A small rapture?

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
This is serious error.
I Corinthians 15:50-56, is a Prophecy about what will happen at the Great White Throne Judgment, to those whose names are found in the Book of Life.
Proved by how it is then that Death will be no more. Revelation 21:4

There will be no people who have received Eternal life in the Millennium. There will still be births and death, Isaiah 65:20
ONLY after the thousand years have passed, will anyone receive immortality and be with God on earth for Eternity. Revelation 21-22
Wrong again. There are two resurrections for believers, one before the MK and the second resurrection after. ( Rev.20:4-5)
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Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Wrong again. There are two resurrection for believers, one before the MK and the second resurrection after. ( Rev.20:4-5)
You play fast and loose with scripture, making it fit your false beliefs.
Rev 20:4-5 is very specific: ONLY the martyrs killed during the 42 month period of world control by the 'beast', will be brought back to life.

Do not make statements that are easily shown to be wrong, it destroys any credibility you may have had.


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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
So if He is far above the heavens (that we physically see), then He logically traveled beyond His physical creation. Where? Where the Father and angels are.
Well...He is outside of creation where He was in "the glory which He had with You before the world was" speaking to His Father...the angels are created...they likely came along when the "heavens and earth" were created.

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
You play fast and loose with scripture, making it fit your false beliefs.
Rev 20:4-5 is very specific: ONLY the martyrs killed during the 42 month period of world control by the 'beast', will be brought back to life.

Do not make statements that are easily shown to be wrong, it destroys any credibility you may have had.
Understanding of the truth about any of end time events will eventually filter through when they soon unfold before your eyes - if you are still around. Either way, I am confident you will see things more clearly.
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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Well, the Bible only reveals so much. There are mysteries. We know in part.
True Ronald...true...then there is the Holy Spirit who brings us what we need which comes from the Lord Himself...it's called revelation. This is both a deeper revealing of the scriptures...as well as a continual personal revealing of the person of the Holy Spirit to our spirits...He's Father remember...and He loves His sons!
Well, the way you express yourself sometimes, may seem clear to you, but is conflicting:
Case in point - your words:
"The predestined “spiritual sons of God” under the Headship of the Lord Yahshua Christ both on the earth and in the heavens constitutes the “spiritual man” known as “Christ” the son of God."
Excellent observation Ronald...it is conflicting for you and most others I realize that...while the religious mouth the words that "believers" are the "Body of Christ"...the scriptures define it very precisely. Few have sought the Lord for this understanding...fewer still have received the actual connection between the "Head" of the "Body" and the "Body."

The scripture proclaims "SACRIFICE AND OFFERING YOU HAVE NOT DESIRED, BUT A BODY YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR ME" this has multiple iterations...most basic is that Israel was a type of this "Body"...the Spirit of God dwelt amongst them...they were to represent His presence on the earth. Then the Lord Himself had a physical "Body"...again the Spirit of God was experienced in Him on the earth...now we should see that the spiritual son of God known as "Christ - Head and Body" as one...is how the Spirit of God is experienced spiritually and physically on the earth today.

Many as I said "think or believe" they know what the connection between "the Lord...who is the Son of God...who is successfully bringing many more sons to God"...and the sons He brings. If we see the Lord Yahshua Christ as the "only begotten of the Father" in whom the "Father is well pleased" then we should see that and sons he will bring to the Father will exactly like Him! In deed this is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven...it has always been about a Father and His son(s)...always was...and until the Lord reveals "Christ" from behind the veil...it will always be that way.

There are none with His calling Ronald...He is the one and only "messiah, savior, Lamb of God" there can ever be...which is what makes Him the Head. However those He brings to the Father as "sons" are all peculiar and unique in their calling and they are seen as His inheritance...did you catch that...the Father sees His sons as His inheritance.

Which is likely why Paul wrote this...“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,[Presence tense] just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. [Presence tense] In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
Is the Body of Christ part of (what constitutes) the spiritual man, Jesus?
Yes...however more appropriately...the "Body of Christ"...is the "Body" of the "spiritual man...the son of God" called "Christ" of which Jesus (Yahshua) is the "Head."
He existed before us, He is God.
Being "in Christ" is a spiritual term referring to a close relationship along with billions of other souls - not the substance that constitutes Christ.
I agree largely with your first statement Ronald...the last part however I do not think I agree. Being in "Christ" is the most intimate connection to the Godhead there is for humanity...those who are in "Christ" are that because they have been called to that by the Father "prior" the foundation of the world...and filled with His presence...so yes it is humans in the image and likeness of God being in "Christ" that constitutes the "one new man" that is the spiritual reality known as "Christ...the Son of God."
This is another term that volumes can be written about. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in our spiritual compartment (if you will) aĺs He dwelled in the Most Holy Place in the Old Temples. The marriage between Jesus and His Bride is likened to the love we have for our spouses. We feel unitws, as one, yet we remain individuals.
Agreed Ronald.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
more sons to God"...and the sons He brings. If we see the Lord Yahshua Christ as the "only begotten of the Father" in whom the "Father is well pleased" then we should see that and sons he will bring to the Father will exactly like Him!
I agreed with much of your post ... but there always seems to be something a little off.
Jesus is the Head of the Body as in Our Authority, the person in charge. It's just a phrase we apply often similar to head of a company, head of the houshold, etc.
Jesus is Superior over the angels.
He is the Creator and Author of our faith.
We will be like Jesus.
We will have eternal resurrected bodies like His.
Jesus will present us to the Father without blemish, white as snow.
But we will never be exactly like Him, in that HE IS GOD AND WE ARE NOT.
SO, one final question: Are you a Trinitarian? Maybe the answer to that will clear this suspicious sense I have about your implications about Christ.


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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
We are "no different" in the act of sin. If we do the same as a non- believer who lies, steals, covets or chooses not to love someone in need, isn't it still a sin for us? We are sinners - who have been forgiven because we believe in Christ. John MacArthur quote above is applicable to this. We are a work in progress with flaws - saved though.
So much confusion and obfuscation come with this false doctrine of "we are sinners saved by grace" no...no...no that could never be true Ronald. Better stated..."we were sinners now saved by grace"...I am here to deliver you and anyone else who is a Spirit born son of God...filled with His Holy Spirit whose "living sacrifice" is being accepted...from this hellacious lie.

Sinners are "sinners" because they "sin"...and sin is appended to them by God...and as such they are under the condemnation of the devil...of which...will exact the "wages of that sin" which is "death." The definition of the "death" one "dies" as a "sinner"...is that their "sin separates" them from the Lord God Almighty...this is a "spiritual death." From which one must repent...obey the Lord Yahshua before they die or they will be separated from the presence of God eternally.

I "was" a sinner...who "was saved" by grace...the key word there..."saved"...it comes from the concept of "salvation"...this is something which the multitudes of professing believers simply have not been taught. "Sinners" are the "sons of Satan"...anyone saved from that...is a "son of God." Big difference...however believe as you will...once in the house of Father God...your spiritual existence will change greatly...namely from living your will and calling it God's will...to actually being taught God's will for your life...to be lived out by you...…on this earth…until you are done.

The basic definition of "salvation" is this...one being removed from the house of darkness who's father is Satan...into the House of Light who's Father is the eternal God. It's a change of houses and fathers...its that simple...from a child of the devil to a child of God.

How is it that a "child of God" can be a "child of God"...and be...separated from God as a "child of Satan" at the same time? Can't happen...you are either one or the other...that's why that doctrine is so confusing, misleading and ultimately destructive.

It is the "grace of God" that empowers this transition of "sonship" from the devil to God. The transaction itself...via the power of grace from our Father is what removes us from the state of "sinner" which is the condition of "separation from God"...via the process of redemption which is how we are reconciled to our God and Father and His purpose for our lives. When we become a child of God...we are nurtured, cared for and raised in His love and admonition causing us to grow up into a "mature son of God"...in His house under His loving care.

I am not suggesting that the "children or sons of God" are perfect...no...but they are being perfected in the image and likeness of God under the loving and careful hand of the Lord Himself. He is the beloved Son...who is producing more sons like Himself...to present to His Father at the appointed time. For anyone in this household of God...who fails...in any way...they are chastised by the Fathers love with the intent of being corrected by the Father...this is not the separation and condemnation that the "sinner" experiences...when they sin...no way...come on you should have been taught that already.

Now if a "child or son of God" chooses disobedience, rebellion, and/or unbelief as a lifestyle...the Father will allow it...but He will be there all the way through working to bring the "wayward son" back into faith and obedience...if that does not work...this glorious and loving God and Father will allow the separation to occur...in hopes they will one day repent and turn once again to their Father.

"I am a sinner saved by grace" then either you are a sinner...OR...you are saved by grace...that's how God sees it. It is a ridiculous and false theology inspired by the dragon which openly teaches the multitude...that they can be saved and condemned at the same time...this is a lie...and worse yet it is an identity crises...the sinner identifies as an orphan and slave due to condemnation.

Those actually saved by grace...now identify as "child/son of God" and heirs to the throne of God eternally...how could we ever lose sight of this eternal truth? I know how it happened(s)...it is through the lie of the false messiah and his accomplice the harlot from Babylon...masquerading as the "Son of God and His Bride."

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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
I agreed with much of your post ... but there always seems to be something a little off.
Yes I see that...do you believe the Lord is still revealing mysteries which were hidden in God for long ages past? From before he put creation in place...revelations about who He is?
But we will never be exactly like Him, in that HE IS GOD AND WE ARE NOT.
Of course and I pointed that out...our Lord Yahshua Christ is the one and only Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world...He is the head of His body...He is uniquely called as messiah and savior...there can be none else called to that by the Father...though Satan is pretending to be just that and deceiving the world Ronald.

Remember He is the "Royal Priest" in the "Temple of God" in other words He is sitting on the throne of God as "King of kings" who happens to be the "High Priest" also...making Him the "Royal Priest"...we are not simply little kings and priests Ronald...we are the Body of the "Royal Priest" Himself...I have much more to say about that.
SO, one final question: Are you a Trinitarian? Maybe the answer to that will clear this suspicious sense I have about your implications about Christ.
You tell me Ronald...

Yahshua was the fullness of the Godhead bodily while on earth...God manifest in the flesh...Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; (Col 1:15-19 KJV)

The Lord Yahshua Christ was...is...and will always be very God. He is the Father in creation...He is the Son in redemption...He is the Holy Spirit in regeneration...that's what I am Ronald...call me what you will.

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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Yes I see that...do you believe the Lord is still revealing mysteries which were hidden in God for long ages past? From before he put creation in place...revelations about who He is?

Of course and I pointed that out...our Lord Yahshua Christ is the one and only Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world...He is the head of His body...He is uniquely called as messiah and savior...there can be none else called to that by the Father...though Satan is pretending to be just that and deceiving the world Ronald.

Remember He is the "Royal Priest" in the "Temple of God" in other words He is sitting on the throne of God as "King of kings" who happens to be the "High Priest" also...making Him the "Royal Priest"...we are not simply little kings and priests Ronald...we are the Body of the "Royal Priest" Himself...I have much more to say about that.

You tell me Ronald...

Yahshua was the fullness of the Godhead bodily while on earth...God manifest in the flesh...Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; (Col 1:15-19 KJV)

The Lord Yahshua Christ was...is...and will always be very God. He is the Father in creation...He is the Son in redemption...He is the Holy Spirit in regeneration...that's what I am Ronald...call me what you will.

Jesus is not "the Father In creation."
Nor is He " the Holy Spirit in regeneration."
Stop placing yourself in a spiritual pedestal claiming you have superior insight.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
You play fast and loose with scripture, making it fit your false beliefs.
Rev 20:4-5 is very specific: ONLY the martyrs killed during the 42 month period of world control by the 'beast', will be brought back to life.

Do not make statements that are easily shown to be wrong, it destroys any credibility you may have had.
How in the world do you come to such false conclusions???????
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
The parable, the homily that Jesus gave in Luke 16:19-31, is just that. It teaches us that this life is the only chance we have to get right with God.
Thinking it is a real situation, is wrong and is only considered to be real by those with a false agenda.
The Bible does not say that Abraham went to heaven when he died.
Abraham went to paradise when He died.
Lets pretend it is a parable.
In the " parable" Abraham is in the heart of the earth, adjacent to hell.
Either way you got a problem.
Paradise, once was adjacent to hell.
Now it or it's inhabitants are in heaven.
A good hint is David saying ," don't leave my soul in sheol"
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
So much confusion and obfuscation come with this false doctrine of "we are sinners saved by grace" no...no...no that could never be true Ronald. Better stated..."we were sinners now saved by grace
So you are one who believes as a true born again Christian, you can't sin. You went to the wrong church.

Well, technically where there is no LAW, there is no sin. But Christ didn't abolish the LAW as in the Ten Commandments. The Law was a Pedagogue. We don't one, for now the Law is written in our hearts and minds. He removed the penalty of sin. It doesn't mean we don't sin. We are under Grace but Christ said everything about the LAW fell under His Two Love Commandments which we must obey and still fail.
Claiming the you all of sudden began to love God and everyone perfecrly is delusional and you are deceived. Remember, we are a work in progress, slipping, falling down but getting up and moving forward. We are continually confessing are wrongs, asking for forgiveness with others, aren't we? Or you are a Saint, a missionary who has sacrificed his entire Christian life unselfishly to feed the hungry and starving children in orphanages of India, like Mother Teresa did? Not likely.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-10

This message is not just to unbelievers, It is speaking to us as well. Turn that first verse around to mean the same: If we say we have sin, we don't deceive ourselves and the truth is in us.
So there it is.
Why does the Bible say confess your sins to one another.
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 2:1
"My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”

Is this verse not written to Christians?
The basic definition of "salvation" is this...one being removed from the house of darkness who's father is Satan...into the House of Light who's Father is the eternal God. It's a change of houses and fathers...its that simple...from a child of the devil to a child of God.
Saved from the penalty of sin, which is both physical and spiritual death. Satan can't snatch us away, but he still messes with us, tries to throw us off track and tempts us.
So, let me know how you are doing with all those orphan children?
It reminds me of a reporter who interviewed Mother Teresa before she died. She asked her, "Mother Teresa, who will take your place when you cannot do this anymore?" She looked at her and said, "You can!" WOW, the reporter instantly rejected the idea, shamefully no doubt. Her thoughts or words I can imagine went something like this: "What, what ... you mean me ... ah ... no I couldn 't ... I have a very good job already, purposeful you know ... demanding ... I don't feel that calling ... I'm sorry ... maybe one of the other sisters you know who is much more equipped?"
How about you Reddsta, you are the perfect sinless and full of love for everyone candidate?
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
So you are one who believes as a true born again Christian, you can't sin. You went to the wrong church.

Well, technically where there is no LAW, there is no sin. But Christ didn't abolish the LAW as in the Ten Commandments. The Law was a Pedagogue. We don't one, for now the Law is written in our hearts and minds. He removed the penalty of sin. It doesn't mean we don't sin. We are under Grace but Christ said everything about the LAW fell under His Two Love Commandments which we must obey and still fail.
Claiming the you all of sudden began to love God and everyone perfecrly is delusional and you are deceived. Remember, we are a work in progress, slipping, falling down but getting up and moving forward. We are continually confessing are wrongs, asking for forgiveness with others, aren't we? Or you are a Saint, a missionary who has sacrificed his entire Christian life unselfishly to feed the hungry and starving children in orphanages of India, like Mother Teresa did? Not likely.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-10

This message is not just to unbelievers, It is speaking to us as well. Turn that first verse around to mean the same: If we say we have sin, we don't deceive ourselves and the truth is in us.
So there it is.
Why does the Bible say confess your sins to one another.
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 2:1
"My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”

Is this verse not written to Christians?

Saved from the penalty of sin, which is both physical and spiritual death. Satan can't snatch us away, but je still messes with us, tries to throw us off track and tempts us.
So, let me know how you are doing with all those orphan children?
It reminds me of a reporter who interviewed Mother Teresa before she died. She asked her, "Mother Teresa, who will take your place when you cannot do this anymore?" She looked at her and said, "You can!" WOW, the reporter instantly rejected the idea, shamefully no doubt ... "What, what ... you mean me ... ah ... no I could 't ... I have a very good job already, purposeful you know ... demanding ... I don't feel that calling ... I'm sorry ... maybe one of the other sisters you know who are much more equipped?"
How about you Reddsta, you are the perfect sinless and full of love for everyone candidate?
I think he actually did address the sin dynamic.
I have a similar view of our Christian walk, in that at one time I was a sinner (meaning that sin was in my core... it was the center of my life. )
Rebellion ,confusion and Evil were my banner. And so to say I'm a sinner saved by grace ,to me, is like saying I'm a confused individual but God gives me a little bit of normalcy in my brain.
Or I could say "I am as evil as the worst criminal, but I'm saved by grace."
or I could say I'm in Rebellion but I'm saved by grace"
. And I think that's what he is getting at, is that once I'm born again my Center is not only on Jesus but the Holiness that he demands. And so if that is my daily walk and my target is perfection and holiness ,I'm not going to say "I can't shoot worth a hoot and so what's the point of trying to hit the target I'm not a marksman I'm just a regular old guy like I just picked up the rifle 10 seconds ago and of course I'm going to miss the target."

That's what I hear when I hear a preacher say "we're all just Sinners saved by grace". I think what it does, it lowers the bar very very low to where sin doesn't bother me anymore.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
I think he actually did address the sin dynamic.
I have a similar view of our Christian walk, in that at one time I was a sinner (meaning that sin was in my core... it was the center of my life. )
Rebellion ,confusion and Evil were my banner. And so to say I'm a sinner saved by grace ,to me, is like saying I'm a confused individual but God gives me a little bit of normalcy in my brain.
Or I could say "I am as evil as the worst criminal, but I'm saved by grace."
or I could say I'm in Rebellion but I'm saved by grace"
. And I think that's what he is getting at, is that once I'm born again my Center is not only on Jesus but the Holiness that he demands. And so if that is my daily walk and my target is perfection and holiness ,I'm not going to say "I can't shoot worth a hoot and so what's the point of trying to hit the target I'm not a marksman I'm just a regular old guy like I just picked up the rifle 10 seconds ago and of course I'm going to miss the target."

That's what I hear when I hear a preacher say "we're all just Sinners saved by grace". I think what it does, it lowers the bar very very low to where sin doesn't bother me anymore.
"Centered" is a good term. Prone to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh is often encouraged.
Being a former slave to sin, I didn't know what sin was and so was acting naturally, bent towards fulfilling the various lusts with some restraint, without being a savage, endulging in any one thing. But now I have learned what sin is and I have grown to hate it and so avoid it. That pull is no longer there, those chains of bondage have been severed so and I have a Guidance Counselor to steer me in the right direction - towards Christ. The war still goes on ... how is that possible? I thought the old man was dead? Like Paul, I can say, it is not I but sin that dwells in me.
I can say the journey towards salvation ( which was unbeknownst to me at the time), was guided by God. Most people brought up with loving parents are at least civilized and less debased and wicked than those folks who died in the Flood. Jesus changed the world. His ways have penetrated and been conformed to even by all other religions and even atheists. I had a Pastor once who said, Christiainty is practicality. That is not all it is, but life should be practical, all things should wirk together even before we love the LORD and are called to His purpose.
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
So you are one who believes as a true born again Christian, you can't sin. You went to the wrong church.
For what it’s worth I did go to the wrong church…several of them.

As for being a “true born again Christian”…call it as you see it friend…you already believe what you know and seem pretty sure of it.

I will say this however I do not consider myself a “Christian” Ronald…that title was brought forth as a title of ridicule…it continues in that tradition today…just look around you...why would anyone want to be like them?

If one struggles with the understanding of what “sin” is then one cannot understand and appreciate what “cleansed of ALL sin and unrighteous” actually means…let alone appropriate it. This leaves religious humanity continuously striving to please God…which then disqualifies them from pleasing God.
Well, technically where there is no LAW, there is no sin. But Christ didn't abolish the LAW as in the Ten Commandments. The Law was a Pedagogue. We don't one, for now the Law is written in our hearts and minds.
So are you under the “Law” which is for the “lawless” or are you under grace Ronald? Do you understand those concepts in similar fashion as you do the concept of sin? It cannot be both…they are for two different realms. Law is to sentence and condemn those who sin…the grace of God personally engages the failure of His own in love, admonition, chastisement, patience without the condemnation of sin…as I told you. One is judgment…one is grace…two different realities.

There is no darkness in Christ…not yours not mine….none…the blood of Yahshua atoned for ALL sin…I have been cleansed from ALL sin and unrighteousness…ALL.



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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
He removed the penalty of sin. It doesn't mean we don't sin.
Really…so one can “sin” but not encounter the wages of sin? Is that what you say Ronald?

We are under Grace but Christ said everything about the LAW fell under His Two Love Commandments which we must obey and still fail.
Claiming the you all of sudden began to love God and everyone perfecrly is delusional and you are deceived.
There’s that gift of suspicion and accusation you are so mature in Ronald…I have never claimed what you say here…I do not think that gift will serve you well as you move forward in your days Ronald.

Remember, we are a work in progress, slipping, falling down but getting up and moving forward. We are continually confessing are wrongs, asking for forgiveness with others, aren't we?
If you read my message as you should have Ronald…you would have known that I believe this…however for me as a maturing son of God…my Father does not append these things to me as sin…as you and apparently your god does…to you?



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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Or you are a Saint, a missionary who has sacrificed his entire Christian life unselfishly to feed the hungry and starving children in orphanages of India, like Mother Teresa did? Not likely.
In your mind...you are right…you certainly have proven that you are a mature Christian with a loving spiritual gift of suspicion and accusation and are always ready to revile…with a highly trained Christian discernment…I would not argue that…in fact you are successfully proving my point about the term “Christian” and why it has such a pungent noxious odor today. As for your assessment of me being a “Saint”…of course it is always going to be whatever you prefer friend.

Missionary no…one who has unselfishly fed the hungry…for years, spent years in the prisons, years in senior centers, years visiting shut ins…giving ALL my money to those who need it…well yes I have done that…for many years Ronald…I have not been in the orphanages of India…but…for 40 years I have been comforting spiritual orphans all over the nation and in some parts of the world too. Yet in comparison to your standards…you have proven that I have missed the mark…sorry to have let you down there sir.

You might be impressed with the battles of demon oppression and possession I have fought in a large number of people…for at least 35 years…but no….you are right Ronald nothing like the catholic woman Mother Theresa…sorry…thanks for the insidiously ignorant carnal judgment none the less…it proves that your spiritual gift of suspicion and accusation are true powerful “Christian” virtues…I am sure the Lord Yahshua is very proud of you Ronald…right now as a matter of fact.

Did you feel his wave of acceptance flow over you like a warm summer breeze as you so eloquently assassinated my character as a human…in utter ignorance? Yeh hold on to that Ronald that was your god affirming you in one of your glorious gifts.



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Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-10

This message is not just to unbelievers, It is speaking to us as well. Turn that first verse around to mean the same: If we say we have sin, we don't deceive ourselves and the truth is in us.
So there it is.
“So there it is”…yeh nailed…perhaps for you Ronald and others like you…taking that verse out of context which by definition is exactly what you have done here…”proof texting” or a more modern term is “cherry picking” the bible…a well known virtuous “mature Christian” skill. That way one can always make sure that god is in agreement with you.

Why does the Bible say confess your sins to one another.
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 2:1
"My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”

Is this verse not written to Christians?
Ronald…call off your inner “Christian attack dog”…wow…you perfect Christians are intense…impressive…I can see why everyone wants to go to your churches. Do yourself a favor and do an in-depth study on the topic of sin then send it to me…and yes that verse is written for “Christians.” You got me there.



Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Saved from the penalty of sin, which is both physical and spiritual death. Satan can't snatch us away, but he still messes with us, tries to throw us off track and tempts us.
So, let me know how you are doing with all those orphan children?
Not too well I am sorry to say…they always reject me…out of envy…almost as though it was ordained to be that way. But I understand this behavior…as orphans they have no father who might leave them his inheritance…so they must constantly strive day and night in the world to scrounge out their mere pittance of an existence…realistically they are nothing more than slaves and they know it…they treat others similarly.

Because if they don’t…they will starve, or become unemployed, not get their meds??? I don’t know...it is as though they just won’t make it unless they take advantage of others…I sometimes feel empathy toward them…but they take that…as weakness and try to take advantage.

Additionally they are mean…they have nothing and are always looking to take from others…insecurity and blindness would be good descriptors.
It reminds me of a reporter who interviewed Mother Teresa before she died. She asked her, "Mother Teresa, who will take your place when you cannot do this anymore?" She looked at her and said, "You can!" WOW, the reporter instantly rejected the idea, shamefully no doubt. Her thoughts or words I can imagine went something like this: "What, what ... you mean me ... ah ... no I couldn 't ... I have a very good job already, purposeful you know ... demanding ... I don't feel that calling ... I'm sorry ... maybe one of the other sisters you know who is much more equipped?"
How about you Reddsta, you are the perfect sinless and full of love for everyone candidate?
Well no Ronald…no I am not perfect…I think I have confessed that here publicly…hope your not to disappointed friend…however if you are…and if by chance you are…all you need to do is look at yourself and see how the love of your “Christian” god abounds in and through you…in fact that is probably a daily exercise for you Ronald...no?

You Ronald David Bruno…are the picture of Love & Joy...your expression of joy is intense…Peace always striving to bring that Christian peace forth…patience yes thank you for the patience you have extolled upon me along with a liberal amount of kindness and goodness…your gentleness is like that of an aged grandfather and I am sure the is no one above you on the ladder of faithfulness in your Christian community…and this is all framed exquisitely in the perfect model of self-control…amazing friend…thank you.
