The Modern Gospel

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The bi or is all about god it’s why he wrote it
God did not write the wrote it under his influence.

Did God sit there with a pen and paper?

God can’t be contained he is everywhere...
Isn’t that enough to tell you that God is a Living Spirit?

God made Adam and did he do it?

By the power of his word/ Spirit?

Do you actually understand how powerful God is?

His power is beyond our you understand that?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
She is on a vendetta against me. Until the owners make her stop there is nothing we can do but expose it

Like I told them it does not do any good to ignore her. Because she will just do it to other people.

She has a history which shows this is true
I will expose your false teachings that God is the Bible..are you going to retract that statement?

Members and guests need to know Gods truth..not you bearing false witness ..God is a Living Spirit.

We are Born Of The Spirit..our spirit is in His Spirit.

His Spirit is Alive and Active?

He’s Alive and Active in my spirit ..we are his spirit children?

Who taught you that God is the Bible?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
God did not write the wrote it under his influence.

Did God sit there with a pen and paper?

God can’t be contained he is everywhere...
Isn’t that enough to tell you that God is a Living Spirit?

God made Adam and did he do it?

By the power of his word/ Spirit?

Do you actually understand how powerful God is?

His power is beyond our you understand that?
Problem here as I see it, you ask a lot of questions but when answered call us liars-you even call Scriptures a lie-so what else do you want to discuss?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
God is not the Bible.
I never said he was. Stop with your silly accusations.
Do you actually understand that God is a Living Spirit?
do you think I think otherwise?

His word is alive and powerful. it speaks to me everything I read it. Does not not speak to you?
Do you actually understand that being Born Of The a Living Spirit birth?
lol. Whatever, I have explained this to you. Yet you still misrepresent me..
You bear false witness and the Spirit will not have you say that God is the Bible.
I never said God is the bible

But you cannot understand what people say. So you will continue to falsly accuse..
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
If you really wanted to know you would go look..

The scripture itself says it is.

I will go with that.


But anyone can say this, this is WHY the word must be used.

You can say the spirit, I can say the spirit But if the word ones not back us up. We have nothing. Just words.

So have I

lol..As usual you either missed it or ignored it

Well then no one can be saved.

I was set free from sin, It does not mean I still do not sin.

More importantly I have been set free from the penalty of sin.

Yet you still miss them, I pray you try harder

I have..

Whether you believe me or not.. Stopped being an issue awhile ago. Except when you claim we have not,


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You called God The Bible...Don’t do it , you bear false witness...God is a Living Spirit?
Yeah?-Show me my post where I said God is the Bible-please, and when you can't find it a apology would be in order since you have wasted my whole day with nonsensical garbage, pardon my French, goading members, looking for a reaction. I have no desire to have a dialogue with you.
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
I never said he was. Stop with your silly accusations.

Yes you did...

The scripture is not Gods Living word that is false teachings.
@Eternally Grateful said....The scripture itself says it is.

I will go with that.

I say...the scripture is his written word..
do you think I think otherwise?

His word is alive and powerful. it speaks to me everything I read it. Does not not speak to you?

lol. Whatever, I have explained this to you. Yet you still misrepresent me..

I never said God is the bible

You said this.

The scripture is not Gods Living word that is false teachings.
@Eternally Grateful said....The scripture itself says it is.

I will go with that.
But you cannot understand what people say. So you will continue to falsly accuse..

The Bible is not Alive in the is the written word of God....

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
The Bible is not God..
yes it is, He wrote it. He inspired it. So when you read the words, your reading who he is, His mind, and everything about him he has revealed about himself.
I will continue to show readers and guests that God is not the Bible ..he is a Living Spirit
I never said otherwise.

You said God is the Bible you and @Johann are you going to retract that statement?
we said the logos is God,

where do you go to test what others say?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
And she is goading the members-would seem there are rules and that is good and wholesome, just not applicable for @Ritajanice who are clueless when it comes to the Bible. And there is no pride in me for saying this, just factual statements.
well if is our view she is clueless. But that does not help our case in our complaints against here.

Again, 2 wrongs do nto make a right. Everything you said here except that 1 part is applicable. The other is just our opinion

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
God did not write the wrote it under his influence.
Yes he did

Do you even know whaty the word inspired means?
Did God sit there with a pen and paper?
He used men, He spoke through them.
God can’t be contained he is everywhere...
I never said he could. There you go bearing false witness again
Isn’t that enough to tell you that God is a Living Spirit?
I never said he wa not a living spirit

Now cause me of saying he is not a living spirit again, I will report you for the umpteenth time for bearing false witness
God made Adam and did he do it?
By the power of his word/ Spirit?
He spoke, and it happened.
Do you actually understand how powerful God is?
Do you?

I believe God can bring a lost sinner to repentance. Do you?

I believe he can bring a sinner to believe in him , do you?

I believe he can cause a non believer to come to faith. Do you?

His power is beyond our you understand that?
Do you?

You’re the one limiting his power not me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
yes it is, He wrote it. He inspired it. So when you read the words, your reading who he is, His mind, and everything about him he has revealed about himself.

The written word is NOT Alive in the Spirit...we are Born Of The Spirit... we are not Born Of The written tells us how we can become Born Again...but...we need to be Born Of God’s Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...then the witness in our heart/ spirit , backs up the written word.
I never said otherwise.

we sai the logos is God

where do you go to test what others say?
Without God’s witness His Living Holy Spirit ....i can’t test anything in the written word..

I am Born Again therefore can test what is being said by you say the written word is Alive in can it be, when it’s the written word do we understand the written the witness of the Living Holy Spirit.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I will expose your false teachings that God is the Bible..are you going to retract that statement?
Retract what? That you are on a vendetta against me? I think anyone who reads your responses to me the past few weeks can clearly see this

Your not exposing anything, your just attacking every word I say, You are so out to get me, you keep saying I say things I have never said.. thats what happens when you speak from anger and bitterness. And not from understanding
Members and guests need to know Gods truth..not you bearing false witness ..God is a Living Spirit.
I never said he was not

members and guests need to see a staff member s falsely accusing another member, because they have a vendetta against him, because he disagrees with her.
We are Born Of The Spirit..our spirit is in His Spirit.
Actually,we are born of the spirit, his spirit is un us (or our spirit)
His Spirit is Alive and Active?
Why would you think I believe anything else?
He’s Alive and Active in my spirit ..we are his spirit children?
Now you’re nonsensical again. What does this even mean
Who taught you that God is the Bible?
God did. Read his words. It is what he says himself.

No man taught me this

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Yes you did...

@Eternally Grateful said....The scripture itself says it is.
This scripture itself says it is God (his written word)

I even quoted the passage In the beginning was the word. And the WORD WAS GOD…

It did not say GOD WAS THE WORD (like your accusing me of saying)

Not that God is the bible

once again, in an attempt to prove me wring, You prove your lack of understanding again
I will go with that.
Go with what, Your false understanding and false witness against me?

You never stopped
I say...the scripture is his written word..
It is his written word. Spoken by himself

and like any letter.When we read it, we read him.
You said this.

@Eternally Grateful said....The scripture itself says it is.

I will go with that.
Yep. And i did nto say God was the Bible.. So you go with another lie.
The Bible is not Alive in the is the written word of God....
Yes it is alive,

But if you do not believe it is, you do not have to.

the rest of us will continue to look to the word. Knowing it is alive and powerful sharper than any two edges sword.. etc etc


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The written word is NOT Alive in the Spirit...we are Born Of The Spirit... we are not Born Of The written tells us how we can become Born Again...but...we need to be Born Of God’s Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...then the witness in our heart/ spirit , backs up the written word.
Another error-

Greek Text:
2 Timothy 3:16: πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἔλεγχον, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ

Word Breakdown:
θεόπνευστος (theopneustos):
θεός (theos): God
πνευστος (pneustos): breathed or inspired (derived from πνέω, pneo, which means to breathe or blow)

θεόπνευστος (theopneustos): This compound word is made up of "theos" (God) and "pneustos" (breathed). It literally translates to "God-breathed" or "breathed out by God." This term indicates that the Scriptures are inspired by God, conveying that their origin is divine.

Contextual Meaning:
Divine Inspiration: The term "God-breathed" signifies that the Scriptures are not merely human writings but are imbued with divine inspiration. The human authors wrote under the guidance and influence of God's Spirit, ensuring that the content aligns with God's will and truth.

Authority of Scripture:
The use of "theopneustos" underscores the authority and sacredness of the Scriptures. It affirms that the Bible is a reliable and authoritative source for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Usage in 2 Timothy 3:16:
Translation: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness."
Implication: This verse emphasizes that every part of the Scripture is inspired by God and is beneficial for guiding believers in their faith and conduct.

Theological Significance:
Inspiration Doctrine: The concept of "God-breathed" forms the basis for the doctrine of inspiration, which holds that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative.

Holy Spirit's Role: The term also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in the process of inspiration, ensuring that the Scriptures convey God's truth accurately and effectively.
In summary, "θεόπνευστος" (theopneustos) in 2 Timothy 3:16 conveys the idea that the Scriptures are inspired by God, emphasizing their divine origin and authority in guiding the beliefs and practices of believers.

How many errors have you make today? Yet you accuse us/goading?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Yes he did
No he did wrote it under the Spirit influence...he spoke to their spirit on what to:write and they wrote it.

Same with Jesus how did he communicate with His Father God?

By pen and paper..?
Do you even know whaty the word inspired means?
Yes I do....and it’s not Alive in Gods Spirit.
He used men, He spoke through them.

He spoke to their spirit on what to write?
I never said he could. There you go bearing false witness again

I never said he wa not a living spirit
You said the written word is Alive in the Spirit, no it’s’s the written word...
Now cause me of saying he is not a living spirit again, I will report you for the umpteenth time for bearing false witness
You said the Bible was Alive in The it’s’s understood in our spirit because we are Born Of The Spirit.

He spoke, and it happened.
His Spirit spoke and Adam became a man the way God spoke His Spirit.
Do you?

I believe God can bring a lost sinner to repentance. Do you?
Of course...His Living Spirit can bring us to repentance he brought me having never read a Bible...he did it by the power of HIS Spirit....not by the written word.
I believe he can bring a sinner to believe in him , do you?
His Spirit can yes.
I believe he can cause a non believer to come to faith. Do you?
His Spirit gifts us faith a manifestation of the Spirit.
Do you?

You’re the one limiting his power not me.
God cannot be contained, he is everywhere ...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Another error-

Greek Text:
2 Timothy 3:16: πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἔλεγχον, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ

Word Breakdown:
θεόπνευστος (theopneustos):
θεός (theos): God
πνευστος (pneustos): breathed or inspired (derived from πνέω, pneo, which means to breathe or blow)

θεόπνευστος (theopneustos): This compound word is made up of "theos" (God) and "pneustos" (breathed). It literally translates to "God-breathed" or "breathed out by God." This term indicates that the Scriptures are inspired by God, conveying that their origin is divine.

Contextual Meaning:
Divine Inspiration: The term "God-breathed" signifies that the Scriptures are not merely human writings but are imbued with divine inspiration. The human authors wrote under the guidance and influence of God's Spirit, ensuring that the content aligns with God's will and truth.

Authority of Scripture:
The use of "theopneustos" underscores the authority and sacredness of the Scriptures. It affirms that the Bible is a reliable and authoritative source for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Usage in 2 Timothy 3:16:
Translation: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness."
Implication: This verse emphasizes that every part of the Scripture is inspired by God and is beneficial for guiding believers in their faith and conduct.

Theological Significance:
Inspiration Doctrine: The concept of "God-breathed" forms the basis for the doctrine of inspiration, which holds that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative.

Holy Spirit's Role: The term also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in the process of inspiration, ensuring that the Scriptures convey God's truth accurately and effectively.
In summary, "θεόπνευστος" (theopneustos) in 2 Timothy 3:16 conveys the idea that the Scriptures are inspired by God, emphasizing their divine origin and authority in guiding the beliefs and practices of believers.
No error in my post.. you are in error I’m afraid..

Ritajanice said:
The written word is NOT Alive in the Spirit...we are Born Of The Spirit... we are not Born Of The written tells us how we can become Born Again...but...we need to be Born Of God’s Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...then the witness in our heart/ spirit , backs up the written word.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
No error in my post.. you are in error I’m afraid..

Ritajanice said:
The written word is NOT Alive in the Spirit...we are Born Of The Spirit... we are not Born Of The written tells us how we can become Born Again...but...we need to be Born Of God’s Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...then the witness in our heart/ spirit , backs up the written word.
Another error-

Greek Text:
2 Timothy 3:16: πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἔλεγχον, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ
Word Breakdown:
θεόπνευστος (theopneustos):
θεός (theos): God
πνευστος (pneustos): breathed or inspired (derived from πνέω, pneo, which means to breathe or blow)

θεόπνευστος (theopneustos): This compound word is made up of "theos" (God) and "pneustos" (breathed). It literally translates to "God-breathed" or "breathed out by God." This term indicates that the Scriptures are inspired by God, conveying that their origin is divine.

Contextual Meaning:
Divine Inspiration: The term "God-breathed" signifies that the Scriptures are not merely human writings but are imbued with divine inspiration. The human authors wrote under the guidance and influence of God's Spirit, ensuring that the content aligns with God's will and truth.

Authority of Scripture: The use of "theopneustos" underscores the authority and sacredness of the Scriptures. It affirms that the Bible is a reliable and authoritative source for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
Usage in 2 Timothy 3:16:

Translation: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness."
Implication: This verse emphasizes that every part of the Scripture is inspired by God and is beneficial for guiding believers in their faith and conduct.

Theological Significance:
Inspiration Doctrine: The concept of "God-breathed" forms the basis for the doctrine of inspiration, which holds that the Bible is divinely inspired and authoritative.
Holy Spirit's Role: The term also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in the process of inspiration, ensuring that the Scriptures convey God's truth accurately and effectively.
In summary, "θεόπνευστος" (theopneustos) in 2 Timothy 3:16 conveys the idea that the Scriptures are inspired by God, emphasizing their divine origin and authority in guiding the beliefs and practices of believers.

You don't read properly, you are so angry you lash out like a bull seeing a red flag and it is me and @Eternally Grateful at the receiving end!

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
The written word is NOT Alive in the Spirit...
Yes whe know you believe this

we just do not believe it
we are Born Of The Spirit...
yes, i was born of the spirit. I heard the word of truth the gospel of my salvation, and I trusted it, That is how I was born again

because his word is living, its not dead
we are not Born Of The written tells us how we can become Born Again...but...we need to be Born Of God’s Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...then the witness in our heart/ spirit , backs up the written word.
It tells us how we can become born again, because it is living
Without God’s witness His Living Holy Spirit ....i can’t test anything in the written word..
So why do you denounce the written word so
I am Born Again therefore can test what is being said by others..
With or without the word?
.like you say the written word is Alive in can it be, when it’s the written word do we understand the written the witness of the Living Holy Spirit.
How do you test what people say. How do you know if they are right or wrong. How do you test yourself?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
No he did wrote it under the Spirit influence...he spoke to their spirit on what to:write and they wrote it.
Then the bible is meaningless. Let’s throw it out
Same with Jesus how did he communicate with His Father God?
He talked to him

Did he father talk to Jesus through the word?
By pen and paper..?

Yes I do....and it’s not Alive in Gods Spirit.
Keep believing that.
He spoke to their spirit on what to write?
God breathed. Do you know what this means?
You said the written word is Alive in the Spirit, no it’s’s the written word...
You said the Bible was Alive in The it’s’s understood in our spirit because we are Born Of The Spirit.
The bible says otherwise. Your argument is with the word not me
His Spirit spoke and Adam became a man the way God spoke His Spirit.

Of course...His Living Spirit can bring us to repentance he brought me having never read a Bible...he did it by the power of HIS Spirit....not by the written word.
Yet you say you had to be born again first hence you limited the power of God
His Spirit can yes.

His Spirit gifts us faith a manifestation of the Spirit.

God cannot be contained, he is everywhere ...
I never said otherwise. Stop claiming I did
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
This scripture itself says it is God (his written word)
The scripture says the written word was inspired by God, men were under His influence while writing it..

God did not come down from heaven and penned the written word....His Spirit is to powerful to do that, we would all die if he came down..we can’t even comprehend how powerful his Spirit is.
I even quoted the passage In the beginning was the word. And the WORD WAS GOD…
In the beginning was the word...Gods Living must be a Living word as he made the heavens and the earth..His Living word / Spirit got Mary pregnant?
It did not say GOD WAS THE WORD (like your accusing me of saying)

Not that God is the bible
You said the Bible is Alive in the it’s’s penned.
once again, in an attempt to prove me wring, You prove your lack of understanding again

Go with what, Your false understanding and false witness against me?

You never stopped

It is his written word. Spoken by himself
It is his word written down under the influence of the Spirit by men.
and like any letter.When we read it, we read him.
You must know God in our spirit before we can be led through his written word, that happens when we are Born Again by Gods Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit.
Yep. And i did nto say God was the Bible.. So you go with another lie.
You said the Bible was Alive in Gods it’s not.
Yes it is alive,

But if you do not believe it is, you do not have to.

the rest of us will continue to look to the word. Knowing it is alive and powerful sharper than any two edges sword.. etc etc
The Bible is not Alive in Spirit, it is penned in ink.

The Spirit is Gods Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit..he has the Living power to make our spirit Born Again...a spirit birth..then we are+spirit children and not before.
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