Coming out testimonies reveal the source of same sex attraction

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Sad days indeed when you call yourself a Christian and want others here to defend deviant immorality. If a person finds themselves with same sex attraction they should remain celebate. There really isnt anything else to say on this. It's crystal clear.

For some folks it seems impossible that a Christian could have compassion for sinners without also defending their sinful acts. I'm so glad Christ has incorporated these qualities so very nicely. I'd certainly be without hope were it not so.

"I once was lost in sin
But Jesus took me in..."



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Actually, he was LIVING a lie and now he is living the truth. The truth that he is gay.

The purpose is to show that he was coming to grips with how he was born. The way God created him.

I'm not excusing homosexual behavior. I'm trying to educate Christians about the complexities of an issue that they would rather make black and white. As we see you doing.


Lots of people believe they were born to be or do things that they clearly were not. Do you think this is at all possible in the case of folks who have aberrant sexual proclivities?

FWIW, as far as I'm aware there's not a bit of truly scientific evidence that people are born gay. The "gay gene," for example, doesn't exist. Irreversible homosexuality is, I believe, every bit a matter of faith as is the belief in a supreme being. :)



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Watch this short Connor Franta testimony

I dont want to watch the videos, as you posted them, so, more then likely, they support the idea that "born this way".. is their reason.

if that is not the case, then, great.

So, can you tell me what this person says, caused them to desire to perform homosexual sex acts with other males, as then those of us who are not going to watch the Vids, and dont support gay sex acts... can see what you are trying to prove. @St. SteVen


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
WWJD with LGBTQ? He already told us.

Matthew 13:49-50
49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just,
50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Actually, he was LIVING a lie and now he is living the truth. The truth that he is gay.

The purpose is to show that he was coming to grips with how he was born. The way God created him.

I'm not excusing homosexual behavior. I'm trying to educate Christians about the complexities of an issue that they would rather make black and white. As we see you doing.

Isn't that interesting, I discerned the exact opposite....without at all knowing your point in posting the video.

It's helpful to understand something of how the devil works. We all have sinned.....according to the same pattern as Eve and the serpent. Serpent whispers a lie usually when we were very young children, and we receive/believe it and "fall"....we sinned in some way, eg, by making an idol of some kind, and thus receive a demon into ourselves. It gets buried in our memory....but some years ago the Lord brought to my memory how I "fell" in this manner when I wasn't yet three years old. That is how Satan became our "father", through our receiving/believing his lie/suggestion.....the same way God becomes our Father when we received HIS Spirit through receiving/believing His word. Some children make themselves their idol/god, as I believe might be the case with narcissistic personality disorder, some make their mother or their father an idol....maybe some people even make the devil an idol. Up until then our little souls were in a state of innocence like Adam and Eve before they fell.

There can be extenuating circumstances that can predispose and pressure/tempt the child to seek a (false) solution to a problem, eg, lack of love or rejection by a parent, chaotic home life, trauma, fear, etc, and it is a backhanded way of trying to be in control. Or we can just be like Eve where everything was good and fine, but we wanted to be "like God", the boss of our life, instead of being in submission/obedience to God. Instead of being for our good, the "solution" snaps shut over us like a bear trap and we're locked into a state of dysfunctionality of some kind....bondage. It was a lie. God didn't "create" anyone in bondage to sin.....we did that to ourselves at some point essentially, with the devil's "help". We rebelled against God.....on a spiritual level, akin to witchcraft just as God's word says....and deep in our heart we knew it was wrong. Anyone with children knows how rebellious and knowingly mischievous a two year old can be.

I don't know for sure but it might be possible for children to pick up a demon or demons while in the womb, somehow, but that is just something I wonder about. Whatever the case, however one may be disposed to sin........sin leads to death and it's for our own good that we sin not, plain and simple. Every soul needs God in Christ to lift them out of the mire of sin and set their feet upon a rock (if they will allow Him).

We need to believe God, believe His word.........He knows a lot that we don't know.......and He NEVER LIES. He pleads with mankind to only acknowledge our sin.......repentance is a way to unravel and undo our crooked paths with the help of the Lord, whatever sort they may be.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
The purpose is to show that he was coming to grips with how he was born. The way God created him.

I'm not excusing homosexual behavior. I'm trying to educate Christians about the complexities of an issue that they would rather make black and white. As we see you doing.

He wasn't born like that. Are you saying that God formed him in the womb, as gay? Surely you Jest !!

Have you ever heard of, the Fall of Man? Sin Entering the world? The Curse upon the Earth? The damage done to a soul by sinning willfully? And this is 6 to 7 thousand years later and it has been growing corruption upon the earth ever since. So he might say he was born gay but the truth is, someone got to him when he was young. His enviroment exposed him to the spirit of homosexuality, the spirit of depravity and who knows what else. And he is certainly lying because every man has a conscience. The fact (must be) that sodomy is like anything else on this planet, very addictive. So he just dont want to give it up.

And the Bible is very black and white about being gay. It says in one verse what your 10 page treatise to explain how it's ok somehow (Ha!) to be accepting of the gays.
That's Lunacy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Watch this short Connor Franta testimony video to help understand what it is like to deal with this issue.
Make note of where the sexual attraction came from.

Coming Out​

Coming Out: One Year Later​

If you are wondering about me, read the OP for this topic below, thanks.


I watched both videos from beginning to end and, I have to be honest, they screen like very polite, but completely emotionally reasoned, self-congratulatory, Greek tragedies.

This poor kid seems to portray that he's never had any opposition to what he feels or believes in his entire life—except from his own conscience, which he seems to have successfully squelched.

He's had a wonderful wall built about him to protect him from any felt need of repentance, and I'm afraid he's headed for a horrific crash-and-burn as he ventures out from West Hollywood (in the abstract sense, of course). I know that this is how God works.

I hope someone cares enough for him to pick up the pieces and love him back to health. I know Someone who would be interested.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the intent of the thread title but I don't see a single thing that points to a definitive and defensible source of same sex attraction unless you mean the human heart/mind, which the Bible says is deceitfully wicked, unknowable, sick, faint, must be kept with all diligence, must be tested by God, even replaced, and is the source of false prophecies, out of which proceeds evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies. I'm not making this up or taking it out of context, either, at least, as far as I know. And it didn't take much work to make this list.

This is pretty harsh, I know but, to my mind, I don't know how to get around it.

I try to avoid watching these "I," "I," "I," "me," "me," "me"-fests, but when someone posts them (alas, even my own bosom buddy), once in a while I have to call 'em like I see 'em.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Are you gay? You seem to have singular obsession with legitimizing homosexuals. Has something happened to you that causes you to be so obsessed with it?

"Singular obsession?" That seems like an unfair judgment. Have you made a study of the activity history of the one you're accusing?

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the intent of the thread title but I don't see a single thing that points to a definitive and defensible source of same sex attraction unless you mean the human heart/mind, ...
Thanks for watching the videos. Few on the forum will do that. Preferring not to risk losing their preconceptions.

Dangerous for me to even mention the very real issue. Thanks for fielding the attack from a forum member.

The intent was to illustrate that this person grew up this way. It doesn't seem to be a result of environment. He came out to his family and straight friends. He had been hiding his true self and was terrified to reveal it. But much relieved once it was out in the open.

No mention of church. But it could have been part of his upbringing. Then what? We assume that the self-discovery of same-sex attraction would lead a Christian to repentance, since we have all been programmed to believe it is an abomination. But it could lead them away, or FORCE them out of the church, or in search of an accepting community. Plenty of options now.

I'm not saying I approve of homosexual behavior, but this is seemingly an ever-growing reality. And probably because it is finally acceptable to come out. We were only seeing the tip of the iceberg previously.




Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Watch this short Connor Franta testimony video to help understand what it is like to deal with this issue.
Make note of where the sexual attraction came from.

Coming Out​

Coming Out: One Year Later​

If you are wondering about me, read the OP for this topic below, thanks.

My favorite pastor always said "to try and explain sin is to defend it".

The only thing we need to understand about sin is found in Romans 6:14: "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?"

When in comes to homosexuality, the only thing the homosexual must understand is the same thing the rest of us must: we're not going anywhere with sin and it will surely get us in the end, therefore, we must go to Jesus and make Him both our SAVIOR from sin and our LORD we must obey.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
No mention of church. But it could have been part of his upbringing. Then what? We assume that the self-discovery of same-sex attraction would lead a Christian to repentance, since we have all been programmed to believe it is an abomination. But it could lead them away, or FORCE them out of the church, or in search of an accepting community. Plenty of options now.
In a sense I am a closet Universalist. I'm pretty sure most of my church community would not approve, and especially the pastor. What would become of me if I came out? I suppose they would try to "fix" me, but I'm not interested in being fixed. (corrected) Then what? I can't imagine any good coming from that.

] cc: @BarneyFife
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Thanks for watching the videos. Few on the forum will do that. Preferring not to risk losing their preconceptions.

Dangerous for me to even mention the very real issue. Thanks for fielding the attack from a forum member.

The intent was to illustrate that this person grew up this way. It doesn't seem to be a result of environment. He came out to his family and straight friends. He had been hiding his true self and was terrified to reveal it. But much relieved once it was out in the open.

No mention of church. But it could have been part of his upbringing. Then what? We assume that the self-discovery of same-sex attraction would lead a Christian to repentance, since we have all been programmed to believe it is an abomination. But it could lead them away, or FORCE them out of the church, or in search of an accepting community. Plenty of options now.

I'm not saying I approve of homosexual behavior, but this is seemingly an ever-growing reality. And probably because it is finally acceptable to come out. We were only seeing the tip of the iceberg previously.

View attachment 47099
Paul says he would have us "wise toward salvation and simple (without knowledge) toward evil".

Instead of encouraging people to "watch the video" and at the same time accusing those who won't as concerned only with protecting our preconceived notions, why don't you heed Paul's words and take them down?

I don't need to climb down in the gutter with the addict to understand his need for Jesus as Savior and Lord.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
My favorite pastor always said "to try and explain sin is to defend it".
Why would it be a sin for me to have a sexual relationship with a woman that is not my wife?

Would you be defending sin to answer this question?

What your pastor said sounds like the "No-Talk" rule. The one who speaks up is the problem.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Instead of encouraging people to "watch the video" and at the same time accusing those who won't as concerned only with protecting our preconceived notions, why don't you heed Paul's words and take them down?
If you don't like challenges to your understanding, I recommend that you put me on IGNORE.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Paul says he would have us "wise toward salvation and simple (without knowledge) toward evil".
What does Solomon say about simpletons and knowledge?

Proverbs 1:22 KJV
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?
and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Why would it be a sin for me to have a sexual relationship with a woman that is not my wife?
Because that violates the Ten Commandments.
Would you be defending sin to answer this question?
No, because there's a difference between defining sin is and defending it through appeals to human sympathies.
What your pastor said sounds like the "No-Talk" rule. The one who speaks up is the problem.
I think the pastor's words are clear enough, are in line with God's directive to be "wise unto salvation" and not explore all the different shapes and colors and facets of sin to find out why it draws us.

The reason God commands us to be "simple toward evil" is the same reason new, inexperienced prison guards are told "never talk to the prisoners". Unfortunately, there are cases where a guard thought he was smarter than everyone else, befriended a prisoner, was seduced into violating the rules for his new friend, was blackmailed into committing far worse violations, and ended up behind bars along with his "friend".


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
If you don't like challenges to your understanding, I recommend that you put me on IGNORE.

If you don't Paul showing you how far out of line with Scripture it is to encourage people to "understand" why homos are homos, then align your thinking with Scripture.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Paul says he would have us "wise toward salvation and simple (without knowledge) toward evil".

Instead of encouraging people to "watch the video" and at the same time accusing those who won't as concerned only with protecting our preconceived notions, why don't you heed Paul's words and take them down?

I don't need to climb down in the gutter with the addict to understand his need for Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Good to see you, Brother. :)

I have to assume that you're well aware, PM, that there's more to the labor of soul-winning than getting folks to repent. Otherwise we might have a situation much like this:

James 2:15-16 — If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?

And I'm sure you know the organized efforts that go on to minister to folks who are struggling with sexual can be very extensive and oftentimes great means and effort are expended without any evangelistic results materializing at all.

Notwithstanding the many counsels in the Bible to maintain purity of mind, and that I certainly wouldn't wish to compel others to view something they find offensive, Christ still bids us to minister to the needs of the one sheep that has strayed from the fold of ninety and nine.

Just sayin'.

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