The social gospel?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Ok let’s try this. Do you share Him with the poor and hungry?

If yes. Then you rightfully divide the word of truth.

That simple. I think. Not some man or scholar or me neither trying to teach you what is “rightfully dividing the word of truth”

You’re sharing your bread, what God has given to you, you give to others. You already rightfully dividing the word of truth in dealing out what you have been given unto the hungry.

Does that help any?
Sis...I’m not understanding you..I can only understand in the spirit

I appreciate you trying to help, let’s move on please.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Our "Faith is counted by God, as Righteousness."
When we receive the gift of Faith from God in our spirit/ Born Again...we know him as we had a divine visitation...we then start to exercise our faith...

Because we were gifted faith to know God in our spirit....the measure of faith we were gifted..grows a mature as we walk not by sight , but by is a spiritual gift


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Corinthians 3:6​

6 "I planted the SEED, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow"​

See that "seed" ????????????????????????? @Ritajanice ?​

Do you know God’s Living seed God Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit.

In your spirit?

He planted his imperishable seed in our spirit?

Do you understand that?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Israel doesn't seem as though Epi believes the child of God has been given much at all.

He has a Calvinism meets Legalism, mindset., so that causes Him to adjust the NT to fit into his "works and self effort", Religion.

Most of these types, .. their issue is... they dont understand that :

= Salvation is not Discipleship.

In other words..............Salvation is Jesus, as the only "Way" John 14:6 = to the Father... and that Way is "all that believe in Jesus shall be saved".. and this is strictly related to Jesus shedding His blood and dying on The Cross.
As THAT is : Salvation. and its a "Gift" from God.
We can't earn this GIFT, and many like Epi, are trying to earn it, and that is why they obsess on "doing" and "law". and often "keeping commandments"...

Whereas... ONLY JESUS is Salvation.

So, people who are Legalists....... sound like this.. :

"yes, i know that Jesus saved me......but now i have to....>DO>> THIS< and THAT, and Make sure i dont DO THAT,".. "Its all about MY DOING DOING DOING Or not DOING."..

So, what is happening there is that their faith in Christ, is partial, or broken completely because they are connecting going to Heaven, with their discipleship.

What is perfect faith in Christ?

This... "Jesus who saved me, keeps me saved"..

And Reader//// if you want to teach this... in a Pulpit or to a SS class,) then just remember..

Our Discipleship is what we do for God,= because God has already saved us 2000 yrs ago, as Jesus on the Cross.

Disciple is the literal product of SALVATiON.....its not the Salvation itself.......its the service we commit to, its the lifestyle we choose to honor God...... because we have God's "Gift of Salvation" already.

What is a simple analogy?

Lets say you join the Army......

Do you join it by signing up, or by putting on the Uniform?

See that?
The Uniform is the SERVICE, but the Signing up is why you are IN the Service.

Salvation is to Join God's Army, as born again into it......and Discipleship is to put on the uniform, now that you are in God's Army, as born again a "new creation in Christ".. already.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
= Salvation is not Discipleship.
We are spirit Sons/ Daughters Of The most high...therefore followers/ disciples of Jesus..

Does the Spirit indwell your spirit?

“ Permanently “?

We are committed disciples because we are Gods own spirit children?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Are you involved in an Outreach Ministry putting Matthew 25 in action @VictoryinJesus? Familiar with David Wilkerson and the UnderGround Church?
No. I’m a homemaker. To me my ministry is where God has placed me. It’s enough I think to serve where he has placed me. Right now my mom is 93. And there is enough around me that if He’d bless me with Fruit where I’ve been placed, it would be significant to me. It would be more than enough to bear Christ where I am. It would be joyful to see Him flourish. It helps me relate to “it was for the joy set before Him”. When I go to visit mom there is no greater definition to me than what I witness of “I was in prison ”. Watching her beg to die but watching her do the same painful steps day after day …it reminds me of prison. i could be wrong but I’m persuaded this is my outreach ministry.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
No. I’m a homemaker. To me my ministry is where God has placed me. It’s enough I think to serve where he has placed me. Right now my mom is 93. And there is enough around me that if He’d bless me with Fruit where I’ve been placed, it would be significant to me. It would be more than enough to bear Christ where I am. It would be joyful to see Him flourish. It helps me relate to “it was for the joy set before Him”. When I go to visit mom there is no greater definition to me than what I witness of “I was in prison ”. Watching her beg to die but watching her do the same painful steps day after day …it reminds me of prison. i could be wrong but I’m persuaded this is my outreach ministry.
Sorry to hear about your mom sister.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Does the Spirit indwell your spirit?

“ Permanently “?

Point these "are you really saved".. questions to Epi.........and not to me, or to @Eternally Grateful, or to @marks., as we 3 have tried to help you, most of all.

Understand now...., im "in Christ", "seated in Heavenly Places".. = Im the "temple of the Holy Spirit".

Im BORN AGAIN, and only the HOLY SPIRIT who is "God is A Spirit" was able to Spiritually Birth me into His Spirit, long ago.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Point these "are you really saved".. questions to Epi.........and not to me, or to @Eternally Grateful, or to @marks., as we 3 have tried to help you, most of all.

You cannot help me to understand anything, in fact it is God in my spirit who have tried to help you 3.
Unfortunately you either aren’t listening or don’t understand what I’m saying in the spirit?
You do not choose to be Born Again..and we are saved once our spirit is Born Again.

Born Again and saved from eternal damnation..your friend EG preaches we are saved then Born Again....error.

Understand now...., im "in Christ", "seated in Heavenly Places".. = Im the "temple of the Holy Spirit".

Im BORN AGAIN, and only the HOLY SPIRIT who is "God is A Spirit" was able to Spiritually Birth me into His Spirit, long ago.
I noticed you didn’t say that you knew God in your spirit?
He doesn’t birth “ME” ..he does exactly as his word says...our spirit is Born Again...not me is Born Again.
We are Born Again/ Born Of The Spirit...then we are seated with the Lord in His spiritual Kingdom..and not before.

We know God in our spirit..that’s what he has been trying to get across to you?

Spirit gives birth to spirit?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Again, that is not what my church teaches. As Gentiles, the Law of Moses never applied to us.
Ahem. The law of God is not the law of Moses. You are confusing the law of God ....the 10 words (devarim) commandments with the temple laws of a temporal holiness.

Maybe you need a new church? Does it have a steeple? Real bells? Or just that recorded thing?
Why do you take Ex20:2, which applies only to those freed by God from slavery in Egypt to everyone?
All scripture is there to profit those who consider it. If you don't consider it, then you can't profit thereby. :)

We are all in slavery, in bondage, to sin. until we are liberated by the power of the cross of Christ. How? By believing in it or about it? No. By participation in it as we surrender to God with all our hearts and minds. You will find the Lord when you seek for Him with all your heart.

We give our full measure, and we receive His full measure in return.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Sorry to hear about your mom sister.
Thank you. To be honest. I have mixed feelings about it. I get ugly thoughts because I do feel this same enslaved walk along side her. So much so …I cry out too for her to pass. That is horrible, right? But see…I’m not golden. But everywhere God has placed me …I don’t want to leave any of the places he has put me. I’ve had enemies. Those enemies taught me patience. They taught me mercy and forgiveness. Those enemies put me on my knees before God. Almost like they kicked my legs out from underneath me, so I’d kneel in prayer. Some have passed. Some I wonder what it was all about. But that is what I was trying to describe to another member. All this time was different than saying a prayer. Through it all there was a relationship, a tangible relationship with God like I’ve never experienced prior. My mom and I have a love/hate relationship. I do what needs to be done for her. But I do experience thoughts I think conflict with Gods way. Like when He says to not do things begrudgingly. I get begrudgingly. But my mother has taught me patience. Forgiveness. Kindness. Forgiveness. All the relationships and places …that is why I said this is my outreach ministry. It’s where I’ve been placed. Just sharing. To get rid of the image if anyone sees me slaving away like the perfect daughter. That is not how it is. Sometimes I drag and feel just as weighted down as my mom. Sometimes bitter even.

Pavel Mosko

Dec 19, 2021
United States
How would you define the "social gospel"? @Pavel Mosko

-in your own words....

Well now I'm going to have to think back to my 1996 Church History class at Fuller Theological Seminary, covering modern American Church movements. I recall it as a kind of marriage between liberal Christian theology and Christian Charity outreach stuff we have had since at least the 1900s. From the stand point of historic Christianity, Christianity is more than just social outreach and welfare, if you look at the Social Gospel advocates actual teaching they were very liberal when it came to actual Christian doctrine.


The roots of liberal Christianity go back to the 16th century when Christians such as Erasmus and the Deists attempted to remove what they believed were the superstitious elements from Christianity and "leave only its essential teachings (rational love of God and humanity)".[21]

Reformed theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834) is often considered the father of liberal Protestantism.[9] In response to Romanticism's disillusionment with Enlightenment rationalism, Schleiermacher argued that God could only be experienced through feeling, not reason. In Schleiermacher's theology, religion is a feeling of absolute dependence on God. Humanity is conscious of its own sin and its need of redemption, which can only be accomplished by Jesus Christ. For Schleiermacher, faith is experienced within a faith community, never in isolation. This meant that theology always reflects a particular religious context, which has opened Schleirmacher to charges of relativism.[25]

Albrecht Ritschl (1822–1889) disagreed with Schleiermacher's emphasis on feeling. He thought that religious belief should be based on history, specifically the historical events of the New Testament.[26] When studied as history without regard to miraculous events, Ritschl believed the New Testament affirmed Jesus' divine mission. He rejected doctrines such as the virgin birth of Jesus and the Trinity.[27] The Christian life for Ritschl was devoted to ethical activity and development, so he understood doctrines to be value judgments rather than assertions of facts.[26] Influenced by the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Ritschl viewed "religion as the triumph of the spirit (or moral agent) over humanity's natural origins and environment."[27] Ritschl's ideas would be taken up by others, and Ritschlianism would remain an important theological school within German Protestantism until World War I. Prominent followers of Ritschl include Wilhelm Herrmann, Julius Kaftan and Adolf von Harnack.[26]

Another thing about the Social Gospel it is never enough. The Actual Social Gospel got undercut by the New Deal a few decades later. There is also the problem of equating Christianity with Social programs, when Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world". I believe Christians should exercise "their spiritual gifts" and that includes things like serving the community with its various needs. But that is much different than typical social gospel stuff.

I would also add, I have been involved in churches that have done Social Gospel type things. The best example was a Vineyard church that was active in food distribution to the poor. They gave out bags of food to "the Beach Flats" area of Santa Cruz, where most of the poorest of the county lived. It also was a kind of evangelism training exercise as well, in the Conspiracy of Kindness/ Servant Evangelism model of things. And it also dove tailed into other ministries they were involved with like doing mission work in Mexico and South America where the food outreach ministry was also very handy and that was part of the missionary work of the entire denomination.

But this kind of thing tends to come from a perceived calling both personal and at times for a larger body itself.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Point these "are you really saved".. questions to Epi...
Point we are Born Again then saved from eternal damnation = to yourself.

If one is saved then one must be Born Again....

You use saved out of context...Born Again = saved from eternal damnation = you should of had that witnessed to your spirit by Gods Living witness His Living Holy Spirit.

Once again “ Me” is Born Again is not biblical..

God saves our spirit from eternal damnation when he makes our spirit Born Again, by his mercy and Grace...hence we are then spirit children?

A Living Spirit visitation/ heart spirit revelation.....just like the word says...Born Of The Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
That’s what is happening to Epi...the usual clique on here who seem to be chasing him off the forum.
No one is chasing anyone off the forum. If anything, you are the one who has reported others.

But that's how these threads go. The misdeeds of the one party are projected onto the others. It's what epis does, and now you are doing it. Do you realize what is at the end of that road?

Epis posts provocative statements that disagree with Biblical spiritual truth. Others post their disagreement, showing from the Scriptures. Epis makes personal derogatory statements against them. And off we go again.

Facts are facts.

And yes, others do in fact have actual relationships with God. He doesn't want me to put my life on display to make some show for you so you can approve of me. That's meaningless. It's up to you how you are going to choose to think of others. And yes, you do choose.

If you want to know who continually trash talks others, it episkopos, what a name! Claims himself an overseer, and trash talks anyone who disagrees with him. I think he truly believes what he's said, that he's been sent to judge us all.

I've learned to believe what people reveal of themself. What comes out of your mouth shows what's in your heart.

You can read his threads with an open mind to see this is true, or not, again, it's your choice.

I've written to you out of concern for you. I pray you will receive true spiritual understanding.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
No one is chasing anyone off the forum. If anything, you are the one who has reported others.

As have you!
But that's how these threads go. The misdeeds of the one party are projected onto the others. It's what epis does, and now you are doing it. Do you realize what is at the end of that road?
Same as what you have projected onto others do you realise that?

Your no different to,Epi or anyone else..

Do you know what is at the end of the road?

By the way I’ve posted this scripture many times, therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in shaming, no finger pointing, and no opinions from you affects my spirit, hope you understand that.
Epis posts provocative statements that disagree with Biblical spiritual truth.
As do you.
Others post their disagreement, showing from the Scriptures. Epis makes personal derogatory statements against them. And off we go again.

You also make derogatory remarks to those who don’t agree with your theology.
Facts are facts.

And yes, others do in have have actual relationships with God. He doesn't want me to put me life on display to make some show for you so you can approve of me. That's meaningless. It's up to you how you are going to choose to think of others. And yes, you do choose.
What on earth are you talking about here?
If you want to know who continually trash talks others, it episkopos, what a name! Claims himself an overseer, and trash talks anyone who disagrees with him. I think he truly believes what he's said, that he's been sent to judge us all.
You do exactly the same..trash those like me who disagree 100% with your theology.
I've learned to believe what people reveal of themself. What comes out of your mouth shows what's in your heart.
What comes out of a persons mouth, does not define who they are in Christ...takes time for God to work in our hearts to bear fruit and to be made into Jesus image.

Our spirit is in Christ...therefore no condemnation for those who are in guilt trips, or manipulation trying to accuse the brethren,,look at your own log in your own eyes..instead of looking at the speck in a Brothers eye.

You can read his threads with an open mind to see this is true, or not, again, it's your choice.

I've written to you out of concern for you.
I really believe that...not!’re like the weather one minute hot the next are not consistent no more than I am..your behaviour is no different to the majority of members on this for ending in “ much love” is hypocritical! doesn’t help you ...passive aggressive comes to mind.
I pray you will receive true spiritual understanding.
I also pray that you receive heart revelation...
Much love!
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Yes. I can see what you are saying about when the Law comes. But to me even there where Paul speaks of when the Law came to reveal sin … the animal becomes exceedingly wicked… and put to death.

Speaking of animal skins. Why was it that all the animal skins could never make a man Holy or perfect or reconciled unto God? But the skin of the Son…by His stripes you are healed…what was (is)so different about the skin of the Son of God? Where out of all the animals skins God said “I’m sick of your animal sacrifices” … “My Son I will hear. Him I will accept.” To me it’s because His skin…His garment …is different. Peace, love, joy, the Fruit of the Spirit of God. His skin was not animal skin. (When they spit and gnashed on Him, He opened not Hie mouth. When cursed, He cursed not, when reviled, he reviled not again, when threatened, he threatened not again ) Instead He took all that to the cross and nailed it there, removing that nature which is contrary to us. Making an open show of triumphant over the beast.
I think the author of Hebrews said it best.

Heb 9: 16 For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. 18 Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood. 19 For when Moses had spoken every [g]precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, 20 saying, “This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you.” 21 Then likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry. 22 And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.

23 Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be [j]purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are [copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; 25 not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood of another— 26 He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

also in Heb 10

10 For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. 2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. 3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.

9 then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” He takes away the first that He may establish the second. 10 By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

As you can see, the sanctifiation is a once time deal. It is based onb the offering of the body of Jesus. one time. for all time

The animal sacrifices were the copy. What jesus did was the real..

does this make sense?
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