The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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VIDEO: Trump Warns New COVID Variant Will Be Used To Rig 2024 Election​
April 5th 2024, 6:20 pm

The former president knows the Democrat playbook involves manufacturing a crisis then taking advantage of the hysteria.


Donald Trump shows the American people he’s wise to the Democrats’ dirty tricks attempting to bring back Covid to pull off another election heist.



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New Emails Show Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric Developed COVID-19 Under DARPA Grant​

by Adan Salazar
April 5th 2024, 6:04 pm

Damning email chains show discussions on how "proteins are best delivered to bats" and mention DARPA funding of nanoparticle research.

'From the virus to the poison shot rollout, it was all brought to us by the deep state,' says Alex Jones.

A new document sheds light on EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak and researcher Ralph Baric’s work on COVID-19 gain-of-function research, as well as ties to a DARPA research grant funding the work.

Published by journalist Jimmy Tobias this week, a damning email chain appears to implicate Daszak and the UNC-Chapel Hill coronavirus expert as integral to researching the disease’s capabilities as far back as 2018.

In the email chain, a message from United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Wildlife Health Center research scientist Tonie Rocke to Baric’s wife “Toni” states,
Hi Toni (nice to meet a fellow Toni – I don’t often); Yes, 11:30 works for me. Is that ET? I’m not yet sure if I’ll be working from home tomorrow, so probably best if I call you. I’d like to hear your thoughts on how these proteins are best delivered to bats and what has been attempted so far.
In another email from the document addressed from Rocke to Ralph Baric, Rocke asked about a “DARPA grant,” referring to the US Defense Department’s research branch:
Hi Ralph: I have a couple of questions about the SARS-CoV spike glycoproteins you are developing with respect to the DARPA grant we are collaborating on. Do you have time for a call sometime tomorrow?
In yet another incriminating email exchange from Daszak to Baric’s wife, the EcoHealth Alliance president mentioned “the nanoparticle work [Ralph’s] been involved in.”


The emails appear to corroborate what many have long suspected: that COVID-19 was intentionally developed by the US government which then attempted to cover-up all traces back to the virus.

Baric’s research at UNC was also funded by the HHS’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as admitted by NIAID head Anthony Fauci:

Commenting on the email thread going viral on social media, journalist Alex Berenson noted, “In case you’ve forgotten, Ralph Baric met with Tony Fauci on February 11, 2020. Thus Fauci knew from the first what had happened, and he knew Americans and research he’d helped sponsor were indirectly (at best) responsible. He has been lying about it ever since.”


The emails are part of a trove of documents received via a FOIA request from the USGS by Tobias earlier this month.

“This is just the newest of many emails that prove DARPA and the pentagon ran the entire Covid attack. From the virus to the poison shot rollout it was all brought to us by the deep state,”
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One Dose of Pfizer’s Covid “Vaccine” Contains Over 200 Billion DNA Fragments That Can Incorporate Into Human DNA, Causing Cancer​

by Lance D. Johnson, Natural News

April 2, 2024

(Natural News)—Multiple laboratory studies now confirm that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is heavily contaminated with plasmid DNA. The latest analysis finds that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments.

These DNA fragments can incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes. This DNA contamination has cancer implications for millions of people who were manipulated to take part in this biowarfare experiment.

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, recently spoke about his findings in front of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on the Department of Health and Environmental Control (“DHEC”).

Solar power is proving to be ineffective for the grid, but PERSONAL solar power is necessary for when the grid goes down. Grab a personal solar generator for bugging in or bugging out.

Buckhaults has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology; he studies how genes cause cancer. He and his team specialize in detecting foreign pieces of DNA in places where they can incorporate or interfere with healthy genetic expression.

“The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. It’s not just mRNA, it’s got bits of DNA in it.” Prof. Buckhaults said in front of the South Carolina Senate committee. One of his colleagues retrieved vials of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccines from the vaccination program he managed in Columbia, South Carolina. Professor Buckhaults sequenced all the DNA from those vials. He was surprised to see any DNA at all. He said, “You can kind of work out what it is and how it got there and I’m kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of this both in terms of human health and biology.”

“This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix,” he warned. He says the DNA could be the reason why people are having cardiac events and autoimmune attacks after vaccination.
“We do this in the lab all the time; we take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex, like the Pfizer vaccine is in, we pour it onto cells and a lot of it gets into the cells. And a lot of it gets into the DNA of those cells and it becomes a permanent fixture of the cell.”

According to Buckhaults, the long-term risks of DNA integration include cancer. “It’s also a very real theoretical risk of future cancer in some people. Depending on where in the genome this foreign piece of DNA lands it can interrupt a tumor suppressor or activate an oncogene.”

The DNA alterations can also be passed on to future generations. Because DNA lasts for hundreds of thousands of years, “alterations to the DNA can stick around” according to Buckhaults.

Pfizer scientists knew about the DNA contamination and tried to chop it up and hide it​

Prof. Buckhaults said most of the DNA in Pfizer’s vaccines contained around 100 base pairs. Some were 500 to 5,000 base pairs long. The size doesn’t make a difference because any of these fragments can incorporate into the human genome. “Your genome risk is just a function of how many particles there are,” he said. “All these little pieces of DNA that are in the vaccine [give] many many thousands of opportunities to modify a cell of a vaccinated person.”

Buckhaults said the pieces are very small because they were chopped up during the manufacturing process. “The pieces are very small because during the process they chopped them up to try to make them go away – but they actually increased the hazard of genome modification in the process,” he said.

When Buckhault’s team pieced all the DNA fragments back together, they were able to determine the source. The chopped-up DNA comes from a plasmid called Agilent, which is manufactured by Agilent Technologies, Inc., a life sciences company in California.

According to Buckhault’s team, Pfizer used this plasmid to clone spike proteins into it. The plasmid is then fed an RNA polymerase so it can replicate mRNA. In the process, this mRNA is then encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, which are injected into the cells for efficient delivery of the mRNA and the DNA contamination.

Buckhaults said, “They [Pfizer-BioNTech] failed to get the DNA out before they did this.” While “they did make some effort to chop it up … all these little pieces of the plasma got packaged in with the RNA.” Buckhaults said it’s “clear as day what happened just from the forensics of looking at the DNA sequencing.”

Buckhaults said vaccinated people can be tested to see if the foreign plasmid DNA eventually integrated into their genome. While most vaccine adverse events are hard to prove, this integration leaves an imprint that can be detected later. The consequences of this DNA contamination are devastating for humanity and future generations.


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It's what we know to be certain—the societal scourge Biden and his accomplices have brought on our homes, our families, the mess our country is in, and the apparent dismantling of the greatest nation​

It's All Fake Except the War

By Ray DiLorenzo —— Bio and Archives April 6, 2024


Everything we have been reporting, everything we have suspected concerning the Biden presidency has been confirmed. It's all fake, contrived, and bogus, if you will, from the very beginning. I take no joy in writing this article. When I think of the loss of our country's prestige, it brings tears to my eyes.

The war between good and evil. The war to save our country and the war to destroy it​

What isn't fake is the war—the war between good and evil. The war to save our country and the war to destroy it. That is as real as it gets.
The federal government, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, Homeland Security, the intelligence community, including the CIA, an entire political party, corporate elites, and the mainstream media—TV, including sports reporters, social media, print media, fact-checkers, and Hollywood—are all in on the charade. Even the Mexican president is trying to help Biden out by rounding up migrants ahead of the election. It doesn't look good for Biden. After the election, the plan is to resume the rush to the border.

The fact checker squads are going crazy—FactCheck, Snopes, BBC, USA Today, ABC, NBC, Politifact, Washington Post, CNN, and Reuters, among many others. Their sensitivity to the slightest accusation is over the top.

Reporters are now beginning to speak out. Sage Steele, a former ESPN reporter, has confirmed that her interview of Biden as early as 2021 was totally fake—the questions, the reporter responses, everything according to script. Oh, and no follow-up questions were allowed.

Videos are surfacing of a 'Biden' in Ireland answering reporters questions while scratching the right side of his neck, showing plainly a mask that has wrinkled after he scratched his neck... Politifact assured us it was a fake video. They showed the video, but took away the close-up of the mask wrinkling and then quickly switched to another scene. It was simply a 'trust me' report. Mask or not, shenanigans have been going on since the beginning of this presidency.


"I saw a man pretending to be a woman interviewing a fake president. I think I've entered the Twilight Zone"​

The White House is even fake for electronic appearances. Biden doesn't speak from inside the White House. It's across the street. They use fake windows and fake outside scenes, but the teleprompters are real, although in this White House you can't see them in the studio. Maybe that is the reason for the fake White House.

One comment from a Facebook reader said, "I saw a man pretending to be a woman interviewing a fake president. I think I've entered the Twilight Zone."

One thing is certain: from the start of this presidency, much has been out of the ordinary, and that's putting it mildly. From the first day, a video shows a literal pile of executive orders waiting for signatures on Biden's desk, prompting him to ask, "What am I signing?" His first speech to a Joint Session of Congress was almost to an empty room. How weird is that? He slept in until 11 a.m. recently, despite being scheduled for an interview/speech an hour earlier, and finally showed up with CPAP marks all over his face. Upon checking the story, I found myself delving into pages detailing numerous accusations of him sleeping in during a crucial meeting.


Biden has spread an amoral culture​

Biden's slips and falls are a common occurrence. He's a literal gaffe machine. Biden created a failed economy by printing money on overtime, resulting in inflation that is damaging millions of families. He's draining our strategic oil reserves, with potential wars in two hemispheres now made worse in Eastern Europe with Blinken's announcement that Ukraine will enter NATO.

Biden opened our borders wide with millions of migrants from over 100 countries, including Red China and Iran, composed mostly of 'single' military-age males, with many migrants bringing in diseases like tuberculosis, and now taking up 30% of the space in federal prisons.

Millions of military-age males don't migrate to another country, ask for asylum and have no family with them.

Biden has perpetuated a false pandemic, enforced mandatory masks, shut down schools and churches, and mandated a vaccine that has/is killing more people than the actual pandemic. Many corporations, including airlines and sports teams, have followed suit, resulting in numerous deaths among athletes, with pilots and flight attendants losing their lives in mid-flight.

Biden has spread an amoral culture, conducting transgender parties on the White House lawn with half naked people pretending to be of the opposite sex and convincing many young people that you can change your gender, resulting in the mutilation of thousands of healthy individuals with the ensuing rise in suicide.

All this with relative silence from a feckless Congress, a skittish Supreme Court and a political party that will follow him to Hell.

The question of whether the Biden presidency is real or not is not the only issue. It's what we know to be certain—the societal scourge Biden and his accomplices have brought on our homes, our families, the mess our country is in, and the apparent dismantling of the greatest nation, the greatest culture on earth that has protected freedom all over the world for well over a hundred years. That is what has so many on edge. There is no faking that. It's as real as a plague.

Ray DiLorenzo -- Bio and Archives | Comments
Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

What a load of crap!
The idiot should go and looked under Russian Communism, backward 2 stroke cars etc polluting and all !
3rd rate Nations pollute more than any Nation does.
Not to mention trash people live in filthy towns and drug addicts leave their needles laying just any where.
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Feb 4, 2018
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April 7 - Israelis Losing Patience With Satanyahu


Tens of thousands demand Netanyahu's 'immediate' replacement

Demonstrators have accused the Israeli prime minister of slow-walking a ceasefire deal to please hardliners in his cabinet
Tens of thousands demand Netanyahu’s ‘immediate’ replacement

Protesters in Tel Aviv have called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign amid chaotic scenes in the city. Thousands of people have taken to the streets with clashes between demonstrators and police, according to media reports.

It comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was branded a "narcissist" by a former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) general, who raged: "The sooner he goes, the better it will be for Israel."

When will then ever learn the the PMs of Israel since 1948 are puppets of the Rothschilds - they bought them many decades ago to their deadly bidding - against both the Wast and the West..


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Modern Cars Enslaving Owners in Dystopic Technocratic Takeover​

Sean Miller | Infowars
April 9th 2024, 9:06 am

The automobile, once a tool of personal freedom, has became a tool of control under big brother smart grid technologies.


Modern cars produced since the mid-2010’s carry Trojan horse technologies that owners are now becoming aware of. Technology that can control where and when drivers are allowed to drive, track driver’s eyeballs, record occupant conversations, collect genetic and health information, biometrics and weight of drivers and passengers, causes auto insurance premiums to be increased and even monitor driver’s sexual activity.

In a recent video, British automotive journalist Geoff Buys Cars covered how a Hyundai Kona that underwent a software update is now subject to geofencing and geotiming, in other words, the car can now have distance and time limits set remotely by the manufacture. The terms of service for the software update state that these driving restrictions will only be activated when required by law.

“It means you’re not going to be able to drive your car beyond the limits of what the government decided that you’re allowed to drive it, so all of these conspiracies about 15 minute cities and zones and climate lockdowns, how are they going to implement them, well, probably with the geofencing capabilities that are built into these cars, using the infrastructure that they’re already installing in the roads with all the cameras and all the sensors and all the new technology that is going up,” Geoff said.

Hyundai refused to reverse the update, making the controls a permanent ‘feature’. The automotive journalist elaborated that all modern cars have the capability to do this built in, so even if a car’s software doesn’t currently allow for restrictions on driving distance, trip locations, allowable travel times, and even self driving, that control can be added in at a future date.

“Some everyday cars are already fully autonomous, the technology is already there in the cars, they just haven’t switched it on,” Geoff said.
The automotive journalist went on to talk about how this technology can be used to disallow people driving their cars on Sundays, conceivably to prevent them from going to church, under the guise of ‘saving the planet’ in a future climate lockdown, before ending the video by pointing the camera up at an atmospheric aerosol trail (chemtrail) and ironically saying ‘that’s a good one, isn’t it’.

This new surveillance and control technology is being leveraged by auto insurers as well. WSB-TV recently reported on an American woman who’s had her insurance premium increase by 80 percent after her current generation Chevrolet Camaro began uploading hundreds of pages of information about her driving habits to Chevrolet, which in turn sold it to data brokers where it was then purchased by major insurance companies.

“She’s learned the OnStar system is tracking things like acceleration events, high speed events and hard breaking events,” WSB-TV reporter Justin Gray said.

As the public continues to buy new cars with the expectation of granting themselves personal freedom in transportation, they are unknowingly giving away that very freedom in the process.
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Peter Boothroyd- Christians Have Bought Tribulation Lie

April 10, 2024


A 1839 painting by the Scot David Roberts depicting destruction of Jerusalem.

Christians have been taught to embrace the Great Tribulation because, before that happens, they will all be removed or raptured from the planet. But, it's all a hoax because, the predicted great tribulation already took place in the horrific years of the Roman siege that ended with the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The rapture was made up to pacify Christians.

The Rapture and Other End Time Hoaxes
by Peter Boothroyd

Christians across North America believe that
one day they will be raptured and will be spared the "Tribulation" and "Antichrist."

They might be surprised to learn that the false doctrines of the rapture and dispensationalism were invented in 1830 by John Darby.

In fact, you won't find the word "rapture" in the Bible. It's a hoax. But this didn't stop Cyrus Ingerson Scofield from stealing Darby's deceptive doctrines and incorporating them in his Scofield Reference Bible which was first published in 1909 and revised in 1917. Labeled a charlatan and heretic by Christian author Stephen Sizeman, shyster Scofield even conferred a doctorate on himself in 1892. You can read more about this scoundrel here.

In spite of Scofield's sordid background, the erroneous rapture doctrine was popularized by Hal Lindsay in his book The Late Great Planet Earth in 1970 and sensationalized by Tim LaHaye with his apocalyptic Left Behind series of books beginning in 1995.

The heretical Scofield Reference Bible was even picked up by the Dallas Theological Seminary as a textbook for its students. Many other Bible colleges in the United States also teach students about the rapture and dispensationalism as if they are facts.


(left, C.I. Scofield)

Not only is there no rapture. The "Antichrist" is a make-believe character promoted by the Scofield futurists. A quick check in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible reveals that the Bible warns that not just one but many antichrists will emerge over the ages.

The spirit of antichrist is already in the world, the Bible says. Anyone that denies God and His Son is antichrist. And antichrist systems are alive and well today. However, don't expect a guy who calls himself the real Antichrist to pop up any time soon.

But the lies don't stop there. Many evangelical Christians like to talk about the "Great Tribulation" which they say is a 3½ year-period that is still to come marked by the appearance of the Antichrist. Well, guess what? Those 3½ years of great tribulation have already come and gone and culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The famous historian Flavio Josephus observed and recorded in great detail the terrifying Roman siege of Jerusalem which lasted from the spring of 67 AD until the fall of 70 AD (3½ years).

In his book The Destruction of Jerusalem, written in 1805, George Peter Holford explains that the Olivet Discourse of Jesus, recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, is a prediction of the events that would soon come to pass and lead to the destruction of Jerusalem and its magnificent temple.

But the heretical Scofield futurists would have you believe that Jesus was speaking of events 2,000 years or more in the future. Holford's book contains much information from Josephus. Why does the Olivet Discourse not appear in the Gospel of John, you might ask? Because John's detailed account of the soon-to-arrive destruction of Jerusalem is contained in the Book of Revelation.

Well, what about 666, the "number of the beast"? Surely, the beast of Revelation 13 is still to come. No, many theologians think not. That's another instance of how many of us have been hoodwinked to believe the lies of the dispensational futurists.

The last verse of Revelation 13 in the King James Version doesn't say the number of the beast is 666. It says "let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six [sic] hundred threescore and six" (or six hundred and sixty-six). John was speaking in code to the seven churches in Asia Minor. He knew that, if his readers were smart enough to use Hebrew gematria, the number six hundred and sixty six would give them the name Nero Caesar.

It was Nero, the wicked beast, who punished John by banishing him to the Isle of Patmos in the Aegean Sea where he wrote Revelation. Before that, Nero had tried to kill John by boiling him in oil but he didn't succeed. And the siege of Jerusalem began in 67 AD when Nero was Emperor of ancient Rome until he committed suicide in AD 68.

Don't let the futurists fool you. The rapture, the "Great Tribulation" and the coming "Antichrist" are all hoaxes perpetrated by the evangelicals who have been duped by the heretical Scofield Reference Bible.

The dispensational futurists would have you believe that John wrote the Book of Revelation to forecast events that would take place more than 2,000 years after it was written. The truth of the matter is most of the events in the Book of Revelation had already taken place by the time Jerusalem and its magnificent temple had been utterly destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. In the opening chapter of the Book of Revelation, John indicates that he is writing about events that must "soon take place", not 2,000 years later.

Peter Boothroyd is the author of the spy thriller novel The Iran Imperative under his alias Laurence Atelier.

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Feb 4, 2018
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BREAKING: 26 Barges Damage Bridges and a Dam on the Ohio River

Raw Egg Nationalist |
April 13th 2024, 5:47 am

A major incident is occurring on the Ohio River

Multiple barges have broken loose and damaged key bridges and the Emsworth Dam

Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) ·
Over two dozen barges have broken loose of their moorings on the Ohio River and floated downstream, causing local authorities to shut down multiple bridges, including the McKees Rocks Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania early Saturday morning. There is widespread traffic disruption in the area.
It’s reported that 23 of the barges were loaded and three were empty. Six barges are claimed to have run up against the Emsworth dam and “extensive damage” has been reported at Peggys Harbor in Pittsburgh.


The causes of the incident are unclear at this early stage.
“How do barges break loose? What kind of rope are they using?”

Users on Twitter have pointed to previous incidents in which barges have broken free on rivers in the area. In January 2019, 12 barges broke loose on the Mon River, causing bridges to be closed in the Pittsburgh area.

The Pittsburgh area has experienced flooding in recent weeks, but some doubted whether the flooding was so abnormal as to cause 26 barges to break free all at once.

“This feels planned and coordinated. When will be told the truth about what is truly going on in our country? Are we in a hidden war?” tweeted Right Angle News Network.A little over two weeks ago, a container ship, the MV Dali, struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore harbour, destroying the bridge. Six people, from a maintenance crew, are believed to have died. It has already been estimated that reconstruction of the bridge may cost $400 million and take seven years to complete.

The collapse of the Key Bridge has halted almost all passenger and cargo shipping to the Port of Baltimore, one of the East Coast’s most important ports. The possibility of deliberate sabotage has been suggested.
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Feb 4, 2018
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Watch: Bill Cooper Reveals Israel’s True Purpose is to Usher in World Government
April 14th 2024, 12:17 pm

"Israel was created as the instrument to bring about...a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war," says 'Behold a Pale Horse' author.


William Cooper, former intelligence officer and author of globalist exposé Behold a Pale Horse, broke down what he claimed was the true purpose of Israel’s founding in 1947.

“Israel was created as the instrument to bring about…a war that will be so terrible, where nuclear weapons will be used, so that [people] will get down on their knees and beg for no more war,” he said in a 1992 interview. And what is the answer to that? They’re going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations, and we come together as one humanity in a one world government.”
Cooper went on to say that the globalists behind the insidious plan to usher in global government don’t belong to any single tribe, ethnicity, or religion in particular, but are students of the “mystery schools.”

“Read the Book of Revelations. Whether you believe the book or not, read it, because the men who are bringing this about are using it as their script,” he said.

The interviewer then hypothesized the Jewish people were being “manipulated” by the globalists for this purpose. "That’s correct,” Cooper replied. “They’ve always been manipulated. And I get people who still come to me all the time and say, ‘Bill, you’re all wrong. It’s the Jews. The Jews are subverting the world.’”

“Man, it’s not the Jews. It’s not the Catholics, it’s not the blacks. It’s these men who belong to the ancient mystery schools, who meet in secret and decide the fate of the world.”

“And they belong to all different races and all different nationalities and all different religions, to the public point of view. But in secret, it’s a different story,” he added.

Cooper served in Naval intelligence before publishing Behold a Pale Horse in 1991, which describes the elites’ plans for world government and their declaration of war against humanity.
Watch the full interview:

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Oct 28, 2023
Other Faith
conflated everything
as planned for over thousand years.....
The possibility of deliberate sabotage has been suggested.
Actually planned , yes,
Cooper went on to say that the globalists behind the insidious plan to usher in global government don’t belong to any single tribe, ethnicity, or religion in particular, but are students of the “mystery schools.”

“Read the Book of Revelations. Whether you believe the book or not, read it, because the men who are bringing this about are using it as their script,” he said.
As planned for over a thousand years, as Scripture reveals, and brought to public view in book published and censored: fifty years in the church.
A potential perfect storm for utter chaos and destruction
Thus Yhvh's people praying for Him to execute His revenge quickly. (The Apocalypse)