The Sun, God's tool to change the World

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
United States
Yes, I agree with you that there have been many Jewish biased understandings embedded into our translations that are misleading...
Well, I didn't say that. There are several places where the English language can't quite capture the full force of the Hebrew and/or Greek. But it's not inaccurate.

One such Hebrew Root Word is H:5768. olam, which is usually translated as "Forever" but the Strong Definition would suggest otherwise, and history certainly does not support this understanding.

Let us consider Genesis 13:14-17: -

Genesis 12:14-17: - 14 And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: "Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are — northward, southward, eastward, and westward; 15 for all the land/earth which you see I give to you and/, {that (entity)}, I will give to your descendants forever/for a long period of time whose ending, which is beyond man’s comprehension, is at the vanishing point, {of this particular time period}, in the future. 16 And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered. 17 Arise, walk in the land/ my earth through its length and its width, for I give it to you/this {entity} I will give. "​

Another way of paraphrasing verse 15 to make it easier to read and understand might be: -

"for all the earth which you see, that entity, I will give to your descendants for a long period of time where the end point of that time period, will be beyond your descendants capacity to comprehend when the possession of the described land will end."​

If we consider the historical record we know from the scriptures and History that God also promised this same area of the earth in descriptive form where he listed the same land in this form: -

Genesis 15:18-21: - 18 On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:​

"To your descendants I have given/will give this land/{entity/portion} of the earth, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates — 19 the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites."​

Now we know that God began giving possession of this land entity to the Descendants of Israel as they left the desert to being entering the "Promised Land," over a period of around 430 years when King David stamped His dominion over some of the extended promised land outside of the Land of Canaan. After the death of King Solomon Israel's dominion/possession of much of the Promised Land was taken from them and Israel was only left with the Land of Canaan which God had promised to King David to give to Israel, and even this was taken from them in 70 AD.

Now in Genesis 15:16 God told Abraham that in the fourth age of the existence of His descendant, that some of them will return, in their own strength, to the Land in which he was living at that time. This prophetic word was fulfilled in 1948, by my calculations 4,000 years after the birth of Isaac. (We must remember that an "age" is around 1,024 solar years in duration.)

The word translated as "generation" in Genesis 15:16 that has the embedded Hebrew Root Word H:1755 within it, is the same Hebrew Root Word that is embedded in in Jeremaih 50:39: - דּ֥וֹר (dō·wr) וָדֽוֹר (wā·ḏō·wr). Also in this verse we also have the Hebrew Root Word H:5331 which has the meaning of in Strong as : -

View attachment 46931

In other words this Hebrew Root Word has a finite meaning/duration and as such we should be able to find the finite duration within the context of the verse and that is found in the Hebrew words : - דּ֥וֹר (dō·wr) וָדֽוֹר (wā·ḏō·wr) which should be translated as "an age plus/and an age" or more commonly expressed as simply two ages.

Now the translators have latched upon the words at the start of the verse where we are told that Babylon would be devastated and made desolate and assumed that this was an infinite outcome and so has translated this as many generation instead of for two generation/ages.

I trust that this explanation helps.
Well, it's overly strident. :) Among other things. :) Oh... uh, yeah... in my opinion. :)

I will say, though, that I'm not a Strong's guy. :) It's not terrible, but there are places where the translations... and the associated commentary... could be better. :) And if you're using the Blue Letter Bible, I would say the same thing.

Grace and peace to you, Jay.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Well, I didn't say that. There are several places where the English language can't quite capture the full force of the Hebrew and/or Greek. But it's not inaccurate.

I thought that that was what I was pointing out.

I will say, though, that I'm not a Strong's guy. :) It's not terrible, but there are places where the translations... and the associated commentary... could be better. :) And if you're using the Blue Letter Bible, I would say the same thing.

I am often cautious when using the different dictionaries and commentaries available.

I am not a Blue Letter Bible kind of guy. I prefer the Bible Hub web site but even there, I find that I have to check what they present, just like many do on this forum with what is posted. It is okay if you understand the limitation of the particular package that is being using. Sadly, I have observed that people can use Biblical packages outside of their designed limitations.

Feedback is important for us all to learn not just for the author of the post being commented on but also for the readers on this forum who remain silent but who meditate on the subject matter.



Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
United States
I thought that that was what I was pointing out.
Well good, but your words conveyed something quite different. Or at least so it seems; you said, "Our present translations have multipl(e) errors in their translations which actually seals the truth of the End Time Prophecies from being discovered." I strongly disagree with that, and would, rather, say that some things in some of these translations make it easier for the reader to misunderstand what is actually being said here or there. But the truth is still... "discoverable."

I am often cautious when using the different dictionaries and commentaries available.

I am not a Blue Letter Bible kind of guy. I prefer the Bible Hub web site but even there, I find that I have to check what they present, just like many do on this forum with what is posted. It is okay if you understand the limitation of the particular package that is being using. Sadly, I have observed that people can use Biblical packages outside of their designed limitations.

Feedback is important for us all to learn not just for the author of the post being commented on but also for the readers on this forum who remain silent but who meditate on the subject matter.
Very well.

Grace and peace to you.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Trolling are you?
It's not trolling to recognize a ridiculous criticism related to Hebrew OT translation.

Don't start targeting me. I am immune to bullies. I like them to prove they can but criticize scripture since they are unable to hear them speak.

Have a better life.

Oh, bye.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
It's not trolling to recognize a ridiculous criticism related to Hebrew OT translation.

Don't start targeting me. I am immune to bullies. I like them to prove they can but criticize scripture since they are unable to hear them speak.

Have a better life.

Oh, bye.

BlessedPeace, if my previous posts contain errors, then show me where my error is in the examples I provided, rather than carrying on the way you are. It is really not becoming of you.



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
This thread has been well and truly hijacked.
I ask that people just consider the sun, how it is a massive inferno but our life sustainer.

Prophesy does say the sun is what the Lord will use to reset civilization the next time. Check out -


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
This thread has been well and truly hijacked.
I ask that people just consider the sun, how it is a massive inferno but our life sustainer.

Prophesy does say the sun is what the Lord will use to reset civilization the next time. Check out -
God said next time he resets the world it won't be by water but by fire.
You have no legitimate basis to claim the sun cannot be the vehicle he uses.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
God said next time he resets the world it won't be by water but by fire.
You have no legitimate basis to claim the sun cannot be the vehicle he uses.
It IS the sun that I show is Prophesied to be the way the Lord will destroy His enemies and change the world.
What the Prophets describe can only be fulfilled by an explosion of the suns surface. We should know all about this.