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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The modern controversy that exists between the various hermeneutical methods of prophetic interpretation, those being preterist, historicist, and futurist, goes deeper than simply being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ regards understanding prophecy. What we teach has far greater impact than we can possibly know. The Holy Spirit I believe has just revealed to me something that the futurist hermeneutic demands, something that distorts and confuses the truth of the war that is currently raging between the powers of darkness and Christ. This war is a fact of life for all who believe and all who reject Christ as Savior. We believers are intimately engaged in this war, through prayer, through the sharing of the gospel; we are not only at the front lines, but are also the ultimate prize to be claimed by the eventual victor, who we know of course to be Jesus.
So what is this tenet of futurism that distorts the truth of this spiritual warfare? It is the core belief among futurists that the nation of Israel is central to future prophetic fulfillment. And how does this teaching distort truth? By giving Christians a false sense of security. If Satan’s attention is focused
upon the Middle East, then the church must be free to go about its business unmolested right? For today’s Christian who believes the futurist propaganda, there is no real urgent need to guard against deception, after all, according to most, the church won’t even be around when Israel is taken over by the Antichrist. The church doesn’t need to worry about the mark of the beast, the deceptions of the last days, the plagues, the impersonation of Christ by Satan etc, we can just cruise along and let those who are left behind worry about all those things. Of course, this line of reasoning may be somewhat exaggerated, but I am convinced the principles of that argument are common, and for that reason the church I believe is in great danger of being totally deceived, if she hasn’t been already.

For 6000 years Satan, our adversary, and Jesus’ arch enemy, has waged relentless war against God’s people. When Jesus was here in person, Satan attacked Him viciously, constantly, unrelentingly, culminating at Calvary. When Jesus arose from the grave, much to Satan’s horror, he continued his attacks, but because Jesus was personally out of reach, Satan targeted his attacks against those who remained, Christ’s ambassadors or representatives, the church. The nation of Israel, for so long Satan’s prime focus because it was the nation, or more specifically the tribe of Judah and even more specifically the family of David, that was to be the vehicle for the birth of the Messiah. Throughout the OT we see Satan’s attempts to wipe out the root, that the fruit could not result. Particularly we see this in his targeting of the family of David, and his constant temptations to false worship, knowing that God’s wrath and discipline would result in their destruction. The story of Solomon’s idolatry, the dividing of the nation, and the ensuing war between Rehoboam and Jereboam, are a glowing example. Yet God in His mercy preserved a remnant. There has always been a remnant that has been the recipients and keepers of the truth. Israel though, after rejecting Christ, were themselves rejected as God’s “chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15.) Paul, among others, were now the chosen vessel. God’s people were no longer recognized as a nation, but as a church.
So take a look at history. Was Satan aware of this change in paradigm? Absolutely! He knew very well who his most dangerous foe now was. It was those who now knew the truth of God’s love as revealed in the gospels. His attacks were directed against first, God’s people, and second, against God’s word. The former religious elite of the nation of Israel were Satan’s first
agents in his attacks against the church. Then pagan Rome became his chief weapon, and after the failure of violence to quell the growth of the church, raised up a false Christian edifice, began to attack the scriptures and the peoples’ access to them, and introduced a raft of false doctrines, traditions, creeds, and superstitions that had a huge effect upon the church, and literally tens of thousands were seduced and beguiled by the sophistries of the Roman clergy that inherited the thrones of the Caesars.
The little horn that had grown from the head of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 was growing powerful and by the 4th and 5th centuries was demanding all churches and the nations reordered by the other ten horns everywhere to submit to papal authority. Satan was at last finding far greater success with deception than he had with blatant persecution.
However, there were pockets of resistance. The Celtic church in Britain and Ireland; the churches of Africa, India, and Asia; and the Waldenses of the Piedmont on the papal doorstep retained the truth in Christ and taught the gospel as it was handed down to them from the apostles. They had the scriptures in an unadulterated form, not based on the Gnostic ramblings of Alexandria, and subsequently to the Latin Vulgate of Jerome, but upon the Syraic translations of Lucian of Antioch. These truth bearers were having a powerful impact on paganism wherever they went. In Europe however, where the papacy had far greater influence and where she had the ears of the kings and queens that had surrendered their authority and sovereignty to Rome, these agents of truth found bitter and violent opposition. Satan was not about to relinquish his hold on the minds and the hearts of his deceived subjects so readily. Violence was once again brought to bear, and terrible was the resulting horrors. The inquisitions, the crusades, and
various other wars and conflicts that ensued over the next 1000 years or
so in Europe claimed it is said at least 50 million lives of those who would not bow their knee to Baal.
1000 years of war, both of a spiritual nature and physical, dominated history throughout the European theatre. Those who clung to the truth, who trusted in Christ and refused to surrender to Roman authority, paid for their fidelity with their lives. Their blood now lies in the earth, but bears powerful witness to those who remained to testify to Rome’s wickedness, and to Rome’s true identity as the Antichrist. Every reformer and leader of the reformation from Wickliffe on, were unanimous in their condemning the papacy as the little horn, the man of sin. They, with courage that testified to God’s power within, exposed Rome’s errors, revealing to the world how the inheritor to the throne of the Roman pontifex maximus, had replaced Christ as sole mediator, had introduced a system that usurped the true gospel, and had become Satan’s chief agent in his war against Christ and His people. And the target? Truth, and those who would dare proclaim it.
The reformation became a powerful force, in fact so powerful that the council of Trent was primarily established to find a way to counter the tidal wave of truth that was even then, in the 16th century, threatening to engulf Rome. Another force was established to counter Protestantism at that time, and that was the Jesuits. Their sole purpose then, and remains so to this day, is to destroy Protestantism, or seduce such to submit once again to papal authority. How well is Francis doing this today. Thus it was that while Rome could not deny the scriptural truths that supported Protestant identification of the Roman Antichrist, she realized she must devise some way to defuse these powerful arguments in such a way that sound logical, reasonable, and be acceptable to those who had little or no Biblical understanding. It was two Jesuits, sworn to overturn Protestant truth, that found a way. One established preterism, another futurism.
You see, the Protestant Reformers knew for certain that in the prophetic flow of time, the lion (Babylon), the bear (Persia), the leopard (Greece), and the dragon (Rome) had already ruled the world. They also knew that Rome had been divided into ten kingdoms when the barbarians carved up the empire. They knew all too well that the predicted Antichrist was to arise among these ten kingdoms of Western Europe. They saw clearly and distinctly that they were living in the time period of the little horn. The historicist hermeneutical method made it quite simple. A correct understanding of Bible prophecy gave them the unmistakable mandate to unmask this system which had usurped the prerogatives of Christ and adulterated the truth of God!!
In a letter to Spalatin on February 24, 1520, Luther wrote:

“I am practically cornered, and can hardly doubt any more, that the Pope is really the Antichrist, whom the world expects according to a general belief, because everything so exactly corresponds to the way of his life, action, words, and commandments.”

To be continued....
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020

When Luther wrote his book, To the German Nobility, his friends, fearing for his safety, asked him to suppress it. To this request Luther replied: “We here are of the conviction that the Papacy is the seat of the true Antichrist. . . . personally I declare that I owe to the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.”

Two months after Luther made this statement, his book, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church [notice that he is referring to the papacy as Babylon], was published. In it, Luther spoke of the papacy as “nothing else than the kingdom of Babylon and of very Antichrist. . . . For who is the man of sin and the son of perdition, but he who by his teaching and his ordinances increases the sin and perdition of souls in the church; while he yet sits in the church as if he were God? All these conditions have now for many ages been fulfilled by the papal tyranny.” In 1540, Luther wrote: “Oh, Christ, my Lord, look down upon us and bring upon us thy day of judgment, and destroy the brood of Satan in Rome. There sits the Man, of whom the apostle Paul wrote (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4) that will oppose and exalt himself above God and exalts his own above the commandments of God.”

Concerning the Man of Sin, Luther affirmed that the Antichrist “sitteth not in a stable of fiends, or in a swine-sty, or in a company of infidels, but in the highest and holiest place of all, namely, in the temple of God. . . .Is not this to sit in the temple of God, to profess himself to be the Ruler in the whole church? What is the temple of God? Is it stones and wood? Did not Paul say, “The temple of God is holy, which temple you are?” To sit—what is it but to reign, to teach, and to judge? Who from the beginning of the church has dared to call himself master of the whole church but the Pope alone? None of the saints, none of the heretics ever uttered so horrible a word of pride.”

Luther was not alone in testifying to this. All the reformers fowling him testified to this biblical truth. Yet today we have countless leaders of Protestantism who with their futurist hermeneutic pretend none of this happened. A thousand years of extremely important and vital history involving the lives of millions of martyrs for the faith and revealing Satan’s craftiness and cunning and deceptions, is cast aside as if God didn’t know it was going to happen and left it out of prophecy. Jumping from pagan Rome to a yet unfulfilled future, over a thousand years of essential Christian history is trampled upon as if of no account. And by adopting Rome’s own creation modern theologians have effectively hidden the Antichrist from view in favour of conjecture and guesswork.
And not only so, but the real and very dangerous error of distorting and twisting the truth of who the true focus and target is through Satan’s lies and deceptions. That is the church, not the nation of Israel. And through futurism our attention is diverted away from the true source of the coming crisis. We are directed to look at the middle east. To some future overlord who will enter the political scene with guns blazing wreaking havoc and vengeance against Israel. And while everyone takes the bait, bait cast out by Rome 400 years ago in the form of futurism, hook, line, sinker, and boat, Rome quietly is working throughout the world to return her wayward daughters to herself. Mother has put out the call to come home, and Protestants by the droves are responding.
Why would Satan, after 6000 years of focused malevolent and concerted war against God’s people, suddenly take a left turn and attack a nation that no longer has any relevance to God’s purposes in taking the gospel to the world, leaving the church to continue its mission unmolested? No folks, Revelation informs us that the whole world will be deceived into submitting to the Antichrist. This includes the vast majority of Christians who in their ignorance of scripture and their blind sheep-like following of their equally deceived pastors and teachers, are searching the horizon in vain expectation of a coming warlord to attack Israel while leaning over the back fence in apparent friendship and inviting them to a neighborhood barbecue is the true Antichrist wooing all to join her once again in passive submission to her traditions, superstitions, and heresies.
Contrary to the majority opinion of Christians today, the reformation isn't over. And there are real Protestants still, willing to tell the truth. Hence this post.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The modern controversy that exists between the various hermeneutical methods of prophetic interpretation, those being preterist, historicist, and futurist, goes deeper than simply being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ regards understanding prophecy. What we teach has far greater impact than we can possibly know. The Holy Spirit I believe has just revealed to me something that the futurist hermeneutic demands, something that distorts and confuses the truth of the war that is currently raging between the powers of darkness and Christ. This war is a fact of life for all who believe and all who reject Christ as Savior. We believers are intimately engaged in this war, through prayer, through the sharing of the gospel; we are not only at the front lines, but are also the ultimate prize to be claimed by the eventual victor, who we know of course to be Jesus.

That is mostly speculation, and driving a wedge, since it shows you don't really understand the Biblical revealing of the relationship between God's Israel and Christ's Church.

When some brethren hear the name Israel, they automatically think of the unbelieving Jews in the middle east, and scattered unbelieving Jews in the countries. That's because the preachers those brethren listen to keep their congregations harnessed to a tether on Bible teaching. They simply are not letting out the Real Truth in God's Word about Israel.

The real Biblical Truth about Israel...

1. Israel is the Salvation name which God gave to Jacob to represent Christ's Salvation The Gospel. It involves God's Birthright first given through Abraham, which involved the Promise by Faith.

2. In Galatians 3, Apostle Paul taught that those of Faith are the "children of Abraham", and inherit with faithful Abraham. God gave him the Promises and Abraham believed God, and God counted Abraham's Faith as righteousness.

3. God's Birthright blessings continued from Abraham to his son Isaac, and then to his son Jacob.

4. God gave Jacob the new name Israel, because as a prince Jacob prevailed with the Angel of The Lord.

5. Thus the name Israel is not just about the seed of Jacob; it's about God's Plan of Salvation, The Gospel. That is what Abraham believed was The Gospel, Jesus even saying at the end of John 8 that Abraham saw His day, and rejoiced! Apostle Paul in Galatians 3 even said The Gospel was preached to Abraham, saying that Abraham would become a father of many nations, which involves the Christian nations, since it involves The Gospel of Jesus Christ!

6. Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2, speaking to believing Gentiles, said they had become nigh to God's promises and covenants to Israel, what Paul called the "commonwealth of Israel". Thus Christ's Church is what God's Israel represents per His Word.

7. The Jews Biblically represent only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, and some small remnants of the northern ten tribes that refused king Jeroboam's calf idols in the north (2 Chronicles 11).

8. The northern ten tribes under Jeroboam, king of Israel of the tribe of Ephraim, were not known as Jews. The title of 'Jew' originated from the tribe of Judah.

9. The northern ten tribes made up the majority... of the seed of Israel. God scattered the ten tribes out of the holy land first, never to return as a people. The Jewish historian Josephus (100 A.D.) said the ten tribes were still beyond Euphrates in his day, and were a great number of people, too many to be counted.

10. To this day, the northern ten tribes are lost to the world, and to the Jews. Some Jewish scholars think they are lost forever and won't return. Other Jewish scholars see their return because it is Bible prophecy.

11. John N. Darby, one who pushed the false Pre-tribulational Rapture theory in 1830's Great Britain, also created what is called Dispensationalism. In that theory Darby created the idea that the Church is raptured to heaven by Jesus before the "great tribulation", and stays in heaven afterwards while the nation of Israel is restored on earth per OT prophecy. NONE of that idea follows Bible Scripture. Darby's dispensationalist idea is a TOTAL FABRICATION.

12. The foundation of Jews that make up today's nation of Israel in the middle east still represent only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, and the small remnants of ten tribes that migrated south to Jerusalem in Jeroboam's day. But even the majority of these, along with strangers, that went captive to Babylon for 70 years, made up only a small remnant of total Jews in Babylon that returned to Jerusalem. The majority of the "house of Judah" (as they were called) chose to stay in Babylon after the 70 years, and they were further scattered through the countries. Only in later centuries would some of them begin to return to the holy land.

13. Christ's Church is... God's Israel, because the name Israel is... the Salvation name involving The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why Lord Jesus is to be King of Israel when He returns, and His 12 Apostles each sitting upon a throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Ezekiel 47 and 48 shows that eventual layout of the tribes of Israel in Christ's future Kingdom, on earth.

14. Per the Old Testament prophets, the tents of Israel are told to expand to include the believing Gentiles (Isaiah 54). There are several Scriptures in the Old Testament prophets that point to Gentiles saved and gathered 'with' the seed of Israel when God restores Israel back to their original habitations He promised their fathers.

It is Futurism that especially... HIDES... all the above Biblical facts. It reveals that the false Pre-trib Rapture theory of man is a doctrine of devils.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
That is mostly speculation, and driving a wedge, since it shows you don't really understand the Biblical revealing of the relationship between God's Israel and Christ's Church.

When some brethren hear the name Israel, they automatically think of the unbelieving Jews in the middle east, and scattered unbelieving Jews in the countries. That's because the preachers those brethren listen to keep their congregations harnessed to a tether on Bible teaching. They simply are not letting out the Real Truth in God's Word about Israel.

The real Biblical Truth about Israel...

1. Israel is the Salvation name which God gave to Jacob to represent Christ's Salvation The Gospel. It involves God's Birthright first given through Abraham, which involved the Promise by Faith.

2. In Galatians 3, Apostle Paul taught that those of Faith are the "children of Abraham", and inherit with faithful Abraham. God gave him the Promises and Abraham believed God, and God counted Abraham's Faith as righteousness.

3. God's Birthright blessings continued from Abraham to his son Isaac, and then to his son Jacob.

4. God gave Jacob the new name Israel, because as a prince Jacob prevailed with the Angel of The Lord.

5. Thus the name Israel is not just about the seed of Jacob; it's about God's Plan of Salvation, The Gospel. That is what Abraham believed was The Gospel, Jesus even saying at the end of John 8 that Abraham saw His day, and rejoiced! Apostle Paul in Galatians 3 even said The Gospel was preached to Abraham, saying that Abraham would become a father of many nations, which involves the Christian nations, since it involves The Gospel of Jesus Christ!

6. Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2, speaking to believing Gentiles, said they had become nigh to God's promises and covenants to Israel, what Paul called the "commonwealth of Israel". Thus Christ's Church is what God's Israel represents per His Word.

7. The Jews Biblically represent only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, and some small remnants of the northern ten tribes that refused king Jeroboam's calf idols in the north (2 Chronicles 11).

8. The northern ten tribes under Jeroboam, king of Israel of the tribe of Ephraim, were not known as Jews. The title of 'Jew' originated from the tribe of Judah.

9. The northern ten tribes made up the majority... of the seed of Israel. God scattered the ten tribes out of the holy land first, never to return as a people. The Jewish historian Josephus (100 A.D.) said the ten tribes were still beyond Euphrates in his day, and were a great number of people, too many to be counted.

10. To this day, the northern ten tribes are lost to the world, and to the Jews. Some Jewish scholars think they are lost forever and won't return. Other Jewish scholars see their return because it is Bible prophecy.

11. John N. Darby, one who pushed the false Pre-tribulational Rapture theory in 1830's Great Britain, also created what is called Dispensationalism. In that theory Darby created the idea that the Church is raptured to heaven by Jesus before the "great tribulation", and stays in heaven afterwards while the nation of Israel is restored on earth per OT prophecy. NONE of that idea follows Bible Scripture. Darby's dispensationalist idea is a TOTAL FABRICATION.

12. The foundation of Jews that make up today's nation of Israel in the middle east still represent only the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, and the small remnants of ten tribes that migrated south to Jerusalem in Jeroboam's day. But even the majority of these, along with strangers, that went captive to Babylon for 70 years, made up only a small remnant of total Jews in Babylon that returned to Jerusalem. The majority of the "house of Judah" (as they were called) chose to stay in Babylon after the 70 years, and they were further scattered through the countries. Only in later centuries would some of them begin to return to the holy land.

13. Christ's Church is... God's Israel, because the name Israel is... the Salvation name involving The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why Lord Jesus is to be King of Israel when He returns, and His 12 Apostles each sitting upon a throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Ezekiel 47 and 48 shows that eventual layout of the tribes of Israel in Christ's future Kingdom, on earth.

14. Per the Old Testament prophets, the tents of Israel are told to expand to include the believing Gentiles (Isaiah 54). There are several Scriptures in the Old Testament prophets that point to Gentiles saved and gathered 'with' the seed of Israel when God restores Israel back to their original habitations He promised their fathers.

It is Futurism that especially... HIDES... all the above Biblical facts. It reveals that the false Pre-trib Rapture theory of man is a doctrine of devils.
That's what I was saying, only without all the detail.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

When Luther wrote his book, To the German Nobility, his friends, fearing for his safety, asked him to suppress it. To this request Luther replied: “We here are of the conviction that the Papacy is the seat of the true Antichrist. . . . personally I declare that I owe to the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.”

Two months after Luther made this statement, his book, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church [notice that he is referring to the papacy as Babylon], was published. In it, Luther spoke of the papacy as “nothing else than the kingdom of Babylon and of very Antichrist. . . . For who is the man of sin and the son of perdition, but he who by his teaching and his ordinances increases the sin and perdition of souls in the church; while he yet sits in the church as if he were God? All these conditions have now for many ages been fulfilled by the papal tyranny.” In 1540, Luther wrote: “Oh, Christ, my Lord, look down upon us and bring upon us thy day of judgment, and destroy the brood of Satan in Rome. There sits the Man, of whom the apostle Paul wrote (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4) that will oppose and exalt himself above God and exalts his own above the commandments of God.”

Concerning the Man of Sin, Luther affirmed that the Antichrist “sitteth not in a stable of fiends, or in a swine-sty, or in a company of infidels, but in the highest and holiest place of all, namely, in the temple of God. . . .Is not this to sit in the temple of God, to profess himself to be the Ruler in the whole church? What is the temple of God? Is it stones and wood? Did not Paul say, “The temple of God is holy, which temple you are?” To sit—what is it but to reign, to teach, and to judge? Who from the beginning of the church has dared to call himself master of the whole church but the Pope alone? None of the saints, none of the heretics ever uttered so horrible a word of pride.”

Luther was not alone in testifying to this. All the reformers fowling him testified to this biblical truth. Yet today we have countless leaders of Protestantism who with their futurist hermeneutic pretend none of this happened. A thousand years of extremely important and vital history involving the lives of millions of martyrs for the faith and revealing Satan’s craftiness and cunning and deceptions, is cast aside as if God didn’t know it was going to happen and left it out of prophecy. Jumping from pagan Rome to a yet unfulfilled future, over a thousand years of essential Christian history is trampled upon as if of no account. And by adopting Rome’s own creation modern theologians have effectively hidden the Antichrist from view in favour of conjecture and guesswork.
And not only so, but the real and very dangerous error of distorting and twisting the truth of who the true focus and target is through Satan’s lies and deceptions. That is the church, not the nation of Israel. And through futurism our attention is diverted away from the true source of the coming crisis. We are directed to look at the middle east. To some future overlord who will enter the political scene with guns blazing wreaking havoc and vengeance against Israel. And while everyone takes the bait, bait cast out by Rome 400 years ago in the form of futurism, hook, line, sinker, and boat, Rome quietly is working throughout the world to return her wayward daughters to herself. Mother has put out the call to come home, and Protestants by the droves are responding.
Why would Satan, after 6000 years of focused malevolent and concerted war against God’s people, suddenly take a left turn and attack a nation that no longer has any relevance to God’s purposes in taking the gospel to the world, leaving the church to continue its mission unmolested? No folks, Revelation informs us that the whole world will be deceived into submitting to the Antichrist. This includes the vast majority of Christians who in their ignorance of scripture and their blind sheep-like following of their equally deceived pastors and teachers, are searching the horizon in vain expectation of a coming warlord to attack Israel while leaning over the back fence in apparent friendship and inviting them to a neighborhood barbecue is the true Antichrist wooing all to join her once again in passive submission to her traditions, superstitions, and heresies.
Contrary to the majority opinion of Christians today, the reformation isn't over. And there are real Protestants still, willing to tell the truth. Hence this post.
And we ought to marvel not that He comes as one within .
JESUS called judas the son of perdtion . Judas was not buddist or etc , HE was amongst them as though he was one of them .
Marvel not at this at all . The spirit of ANTI CHRIST is seated High in Rome and its influence now engulfs most all of even protestantism and the world . These popes and specially this one , can do and has done what no other man , politician , king , leader has been able to do .
ITS UNIFYING EVEN the most harderst muslim imams to be as one and lay down arms and join in at her table .
We are witnessing the climatic hour of the mystery of iniquity .


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Good to distinguish in Scripture where the Spirit is speaking of Jews, Gentiles or the church of God (1 Corinthians 10.32).


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It reveals that the false Pre-trib Rapture theory of man is a doctrine of devils.
While you can disagree with the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, you cannot call it a doctrine of devils. It is embedded in Scripture, so you are taking the things of the Holy Spirit and assigning them to Satan. That is a very dangerous path to tread.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
They saw clearly and distinctly that they were living in the time period of the little horn.
And that was clearly an erroneous idea. The little horn is the Antichrist. Paul call him "the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition" as well as "the Wicked". John calls him "the Beast". Daniel calls him "the prince that shall come" who wars against the Prince of princes (Christ), and many other names.

According to the Bible (Rev 13 and other passages), the Antichrist will take control of THE WHOLE WORLD and also demand worship from all mankind. He will require the Mark of the Beast to be applied to each and every person. This is all in the future. and perhaps not too far into the future. The COVID conspiracy is a Satanic conspiracy to break down the resistance of free people to tyranny and governmental manipulation on a scale as never before. This is all a preparation for the Antichrist.

So while the Reformers may have had many good ideas and teachings, they were clearly mistaken about calling the papacy "the Antichrist".

As to Israel or the Church, for God it is not an either/or proposition. God has an eternal plan and purpose for the Church as well as one for redeemed and restored Israel (not the Zionist secular nation-state of Israel as it now stands).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
That's what I was saying, only without all the detail.

Well, the orthodox unbelieving Jews have been blinded away from The Gospel (Romans 11), so that's one of the main reasons why God is allowing a pseudo-Christ (a spurious Messiah) to show up in Jerusalem at the end of this world to deceive them. If Christian brethren don't know that from God's written Word, then of course they will be deceived with those Jews, as the whole world will be deceived also, except for those whose names were written in the book of life from the foundation of the world.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
While you can disagree with the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, you cannot call it a doctrine of devils. It is embedded in Scripture, so you are taking the things of the Holy Spirit and assigning them to Satan. That is a very dangerous path to tread.

A doctrine of the devil is exactly what it is, and our Heavenly Father does not like it, as per the prophecy in Ezekiel 13. But no doubt you don't understand how that Ezekiel 13 prophecy involves Christ's Church for the end of this world, so your Pre-trib Rapture doctors will just tell you that was already fulfilled back in history, or some idea like that.

There is NO PRE-TRIB RAPTURE Scripture written in The Bible, not anywhere.

Those who try to support it with God's Word always wind up denying what God's written Word does... actually show about the order of Christ's coming to gather His Church.

Matt 24:29-31
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31 And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


What kind of working is DENIAL of what God's Word declares? And that above declaration is by Lord Jesus Christ to His Church. Denial of that is a show of rebellion against God's written Word.

1 Sam 15:23
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.


And just who... is it that wants us to rebel against God's written Word???
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
That's what I was saying, only without all the detail.

I feel led to say something about your post #2, where you quoted from Martin Luther some of the ideas of the Reformation, since your post shows you still support those ideas.

Firstly, my ancestors from France were French Protestants. I'm a Christian Protestant. They were called Huguenots. My ancestors migrated to the Americas because of Catholic persecution in the 15th-16th century France against Protestants.

The Reformers, like Luther, sought originally to make changes within the Catholic Church, getting it back to the first principles of Christ in God's Word. Because the Catholic leaders violently came down upon them, they separated and formed the Protestant rebellion. War between the two factions began. That is when many Protestants in Europe fled to the Americas. And thus the Reformers saw the Pope as fulfilling the role of the coming Antichrist.

But the Reformers were WRONG! The Pope did not turn out to be 'the Antichrist', nor did the Pope sit in the "temple of God" of 2 Thessalonians 2, because Apostle Paul meant by that phrase a LITERAL PHYSICAL JEWISH TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM, at the END of this world, just prior to Christ's 2nd coming!

And thus that stupidity continues today with those keeping that Reformation philosophy alive thinking a pope could ever be the Antichrist.

The coming Antichrist that Lord Jesus revealed in His Olivet discourse He called a psuedo-Christ, which Dr. James Strong in his Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defined that Greek word as 'a spurious Messiah' (Strong's no.5580).

That 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 event of the "man of sin" sitting in that temple of God is to take place in JERUSALEM at the end of this world, in a real Jewish temple.

(And while on that subject: Per Ephesians, Christ's spiritual temple can NEVER BE CORRUPTED, not by a pope nor even by the devil himself! Every true Christian should know this! Apostle Paul said the foundation of the spiritual temple is made up of the Apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the Chief Cornerstone. Can that ever be corrupted? Absolutely not! A believer can corrupt theirself by following something else, and not be a part of that foundation of Ephesians 2, but that simply means they will be 'cut off' from Christ's spiritual temple. So the doctrine that a corrupt Pope can sit in the spiritual temple of God is certainly an ignorant un-Biblical doctrine of men! And I care not in saying that Martin Luther was wrong with thinking such an idea.)

One of the defining features of that coming false one we are given is his working of great signs and wonders and miracles, raining fire down on the earth from heaven in the sight of men (2 Thess.2:3-9; Matthew 24:23-26; Revelation 13:11-17). No pope ever did that, nor will ever do that!

What Luther did with 2 Thessalonians 2 is turn it into spiritual philosophy per man's vanity. He did NOT stick to other Bible witnesses elsewhere written in God's Word about the event for the end of this world.

This is what Lord Jesus warned about that coming false one for the end...

Matt 24:23-26
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo, here is Christ, or there"; believe it not.

Lord Jesus was upon the Mount of Olives with His disciples, and they asked what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world. So the timing for this is simple, it's about the END of this world just prior to His LITERAL second coming.

And that appearance of that false one He warns of there, is to happen in JERUSALEM, not Rome, not New York, not Brussels, etc.

Not only that, but Lord Jesus specifically linked the Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11 prophecy with that about the "abomination of desolation" idol that Antichrist will place... in the temple of God IN JERUSALEM. (Antiochus Epiphanies served as the blueprint for that in 170-165 B.C.).

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

That Greek word for KJV "false Christs" is pseudochristos, and Dr. James Strong translated it to, 'a spurious Messiah'. The context of these Matthew 24:23-26 verses is about a SINGULAR false Messiah, not many. Jesus is warning His in Jerusalem in that future time that when the deceived say, "Christ is here, or there", to not believe it. Will that be the Pope? No, for the orthodox Jews are looking for THEIR Messiah, not a Christian Pope.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, "Behold, He is in the desert"; go not forth: "behold, He is in the secret chambers"; believe it not.

What would that "secret chambers" be that the deceived will be saying where that false Messiah will be? In Rome? No way! Jesus gave this prophecy for the end about JERUSALEM, not Rome!

Another factor showing the Reformers left Bible Scripture, is the fact that the Bible prophecies for the timing when the Antichrist comes, that SAME GENERATION is when Lord Jesus is to return, to destroy that "man of sin" with the brightness of His coming! (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

Sorry, but the time of Luther and the Reformers is long, long gone, that generation died out long ago, and Lord Jesus still... has not returned to this earth yet, as written that He will!

But those on the Reformer's theories about Antichrist that still play those games today, they will have their reward, because those pushing those ideas still for today as if they are still in effect are not any different than those leaders of vanity like men's Pre-trib Rapture theory, writing many books, preaching many sermons, with the deceived throwing money at them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
@Backlit ,
Thank you for sharing. I am not going to get into the discussion as I am not good at debating some of these things, however as I was reading your two OP posts the Holy Spirit reminded me of something ( personal for me to consider )
Quite a few years ago I was challenged myself to re consider revelations and the time line. I had always looked upon it as ‘ all future ‘ because I just never gave it much thought. Also there was such an emphasis on what was going to happen in Israel many many years ago, I remember it being the ‘ in topic ‘ to talk about.
It kind of stayed in my mind. Well suddenly my eyes opened to a different time line, just an awareness within me that the revelation started a long time ago.
However I cannot debate it , just don’t have the knowledge. X


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2020
North America
United States
I feel led to say something about your post #2, where you quoted from Martin Luther some of the ideas of the Reformation, since your post shows you still support those
Firstly, my ancestors from France were French Protestants. I'm a Christian Protestant. They were called Huguenots. My ancestors migrated to the Americas because of Catholic persecution in the 15th-16th century France against Protestants.

The Reformers, like Luther, sought originally to make changes within the Catholic Church, getting it back to the first principles of Christ in God's Word. Because the Catholic leaders violently came down upon them, they separated and formed the Protestant rebellion. War between the two factions began. That is when many Protestants in Europe fled to the Americas. And thus the Reformers saw the Pope as fulfilling the role of the coming Antichrist.

But the Reformers were WRONG! The Pope did not turn out to be 'the Antichrist', nor did the Pope sit in the "temple of God" of 2 Thessalonians 2, because Apostle Paul meant by that phrase a LITERAL PHYSICAL JEWISH TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM, at the END of this world, just prior to Christ's 2nd coming!

And thus that stupidity continues today with those keeping that Reformation philosophy alive thinking a pope could ever be the Antichrist.

The coming Antichrist that Lord Jesus revealed in His Olivet discourse He called a psuedo-Christ, which Dr. James Strong in his Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defined that Greek word as 'a spurious Messiah' (Strong's no.5580).

That 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 event of the "man of sin" sitting in that temple of God is to take place in JERUSALEM at the end of this world, in a real Jewish temple.

(And while on that subject: Per Ephesians, Christ's spiritual temple can NEVER BE CORRUPTED, not by a pope nor even by the devil himself! Every true Christian should know this! Apostle Paul said the foundation of the spiritual temple is made up of the Apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the Chief Cornerstone. Can that ever be corrupted? Absolutely not! A believer can corrupt theirself by following something else, and not be a part of that foundation of Ephesians 2, but that simply means they will be 'cut off' from Christ's spiritual temple. So the doctrine that a corrupt Pope can sit in the spiritual temple of God is certainly an ignorant un-Biblical doctrine of men! And I care not in saying that Martin Luther was wrong with thinking such an idea.)

One of the defining features of that coming false one we are given is his working of great signs and wonders and miracles, raining fire down on the earth from heaven in the sight of men (2 Thess.2:3-9; Matthew 24:23-26; Revelation 13:11-17). No pope ever did that, nor will ever do that!

What Luther did with 2 Thessalonians 2 is turn it into spiritual philosophy per man's vanity. He did NOT stick to other Bible witnesses elsewhere written in God's Word about the event for the end of this world.

This is what Lord Jesus warned about that coming false one for the end...

Matt 24:23-26
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo, here is Christ, or there"; believe it not.

Lord Jesus was upon the Mount of Olives with His disciples, and they asked what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world. So the timing for this is simple, it's about the END of this world just prior to His LITERAL second coming.

And that appearance of that false one He warns of there, is to happen in JERUSALEM, not Rome, not New York, not Brussels, etc.

Not only that, but Lord Jesus specifically linked the Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11 prophecy with that about the "abomination of desolation" idol that Antichrist will place... in the temple of God IN JERUSALEM. (Antiochus Epiphanies served as the blueprint for that in 170-165 B.C.).

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

That Greek word for KJV "false Christs" is pseudochristos, and Dr. James Strong translated it to, 'a spurious Messiah'. The context of these Matthew 24:23-26 verses is about a SINGULAR false Messiah, not many. Jesus is warning His in Jerusalem in that future time that when the deceived say, "Christ is here, or there", to not believe it. Will that be the Pope? No, for the orthodox Jews are looking for THEIR Messiah, not a Christian Pope.

25 Behold, I have told you before.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, "Behold, He is in the desert"; go not forth: "behold, He is in the secret chambers"; believe it not.

What would that "secret chambers" be that the deceived will be saying where that false Messiah will be? In Rome? No way! Jesus gave this prophecy for the end about JERUSALEM, not Rome!

Another factor showing the Reformers left Bible Scripture, is the fact that the Bible prophecies for the timing when the Antichrist comes, that SAME GENERATION is when Lord Jesus is to return, to destroy that "man of sin" with the brightness of His coming! (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

Sorry, but the time of Luther and the Reformers is long, long gone, that generation died out long ago, and Lord Jesus still... has not returned to this earth yet, as written that He will!

But those on the Reformer's theories about Antichrist that still play those games today, they will have their reward, because those pushing those ideas still for today as if they are still in effect are not any different than those leaders of vanity like men's Pre-trib Rapture theory, writing many books, preaching many sermons, with the deceived throwing money at them.
"That is when many Protestants in Europe fled to the Americas."
- Good point.
Many of early settlers in North America came..
- From England & Continent..to escape persecution from the 'Church Establishment & State.'


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
@Enoch111 @Davy @teamventure
And you fellas are examples of whom I speak. Looking in the wrong direction for the danger. Israel you say. So long as the Antichrist focuses on Israel and the city of Jerusalem and it's temple,, the church is free. Prophecy isn't about the church, it's all about Israel. And Enoch can say he won't even be here to worry about it. The mark, the final tribulation and plagues, that's someone else's problem. You guys are already deceived and you perceive no danger to yourselves or your church, because Satan isn't bothered about you, he only has hatred for Israel. I could share how the Papacy fulfills the prophecies, but do you care? Are you interested? Your think the reformers gave their lives for nothing. A mistake. They pointed their collective fingers to the Antichrist, the Antichrist kills them, the Antichrist then invented an alternative hermeneutic, and the reformers' children believe the Antichrist.
Do you cover your eyes and say, nothing to see here? Nothing here worth investigating? No questions to be answered? Enoch says it's one man therefore it cannot be the Papacy. Yet he ignores every other criteria not thinking that the one man had to live for nearly 2000 years. Not thinking that it could be a succession of men ruling over the one institution. Why do you write off other possibilities without due diligence? Your eternal lives are at stake here, and you are willing to pin you entire future on an unproven and unprovable thesis pertaining to events that haven't taken place yet? That's the gamble of the century that is.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Firstly, my ancestors from France were French Protestants. I'm a Christian Protestant. They were called Huguenots. My ancestors migrated to the Americas because of Catholic persecution in the 15th-16th century France against Protestants
My French Protestant forbears went to Britain.
Christ's spiritual temple can NEVER BE CORRUPTED
Nonsense. The Protestant church in America is corrupted to the core. Most mega church televangelists are freemasons. The spiritualism of the occult is rife throughout Protestant America. Just as the OT temple was corrupted with idolatry and paganism, so the NT temple had followed suit. Would you suggest that such pastors as duPlantis, Copeland, Hagan, and Hinn are genuine? Have they not corrupted God's church?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The modern controversy that exists between the various hermeneutical methods of prophetic interpretation, those being preterist, historicist, and futurist, goes deeper than simply being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ regards understanding prophecy. What we teach has far greater impact than we can possibly know. The Holy Spirit I believe has just revealed to me something that the futurist hermeneutic demands, something that distorts and confuses the truth of the war that is currently raging between the powers of darkness and Christ. This war is a fact of life for all who believe and all who reject Christ as Savior. We believers are intimately engaged in this war, through prayer, through the sharing of the gospel; we are not only at the front lines, but are also the ultimate prize to be claimed by the eventual victor, who we know of course to be Jesus.
So what is this tenet of futurism that distorts the truth of this spiritual warfare? It is the core belief among futurists that the nation of Israel is central to future prophetic fulfillment. And how does this teaching distort truth? By giving Christians a false sense of security. If Satan’s attention is focused
upon the Middle East, then the church must be free to go about its business unmolested right? For today’s Christian who believes the futurist propaganda, there is no real urgent need to guard against deception, after all, according to most, the church won’t even be around when Israel is taken over by the Antichrist. The church doesn’t need to worry about the mark of the beast, the deceptions of the last days, the plagues, the impersonation of Christ by Satan etc, we can just cruise along and let those who are left behind worry about all those things. Of course, this line of reasoning may be somewhat exaggerated, but I am convinced the principles of that argument are common, and for that reason the church I believe is in great danger of being totally deceived, if she hasn’t been already.

For 6000 years Satan, our adversary, and Jesus’ arch enemy, has waged relentless war against God’s people. When Jesus was here in person, Satan attacked Him viciously, constantly, unrelentingly, culminating at Calvary. When Jesus arose from the grave, much to Satan’s horror, he continued his attacks, but because Jesus was personally out of reach, Satan targeted his attacks against those who remained, Christ’s ambassadors or representatives, the church. The nation of Israel, for so long Satan’s prime focus because it was the nation, or more specifically the tribe of Judah and even more specifically the family of David, that was to be the vehicle for the birth of the Messiah. Throughout the OT we see Satan’s attempts to wipe out the root, that the fruit could not result. Particularly we see this in his targeting of the family of David, and his constant temptations to false worship, knowing that God’s wrath and discipline would result in their destruction. The story of Solomon’s idolatry, the dividing of the nation, and the ensuing war between Rehoboam and Jereboam, are a glowing example. Yet God in His mercy preserved a remnant. There has always been a remnant that has been the recipients and keepers of the truth. Israel though, after rejecting Christ, were themselves rejected as God’s “chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15.) Paul, among others, were now the chosen vessel. God’s people were no longer recognized as a nation, but as a church.
So take a look at history. Was Satan aware of this change in paradigm? Absolutely! He knew very well who his most dangerous foe now was. It was those who now knew the truth of God’s love as revealed in the gospels. His attacks were directed against first, God’s people, and second, against God’s word. The former religious elite of the nation of Israel were Satan’s first
agents in his attacks against the church. Then pagan Rome became his chief weapon, and after the failure of violence to quell the growth of the church, raised up a false Christian edifice, began to attack the scriptures and the peoples’ access to them, and introduced a raft of false doctrines, traditions, creeds, and superstitions that had a huge effect upon the church, and literally tens of thousands were seduced and beguiled by the sophistries of the Roman clergy that inherited the thrones of the Caesars.
The little horn that had grown from the head of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 was growing powerful and by the 4th and 5th centuries was demanding all churches and the nations reordered by the other ten horns everywhere to submit to papal authority. Satan was at last finding far greater success with deception than he had with blatant persecution.
However, there were pockets of resistance. The Celtic church in Britain and Ireland; the churches of Africa, India, and Asia; and the Waldenses of the Piedmont on the papal doorstep retained the truth in Christ and taught the gospel as it was handed down to them from the apostles. They had the scriptures in an unadulterated form, not based on the Gnostic ramblings of Alexandria, and subsequently to the Latin Vulgate of Jerome, but upon the Syraic translations of Lucian of Antioch. These truth bearers were having a powerful impact on paganism wherever they went. In Europe however, where the papacy had far greater influence and where she had the ears of the kings and queens that had surrendered their authority and sovereignty to Rome, these agents of truth found bitter and violent opposition. Satan was not about to relinquish his hold on the minds and the hearts of his deceived subjects so readily. Violence was once again brought to bear, and terrible was the resulting horrors. The inquisitions, the crusades, and
various other wars and conflicts that ensued over the next 1000 years or
so in Europe claimed it is said at least 50 million lives of those who would not bow their knee to Baal.
1000 years of war, both of a spiritual nature and physical, dominated history throughout the European theatre. Those who clung to the truth, who trusted in Christ and refused to surrender to Roman authority, paid for their fidelity with their lives. Their blood now lies in the earth, but bears powerful witness to those who remained to testify to Rome’s wickedness, and to Rome’s true identity as the Antichrist. Every reformer and leader of the reformation from Wickliffe on, were unanimous in their condemning the papacy as the little horn, the man of sin. They, with courage that testified to God’s power within, exposed Rome’s errors, revealing to the world how the inheritor to the throne of the Roman pontifex maximus, had replaced Christ as sole mediator, had introduced a system that usurped the true gospel, and had become Satan’s chief agent in his war against Christ and His people. And the target? Truth, and those who would dare proclaim it.
The reformation became a powerful force, in fact so powerful that the council of Trent was primarily established to find a way to counter the tidal wave of truth that was even then, in the 16th century, threatening to engulf Rome. Another force was established to counter Protestantism at that time, and that was the Jesuits. Their sole purpose then, and remains so to this day, is to destroy Protestantism, or seduce such to submit once again to papal authority. How well is Francis doing this today. Thus it was that while Rome could not deny the scriptural truths that supported Protestant identification of the Roman Antichrist, she realized she must devise some way to defuse these powerful arguments in such a way that sound logical, reasonable, and be acceptable to those who had little or no Biblical understanding. It was two Jesuits, sworn to overturn Protestant truth, that found a way. One established preterism, another futurism.
You see, the Protestant Reformers knew for certain that in the prophetic flow of time, the lion (Babylon), the bear (Persia), the leopard (Greece), and the dragon (Rome) had already ruled the world. They also knew that Rome had been divided into ten kingdoms when the barbarians carved up the empire. They knew all too well that the predicted Antichrist was to arise among these ten kingdoms of Western Europe. They saw clearly and distinctly that they were living in the time period of the little horn. The historicist hermeneutical method made it quite simple. A correct understanding of Bible prophecy gave them the unmistakable mandate to unmask this system which had usurped the prerogatives of Christ and adulterated the truth of God!!
In a letter to Spalatin on February 24, 1520, Luther wrote:

“I am practically cornered, and can hardly doubt any more, that the Pope is really the Antichrist, whom the world expects according to a general belief, because everything so exactly corresponds to the way of his life, action, words, and commandments.”

To be continued....
I'm "Futurist" in my eschatology and dont believe in a "Pre-Trib" Rapture, as you suggest all futurist believe in this

I Believe In A:

(Future) Great Tribulation For 3.5 Years, Starting When (The Antichrist/The Beast) Is Revealed In Jerusalem

(Future) (The Antichrist/The Beast) A Literal Human Man

(Future) Two Witnesses Literal Prophets Returned In Literal Plagues

(Future) The Second Coming Of Jesus In Fire And Final Judgement, Dissolving The Heavens And Earth (The End)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
My French Protestant forbears went to Britain.

Nonsense. The Protestant church in America is corrupted to the core. Most mega church televangelists are freemasons. The spiritualism of the occult is rife throughout Protestant America. Just as the OT temple was corrupted with idolatry and paganism, so the NT temple had followed suit. Would you suggest that such pastors as duPlantis, Copeland, Hagan, and Hinn are genuine? Have they not corrupted God's church?
Calvin Bryant in Florida HistoryJacksonville & Fort CarolineJean Ribault

The Pre-United States – A Brief Overview Of The Early History Of Jacksonville

Jacksonville’s early history is filled with many stories, both exciting and tragic. The history of Jacksonville has certainly been shaped by its unique climate and geography. But the characters and significant events that have taken place in Jacksonville’s past have made it the place that it is today.

Having a better understanding of the history of Florida and the history of Jacksonville, in particular, will help you better understand how things have changed over time. This rich history will provide you with a greater appreciation for the place and the people that have shaped Jacksonville into the place that it is today.

Let’s look at some of the most significant events and milestones in the early history of Jacksonville.

Before European Arrival

Florida’s early history began before Europeans arrived, and before the territory was known as “Florida”. Indigenous groups lived in the area around the St. Johns River since at least 500 B.C. While no written records exist from these groups, which included the Mocama and Timucuan Indians, they are mentioned in the accounts of early explorers in the area. The archaeological evidence that remains today provides greater detail about these groups.

Early European Encounters

Some of the first European settlers in Jacksonville were groups of French Huguenots. The Huguenots were a group of French Protestants who were forced to flee their native France. Religious persecution by the dominant Catholic majority had made it dangerous to practice Protestantism.

Jean Ribault, for one, led several French colonization voyages to the Florida area. Their first settlement was called Fort Caroline. While this fort was maintained for several years, it was eventually attacked by the Spanish colonists in the area led by Pedro Menendez. Jean Ribault’s fleet was tragically impeded by a storm and could not launch an effective counterattack. He was eventually captured along with the rest of his crew and executed.

Spanish Dominance In Florida

With the threat posed by the French Huguenots in the area eliminated, the Spanish dominated the colonial Florida peninsula. Fort Caroline became Fort San Mateo under Spanish rule. This system of power lasted for decades. The Catholic religion was spread throughout the region under the mission system.

Eventually, events in Europe would shift the history of Florida again. The Seven Years War ended in 1763. As part of the treaty to end the war, the Spanish gave up their Florida land holdings to the British Empire.

The British In Florida

British colonial rule in Florida was relatively brief and lasted approximately twenty years. During this time, the area’s agricultural sectors developed rapidly. New types of crops were added to the emerging plantation economy, including sugar cane. The Florida economy also became reliant on the African slave trade, and slavery spread throughout the territory. More settlers also came to the New World, and the population of Florida grew.

Under British control of the area, the early foundations of Jacksonville were established. The British settlement of Cow Ford, which was built at a crossing of the St. Johns River, would eventually turn into Jacksonville.

Finally, territorial Florida was returned to Spanish control in 1783. This transfer followed the American victory in the American Revolutionary War.

Moving Towards Modern American Florida

However, the Spanish were not able to maintain the Florida colony for too long. The United States was emerging in prominence on the world stage, and the Spanish Empire was in its decline. Under the presidency of Andrew Jackson, Spain eventually handed over Florida to the Americans.

Florida became an American state in 1821, and Jacksonville, which was named after the then-governor of the state, was officially established in 1822. Over the next several decades, Jacksonville became an increasingly important urban center in Florida. With extensive plantations that grew much of the United States’ cotton, among other commodities, the local economy maintained a steady level of growth.

Over the next decades, the American Civil War would also impact the development of Jacksonville. Early in the war, the city was taken over by Union forces. It was occupied for the duration of the war, which has played a role in making the city the way it is today.

Since the early twentieth century, Jacksonville has become a major tourist destination. The natural geography and climate of the area have made it an attractive place to stay for visitors throughout the years.

Learn More About The History Of Jacksonville

This brief overview has only highlighted some of the most significant events and characters that have been pivotal in the early history of Jacksonville. To have a comprehensive understanding of the history of the city and of the history of Florida, more generally, it is important to keep learning. Reading more about Jacksonville’s early days and exploring some of its historical and cultural landmarks will help you dive deeper into these narratives and understand the rich history of Jacksonville.

Calvin Bryant: Calvin is a passionate teacher and lecturer. He leads the Jean Ribault Heritage Society in Jacksonville, Fl where he lives with his family. For speaking engagements email: [email protected]
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