Reasons why the Jehovah’s Witness religion is false (Despite my love for them as human beings)

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Tell us all. how many of them have you spoken with and know?
Why would I want to listen to Bible choppers leading people to Hell? I've heard enough attacks on the Christian Bible from their puppets.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Deadly serious.....they didn’t know the difference.
When you regularly speak to people of many different religions, you get to know who are genuine in their beliefs and have bothered to know what they are....and those who are just accepting of what they are spoon fed.

How well do you know your Bible Jack? You are clearly not a Bible student, but merely a parrot of other people’s opinions, with which you agree.......anyone who believes anything outside of the box you have chosen as your spiritual prison, must be JW’s.....your ‘set in concrete’ mind set is not uncommon unfortunately. Jesus faced the same thing from those who claimed to serve the same God as he did.....he was the head of a hated ‘minority’....the persecuting ‘majority’ hated him enough to put him to death. Can you always rely on the majority to be right, Jack? (Matt 7:13-14)...or are those with closed minds easy prey for the deceiver?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Deadly serious.....they didn’t know the difference.
When you regularly speak to people of many different religions, you get to know who are genuine in their beliefs and have bothered to know what they are....and those who are just accepting of what they are spoon fed.
How well do you know your Bible Jack? You are clearly not a Bible student,
What do you want to know about the Bible? Jesus is God and Hell is EVERLASTING? Even the JW bible says so.
but merely a parrot of other people’s opinions, with which you agree.......anyone who believes anything outside of the box you have chosen as your spiritual prison, must be JW’s.....your ‘set in concrete’ mind set is not uncommon unfortunately. Jesus faced the same thing from those who claimed to serve the same God as he did.....he was the head of a hated ‘minority’....the persecuting ‘majority’ hated him enough to put him to death. Can you always rely on the majority to be right, Jack? (Matt 7:13-14)...or are those with closed minds easy prey for the deceiver?
Do you need permission from the Governing Body to quote Scripture?


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
First, the Catholics are not Bible Alone. They are like the rest of the biblical cults (JW’s, Mormons, etcetera) in that they add their own extra biblical words to the Bible. So this creates the problem of authority. With a Protestant, I can at least show him or her the Bible in how their belief is false and they cannot argue tradition to say otherwise. The Protestants only appeal is to play some dishonest games with the original languages and or quote other verses out of context or ignore the verses you presented to them (of which I can point out to them).

Second, not all Protestants are the same. The Church of Christ (Which is Protestant) does not believe in Martin Luther’s Perpetual Belief Alone Salvationism that turns God’s grace into a license for immorality. Granted, I disagree with the Church of Christ’s view of Initial Salvation in that we must be baptized first to be initially saved.

Three, while many Protestants (not all of them) do put on a big light and music show, I would not be caught dead in a Catholic Church because it looks evil. It’s got idols everywhere. They have weird confessional booths. They chant and throw that incense around. Some Catholic Churches have dead remains displayed openly. The worship of skulls is also done by certain Catholic groups. Then they do that whole odd thing with the Lord’s supper (Turning the true thing into abomination). They pray to Mary and it’s all about Mary (with Jesus taking a backstage). They wear holy garments and act all like they are holy because of that (and it is just soooo fake).

Four, if somebody asked me for a Catholic or Protestant to visit my home for me to do a Bible teaching for them, I would choose the Protestant because they are seeking to make the Bible their authority (despite their false doctrines). The Catholic to me would not appear to really know his Bible all that well unless he was a priest or something. Granted, I am not saying all Catholics on the planet may be that way, I am just sharing you my own experience. Also, if the Catholic brought in their idol statues or did their extra biblical nonsense in my home, I would tell them to stop. I don’t have to worry about that with a Protestant.

Five, I have not met too many spiritual Catholics with them truly knowing the Bible well. For them, they look at the Bible through the lens of the Catholic Church. My experience with with the average Catholics is that they are worldly and their faith is not spoke of. Protestants I know do talk about their faith openly.

Six, the pope (Head of the Catholic Church) is into world peace with the world’s religions. If that is the unity you are talking about that is not the kind of unity I would want to share in. Many Protestants would not want to join into that kind of unity.

Seven, Catholics sought to destroy the very Bible we have in our hands today (i.e. the King James Bible). The Vatican tried to kill King James and his translation. In fact, Catholics used to persecute those who had the Bible and they killed them even. Today, they have changed tactics. Instead of killing people who had the Bible, they help create a New Testament Greek Text with United Bible Societies called the Nestle and Aland Text (Which is where all your Modern Bibles come from today). Modern Bibles have been known to push Catholic doctrines and other false beliefs subtly. Granted, I use Modern Bibles to update the archaic words in the King James Bible, but Modern Bibles cannot be my authority (Because of the many problems inherent within them). So they are a spirit that is out to destroy or alter the Bible. They are of a spirit that worships does not seek to worship Jesus alone, but they are of the worship of many gods. That is why I would not want them to be at my Bible study teaching in my home. They are not on the same page at all.

Eight, the evils of the Catholic Church (to the killing of the saints among other things) is no light matter.

So I would say I would disagree with you big time.
Well BH, meet the JW, named, Desire of all Nations. !!
That's what I'm saying about the Jws here and elsewhere, frankly. They post in disguise. While his/her post may have sounded Catholic as was the plan- what he/she was actually pushing was the concept of the JWs that MANDATORY LOCKSTEP UNITY is greater than TRUTH. It's cult think. They are FINE with believing false doctrine as long as they ALL DO. Doesn't matter if people are dying from their teachings or hurting, or if they are robbing Jesus from under them!
One day one thing is taught and must be taught door to door as God's truth and the next day tadaaa "NEW LIGHT" it's a different "truth" which contradicts the previous one that must be accepted and taught door to door.
Both contradictory teachings CAME FROM GOD, which is like calling Him a psycho liar. It's horrid representation of "JEHOVAH". and they will answer for it one day.
Just keep praying for them, and exposing the lies to either save some and prevent others from going down this dark road.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
1. I disagree with deeming this as irrelevant. An understanding of this history will help to see why. It's not something the avg Christian has time for unless one of these false religions affects them.
2. I disagree here as well. Adultery? He was the Pastor at that time. We are to hold those in that postion accountable for their actions. He was not held accountable. God fearing pastors step aside from this role, or are asked to step aside if they don't. while this doesn't prove that his teachings are false, it proves he is.
3. Lying repeatedly under oath in court. Hand on a bible and repeatedly lying. A dishonest man- is this not a clue to a false teacher?

Guesswork is nothing new among the whole world.

4. Multiple False Propheies has been downgraded to common guesswork? Didn't Jesus warn us about False Prophets?!
Not a phenomenon. Alcoholism is not exclusive to any group or organization.
5. Joe Rutherford was a greedy madman who was also a raging alcoholic & false prophet. This would not be red flag for you either?
Not a phenomenon. Sexual abuse is an individuals demon.
So as long as it happens elsewhere it's not a consideration? The Jw child sex abuse issue is a far bigger than the media has diclosed.
Many of these cases have been gag ordered as a WT plea demand. So, WT pays but you won't be hearing from those victims anymore.

As to the current problem- Near me, recently, 15 Jws have been arrested for alleged child molestation. Several were Elders. ( = to a pastor)So far, one has been tried and convicted. The other 14 are awaiting trial.
The only reason these men have been arrested is because the Governor looked into this matter.

JWS have a rule and have had it for as long as I know- that there must be 2 or more eye witnesses to a child rape. They gleen this rule from the scriptures, yet it can't possibly apply to child rapist who are known to molest again and again. They are a danger to children! All the while they announced that they "ABHOR CHILD MOLESTATION."Great, we all abhor it- what do they DO about it?
Yet, we have docs that prove they have never changed that 2-3 witness rule given to all Elders to follow. They are not told to call police when they report these incidents to WT headquarters.
Many children have been told by the elders to hush up since no one else saw it happen!! The accused would go free able to knock on doors. some have become Elders. The Watchtower keeps files on all of these incidences. The records are in detail with regard to what took place.
Elders had children give every detail of their molestations, and it had to be wriiten down ( as instructed by WT) and a copy sent to NY. Many times it was a little girl molested and she had to face several grown men alone in a room and detail her experience, only to be asked if ANYONE else saw. As if they didn't know the answer. What child molester has several eye witnesses come along?!!! YET that has been Watchtower policy for decades!!! They have repeatedly refused to hand over the lists!!!! I believe that fact is also in the Australia link below.

Many of these kids have been disfellowshipped for arguing the outcome and then shunned! Imagine? Some have committed suicide. Others left upset and scared to be near their molestor and are also subsequently shunned as apostate! Kids that wanted to engage the authorities were often told, "You can, but do you really want to bring reproach on Jehovah?"
THAT is a very serious and frightening thing to say to a JW.
Last count I knew of was 23,760.

In Australia alone. There were 1,006 perpetrators. Royal Commission hearings -2015
See here- scroll to pg 60 and read a bit---

This 2-3 witnesses"RULE" was revealed to the public by a JW Elder who saw how wrong it was 22 YEARS AGO, and the WatchTower is still not cooperating! I have much more, but I will stop here. He was on Dateline NBC back then, explaining the problem because he could not get the WT to do anything. He has since been DF'd and shunned.

I don't know about you- but this tells me an awful lot about who they are.

Literature that confirms this accusation?
Plenty! and videos by them teaching "how to shun them".
What religious organization ISN’T a CULT?
Do you know what a cult is? The Watchtower uses mind control. They fit the BITE model. I don't need a model to tell me that though.
So? Doesn’t EVERY religious organization claim to be TEACHERS?
Teaching is not the same as commanding that you must believe and teach to others every single thing taught, or you get thrown out and shunned. They are not even allowed to question.
Also, a commanded teaching one day changes the next day ,and they must now believe & teach the opposite.
However, both teachings "came down from God as spiritual food."

Literature that confirms this accusation?Literature that confirms this accusation
Yes, Plenty.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Criminal accusations can certainly be rigged, but JW's ATTACKING the Christian Bible is easily provable!


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Criminal accusations can certainly be rigged, but JW's ATTACKING the Christian Bible is easily provable!
Rigged huh? Yeah thats what Jws claim. It's only real if it's Catholics..
But tell me this, let's pretend they were alll "rigged", does the knowledge of how they decide these things matter? A child need 2-3 witnesses to being abused? Does it matter that they have files on these cases and refused to hand them over? Does it matter that they've again been caught lying in court? Does it matter that they admitted that the police were not called?
oh heck with this. I'm going to bed. G'nite!
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Rigged huh? Yeah thats what Jw will claim. It's only real if it's Catholics..
But tell me this, let's say they are alll "rigged", does the knowledge of how they decide these things matter? Does it matter that they have files and refuse to hand them over matter? Does it matter that they've again been caught lying in court?
oh heck with this. I'm going to bed. G'nite!
Well, I mean look what they're trying to do to Trump. Government is so utterly CORRUPT! I have no doubt the prisons have many innocent people therein. I believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty! Nity Nite.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
1. I disagree with deeming this as irrelevant.

General Definition of a CULT (noun)

* a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

* a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

Obviously…”CULT” is generally regarded as an “organization” established upon the basis of “RELIGIOUS” beliefs, views, agreements of the members.

The WORD “CULT”, is “supposed” to “signify” a negative connotation when “one” person APPLIES the WORD “CULT” to an organization / its members, “the one” person DOES NOT AGREE WITH.

It “IS” irrelevant “TO ME”, to spent hours of my ENERY / TIME… in-depth reading, in-depth studying, considering…the umpteen world wide “RELIGIOUS” organizations…
“I already have A committed standing, membership, agreement, allegiance, to the Lord God Almighty”.

God bless you.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Every Catholic on the face of Gods earth will tell you the Pope is called Holy Father. that the only thing you said in that post Keiw? No, it isn't. Let's address the lie that you posted that I am referring to.

You said the Pope stands in opposition to what Jesus said! That is the lie that I am pointing out. ALSO, using Scripture, I already destroyed your theory that we are not supposed to call anyone father in the context you presented. People call the Pope Holy Father, the office doesn't demand that he is called that. It's just a title given to him.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Jesus answered you already--John 17:3--He is 100% clear-The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--Paul taught the same-1Cor 8:5-6--He warns of all other gods being false then names only the Father as God.
Trinity teachers out of altered and error filled translations teach--The Father, son and holy spirit= one God

You see when ones teachers do not match Jesus and Paul= RUN FROM THEM.
Soooooo you think that by referencing those 2 passages from Scripture they cancel out the 5 passages from Scripture that I posted? Your theory is that in those 2 passages Jesus and Paul didn't mention the Holy Spirit as a separate entity so there is no holy spirit? Well, I guess if we ignore the passages that they did mention the Holy Spirit, then they didn't mention the Holy Spirit.

Oh goodness......I don't know what to say!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Soooooo you think that by referencing those 2 passages from Scripture they cancel out the 5 passages from Scripture that I posted? Your theory is that in those 2 passages Jesus and Paul didn't mention the Holy Spirit as a separate entity so there is no holy spirit? Well, I guess if we ignore the passages that they did mention the Holy Spirit, then they didn't mention the Holy Spirit.

Oh goodness......I don't know what to say!
I do. The truth cannot be discerned merely by counting up Scripture verses thought to support one side or the other, and then seeing who has the most. Scripture is equivocal on the issue. Reason and tradition need to enter the mix before we make up our minds on what is true.
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Well, I mean look what they're trying to do to Trump. Government is so utterly CORRUPT! I have no doubt the prisons have many innocent people therein. I believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty! Nity Nite.
I don't think you read the link from the Royal Commission, Jack.
I will do a thread on this sometime.
Sad day when people become numb to this topic and yet, we see just that on these boards.

Millstones around their necks tossed into the sea will be better - said the Lord.
JWs promote them to Elders.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
General Definition of a CULT (noun)

* a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

* a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

Obviously…”CULT” is generally regarded as an “organization” established upon the basis of “RELIGIOUS” beliefs, views, agreements of the members.

The WORD “CULT”, is “supposed” to “signify” a negative connotation when “one” person APPLIES the WORD “CULT” to an organization / its members, “the one” person DOES NOT AGREE WITH.

It “IS” irrelevant “TO ME”, to spent hours of my ENERY / TIME… in-depth reading, in-depth studying, considering…the umpteen world wide “RELIGIOUS” organizations…
“I already have A committed standing, membership, agreement, allegiance, to the Lord God Almighty”.

God bless you.

Glory to God,
It may be irrelevant to you, taken. But perhaps it's a better idea not to comment if you aren't fully aware of the issues?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
It may be irrelevant to you, taken. But perhaps it's a better idea not to comment if you aren't fully aware of the issues?

Being aware of issues does not translate to a need to make the issue relevant to an individual.

For Example I am well aware of the issue of Internal Conflict…the issue of damnation of ones soul…the issue of enduring to ones end….of which NONE of those things are relevant to me.

Glory to God,