Reasons why the Jehovah’s Witness religion is false (Despite my love for them as human beings)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
No Kiew, YOUR death doesn't pay for your sins! That's not what that means.
Romans 6:7-Acquitted of all sin at death.) The judgement God gave to all men=The wages of sin = death. Once dead have paid in full the wages of sin. Gods pure justice could not rejudge one on past sins once they died and paid those wages.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Jesus is my God. Even your JW bible says so.
Jesus says--John 17:3= The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. Paul believed him-1Cor 8:5-6-names only the Father as God after warning ALL other gods are false-- So your post calls Jesus and Paul liars=darkness.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
True, it told me to seek Jesus the only Savior, God in the flesh!

Then you need to start following Jesus, God of the Bible!
Wow are you blind--Please enlighten the world with your vast knowledge and tell us all who-HIS is at Matt 6:33


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
So, the great councils who canonized the Books of the Bible were evil and corrupt? Your position is absurd and self-defeating.
God made his bible. Those in darkness take credit for it. You forgot to mention the ones who had the councils added other books that didn't belong.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The Church, my church, adheres to this part of Scripture also: Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. You or your denomination rejects traditions taught by "word". Why?
Your church, like the apostate Jews, introduced many traditions that were not “handed down” from the apostles at all, but invented by themselves….see what Jesus said to the Jewish leaders of his day.…they did the same thing…

”Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples ignore the tradition of the elders? . . . . He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? . . . . To uphold your tradition you have made God’s word null and void.
You hypocrites! How rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you when he said: ‘This people honors me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me,teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’“
(Matt 15:1-3, 7-9 NCB)

History repeats because human nature does not alter…..power corrupts… question about that.
You can find the answers to all your questions here: Catholic Faith, Beliefs, & Prayers | Catholic Answers

With that said, if The Catholic Church didn't have "liturgy, a pope, adoration of Mary, an immaculate conception, the use of images in worship, an earthly priesthood, saints dictated by church criteria, distinctive garments denoting an office of service, repetitive prayers, absolution by a priest, holy water, the use of incense, monasticism, vows of silence, and heaven or a hell of eternal damnation, as opposite destinations for all souls", would you join it?
Are you serious? Since you cannot answer these questions and neither can any of your fellow Catholics, I would not ever set foot in your chuch..…and I don’t think Jesus would either.

I have studied the Bible with many Catholic people over quite a few decades and they all presented as those indoctrinated with mandated performances, but who were never encouraged to read the Bible for themselves to see if the things they were performing were actually commanded by God. The church said “jump” and the people said “how high”.…well, how sad.

I don’t want to search the web for Catholic excuses….just give us the answers to those questions yourself…..
shouldn’t be too difficult…Scriptures.…chapter and verse. They are quoted above….

Please, I invite you to give it your best shot.

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
God made his bible.
Without people???
Those in darkness take credit for it.
No, we don't, and "darkness" is a baseless insult. You do it automatically without thinking.
You forgot to mention the ones who had the councils added other books that didn't belong.
Wrong. No books were "added". Councils affirmed what has always been there since the canon was ratified by the Catholic Church in the late 3rd century. 7 books were removed from the Bible in the 16th century by Martin Luther because they didn't fit his opinions.

Made-in-America Bible cults are compelled to make up false histories that can't be verified by any encyclopedia on the planet. They do that to justify their late arrival. Kiew is so neck deep in anti-Catholic lies he can't think straight.
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Most organized churches pay no taxes, the Catholic church probably has the most. Are non-profits supposed to provide details on how they spend their donations?
if they want to be trusted yes.
google charity checker

Generally, tax-exempt organizations must file an annual information return (Form 990PDF or Form 990-EZPDF). Most small tax-exempt organizations whose annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less can satisfy their annual reporting requirement by electronically submitting Form 990-N if they choose not to file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Churches, some church-affiliated organizations and certain other types of organizations are excepted from filing.

google are churches required to file form 990

google how much do jehovah witnesses donate

The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
The following list of 141 rules was written for people who want to quickly know what JW's can't to. The rules were compiled by former members who lived by these rules at one time. The religion has many rules but these are learnt by Jehovah's Witnesses over a long period of time instead of all at once. Even though the rules can seem overly restrictive, Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) don't see it that way. 1. Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. See Religion First 2. Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. See Friendship with Nonbelievers 3. Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. See Friendship With A Jehovah's Witness 4. Attend social functions sponsored by their employer unless attendance is required 5. Associate with coworkers after business hours in a social settings 6. Disagree with their organization's rules and code of conduct. See Can Jehovah's Witnesses Disagree? 7. Disagree with their organization's doctrines. See Can Jehovah's Witnesses Disagree? 8. Contribute to the Presidential Campaign Fund on their tax return 9. Join the armed forces and defend their country 10. Say the Pledge of Allegiance 11. Salute the flag 12. Vote 13. Run for leadership in their organization. (JW's are 'appointed' and invited to be leaders.) 14. Run for leadership in any organization 15. Take a stand for any political issue inside their organization 16. Take a stand on any political or 'worldly' issue outside of their organization 17. Campaign for a political candidate 18. Hold political office 19. Discuss politics 20. Be a union steward or shop steward 21. Actively be involved in a union strike 22. Use a gun for protection against humans 23. Become a police officer if a gun is required 24. Wear military uniforms or clothing associated with war 25. Take yoga classes and practice the discipline of yoga. See Is Yoga For Christians? 26. Smoke tobacco and cigars 27. Work full time selling tobacco and cigars 28. Attend Alcoholics Anonymous 29. Donate blood 30. Have blood transfusions 31. Read books, magazines, publications, and literature from other religions. 32. Buy anything from a church store 33. Buy something at a church garage sale 34. Donate items to a church run store 35. Shop at the Salvation Army 36. Work for the Salvation Army 37. Work for another church 38. Play competitive sports on a school team 39. Play competitive sports professionally 40. Run for class president 41. Become a cheerleader 42. Go to the school prom or school dance. 43. Attend class reunions 44. Be hypnotized 45. Accept Jesus as their mediator, 1 Timothy 2:5. See Mediator 46. Join the Boy Scouts 47. Join the Girl Guides 48. Join the YMCA 49. Serve on jury duty 50. Study psychology, philosophy, sociology, and viewpoints that might shake their faith 51. Attend other Christian churches 52. Attend nondenominational churches 53. Attend non Christian churches 54. Get married in another church 55. Dating non believers is discouraged 56. Casual dating is discouraged 57. Dating someone without the intent of getting married 58. Having sex before marriage 59. Breaking an engagement, separation, and 'unscriptural' divorce may result in disciplinary action 60. Marriage to non believers is not recommended 61. Be gay or lesbian. Homosexuality is not acceptable. 62. Throw rice at a wedding 63. Get divorced unless the reason is adultery 64. Can't remarry unless their ex commits fornication first 65. Toast drinks 66. Buy a raffle ticket 67. Play bingo 68. Gamble 69. Sing any holiday songs 70. Sing the National Anthem. 71. Celebrate Christmas - Why? 72. Celebrate New Years Eve - Why? 73. Celebrate Easter - Why? 74. Celebrate Mother's Day - Why? 75. Celebrate Father's Day 76. Celebrate birthdays - Why? 77. Celebrate Thanksgiving 78. Celebrate Flag Day 79. Celebrate Veteran's Day 80. Celebrate Independence Day. Why? 81. Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 82. Celebrate Valentine's Day 83. Celebrate Halloween - Why? 84. Celebrate Hanukkah 85. Accept holiday gifts - Why? 86. Celebrate any holiday except the death of Jesus - Why? 87. Partake in the bread and wine that represents Christ unless they are part of the 144,000 88. Make holiday artwork for school 89. Engage in holiday parties at school 90. Take on a leadership role in school 91. Porneia 92. Do suggestive and immodest dancing in a public place 93. Attend a class, workshop, or seminar, sponsored by another church 94. Attend social events or fund raisers sponsored by another church 95. Use of bad language (curse words) is discouraged 96. Wear blue jeans, shorts, and overly casual clothing at the Kingdom Hall. See Dress Code 97. Wear pants at a Kingdom Hall if you're a woman 98. Wear revealing clothes or skirts that are too short (looked down upon) 99. Wear long hair or facial hair if you're a man (depends on the local customs of the country you live in) 100. Body piercings are discouraged 101. Tattoos are discouraged 102. State or imply that the Watchtower is not run by Jehovah God. 103. Have discussions and express Bible based viewpoints that contradict the organization's beliefs 104. Say anything negative about their organization. JW's must 'speak in agreement' and be 'like-minded'. 105. Consider other religious beliefs as valid and truthful. 106. Acknowledge any prayer spoken by a non believer as valid 107. Take another Jehovah's Witness to court (with exceptions) 108. Wear or own a cross 109. Own any religious picture 110. Own any religious statue 111. Engage in idolatry 112. Believe in miracles (except those found in the Bible) See Miracles 113. Believe in ghosts 114. Witchcraft 115. Black magic 116. White magic 117. Consult with a psychic or become one 118. Study tarot cards, get a reading or give a reading 119. Study numerology or get a reading 120. Dabble in ESP (extrasensory perception), dowsing, or divination 121. Use a tool such as a pendulum to access information from the spiritual realm 122. Attempt to communicate with departed spirits. See What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe About Death? 123. Attend a seance 124. Believe in good luck or say things such as 'Good luck to you'. Why? 125. Believe or say anything superstitious 126. Prophesy 127. Speaking in tongues 128. Laying on of hands 129. Energy healing such as Reiki 130. Read their horoscope 131. Study astrology or zodiac signs 132. Combat training, boxing, or martial arts 133. Go to heaven unless they are part of the 144,000 ( 144000 ) 134. Worship Jesus as God 135. Idolize any celebrity or love and admire them to excess 136. Women can't be elders 137. Women can't be ministerial servants (assistants to the elders) 138. Divulge secret information to enemies and those not entitled to know. See Theocratic Warfare 139. Greet or talk with disfellowshipped persons (with some exceptions) 140. Associate with disfellowshipped persons except for immediate family living in the same house 141. Keep secrets from the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses report friends and family members who are breaking the rules Three More Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. 1. Women cannot assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. See Women Keep Silent 2. A woman should not pray in the presence of a baptized male JW. WT July 15, 2002, Questions from Readers 3. Jehovah's Witnesses can't be part of this world. They must be separate from the world 4. They can't believe anything former Jehovah's Witnesses say, - even if it's factual. See Apostate Lies 5. Unless they're an Elder, Jehovah's Witnesses can't read this book, - 'Shepherd the Flock of God' - 1 Peter 5:2 Criticism Of The 141 Rules. Jehovah's Witnesses may object and say they have gott
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
The following list of 141 rules was written for people who want to quickly know what JW's can't to. The rules were compiled by former members who lived by these rules at one time. The religion has many rules but these are learnt by Jehovah's Witnesses over a long period of time instead of all at once. Even though the rules can seem overly restrictive, Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) don't see it that way. 1. Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. See Religion First 2. Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. See Friendship with Nonbelievers 3. Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. See Friendship With A Jehovah's Witness 4. Attend social functions sponsored by their employer unless attendance is required 5. Associate with coworkers after business hours in a social settings 6. Disagree with their organization's rules and code of conduct. See Can Jehovah's Witnesses Disagree? 7. Disagree with their organization's doctrines. See Can Jehovah's Witnesses Disagree? 8. Contribute to the Presidential Campaign Fund on their tax return 9. Join the armed forces and defend their country 10. Say the Pledge of Allegiance 11. Salute the flag 12. Vote 13. Run for leadership in their organization. (JW's are 'appointed' and invited to be leaders.) 14. Run for leadership in any organization 15. Take a stand for any political issue inside their organization 16. Take a stand on any political or 'worldly' issue outside of their organization 17. Campaign for a political candidate 18. Hold political office 19. Discuss politics 20. Be a union steward or shop steward 21. Actively be involved in a union strike 22. Use a gun for protection against humans 23. Become a police officer if a gun is required 24. Wear military uniforms or clothing associated with war 25. Take yoga classes and practice the discipline of yoga. See Is Yoga For Christians? 26. Smoke tobacco and cigars 27. Work full time selling tobacco and cigars 28. Attend Alcoholics Anonymous 29. Donate blood 30. Have blood transfusions 31. Read books, magazines, publications, and literature from other religions. 32. Buy anything from a church store 33. Buy something at a church garage sale 34. Donate items to a church run store 35. Shop at the Salvation Army 36. Work for the Salvation Army 37. Work for another church 38. Play competitive sports on a school team 39. Play competitive sports professionally 40. Run for class president 41. Become a cheerleader 42. Go to the school prom or school dance. 43. Attend class reunions 44. Be hypnotized 45. Accept Jesus as their mediator, 1 Timothy 2:5. See Mediator 46. Join the Boy Scouts 47. Join the Girl Guides 48. Join the YMCA 49. Serve on jury duty 50. Study psychology, philosophy, sociology, and viewpoints that might shake their faith 51. Attend other Christian churches 52. Attend nondenominational churches 53. Attend non Christian churches 54. Get married in another church 55. Dating non believers is discouraged 56. Casual dating is discouraged 57. Dating someone without the intent of getting married 58. Having sex before marriage 59. Breaking an engagement, separation, and 'unscriptural' divorce may result in disciplinary action 60. Marriage to non believers is not recommended 61. Be gay or lesbian. Homosexuality is not acceptable. 62. Throw rice at a wedding 63. Get divorced unless the reason is adultery 64. Can't remarry unless their ex commits fornication first 65. Toast drinks 66. Buy a raffle ticket 67. Play bingo 68. Gamble 69. Sing any holiday songs 70. Sing the National Anthem. 71. Celebrate Christmas - Why? 72. Celebrate New Years Eve - Why? 73. Celebrate Easter - Why? 74. Celebrate Mother's Day - Why? 75. Celebrate Father's Day 76. Celebrate birthdays - Why? 77. Celebrate Thanksgiving 78. Celebrate Flag Day 79. Celebrate Veteran's Day 80. Celebrate Independence Day. Why? 81. Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day 82. Celebrate Valentine's Day 83. Celebrate Halloween - Why? 84. Celebrate Hanukkah 85. Accept holiday gifts - Why? 86. Celebrate any holiday except the death of Jesus - Why? 87. Partake in the bread and wine that represents Christ unless they are part of the 144,000 88. Make holiday artwork for school 89. Engage in holiday parties at school 90. Take on a leadership role in school 91. Porneia 92. Do suggestive and immodest dancing in a public place 93. Attend a class, workshop, or seminar, sponsored by another church 94. Attend social events or fund raisers sponsored by another church 95. Use of bad language (curse words) is discouraged 96. Wear blue jeans, shorts, and overly casual clothing at the Kingdom Hall. See Dress Code 97. Wear pants at a Kingdom Hall if you're a woman 98. Wear revealing clothes or skirts that are too short (looked down upon) 99. Wear long hair or facial hair if you're a man (depends on the local customs of the country you live in) 100. Body piercings are discouraged 101. Tattoos are discouraged 102. State or imply that the Watchtower is not run by Jehovah God. 103. Have discussions and express Bible based viewpoints that contradict the organization's beliefs 104. Say anything negative about their organization. JW's must 'speak in agreement' and be 'like-minded'. 105. Consider other religious beliefs as valid and truthful. 106. Acknowledge any prayer spoken by a non believer as valid 107. Take another Jehovah's Witness to court (with exceptions) 108. Wear or own a cross 109. Own any religious picture 110. Own any religious statue 111. Engage in idolatry 112. Believe in miracles (except those found in the Bible) See Miracles 113. Believe in ghosts 114. Witchcraft 115. Black magic 116. White magic 117. Consult with a psychic or become one 118. Study tarot cards, get a reading or give a reading 119. Study numerology or get a reading 120. Dabble in ESP (extrasensory perception), dowsing, or divination 121. Use a tool such as a pendulum to access information from the spiritual realm 122. Attempt to communicate with departed spirits. See What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe About Death? 123. Attend a seance 124. Believe in good luck or say things such as 'Good luck to you'. Why? 125. Believe or say anything superstitious 126. Prophesy 127. Speaking in tongues 128. Laying on of hands 129. Energy healing such as Reiki 130. Read their horoscope 131. Study astrology or zodiac signs 132. Combat training, boxing, or martial arts 133. Go to heaven unless they are part of the 144,000 ( 144000 ) 134. Worship Jesus as God 135. Idolize any celebrity or love and admire them to excess 136. Women can't be elders 137. Women can't be ministerial servants (assistants to the elders) 138. Divulge secret information to enemies and those not entitled to know. See Theocratic Warfare 139. Greet or talk with disfellowshipped persons (with some exceptions) 140. Associate with disfellowshipped persons except for immediate family living in the same house 141. Keep secrets from the organization. Jehovah's Witnesses report friends and family members who are breaking the rules Three More Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. 1. Women cannot assume the role of a male and instruct the congregation. See Women Keep Silent 2. A woman should not pray in the presence of a baptized male JW. WT July 15, 2002, Questions from Readers 3. Jehovah's Witnesses can't be part of this world. They must be separate from the world 4. They can't believe anything former Jehovah's Witnesses say, - even if it's factual. See Apostate Lies 5. Unless they're an Elder, Jehovah's Witnesses can't read this book, - 'Shepherd the Flock of God' - 1 Peter 5:2 Criticism Of The 141 Rules. Jehovah's Witnesses may object and say they have gott


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
I think that was just jealously and hate
Yes jealousy and hate= not Jesus but the opposite=ruled by satan. Jesus told them off at Matt 23. He said they were closing the door to Gods kingdom to all who listened to them and stayed in that religion. Then assured them they were no longer Gods chosen( Matt 23:38) but being his Fathers image( love) actually left the door open to them( 23:39) to this day the Israel religion outright refuses.


Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
United States
if they want to be trusted yes.
Generally, tax-exempt organizations must file an annual information return (Form 990PDF or Form 990-EZPDF). Most small tax-exempt organizations whose annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less can satisfy their annual reporting requirement by electronically submitting Form 990-N if they choose not to file Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Churches, some church-affiliated organizations and certain other types of organizations are excepted from filing.
google are churches required to file form 990
google how much do jehovah witnesses donate
So do you have proof that the Watchtower Society doesn't fill out the 990 forms?

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
Yes jealousy and hate= not Jesus but the opposite=ruled by satan. Jesus told them off at Matt 23. He said they were closing the door to Gods kingdom to all who listened to them and stayed in that religion. Then assured them they were no longer Gods chosen( Matt 23:38) but being his Fathers image( love) actually left the door open to them( 23:39) to this day the Israel religion outright refuses.
Lumping Pharisees with Herodian Jews is a serious misunderstanding. The lines between these types of Jews is blurred. Herod was an apostate Jew, in bed with the pagan Romans, using his power to seduce other apostate Jews. Paul was a Pharisee. Herodian Jews could easily infiltrate the Sanhedrin, with only a few of them creating intense debate. I'll bet my pension cheque Ciaphas was Herodian. There were plenty of Pharisees who believed Jesus. All the Apostles were Jews. Remember, there were 120 at Pentecost, they were all Jews. I'm politely saying watch your mouth.

Philippians 3:4-6

4 even though I, too, have reason for confidence in the flesh. If anyone else has reason to be confident in the flesh, I have more:​
5 circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;​
6 as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless.​
one of a party of influential Jewish supporters of the Herodian dynasty (c. 55 BC–c. AD 93), which ruled in all or parts of Palestine and neighbouring areas. Noted in the New Testament as opponents of Jesus, they probably were not a political party or a religious sect. They probably favoured the policies of Herod Antipas, who was tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea (4 BC–AD 39) and a strong promoter of Hellenistic (Greco-Roman) culture in Palestine. It seems likely that they rejected the messianic hopes of the people and thus united with the Pharisees in attempts to entrap Jesus into making anti-Roman statements.​


Active Member
Apr 18, 2024
United States
Lumping Pharisees with Herodian Jews is a serious misunderstanding. The lines between these types of Jews is blurred. Herod was an apostate Jew, in bed with the pagan Romans, using his power to seduce other apostate Jews. Paul was a Pharisee. Herodian Jews could easily infiltrate the Sanhedrin, with only a few of them creating intense debate. I'll bet my pension cheque Ciaphas was Herodian. There were plenty of Pharisees who believed Jesus. All the Apostles were Jews. Remember, there were 120 at Pentecost, they were all Jews. I'm politely saying watch your mouth.

Philippians 3:4-6

4 even though I, too, have reason for confidence in the flesh. If anyone else has reason to be confident in the flesh, I have more:​
5 circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;​
6 as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless.​
one of a party of influential Jewish supporters of the Herodian dynasty (c. 55 BC–c. AD 93), which ruled in all or parts of Palestine and neighbouring areas. Noted in the New Testament as opponents of Jesus, they probably were not a political party or a religious sect. They probably favoured the policies of Herod Antipas, who was tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea (4 BC–AD 39) and a strong promoter of Hellenistic (Greco-Roman) culture in Palestine. It seems likely that they rejected the messianic hopes of the people and thus united with the Pharisees in attempts to entrap Jesus into making anti-Roman statements.​
I believe Josephus lied. Herod kingship was a bunch of Judahim called Pharisees. The Sad-u-cees were obviously Levites, and they doubted the afterlife while practicing Hebrew medicine.