Recovery from complex childhood abuse'

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
Sorry I mixed things up between my family and pastors. My mind is being stretched to the limit at the moment with so much information coming in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
When I was freed from my fleshiness, or whatever I should call it I don't really know, but there came the time when I realized that though my problems seemed over, that there was nothing I could do for others. "God freed me, I hope He will do the same for you." I had friends who had similar struggles. What could I give to them?

I prayed that God would give me the means to share this. It was a few days later that season ended, but what I learned was that by faith in walking in the Spirit, the flesh could be fully transcended. Due to my inconsistency of faith, I find myself not walking in the Spirit, and during such times, the physical, neurological healing is manifest, and and I see how far He has brought me.

I didn't expect that would be my answer to my prayer, but there it is, and now I know God both lifts us up, and leads us up. By faith we can walk in the Spirit.

Much love!
A huge Amen to this! When walking in the Spirit, the power of God is upon us, to convict others of their sinfulness, like the story of Charles Finney in the factory.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
Having further thoughts about the situation in churches, and I think that rather than try to train leaders on how to deal with people with cPTSD, I think it would work better to warn them of the harm that can be done due to others not having knowledge of the condition.

1) Not to take for granted that once a person comes to Christ, their healing will automatically take place, and voicing this is harmful to people who already have a very low opinion of themselves with a lot of shame and guilt already.

2) cPTSD is a malfunction of the neurological system. They should be treat like anyone with a physical illness.

3) These people have most likely never received love in their lives and a little goes a long way in compassionate understanding.

4) These people once recovered are a great asset to any organization and especially to the kingdom of God.

5) It is very possible that these people will still be in dissociation and a study of this will help prevent further harm to them.

6) These people are having a normal reaction to a very abnormal family life. They are not 'disordered', it is rather the people who caused the harm are and it includes neglect also.
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