Reasons why the Jehovah’s Witness religion is false (Despite my love for them as human beings)

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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
"""Some like playing too much to the gallery, intruding into things they do not understand, vainly puffed up by their fleshly mind. I conclude with the following:

Colossians 2:8 NLT Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking…"""
Written by Mark Agbawara

directly exposing the watchtower bible butchers
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rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Gods view of a cult= A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand.
A Better rendering would be the fact that every single one of them has Jehovah ordering the worship of a created being.
IOW ..every single one has your motive to butcher not only the bible but the very testimony of Jehovah.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
The same occurs at 2 Cor 4:4--so either satan is God if the word is, or satan is god and the word is as well. We all know satan is not God, but god-meaning has godlike qualities just as the word does.
The same word is used for JEHOVAH.
Is he also "a god"?

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
Watchtower is a spirit.
They are liars and butchers of the bible.
Exposed many times as false and in gross error.
Yet they swallow their shame and persist tirelessly.
I suspect they infiltrate Christian sites in hopes of spreading their damage to include the non discerning and ignorant of the bible.
POSSIBLY paid or ordered by watchtower to be here.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
"""There are many other places in the New Testament where either form of the word is used for God without impinging on the force and reality of his divinity in any of those contexts. Therefore, to say that Theon is the Supreme God and Theos is the Son, and thus less than Theon, is crass ignorance!

In fact, in the Greek construction of the grammar of that text, the Word (ὁ Λόγος) was carefully placed in the statement to emphatically stress the essence and quality of the Word (Jesus) as the same with the person of God (the Father) – that the Word has all the divine attributes of the Father and as such is God."""

Watchtower has Jehovah himself as a little god.
Hey careful....don't step on your little god.
But yes you are correct. That spirit operating in your buildings and people is indeed what you exposed. A little demon god.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
A Better rendering would be the fact that every single one of them has Jehovah ordering the worship of a created being.
IOW ..every single one has your motive to butcher not only the bible but the very testimony of Jehovah.
All sons are created by their Father. There is one God, like here at Rev 1:1--A Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him= 2 different beings, the giver is God, the receiver is Jesus--There is only one God-1 Cor 8:6--There is one God to all, the Father)-----not Father, son, and holy spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
The same word is used for JEHOVAH.
Is he also "a god"?
Not when 2 in the same paragraph are called God and god--At both spots in the Greek lexicons the true God=Jehovah is called Ton Theon--the other 2 are called Theos=god small g when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon.= God--and yes many spots in NT has just Theos when the true God is spoken of alone as being God in the paragraph, because all know God is being spoken of. But when 2 beings are being called God and god in the same paragraph the true God is called Ton Theon. John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4= the only 2 spots in NT.
The trinity bible scholars know its fact. They say nothing. Why? Because billions of dollars would be lost yearly, all those religions would be proved false and 2 billion humans suing them for taking their money when they do know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
A Better rendering would be the fact that every single one of them has Jehovah ordering the worship of a created being.
IOW ..every single one has your motive to butcher not only the bible but the very testimony of Jehovah.
Is Jesus a created being?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
When Jesus himself confesses that he is “the beginning of God’s creation”, (Rev 3:14) and the apostle Paul says that Jesus is the “firstborn of ALL creation”, (Col 1:15) that makes him part of that creation.
A “firstborn” son had rights and responsibilities under law that other sons did not have. Does God have other “sons”.....the Bible says he does, but his firstborn is an “only begotten” meaning that his creation is different to that of those other “sons”. How so? Jehovah’s “firstborn” was the only direct creation of God himself....all other creation came through the agency of this unique son. (Col 1:15-17) John 1:1-3 tell us that the Word was “with God” “in the beginning” an eternal being God had no “beginning”, but creation certainly did as Gen 1:1 says.

Jesus never competed with his Father’s deity because he knew that such was blasphemous. Under God’s law to Israel, the very first Commandment was NOT to have any other God but Jehovah. Christendom tries to make Jesus into a separate part of Jehovah, when that is not even hinted at in Scripture. Jesus was Jewish and taught from Jewish Scripture. The God of the Jews was “one”...not three. (Deut 6:4)

People are so indoctrinated with this teaching (that was invented and promoted by the Catholic Church, centuries after Christ died) that any suggestion to the contrary is met with the kinds of post we see from the angry hotheads who cannot see past the end of their nose. Yet it is a teaching completely absent from God’s word. The Jews did not worship this three headed god and neither did Jesus because it would have God worshipping himself (Rev 3:12) is a clear breach of the first Commandment and yet three occupy God’s place.....they are oblivious because they cannot see past their indoctrinated beliefs about who God is and who Jesus is. The holy spirit hardly rates a mention when Father and son are mentioned together.

Taking Jesus at his word, if he was God (capital “G”) he would have said so......he never did.
The apostles collectively stated who their God was...and it wasn’t Jesus. (1 Cor 8:5-6)

As for angels worshipping Jesus? The Bible does not say that either. The word for worship has the sense of bowing down or prostrating oneself to another out of respect...a common greeting in Bible times. When such bowing down is rendered to God, it is rightfully called “worship”, but when rendered to a human, it is called “obeisance”. What the angels rendered to Jesus was obeisance, not worship.
What the magi renders to the child Jesus, was obeisance, not worship. This is a translation rendering hades and Gehenna as “hell” in many Bibles. Christendom’s “hell” is borrowed from pagan finds no support in Scripture, as if a loving God would torture souls for all eternity, with no way to repent, as a penalty for a short lifetime of sin which was not their fault in the first place. God’s justice is perfect...the penalty always fits the crime. This would be a grave injustice.

A study of the Bible outside of Christendom’s adopted theology will reveal so much, but there are those who cannot accept an inconvenient truth.....even with strong evidence. That is entirely their’s not like they haven’t been shown the evidence that proves them wrong. Pride won’t let them admit it. Their whole belief system would crumble....
I know very well what you think, I was asking @rebuilder 454

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
When Jesus himself confesses that he is “the beginning of God’s creation”, (Rev 3:14) and the apostle Paul says that Jesus is the “firstborn of ALL creation”, (Col 1:15) that makes him part of that creation.
A “firstborn” son had rights and responsibilities under law that other sons did not have. Does God have other “sons”.....the Bible says he does, but his firstborn is an “only begotten” meaning that his creation is different to that of those other “sons”. How so? Jehovah’s “firstborn” was the only direct creation of God himself....all other creation came through the agency of this unique son. (Col 1:15-17) John 1:1-3 tell us that the Word was “with God” “in the beginning” an eternal being God had no “beginning”, but creation certainly did as Gen 1:1 says.

Jesus never competed with his Father’s deity because he knew that such was blasphemous. Under God’s law to Israel, the very first Commandment was NOT to have any other God but Jehovah. Christendom tries to make Jesus into a separate part of Jehovah, when that is not even hinted at in Scripture. Jesus was Jewish and taught from Jewish Scripture. The God of the Jews was “one”...not three. (Deut 6:4)

People are so indoctrinated with this teaching (that was invented and promoted by the Catholic Church, centuries after Christ died) that any suggestion to the contrary is met with the kinds of post we see from the angry hotheads who cannot see past the end of their nose. Yet it is a teaching completely absent from God’s word. The Jews did not worship this three headed god and neither did Jesus because it would have God worshipping himself (Rev 3:12) is a clear breach of the first Commandment and yet three occupy God’s place.....they are oblivious because they cannot see past their indoctrinated beliefs about who God is and who Jesus is. The holy spirit hardly rates a mention when Father and son are mentioned together.

Taking Jesus at his word, if he was God (capital “G”) he would have said so......he never did.
The apostles collectively stated who their God was...and it wasn’t Jesus. (1 Cor 8:5-6)

As for angels worshipping Jesus? The Bible does not say that either. The word for worship has the sense of bowing down or prostrating oneself to another out of respect...a common greeting in Bible times. When such bowing down is rendered to God, it is rightfully called “worship”, but when rendered to a human, it is called “obeisance”. What the angels rendered to Jesus was obeisance, not worship.
What the magi renders to the child Jesus, was obeisance, not worship. This is a translation rendering hades and Gehenna as “hell” in many Bibles. Christendom’s “hell” is borrowed from pagan finds no support in Scripture, as if a loving God would torture souls for all eternity, with no way to repent, as a penalty for a short lifetime of sin which was not their fault in the first place. God’s justice is perfect...the penalty always fits the crime. This would be a grave injustice.

A study of the Bible outside of Christendom’s adopted theology will reveal so much, but there are those who cannot accept an inconvenient truth.....even with strong evidence. That is entirely their’s not like they haven’t been shown the evidence that proves them wrong. Pride won’t let them admit it. Their whole belief system would crumble....
The reason it took so long to clarify the identity of Christ was because Christianity was illegal. The historic Church went from being persecuted to being protected, beginning with the Edict of Milan, (a civil law, not church doctrine) The Council of Nicaea of 325 refuted the heresy of Arianism, and affirmed that the Church was trinitarian from the beginning, or Athanasius was a conniving liar. Be very careful about rejecting the Nicene Creed, it may be prudent to keep your mouth shut.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I know very well what you think, I was asking @rebuilder 454
It’s not what I think at’s what Scripture says....can you deny it? If so why?
Can you tell me why Jesus needed to be God in order to redeem his creation? Do you understand the mechanics of redemption? If you did, you would understand why God cannot be the redeemer.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The reason it took so long to clarify the identity of Christ was because Christianity was illegal. The historic Church went from being persecuted to being protected, beginning with the Edict of Milan, (a civil law, not church doctrine) The Council of Nicaea of 325 refuted the heresy of Arianism, and affirmed that the Church was trinitarian from the beginning, or Athanasius was a conniving liar.
Athanasius, believed that the Son was equal to God in a certain way.
It was said of Athanasius that his popularity rose and fell and he was exiled so often (in the years after the council) that he virtually became a commuter.
Athanasius spent years in exile because political and church officials opposed his views that equated the Son with God.....The early church rejected the what was Athanasius? A misguided person who was opposing the church by the very suggestion that the son was in any way equal to his God and Father.

I have heard all the excuses for why “the church” adopted so many false teachings. None of them hold water. No Catholic belief or practice originated in Scripture. Fact.

The Catholic church does not resemble the historic church in any is a complete departure with all its man-made doctrines and traditions. Any one who has studied the beliefs and practices of the first Christians will clearly see how far “the church” has strayed from the truth that Christ taught.....and what is more, Jesus himself foretold did the apostles, but the church pretends that it never happened.

In the Christian Greek Scriptures the word “apostasy” is used with regard to religious defection.....a “withdrawal or abandonment of the true cause, worship, and service of God”, and hence an abandonment of what one has previously professed and a total desertion of principles or faith. The religious leaders of Jerusalem charged Paul with such an apostasy against the Mosaic Law. Was he guilty? Or were the religious leaders themselves guilty of apostasy? It was the ones pointing the fingers who were guilty of what they accused Paul of committing. History repeats......Jesus and his apostles foretold that an apostasy would take place after they were gone. “Weeds” of counterfeit Christianity would be sown in the same “field” as Christ sowed the “wheat”......but both were to “grow together” (the true and the false) until “the harvest time”. (Matt 13:24-30; 36-42)

During that period the “weeds” would separate themselves from the “wheat” by their adoption of beliefs and practices that Christ and his apostles never taught....imitating the example of the Pharisees. (Matt 15:7-9) “the harvest time”, they would have nothing in common with the “wheat”.....and it is not a minority who would adopt these false teachings, but the “many” who would embrace this apostasy as if it were the real thing. For that reason, Jesus stated that “few” would be found on the road to life. (Matt 7:13-14)

The early Christians may have been persecuted, but in time “the church” itself became the persecutors in the heinous and unconscionable period of the Inquisition. What a complete abuse of power by a corrupted church....beyond all recognition of any Christ-like behavior.

Any wonder the RCC rejects “sola scriptura”.....because it is the one thing that identifies the RCC as the “weeds” of Jesus parable. Refusing to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

If you think that apostate church councils are the arbiters of truth, then I feel sad for’s a blindness that has lasted for so long that it’s victims cannot even see the truth when it is placed before them. It’s a blindness that Paul spoke of in 2 Cor 4:3-4.

Jesus will tell us all very soon who were his own, and who he will reject as those he “never knew”. (Matt 7:21-23)

1 Cor 10:12.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
"""Some like playing too much to the gallery, intruding into things they do not understand, vainly puffed up by their fleshly mind. I conclude with the following:

Colossians 2:8 NLT Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking…"""
Written by Mark Agbawara

directly exposing the watchtower bible butchers
You must have missed the facts of history in your darkness. No trinity was ever served by the Israelite religion while serving the true God. Jesus and every bible writer knew 0 of a (removed) was served in 325 ce at the first council of Nicea, not until 381 CE at the council of Constantinople when they added the holy spirit as apart of a godhead=recorded history=undeniable facts. Constantine headed that council= a pagan false god worshipping king--does one really think God would use a pagan false god worshipping king to discover truth? Reality= the Romans and Greeks refused to go to a religion with a single God, they both had many gods. thus the creation of a trinity to get them to revert. it does not exist. All serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily while satan laughs all the way to the bank. One cannot deny recorded history facts. But you will.
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Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
United States
My post is correct.
Then prove it with scripture and reason, let's debate it. If you believe you have the Truth, then nothing I say can sway you. I only ask that as the Bible student you claim to be, you look at the evidence, not just discard it, because you have the Truth and there's no need to look at what I have to offer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
It’s not what I think at’s what Scripture says....can you deny it? If so why?
Can you tell me why Jesus needed to be God in order to redeem his creation? Do you understand the mechanics of redemption? If you did, you would understand why God cannot be the redeemer.
I’m not here to argue with you about this again

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
Athanasius, believed that the Son was equal to God in a certain way.
It was said of Athanasius that his popularity rose and fell and he was exiled so often (in the years after the council) that he virtually became a commuter.
Athanasius spent years in exile because political and church officials opposed his views that equated the Son with God.....The early church rejected the what was Athanasius? A misguided person who was opposing the church by the very suggestion that the son was in any way equal to his God and Father.

I have heard all the excuses for why “the church” adopted so many false teachings. None of them hold water. No Catholic belief or practice originated in Scripture. Fact.

The Catholic church does not resemble the historic church in any is a complete departure with all its man-made doctrines and traditions. Any one who has studied the beliefs and practices of the first Christians will clearly see how far “the church” has strayed from the truth that Christ taught.....and what is more, Jesus himself foretold did the apostles, but the church pretends that it never happened.

In the Christian Greek Scriptures the word “apostasy” is used with regard to religious defection.....a “withdrawal or abandonment of the true cause, worship, and service of God”, and hence an abandonment of what one has previously professed and a total desertion of principles or faith. The religious leaders of Jerusalem charged Paul with such an apostasy against the Mosaic Law. Was he guilty? Or were the religious leaders themselves guilty of apostasy? It was the ones pointing the fingers who were guilty of what they accused Paul of committing. History repeats......Jesus and his apostles foretold that an apostasy would take place after they were gone. “Weeds” of counterfeit Christianity would be sown in the same “field” as Christ sowed the “wheat”......but both were to “grow together” (the true and the false) until “the harvest time”. (Matt 13:24-30; 36-42)

During that period the “weeds” would separate themselves from the “wheat” by their adoption of beliefs and practices that Christ and his apostles never taught....imitating the example of the Pharisees. (Matt 15:7-9) “the harvest time”, they would have nothing in common with the “wheat”.....and it is not a minority who would adopt these false teachings, but the “many” who would embrace this apostasy as if it were the real thing. For that reason, Jesus stated that “few” would be found on the road to life. (Matt 7:13-14)

The early Christians may have been persecuted, but in time “the church” itself became the persecutors in the heinous and unconscionable period of the Inquisition. What a complete abuse of power by a corrupted church....beyond all recognition of any Christ-like behavior.

Any wonder the RCC rejects “sola scriptura”.....because it is the one thing that identifies the RCC as the “weeds” of Jesus parable. Refusing to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

If you think that apostate church councils are the arbiters of truth, then I feel sad for’s a blindness that has lasted for so long that it’s victims cannot even see the truth when it is placed before them. It’s a blindness that Paul spoke of in 2 Cor 4:3-4.

Jesus will tell us all very soon who were his own, and who he will reject as those he “never knew”. (Matt 7:21-23)

1 Cor 10:12.
In my opinion, (not doctrinal) if you reject the Nicene, you are a quasi-Christian or a psuedo-Christian or a JW. Or worse, a relativistic liberal. Please cite scholarly sources from recent Protestant historians about Athanasius. JW's are half baked Arians. Good luck defending him.

From this NON-Catholic source:

So great was the public profile of this young deacon (both in popular and theological circles), that he was a natural choice to succeed the well-respected bishop Alexander—an achievement that becomes additionally notable when one takes into account the fact that he had not yet reached the age of majority (30 years) thought necessary to hold such a vaunted ecclesiastical position.[5] However, while the first four years of his episcopate were rather uneventful, the proponents of Arianism soon began to insinuate themselves back into the Christian community, eventually earning the ear of emperor Constantine. When Athanasius continued to speak against them as heretics, pro-Arian bishops began to foment controversies against the young bishop, accusing him of various crimes against the faith. Realizing that he would not receive a fair trial at the hands of the Arian synod surrounding Alexandria, he traveled to Rome to plead his case directly to the pope, who cleared him of all charges.

However, this was just the beginning of Athanasius's tribulations. Over the next 43 years, he spent approximately 18 of them in exile, hiding from Arian supporters in the Imperial court, the local churches, and even, at times, the Vatican.[6] Despite this, he remained consistently devoted to the Christological formulation defined at Nicaea and anathematized any who refused to acknowledge the divinity of Christ. During his various exiles, he traveled throughout Christendom, teaching the Nicene Creed and spreading the tales of the exemplary Desert Fathers (especially Saint Anthony).

Finally, in the latter half of 364 C.E. (and after decades of persecution), Athanasius was officially and publicly pardoned by Emperor Valens and was invited to return to his diocese. There he spent the remaining years of his life ministering to his community and performing his various ecclesiastical duties.

Athanasius is also the first person to formally identify (and canonize) the same 27 books of the New Testament that are in use today. Up until that point, the lists of appropriate works tended to vary throughout the Christian community. This milestone in the evolution of the canon of New Testament books can be found in his Easter letter from Alexandria, written in 367, which is usually referred to as his 39th Festal Letter. The import of this letter cannot be overstated, as Pope Damasus, the bishop of Rome in 382, promulgated a list of books which contained a New Testament canon identical to that of Athanasius. With the sanction of the papacy, this canonized list came to be recognized fairly quickly, with the support of a synod in Hippon in 393 and a synod in Carthage in 397 as additional evidence to this fact.[8][9]

so what was Athanasius? A misguided person who was opposing the church by the very suggestion that the son was in any way equal to his God and Father.
It's not Athanasius who is misguided.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I’m not here to argue with you about this again
I wasn’t aware that I was arguing....I thought I was know, presenting evidence for my side of the topic.......if you don’t want to debate, then can I ask why you are here?


Active Member
Feb 29, 2024
United States
LOL…and o… are talking to real Bible students here not those who are stuck in a time warp and have not progressed in their understanding since Russell passed away……what did Russell think would happen after he died? No new light? No one to carry on the work?
"Stuck in a time warp"? LOL Tell me, Jane, If Bible Students believe they have the Truth and have tried and tested it over and over the past 150 years, why would we need to progress? Progress to what? Your Governing Body claim to speak for God and Jesus, they have the red phone on their desk, pick it up, hit the button and there's a direct line to Jehovah and Christ, yet for 100 years, they have repeatedly change their views, often times flip-flopping back and forth, not just on the meat of God's Word, but the milk.

We don't need "new light", we're content with what we have, having proven it to ourselves. Yes, maybe we've had to tweak something here and there when it deals with prophetic issues, prophecy is hindsight you know.
He would be appalled that some made a prophet out of him and that his early musings could not possibly need tweaking in the years to come, as light on the path increased. You guys have missed so much.
As I said, "tweaking" is one thing, Jehovah's Witnesses have not tweaked, they have abandoned the Divine Plan of the Ages. As to Russell being a prophet, he never claimed to be one, so why would we make that claim for him? We believe he was used of the Lord. Tell me Jane, what have we "missed"? We have been consistent for over 100 years. I can't say the same for the Witnesses. I get dizzy trying to keep up with what you guys teach and believe. The last few years alone, you've made so many changes, that you no longer resemble what you use to be. With every new member on the Governing Body, there are changes. You'd think after 100 years, your God would say "ENOUGH!!!! What are you guys doing???"

I'll leave you with this thought, in Hebrews 11 we have a list of faithful ones, we call the "ancient worthies." It mentions Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, etc. Notice what it says about Abel in verse 4:

By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.

Notice that it says, "he being dead still speaks." Abel's been dead for some 6,000 years, yet he still speaks to us. Pastor Russell has been dead some 110 years, and he still speaks to us. Just like all those commentaries you share here to prove your point, most if not all are dead, but they left behind writings that we can use and benefit from. Pastor Russell is not my ONLY source, but he is my primary.

Now I'll say this little quote with you from the 1910 Convention Reports. This was a session Russell had with the "Pilgrims, Elders and Deacons." He said:

Some of the dear brethren seem to find as much about Brother Russell in the Bible as they find about the Lord Jesus, and I think that is a great mistake. I do not find it there. Some of them say that I am blinded on that subject, that they all can see better than I can. Perhaps they can, I do not know, but I think, dear friends, that there is a danger in that direction, and I would like to put you all on guard .... I think there is a danger of some dear friends preaching Brother Russell. Brother Russell would like for you not to do so. He thinks it would not be to the glory of God. Let me repeat, then, dear friends, that in my opinion we have so much of the Gospel of God, so much of his plan to study, so many opportunities of showing forth his praises, that we should employ all our time in that way. ... dear friends, if our Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Lord have used Brother Russell in any measure he is very glad and very thankful to be used. And if the Lord is pleased to use him any more, he will be glad to be used down to the last breath, but he does not want any worship, he does not want any undue adoration, he does not want any praise. He is glad to have the love of all those who are brethren of the Lord and to be considered a fellow-servant with all, striving to bring to pass all the glorious things that God has promised, striving to tell the good tidings of great joy to as many as the Lord, our God, shall call.​

As you can see, he was very humble in that regard. The same can't be said for your servant class aka Governing Body. They even have hymns sung about them. But hey, you worship your way, I'll worship mine. The major difference in our beliefs and worship is you don't hold out any hope for me unless I join you, whereas Bible Students hold out a hope to you and you don't have to join us.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
United States
I wasn’t aware that I was arguing....I thought I was know, presenting evidence for my side of the topic.......if you don’t want to debate, then can I ask why you are here?
We’ve already had this debate and there’s little chance that either of us is changing our mind. There are still other people I’m interested in hearing from and I do read your (lengthy) posts.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
In my opinion, (not doctrinal) if you reject the Nicene, you are a quasi-Christian or a psuedo-Christian or a JW. Or worse, a relativistic liberal. Please cite scholarly sources from recent Protestant historians about Athanasius. JW's are half baked Arians. Good luck defending him.
If only opinions were all that mattered.....people would all be more confused than they already are.

Let me give you a run down on what my sources tell me.

The very first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church (Nicaea in 325 C.E.) started a great controversy within the Church over the Trinity doctrine.
Two groups of theologians were of such wide influence that they practically split Christianity into two camps, which were theological and political rivals for over two centuries. These were the ‘orthodox’ group led by Athanasius, an archdeacon of the church in Alexandria, and the Arians, (from Arius, a deacon in the same church). . . . The Athanasians were doctrinally trinitarians; the Arians were unitarians.”

The Arians held to “the doctrine that Christ the Son is subordinate to God the Father, and of different substance, because Christ was created by God and so came into being after God.”

The Trinitarians believed what their doctrine is defined as today......“the threefold personality of the one Divine Being,” in which ‘God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost’ are said to be of the same substance, coequal, and alike uncreated and omnipotent.”
They could not both be what transpired is a matter of history.

In his book “The Development of Christian Doctrine”, 19th century Catholic Cardinal, John Henry Newman said that it is generally admitted that the Trinity teaching was a gradual development. He wrote that the creeds before Constantine’s time did not make any mention of it. “They make mention indeed of a Three; but that there is any mystery in the doctrine, that the Three are One, that They are coequal, coeternal, all increate, all omnipotent, all incomprehensible, is not stated, and never could be gathered from them.” (page 15)
So there is an admission all by doesn’t exist as a doctrine mentioned in Scripture. The doctrine did not exist before Constantine’s time. Don’t we have to ask why?

Constantine professed to be converted to Christianity, doubtless as much due to political factors as religious ones. It was therefore very disturbing to see this doctrinal division, which was a threat to the unity of his empire. So as Pontifex Maximus, that is, Chief Religious Ruler, he summoned the first Ecumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 C.E. This is a pagan Roman title and one that the pope carries to this day.

Although he had not as yet been baptized as a Christian, (something that he did only as he was dying) Constantine presided over this council to which only some 318 bishops came; with their attendants the gathering may have numbered between 1,500 and 2,000. Imagine! An unbaptized pagan Roman emperor determining “Christian” beliefs. He is said to have been a worshipper of Zeus all his life, whilst giving the impression that he had converted to Christianity. He was two faced.
The ensuing years saw the two factions jockeying for supremacy as the issue continued to divide the church, often with violence and confrontation....especially from monastically trained monks who were not averse to resorting to violence to defend their trinitarian beliefs.

Perhaps the severest blow against the Arians was delivered by Emperor Theodosius. By means of the official decrees of 391-392 C.E., he imposed Roman Catholic orthodoxy upon all “Christians” and deprived the Arians, as well as all pagans, of their houses of worship.
Says a historian: “The legal triumph of the church over heresy [Arianism] and paganism and its evolution from a persecuted sect to a persecuting state church were complete.” And the Inquisition gained it’s foundation for persecuting any who disputed State enforced orthodox beliefs.

Arianism gained ground again from the Germanic invasions from the North, but gradually the [Roman] Catholic Church succeeded in eliminating Arianism. In some instances this was achieved by military action that all but wiped out the Germanic element. This took place during the reign of Emperor Justinian, whose ambition it was to restore the Roman Empire to its former glory and who was notorious for his persecution, not only of the Arians, but also of the Jews and the Samaritans. He even forbade the Jews to read their Scriptures in Hebrew!

History has a lot to say about the political activities of the Trinitarians and of the Arians down through the centuries, so one cannot help but be impressed with how accurately both Jesus and his apostles foretold what would happen to the Christian congregation.
As Jesus put in his parable..... “While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat.” And so it was that the field that was originally a wheat field became a weed patch. (Matt 13:25) While men were spiritually slumbering.

And, considering what greed and violence these displayed, one appreciates how accurately the apostle Paul foretold these events.... “I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness.”
Included among those packs of wolves were both Trinitarians and Arians, the former being the fiercer of the two! (Acts 20:29)

And just to be clear.....JW’s are not Arians just because we reject the trinity.....we worship neither the “incomprehensible” God of the Trinitarians, nor the “unknown God” of Arius. We say, with the apostle Paul: “There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are.” (1 Cor 8:6)

This is the “one God” that Christ himself worshipped...and still does, even in heaven. (Rev 3:12)

It's not Athanasius who is misguided.
History argues that they both were....Christendom is a product of the matter what they call themselves or which side of the trinitarian argument they stand on.....if we do not “know the only true God” AND “the one he sent”, then we do not know God at all. (John 17:3)