LOCUSTS From The Book of JOEL

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
keras, CME's would affect everyone. Differently, the locust creatures in Revelation 9 torment only those men which do hot not have the seal of God in their foreheads.

Revelation 9:4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

The locust creatures will be some sort of flying insects traveling in swarms that both bites and stings.

Revelation 9:9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
You have changed the subject, Rev 9 has nothing to do with Joels Prophesies.

Thanks for agreeing that a big CME would affect everyone. It is in fact; the only event which would affect everyone, so it is what will happen. Luke 21:35
You are locked on hard about the Sun being the downfall of all on the earth. Although science is playing that card now, I perceive that it is a psyop, and shall be the blame of why the power grids and the internet on the earth shall go down (a Carrington event).

However, the Banking elite's internet of 30,000 low earth orbit satellites, by Elon Musk will be working full throttle for the CBDCs, for all the banks, businesses, governments and all individuals, who cave in to their lie.

They hold all the cards for WW3, and when the Banking Elite are ready, WW3 (not Armageddon) will commence, and soon after that, so will the "MoB". As you know, it will be all about "peace and safety".
Conspiracy theory rubbish.
Has Musk the authority to control our destiny?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
That is HIS downfall. Too much emphasis on CME as a literal event without a spiritual understanding of how God has defined the sun as such.
Please tell us; Just how does God Spiritually describe the sun?

The sun is a critical part of Gods Creation. The same as water, which He used to reset mankind's civilization the last time.

As for my downfall, we shall soon see whose beliefs fall down.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
You have changed the subject, Rev 9 has nothing to do with Joels Prophesies.

Thanks for agreeing that a big CME would affect everyone. It is in fact; the only event which would affect everyone, so it is what will happen. Luke 21:35

Conspiracy theory rubbish.
Has Musk the authority to control our destiny?
Does not Rev. 13:16-17 tell us plainly that the "MoB" is strictly about "buying and selling" in the global economy?

Are we not all now involved with their digital economy, dependant upon "the internet", whereby "cash" is becoming obsolete?

Is not the technology of the internet dependant upon microwaves in the earth's atmosphere?

Is not satan "the prince of the power of the air [atmosphere]"? Eph. 2:2

Rev. 13
[16] And he [Image of the beast-the UN] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev. 9:13-21 is about WW3 (the wrath of satan), not Armageddon.
When 1/3 of the population is killed off, on a specific date, it will cause horrific distress and tribulation in all the factors that aid and support human social services on a global scale.
Rev. 13[15] And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
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Active Member
May 1, 2023
Somewhere west of Mississippi River
United States
Please tell us; Just how does God Spiritually describe the sun?

I have explained this to you many times before but it seems that your brain has already been seared by sun. In other words, carnal mind.

As for my downfall, we shall soon see whose beliefs fall down.

AGREED! Like I said, The Lord judges, and I am comfortable with that. :)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Davy even though I don’t think you like me much. I still read your studies. you have a gift (Imo) although we don’t agree on a lot of things. I couldn’t agree more that the locust is not literal. Have you considered this …that what you have written describes “I come as a thief” …there is angst in His coming “as a thief” with the warning to watch and to be sober and that “you keep your garments” what do locust and Palmer worms do? They all eat up and destroy the garment (be careful you don’t bite and consume one another up). But He says that you be caught not unaware (to stay awake) where He comes as a thief in the night…and the garments they trusted in be taken away. You describe “a nation” “a people” “with teeth” as a thief in the night they come to destroy but He warns “so that day does not over take you as a thief” put on “the New man” where no thief approaches, put On the whole armor of God that you stand in the day of battle. I think your study teaches to be prepared and to identity the thief is not literal locusts…yet is “literal” in the sense of all you showed of men wanting to take your garments away. He even warns “let them”. And to “Rejoice when they (take your spoil) garments, knowing you have better Garments in Christ which no man takes away from you.” (Paraphrasing what it means to me)

The last 3 Trumpets in Revelation each have a Woe attached to them. That 5th trumpet is about the 'symbolic' locust army of the Book of Joel, "a nation", meaning a certain people that work for Lucifer to takeover this world in prep for his coming to play God.

Christ shows us in Rev.9 that the locusts have the faces of men, which means they are men. Their hair is like the hair of women is used as a symbol for their coming in sweetness, caring, all in order to deceive. Yet they have the teeth of lions, just like the Book of Joel also teaches about them. The meaning is how they use sweetness to deceive the world into falling away to Lucifer who is to come first, playing God here on earth.

Thus the Revelation 9 chapter is not that difficult once one understands from the Book of JOEL that God is simply using the idea of locusts as a 'symbol' for Christ's enemies that work deception for Satan. We are shown in Rev.9 they are not allowed to hurt any green thing, nor tree, which automatically reveals they are not real locusts, because attacking those things is what real locusts do. Rev.9 also tells us their power is in their mouths, which is about words to cause deception. So it's not that hard to grasp God's Message in Rev.9 about the locusts workers being loosed on earth for the 5th trumpet, and even with the 6th trumpet Abaddon or Apollyon (titles for Satan) will also be loosed on earth at the 6th trumpet.

Very few Churches today teach God's Word line upon line, even though line upon line Bible study is the only way to become 'sealed' in God's Word in prep for the coming end time events. Many Christian brethren will fall away to worship the coming false-Messiah who comes first, tricked into thinking he will be our Lord Jesus Christ when he will not be. They simply don't know because most of them will not open up God's Word and study for themselves to become 'sealed' with God's seal. Instead, they depend upon their Church system organization preachers who are careful to follow their religious organization direction on what parts of The Bible to teach (mostly a milk teaching), otherwise they might lose their retirement pension. Just attending a Church today is not enough to be prepared for the coming "great tribulation" when Satan and his angels get here on earth. Each soul must get 'sealed' with God's seal to be prepared, and that means understanding the coming events for the very end, which The Father and The Son have provided His servants within His Word of Truth.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You lost me at how this is all some future event. Thievery was already coming in during the disciples and apostles age. They warned against biting and devouring one another.
It's not me that causes you to lose focus of what God said there about the locust army in the Book of Joel. You do it to yourself because of not listening to God's Word there in Joel. Instead, you are trying to apply an idea by Apostle Paul about Christians not devouring each other, like Galatians 5:15. That Galatians Scripture has nothing... to do with the Revelation 9 chapter about the locusts, nor the Book of Joel about the locust army. Christians, believers on Jesus Christ, are not the locusts, so you should never try and compare the locusts to Christians.

The locusts represent SATAN'S WORKERS on earth which God allows. In the Book of Joel God calls them "a nation", meaning a certain group of people working upon this earth for Satan. And that means the locusts represent a people that 'knowingly' follow and worship SATAN. If you don't understand that, then it means you have failed to understand one of Lord Jesus' most important parables, the parable of the wheat and tares He gave in Matthew 13. Jesus even explained the meaning of that parable to His disciples in private after He sent the multitude away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
But you are incorrect that this Revelation 9 plague is in our future. It's long past, and was fulfilled in the five-months period of AD 66 from April / May until August / September - when the land of Israel typically has locust swarms that can make an appearance.
That theory is truly... FUNNY!

If the events of 5th and 6th Trumpets happened back in 66 A.D. it would mean that Christ's 2nd coming should have happened also in that same generation time. It didn't, we still await Christ's future return. Even the prophetic events Jesus gave for the very end of this world leading up to His future return He showed in His Olivet discourse, with the last SIGN He gave there about His future return, and marking how the final generation on earth would be when those events become fulfilled.

Thus those false men who keep trying to push men's Preterist and Historicist doctrine with false attempts to push back in time those SIGNS at the END Jesus gave being about 70 A.D. with what the Romans did, are to be laughed at, loudly.

3 Resurrections

Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
South Carolina
United States
If the events of 5th and 6th Trumpets happened back in 66 A.D. it would mean that Christ's 2nd coming should have happened also in that same generation time. It didn't, we still await Christ's future return.
Yes, that AD 66 judgment of the "locusts" of Gessius Florus's Roman troops harassing the inhabitants of Judea into the inevitable rebellion against Rome did mean that Christ's second coming return happened in that same first-century generation. Those iron breastplates in Rev. 9:9 worn by the tormenting "locusts" are a spot-on match for an armored Roman soldier, as well as the "crowns like gold" on their Gallic G helmets with the trailing horsehair mounted on top which appeared like women's hair. The "scorpion" field artillery weapon of the Roman soldiers during this first-century time period is also a spot-on match for Revelation 9:10.

Christ had foretold that there were some of those He spoke to directly that would not have died before He returned with His angels in the glory of the Father to give rewards to everyone according to their works (Matt. 16:27-28).

You were not there living during that first-century generation to be a witness to these events coming to pass when Christ promised that they would, so it is impossible for you to contradict Christ and to state that this did not happen.

The Olivet discourse included ongoing history that would follow the coming return of Christ, because there would continue to be times of tribulation on earth afterward, but none that would ever duplicate that of the "Great Tribulation" which had occurred before - "no, nor ever shall be" (Matt. 24:21).

That means we are now awaiting Christ's next return to earth for the last, final judgment after the last resurrection event.