Strength and Honor: Triumphing over Feminism

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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
"Strength and Honor are her clothing
she shall rejoice in time to come..."

The woman of Proverbs 31 is being praised. But her way of life is insulted today. In the United States and other western nations, feminism's mission to get women focused away from homes has been a big success.

From the late 1800s first wave of the movement till now, feminism was never simply about equal rights for men and women. Many leading feminists say that the option for women to be homemakers ought not to be an option at all in order for progress to happen.

Getting women away from homes is the true goal along with getting rid of patriarchy. No father or husband rule.

This is now the air we breathe. Many dont question it anymore. With the options women have now, you might expect us to be happier and more fulfilled than ever before...are we?

This thread's goal is to discuss these things, to promote Scripture's values, and to share my story of leaving feminism behind completely to pursue a very old and often misunderstood way of living.

I want the men to share freely. A lot of you have your own experiences with feminism and Scripture. Please share them. Ill be sharing over time here and there.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2023
Tucson, AZ
United States
Thank you for your post.

Let’s take a look at “Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery.”

One of the biggest modern frauds perpetuated by predatory men, and promoted by feminists, is the separation of sex from marriage.

An unmarried woman living with a man is often abused. She is viewed as an object whose purpose is to make the guy feel good, but doesn’t see the danger because she has been told that love is all about feelings, etc.

If feminists were truly interested in the plight of all women, they would teach young women how to detect and avoid predatory men, and seek men who truly cared about them. (Feminists only real interest is in personal power, prestige, . . . .)

God’s Commandments are for our sake, that we might have abundant life and hope for the future.



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Sad to say that there are many women who would love to be at home with their children but because of financial demands have to work, run a home and bring up children. It’s not always because they want equality , or that they don’t see value in being a stay at home mum , it’s simply that they don’t have a choice. I was fortunate that I could be a stay at home mum , but equally I am not against women having more rights than they use to have. There is a big difference in women choosing to stay at home, and being forced to because the men want them in the kitchen and don’t think they are capable of doing anything else other than being their servants ( or in some cases their slaves )


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Sad to say that there are many women who would love to be at home with their children but because of financial demands have to work, run a home and bring up children. It’s not always because they want equality , or that they don’t see value in being a stay at home mum , it’s simply that they don’t have a choice. I was fortunate that I could be a stay at home mum , but equally I am not against women having more rights than they use to have. There is a big difference in women choosing to stay at home, and being forced to because the men want them in the kitchen and don’t think they are capable of doing anything else other than being their servants ( or in some cases their slaves )
I definitely agree that women need to do what they need to do to support themselves and their families. Im not against women making money and if your husband needs you to work outside the home, its good to be open to it.

Im just not sure you need feminism to have this option. Before feminism, women still had a variety of things to do. A farmers wife would do different things than a household servant or the wife of a wealthy landlord. Women got higher level educations and were allowed to own property and businesses before feminism.

At various times and places in Americs before feminism, women could also vote because it was tied to property ownership---one vote per household. However, most women actually were against the first wave's activism towards women voting. The vote was tied to military draft and having to fight in wars. The majority of women at the time believed involvement in politics was also a distraction from their influence over family and cultural life.

Abuse and suppression are in any society made up of people but I don't think the situation was only about making women serve in kitchens because they're inferior...I think it was about doing what was necessary to survive.

If the alternative to cooking at a stove or washing pans was going into a field in the hot sun and planting seeds or mining coal...the kitchen might not seem so bad.

I don't think women fell into domestic roles only because of male ego. In a lot of cases, people just wanted to do what would help get food on the table and keep themselves alive. There's some bad men out there, but plenty of them worked and sweated to make women's lives easier, not harder.

Were men to be celebrated for saying, "Hey honey, I respect our equality, so go out there and plow that field!"?

I doubt it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I guess there is a difference between feminism and fighting for women’s rights years ago, without the fight in the U.K. we would not have been able to vote. Generations ago women had few rights , and not the opportunities. Your role was to get married and have children.
Its like everything these days, people fight for one thing and then the extremism of that thing takes over, it needs to be balanced.
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Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I guess there is a difference between feminism and fighting for women’s rights years ago, without the fight in the U.K. we would not have been able to vote. Generations ago women had few rights , and not the opportunities. Your role was to get married and have children.
Its like everything these days, people fight for one thing and then the extremism of that thing takes over, it needs to be balanced.
If Im not mistaken, I think U.K's women's suffrage began a decade or two before the feminist movement in the U.S in the 1890's. I'm a bit fuzzy about how similar they are but Id enjoy learning about it.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! All of them. Anyone is free to agree or disagree with my point of view and I expect plenty of opposition on mine.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
The suffrigettes were established in 1903 , interestingly ( and I didn’t know this ) Feminism started in the U.K. in 1792 - that was to get women equal rights in education. I tend to think of feminism as being a more modern thing, you know the burning of the bras n the 1960’s in the U.K. !
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
The suffrigettes were established in 1903 , interestingly ( and I didn’t know this ) Feminism started in the U.K. in 1792 - that was to get women equal rights in education. I tend to think of feminism as being a more modern thing, you know the burning of the bras n the 1960’s in the U.K. !
We had that here too in the 60's. Feminism is modern, but there are older flavors too.

I tend to think of the 60's as the "second wave". Our first wave in the U.S was in the 1890 to the 1920's. I am familiar with 5 waves existing to date. My teenage sister-in-law says were in the 5th wave, but I have no clue how to define it if we are. She said the transgender rights issue is a 5th wave feminist ideal.

I try to get the waves right because they pushed different things. For example, J.K Rowling is a feminist, but I think of her as 2nd wave. She has gotten backlash for not agreeing with modern feminists on trans issues. A lot of the 2nd wave feminists see things like men competing in women's sports as a step backwards.

The 3rd wave tries to be "intersectional" and advocate for more minority groups and people with poor backgrounds.

I forgot what the 4th and 5th waves are defined by. Sis says its trans affirming ideology but Im not 100% certain.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I am definitely out of the loop, had no idea it was in waves !!!!


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Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
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I am definitely out of the loop, had no idea it was in waves !!!

It can get confusing. Women within the waves had big disagreements too. For example, a lot of feminists from the 60s and onward support women as sex workers and in the porn industry. But a lot of them say both are exploitation and objectification.

I never really got the bra burning thing, though. I get thats its symbolizes being free but I think women were the motivation for them being invented.

Women were willing to wear tight corsets to get the shape they wanted. A bra just seems like a more comfortable way to do that, not just a modesty thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I think the burning of the bra was just something to show freedom, liberation. I don’t think I understood it at the time ( I was born in 1958 ) so the whole hippie scene was part of it all as well. I never really followed the movement , just kind of went with the flow as I grew up. When I married I just kind of took on the role of a stay at home wife.
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Jan 27, 2021
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Check this out

A woman in this video says being a housewife is no kind of reward. It's a job. Being a woman of liesure is a reward.

Aside of from how silly it is to aspire to be like a pet and expect everything for nothing, I do think the honesty makes for some interesting points.

I think we all have moments where being men or women of liesure sounds ideal.

Consider the Lord's words in Mark 10:43-45.

But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:

44 And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.

45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

A lot of women want to be pastors today. But ministry is service. A wife serving her husband and children at home is ministry. Training children up in the Lord is discipleship. It would be a shame to ignore vital ministries that women are uniquely equipped to do to clamor for positions that we think are more important because they're more highly regarded, seen, and praised by others.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
A lot of women want to be pastors today. But ministry is service. A wife serving her husband and children at home is ministry. Training children up in the Lord is discipleship. It would be a shame to ignore vital ministries that women are uniquely equipped to do to clamor for positions that we think are more important because they're more highly regarded, seen, and praised by others.

A person's ministry is important. The key is to recognise the importance of what you are doing for God's Glory, not your own.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
If Dating Profiles Had Wisdom

Hi, my name is Sara. I'm 23 years old and live in Chapel Hill, NC. I added a flattering non-selfie photo of me to show that I take care of myself, look feminine, and honestly dress like I could be someone's wife already.

I skipped college to avoid debt and political agendas and currently work at a grocery store but my goal is to become a wife, have kids and sell my art from home.

My hobbies are video games, painting, and honestly just holing up in my room because I'd rather chill at my apartment then be bothered with most people. I lean conservative politically so feel free to share some based takes on how American culture's circling the drain and how we ought to return to the Judeo-Christian values that made us successful.

I'm considering deleting the only social media account I have left so I'll just leave my email.

Dating is serious to me so only contact me if your goal is finding a wife. I need someone who takes their Christian faith seriously and loves Scripture like I do, though Im open to different denominational backgrounds. Everything else about you isn't as important but I'd sure love a nerdy guy who's smart and makes corny jokes!

You should have a job but if you don't make six figures, no worries. Most men our age don't, and that can improve a lot over the years. If you have a good character, I don't mind investing time and effort into the relationship and being patient as you get the skills needed to increase your income.

But the green flags don't stop there!

I don't really "netflix and chill" but I can make the best chilli in North Carolina for you to take on your lunch break. Your coworkers will get jealous.

I know girls are supposed to like fancy expensive weddings but I'm way more excited about living with the man of my dreams and being broke really sucks so lets save some money there!!

If you are nervous meeting me so what? I will be too. I'm aware that confidence comes from experience and that a guy's confidence can improve over time through a healthy relationship and marriage! If you lack confidence, maybe its because you aren't a womanizer who sleeps around all the time and you are seeking a serious committed relationship.

I'd brag a while about being independent and making my own money here but I have wisdom and realize you probably don't care that much because most men don't. I'm cute and Christian so get at me!

I don't have to compromise morals to get a man. In fact, I behave like I'm somebody's wife already because I know God has someone for me and I trust Him.

I'm not everyone's type and that's okay. In fact, I'm kind of a social outcast for sticking to some principles but it's okay. I know God made me beautiful with no makeup or filters but it's the way I'm willing to serve others and fear the Lord that counts more than anything. My value to you as a woman won't go away when
my looks fade
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