Is Santa Claus a fraud?

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Is Santa Claus a fraud?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Cristo Rei I relooked your OP again and compared it with most of the responses thus far. I noticed very few actually took it seriously and answered it.

Most actually avoided choosing between the world's version of giving 'life' to the party with Santa of the early 20th century versus the Father's party in bringing Christ to us as the real life and truth.

In the Summer of 1971 there was a new Coke jingle: 'it's the real thing (life).' And later it was plastered to the hip with Santa commercials. This was deliberately made to mock and replace the works of Christ and his Father. It was obvious to me the first time I saw it on TV in 1972-73?.

Some here are actually acting as agents of the worldview by showing Santa in only a positive light that he is not hurting anyone, just bringing a happy and joyful spirit to things. Yes, another spirit of this world.

I say, beware that one does not become lukewarm, in compromising with the spirits of this world.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I noticed very few actually took it seriously and answered it.
I honestly did not see it as a serious thread.
From a purely factual point of view, everybody knows Santa is an imaginary creature.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If a person thinks it's not a historical, factual account, is Lazarus and the Rich Man a fraud, then?
According to Christ (who knows all things) the narrative of the Rich Man and Lazarus is neither a parable, nor a fable, nor a fraudulent account. This is a true, historical, factual account to warn sinners to repent and be converted. Hades is real and is still there in "the heart of the earth" ("the lower parts of the earth" or near the core of the earth). The OT saints who were in "Abraham's bosom" (a metaphor for the righteous dead in Hades) are all now in Heaven (in the New Jerusalem). And Lazarus is right there with them. See Hebrews 12:22-24.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
versus the Father's party in bringing Christ to us as the real life and truth.
If the Catholics hadn't outlawed any and all law observance for any and all reasons we wouldn't be having this discussion and Christ would be glorified in our observance of the Holy-days that God himself instituted for the revelation and glorification of Christ. Which does not include a celebration of Christ's birth.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
According to Christ (who knows all things) the narrative of the Rich Man and Lazarus is neither a parable, nor a fable, nor a fraudulent account. This is a true, historical, factual account to warn sinners to repent and be converted. Hades is real and is still there in "the heart of the earth" ("the lower parts of the earth" or near the core of the earth). The OT saints who were in "Abraham's bosom" (a metaphor for the righteous dead in Hades) are all now in Heaven (in the New Jerusalem). And Lazarus is right there with them. See Hebrews 12:22-24.
I, personally, think it's a historical, factual account. But for those who don't, do they feel 'lied to'? Probably not, and that's Scott's point. The truth it communicates far outweighs the 'false' vehicle through which that truth is communicated.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
In the Summer of 1971 there was a new Coke jingle: 'it's the real life.' And later it was plastered to the hip with Santa commercials. This was deliberately made to mock and replace the works of Christ and his Father.
I respect the fact that it might be perceived that way by some in the church, but it simply does not have that affect on me personally. To me, there is Christmas, and there is Christ. I understand the difference between the two and have never conflated them in any way. (Oh, my! The first time I think the use of 'conflate' might actually be a more appropriate word to use than 'confuse'!)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I respect the fact that it might be perceived that way by some in the church, but it simply does not have that affect on me personally. To me, there is Christmas, and there is Christ. I understand the difference between the two and have never conflated them in any way. (Oh, my! The first time I think the use of 'conflate' might actually be a more appropriate word to use than 'confuse'!)
Not to bear you with this of course. I just wanted to point out where Santa is going this Christmas in the Cold country of Norway...Gay

Daddy’ caught kissing Santa Claus in new postal service commercial
Ben Cost
November 24, 2021 12:41pm

He’s come down the chimney — and out of the closet.

Postal service ad depicts Santa as gay on Christmas

The Norwegian Postal Service (Posten Norge) puts a ho-ho-homo twist on the classic carol “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” — with a new commercial depicting Kris Kringle as a gay man. The ad, which features English subtitles, has amassed around 150,000 views — and hundreds of divided comments — since it was uploaded Monday to YouTube.

“Posten is an inclusive workplace with great diversity,” the company’s marketing director Monica Solberg told LGBTQ Nation of the commercial, which commemorates 50 years since Norway decriminalized homosexuality. The clip is captioned, “In 2022, Norway marks 50 years of being able to love whoever we want.”

The four-minute video, titled “When Harry Met Santa,” shows the shirtless titular character gazing lovingly as Saint Nick disappears up the chimney — an apparent twist on the Yuletide trope of a kid catching Kris Kringle on Christmas Eve.

A new holiday ad features a gay Santa Claus engaged in a kiss. The Norwegian Postal Service’s inclusivity-promoting commercial is spreading holiday cheer — and jeers — among the YouTube peanut gallery.
Youtube/ Posten Norge
‘Little kid: Hey Santa, what did you bring me? Santa: Nothing, but I’m taking your dad away.’

One of the snarky remarks made in the YouTube comments section
The short film then cuts to the days after Christmas Eve, when Harry is mired in melancholy, knowing he has to wait 364 days before Santa comes down his chimney again.

Finally, unable to contain his love, Harry pens Santa a letter that reads, “All I want for Christmas is you.” He gets his wish and spends this Christmas making out with his sleigh-riding soulmate.

“When Harry Met Santa” concludes with Father Christmas farming out some of his gift-delivery duties to the postal service — freeing him up to hang with Harry during the holidays. “This year, Santa is happy that Norway Post can relieve him a little, so that he can be with the one he loves,” gushed Solberg.

The postal service’s inclusivity-promoting advert spread holiday cheer — and jeers — among the online peanut gallery, with some dubbing it the best Christmas campaign of the year.

Harry hopes that Santa will be home for the holidays. “Really, Santa is gay now? I must have missed the memo,” one Scrooge griped in the YouTube comments section.
Youtube/ Posten Norge
“That was quite sweet and wonderful,” fawned one fan on YouTube, while another wrote, “Jesus Christ, why am I crying?! The feels.”

However, as viral sensations typically go, not everyone was impressed.

“Really, Santa is gay now? I must have missed the memo,” one Scrooge griped in the comments section, while another snarkily chimed in: “Little kid: Hey Santa, what did you bring me? Santa: Nothing, but I’m taking your dad away.”

This isn’t the first time Santa has been depicted as someone other than a straight, white male. During this year’s Christmas festivities, Disney’s US theme parks featured a black Kris Kringle, marking the first time they’d done so in their 66-year existence.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I just think kids are smarter than that.
There are other factors that would cause the Santa 'lie' to make a young person go to the dark side.

I grew up with the Santa 'lie', but I can see now the love of God I received through my parents was the far more influential factor in my youth.
Meanwhile, my wife resented the Santa 'lie' and did not want to have our kids grow up with the Santa fantasy, and it should be no surprise that she came from a godless, loveless upbringing of alcoholism, divorce, step families, and hatred and strife. IMO, the correlation is unmistakable. Of course, I'm speaking generally here.

Fair enough but for some people who are brought up as Christians it can make them doubt God as a teenager like I did and many others.

There was nothing in my upbringing that can account for my departure from God. As with the prodigal son, my parents weren't drunkards or anything, they were good parents to took me to church every Sunday...

I guess what I'm saying is that Santa drives some kids away from God. The lie can put doubt in their minds later on
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Not to bear you with this of course. I just wanted to point out where Santa is going this Christmas in the Cold country of Norway...Gay

Daddy’ caught kissing Santa Claus in new postal service commercial
Ben Cost
November 24, 2021 12:41pm

He’s come down the chimney — and out of the closet.

Postal service ad depicts Santa as gay on Christmas

The Norwegian Postal Service (Posten Norge) puts a ho-ho-homo twist on the classic carol “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” — with a new commercial depicting Kris Kringle as a gay man. The ad, which features English subtitles, has amassed around 150,000 views — and hundreds of divided comments — since it was uploaded Monday to YouTube.

“Posten is an inclusive workplace with great diversity,” the company’s marketing director Monica Solberg told LGBTQ Nation of the commercial, which commemorates 50 years since Norway decriminalized homosexuality. The clip is captioned, “In 2022, Norway marks 50 years of being able to love whoever we want.”

The four-minute video, titled “When Harry Met Santa,” shows the shirtless titular character gazing lovingly as Saint Nick disappears up the chimney — an apparent twist on the Yuletide trope of a kid catching Kris Kringle on Christmas Eve.

A new holiday ad features a gay Santa Claus engaged in a kiss. The Norwegian Postal Service’s inclusivity-promoting commercial is spreading holiday cheer — and jeers — among the YouTube peanut gallery.
Youtube/ Posten Norge
‘Little kid: Hey Santa, what did you bring me? Santa: Nothing, but I’m taking your dad away.’

One of the snarky remarks made in the YouTube comments section
The short film then cuts to the days after Christmas Eve, when Harry is mired in melancholy, knowing he has to wait 364 days before Santa comes down his chimney again.

Finally, unable to contain his love, Harry pens Santa a letter that reads, “All I want for Christmas is you.” He gets his wish and spends this Christmas making out with his sleigh-riding soulmate.

“When Harry Met Santa” concludes with Father Christmas farming out some of his gift-delivery duties to the postal service — freeing him up to hang with Harry during the holidays. “This year, Santa is happy that Norway Post can relieve him a little, so that he can be with the one he loves,” gushed Solberg.

The postal service’s inclusivity-promoting advert spread holiday cheer — and jeers — among the online peanut gallery, with some dubbing it the best Christmas campaign of the year.

Harry hopes that Santa will be home for the holidays. “Really, Santa is gay now? I must have missed the memo,” one Scrooge griped in the YouTube comments section.
Youtube/ Posten Norge
“That was quite sweet and wonderful,” fawned one fan on YouTube, while another wrote, “Jesus Christ, why am I crying?! The feels.”

However, as viral sensations typically go, not everyone was impressed.

“Really, Santa is gay now? I must have missed the memo,” one Scrooge griped in the comments section, while another snarkily chimed in: “Little kid: Hey Santa, what did you bring me? Santa: Nothing, but I’m taking your dad away.”

This isn’t the first time Santa has been depicted as someone other than a straight, white male. During this year’s Christmas festivities, Disney’s US theme parks featured a black Kris Kringle, marking the first time they’d done so in their 66-year existence.

Ahahahaha... The major brings the discussion to another level... Gay Santa... :D
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
Something must be really wrong with you! The question is not, ‘does Santa bring joy to children?’ The question is, ‘is Santa a fraud?’
i dunno far as i know he never scammed anyone out of anything.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
i dunno far as i know he never scammed anyone out of anything.
How about he scams all the children into believing that he is as powerful as God. Think about his shenanigans in this poem: ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
How about he scams all the children into believing that he is as powerful as God. Think about his shenanigans in this poem: ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house...

No shenanigans as far as I am concerned. My kids are read this story every year on Christmas Eve.

If it's not for you it's not for you. The rest of us can make our own decisions, just as you have made yours. My family has decided that we're fine with the Santa tradition.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
To the people that think no one walks away from God because of Santa
@ScottA @Ferris Bueller @Ezra
Take a look at a discussion that is happening now on an atheist thread titled "God, santa and the tooth fairy"

God, Santa, and The Tooth Fairy

I was an atheist on this forum... I know these guys... They always compare God to things like Santa, easter bunny, unicorns, tooth fairies, Pegasus, ghosts, big foot and other such mythical concepts

The fact is that Santa does turn some kids away from God.
Im not saying all kids and i don't know how many. I just know that some do
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
To the people that think no one walks away from God because of Santa
@ScottA @Ferris Bueller @Ezra
Take a look at a discussion that is happening now on an atheist thread titled "God, santa and the tooth fairy"
I believe that people use Santa as an excuse to not believe in God.
But I do not believe that finding out that Santa is not a real person causes a person to then conclude that God is not a real God. For God himself sends his testimony out to the whole world, convicting and convincing all that the gospel is real.
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