ignorance.

Why do you think you need to accept Christ? That's very creepy...and weird...and unbiblical.

Exactly. Find out! Paul speaks of being seated in heavenly places...or else going to Mt Zion in the Spirit. Why are you not interested in those kind of things? Too creepy?

You are confusing growth and holiness. And you can keep your bridge. think you may have been swindled on getting it.

A fan of Behold? I should have realized that you would confirm another who has no understanding of what it means to enter INTO Christ.

Why are people so easily satisfied that they are fulfilling the requirement of God to claim justification for what they believe?

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. That's real fear and real trembling...not positional.
you had a couple people following you that were agreeing with everything you said, maybe a month or two ago. It got so bad that I thought you had made one or two different accounts so you could like your own posts. :D
I stuck up for Behold because I dont think its fair that you "nuance" your stuff and that's okay but calling you out isn't. Stinks when it's on the other foot, huh"

I have hardly been on this thread at all

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Matt 26: 28 For this is My blood of the [a]new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.


It’s not rocket science. You can not use this to denote anythign other than release, pardon, forgiveness, Redemption cancelation release of captivity..

We are dead in sin, We must be made alive.. Thats what the blood of Christ did


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
you had a couple people following you that were agreeing with everything you said, maybe a month or two ago. It got so bad that I thought you had made one or two different accounts so you could like your own posts. :D
I stuck up for Behold because I dont think its fair that you "nuance" your stuff and that's okay but calling you out isn't. Stinks when it's on the other foot, huh"

I have hardly been on this thread at all
So, you are here for political reasons...trying to balance out the voting? What about what is being said? If many people agree with a lie...does that mean it's legit? If some people agree with the that suspect?


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
You mean like this?

@Episkopos wrote... 10 mins ago..

""""A fan of Behold? I should have realized that you would confirm another who has no understanding of what it means to enter INTO Christ.""""
It is meant for both of you and you know it! You want this thread shut down and know it will happen if you keep needling. Manipulation. And, that will earn you a warning point, ANYONE a warning point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Isn't that justification? When we accept Christ, we become new creatures. And then We grow spiritually. That is sanctification. We are in different stages of spiritual growth, yet are still saved, if we continue to follow the light we are given.
Amen. "Growing up into the head which is Christ"....and "increase with the increase which is of God."

Seems to me that some are trying to re-invent the wheel......the bible already teaches that sin no longer has dominion over us because we are not under law but grace....and if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Epi may have some truth but it's exhausting trying to sort out all the chaff from the wheat. Tried to, but he insists we must accept the entire package of his doctrines and will not budge on anything. Can't do that......Christ in us is not just a sample, sorry....He is nothing less than the hope of glory. He is both the foundation/cornerstone as well as the capstone...Author and Finisher. A doctrine without the foundation as its source of life just serves to confuse those of us who read and believe the bible, and by golly we do need to stick to the bible.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It is meant for both of you and you know it! You want this thread shut down and know it will happen if you keep needling. Manipulation. And, that will earn you a warning point, ANYONE a warning point.

@Nancy, if this Thread was not shut down 2 days ago, because someone is teaching that "the Cross is not about Forgiveness".. and at least 2 other people are reporting it.... then its overdue, 2 days, already.

ok then.......i'll leave the Thread, until tomorrow, and if that one has not posted to me, again, i'll let Eternal, and Cassandra, and RitaJanice, and Marks, continue to say the same thing to him.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Amen. "Growing up into the head which is Christ"....and "increase with the increase which is of God."

Seems to me that some are trying to re-invent the wheel......the bible already teaches that sin no longer has dominion over us because we are not under law but grace
What do you do with the 90% or more of believers (pastors too) and men mainly...who struggle with sins like pornography? Do you say that they are under grace? Are people who are under sin's control under grace or the law?

A lot of ideology but no power. A lot of theory but where is the truth?

....and if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

That is right. Walking in the Spirit is the higher walk that is we partake of His holiness to be where He is. What is so difficult about that?
Epi may have some truth but it's exhausting trying to sort out all the chaff from the wheat.

I think you have to sort out what you have accepted as doctrines that muddy the pure waters of the word.
Tried to, but he insists we must accept the entire package of his doctrines

Not my doctrines. The gospel is not about what we make it out to be. You will see only two versions of the gospel here. One caters to an uncrucified flesh...and the other is liberation from sin through abiding in Christ and living by His power (grace) that overcomes all things.

Simple choice.

I think the confusion is that you want to accept two mutually exclusive gospels. VERY confusing.
and will not budge on anything.

I don't compromise the truth. I have no other agenda than the truth.
Can't do that......Christ in us is not just a sample, sorry

Never said that. Christ in us empowering us is a result of going to where Jesus is...believing INTO Christ to walk as He walked. When we experience the glory of God...our hope is that it continues into eternity.
....He is nothing less than the hope of glory.

For those who abide in Him...and live from Him in the inner man.
He is both the foundation/cornerstone as well as the capstone...Author and Finisher.

One needs to go to God to get the finishing of faith...from faith to Faith...from glory to Glory. Not being satisfied with free samples...but obeying the Lord to ask, seek and knock to enter into the kingdom realm of the Spirit which has God's righteousness for a covering.
A doctrine without the foundation as its source of life just serves to confuse those of us who read and believe the bible, and by golly we do need to stick to the bible.
The foundation of all doctrine is Christ..and building WHERE HE IS. In heavenly places where our treasure is there our heart will also be.

Seek the things that are above.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
To catch a monkey, people will put a shiny object at the bottom of a bottle. Once the monkey gets a grip on the shiny object he won't let go. It just so happens that the neck of the bottle is just big enough to allow the monkeys hand to slip in...but too small to allow a fist full of shiny object to come out. So the hunters catch their prey. .

Likewise once we have adopted a false gospel...that caters to the's very hard to let it go. It would feel like you are losing your salvation, your foundation..... your "precious".

However, that shiny object is allowed there by God to test us in our love for the truth. If we are able to believe a lie...then we will be captured. If we let go of the shiny object, then we can be free to pursue the Lord's will and His directives.

Is it not ironic that the gospel is about losing all to gain freedom...and the false gospel about trying to save something for oneself?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
What do you do with the 90% or more of believers (pastors too) and men mainly...who struggle with sins like pornography? Do you say that they are under grace? Are people who are under sin's control under grace or the law?
So we should just denounce them and attack them and not help them

What sins do you struggle with. What would you do if we just attacked you for your sin
A lot of ideology but no power. A lot of theory but where is the truth?
You tell us. I have seen little truth in all the years I have known you.
That is right. Walking in the Spirit is the higher walk that is we partake of His holiness to be where He is. What is so difficult about that?
But it will not save us or keep us saved.
I think you have to sort out what you have accepted as doctrines that muddy the pure waters of the word.
Yes you have. For all the years I have known you
Not my doctrines. The gospel is not about what we make it out to be. You will see only two versions of the gospel here. One caters to an uncrucified flesh...and the other is liberation from sin through abiding in Christ and living by His power (grace) that overcomes all things.
The gospel is easy. Why do you muddy it by thinking you can achieve it through your power
Simple choice.

I think the confusion is that you want to accept two mutually exclusive gospels. VERY confusing
I don't compromise the truth. I have no other agenda than the truth.

Never said that. Christ in us empowering us is a result of going to where Jesus is...believing INTO Christ to walk as He walked. When we experience the glory of God...our hope is that it continues into eternity.

For those who abide in Him...and live from Him in the inner man.

One needs to go to God to get the finishing of faith...from faith to Faith...from glory to Glory. Not being satisfied with free samples...but obeying the Lord to ask, seek and knock to enter into the kingdom realm of the Spirit which has God's righteousness for a covering.

The foundation of all doctrine is Christ..and building WHERE HE IS. In heavenly places where our treasure is there our heart will also be.

Seek the things that are above.
Nothing to see here.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
So we should just denounce them and attack them and not help them

What sins do you struggle with. What would you do if we just attacked you for your sin

You are missing the point. The first step in helping someone is to identify what's wrong with them...not defend their sin.
You tell us. I have seen little truth in all the years I have known you.

You don't know me at all.
But it will not save us or keep us saved.

Yes you have. For all the years I have known you

The gospel is easy. Why do you muddy it by thinking you can achieve it through your power

Nothing to see here.
It is God's power that saves us...that's what grace is....the power of God us-ward who believe. So as usual, you get things backward. In all these years that's the only thing I know about you.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
What do you do with the 90% or more of believers (pastors too) and men mainly...who struggle with sins like pornography? Do you say that they are under grace? Are people who are under sin's control under grace or the law?

A lot of ideology but no power. A lot of theory but where is the truth?
You sure that's 90% of believers or 90% of church people...? Because not all church people are believers....a lot of believers have left the churches. But it's a terrible statistic anyhow, and I blame greasy grace gospels for sin in the camp. And they are in danger of their souls if they don't get serious with God.

Not my doctrines. The gospel is not about what we make it out to be. You will see only two versions of the gospel here. One caters to an uncrucified flesh...and the other is liberation from sin through abiding in Christ and living by His power (grace) that overcomes all things.

Simple choice.

I think the confusion is that you want to accept two mutually exclusive gospels. VERY confusing.
Nope I see no confusion/contradiction at all between the foundational truths and holiness.....on the contrary the foundation is necessary for holiness/perfectness.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
You sure that's 90% of believers or 90% of church people...? Because not all church people are believers....a lot of believers have left the churches. But it's a terrible statistic anyhow, and I blame greasy grace gospels for sin in the camp. And they are in danger of their souls if they don't get serious with God.

Agree with that of course.
Nope I see no confusion/contradiction at all between the foundational truths and holiness.....on the contrary the foundation is necessary for holiness/perfectness.
The good gets in the way of the perfect. What seems like a good foundation can be such as long as unrighteousness is avoided. That's my concern...holding the truth in unrighteousness.

Calling something that isn't as if it is something that is ....gets a person cut off from God. As long as that is understood..

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You are missing the point. The first step in helping someone is to identify what's wrong with them...not defend their sin.
I am not defending anyone’s sin. I am saying we do not just judge them

I have yet to find anyone stop sin because they were judged. But I have seen much victory over sin when someone comes along side them in love
You don't know me at all.
I thin after years of listening to you I have a pretty good clue
It is God's power that saves us...that's what grace is....the power of God us-ward who believe. So as usual, you get things backward. In all these years that's the only thing I know about you.
He saved you through his blood. Because he died in our place

To reject this is to reject God