Is LGBTQ and Transgender inclusion in civil rights an ethical and moral and constitutional problem for Christians?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I thought on the issue and while I was hearing things spiritual from above I heard some common sense and wisdom come down.

I had noticed that men that had transgender operations and such, makeup and other factors which could be hormone therapy. That some of them could become hard to distinguish that they were lying and deceiving about their true gender. Some people men and women might be deceived by that transgender deceptive practice.

I then became aware that they had to disclose their true gender when interacting socially and in dating and in sexual relationships as not to infringe on the God given rights of good Christians. And I also saw on the news a fight in laws of various states and hopefully not the federal government, that they thought they had the right to be called by a deceptive gender designation.

Well I realized there appears to be a very disturbing condition developing in the United States and hopefully it hasn't become an international problem of deceptive practices. Apparently some people thought they had the right constitutionally to be deceptive with people regarding their birth gender.

Now days with transgender surgery and swapping genitals between male and female body parts together with the many strange scientific medical procedures that the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt has come up with I can see that some innocent people, Christian or not, could be deceived and harmed by them.

How could they be harmed? In the swinger and transgender, cross dresser, nakedness and other display areas in regions within some areas of the USA I saw studies about diseases which spread primarily in the gay communities, such as HIV and other diseases.

And I thought do they really have a right not to disclose publicly their birth gender? And then it all went down hill from their in my investigation.

I did a search on the internet for bad outcomes of finding out someones date or partner was transgender and deceiving them. I saw a lot of introducing the internet viewers in an attempt to present transgender in a pleasant way, however disgusting the practice is. I then wondered if the male and female disgusted targets were not going to address the issue because they wanted to maintain their proper social group without disturbance. I also wondered if the internet and media empires were trying to part the hetero sexual rights and people to force the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt on the unsuspecting population by manipulating the internet search engines and media experience. And that could have implications for youth in the country.

It is wise for Christians to be aware of wolves hiding among sheep. And I thought children should only be given to parents that were mature responsible and truthful individuals. Would morally and ethically raise their children to join society in the way that is right morally and ethically. Is it right to deceive people with gender pronouns and constitutional treachery. And I wondered then about law makers and their ethics and morality like the ACLU organization itself that claimed to uphold the rights of the people.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
That image looks photoshopped. The disc looks familiar. NASA sent a probe into space years ago and added a disc that was meant to be utilized as a encyclopedia of sorts describing our civilization and how to get here.

As to the question in the OP. Every citizen has civil and Constitutional rights.
I don't believe gender disorders nor sex habits entitled someone to have conferred upon themselves special rights.

Conversely , those issues should not revoke their civil and Constitutional rights.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
I don't see it as a problem. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are for all Americans. Morally and ethically I have a problem with it though. I'm not interested in rewriting the Constitution, only in preaching the gospel.


New Member
Jun 19, 2024
I thought on the issue and while I was hearing things spiritual from above I heard some common sense and wisdom come down.

I had noticed that men that had transgender operations and such, makeup and other factors which could be hormone therapy. That some of them could become hard to distinguish that they were lying and deceiving about their true gender. Some people men and women might be deceived by that transgender deceptive practice.

I then became aware that they had to disclose their true gender when interacting socially and in dating and in sexual relationships as not to infringe on the God given rights of good Christians. And I also saw on the news a fight in laws of various states and hopefully not the federal government, that they thought they had the right to be called by a deceptive gender designation.

Well I realized there appears to be a very disturbing condition developing in the United States and hopefully it hasn't become an international problem of deceptive practices. Apparently some people thought they had the right constitutionally to be deceptive with people regarding their birth gender.

Now days with transgender surgery and swapping genitals between male and female body parts together with the many strange scientific medical procedures that the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt has come up with I can see that some innocent people, Christian or not, could be deceived and harmed by them.

How could they be harmed? In the swinger and transgender, cross dresser, nakedness and other display areas in regions within some areas of the USA I saw studies about diseases which spread primarily in the gay communities, such as HIV and other diseases.

And I thought do they really have a right not to disclose publicly their birth gender? And then it all went down hill from their in my investigation.

I did a search on the internet for bad outcomes of finding out someones date or partner was transgender and deceiving them. I saw a lot of introducing the internet viewers in an attempt to present transgender in a pleasant way, however disgusting the practice is. I then wondered if the male and female disgusted targets were not going to address the issue because they wanted to maintain their proper social group without disturbance. I also wondered if the internet and media empires were trying to part the hetero sexual rights and people to force the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt on the unsuspecting population by manipulating the internet search engines and media experience. And that could have implications for youth in the country.

It is wise for Christians to be aware of wolves hiding among sheep. And I thought children should only be given to parents that were mature responsible and truthful individuals. Would morally and ethically raise their children to join society in the way that is right morally and ethically. Is it right to deceive people with gender pronouns and constitutional treachery. And I wondered then about law makers and their ethics and morality like the ACLU organization itself that claimed to uphold the rights of the people.
Some people that that the homosexual question is to our era what the Gentile question was to the Apostles. As in: are the statements regarding homosexuality in the Bible holiness codes(like practices around what to eat or wear), or morality/justice codes? Holiness codes are malleable, morality and justice codes aren't.

My personal opinion is, we shouldn't be mean to gays, but I'm not sure about full inclusion into the body of Christ. On the other hand, some gays are more palatable to me than others. A douglas murray or anderson cooper are just normal people where if they didn't tell you, you wouldn't even notice they're gay. It's the flamboyant, aggressive, obviously mentally ill gays and trans people that bother me quite a lot. Those seem quite possessed by Satan.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
@BlessedPeace I'm not entirely sure what you were saying, please read below and see if it correctly addressed your concerns about anyone have basic human rights given by God. Skip the following paragraph please :)

I'm really disappointed in the lack of support I'm hearing from this forum which is supposed to be Christians and children of God and should be supporting Christianity against the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt.

I addressed some serious issues of deception from the transgender approach in the community clearly. It is relevant to God given rights as a human being and child of God. People do have the right to be on the beguilers side and approach people in society with deceptive practices of disguising their bodies as to create an image God didn't, which is the presenting and disguising themselves as a gender they were not created with. And I think the Creator would see it as an abomination of what he created.

Humans whether lying about their identity or not do have some rights which all people do which is human rights, like right to food and drink and working to earn money. What they don't have the right to do is lie about their sexual identity while interaction romantically with others. Therefore they must disclose their true sexual identity before approaching someone romantically.

And that problem has been twisted by the ACLU as if they have a right to present themselves deceptively in a romantic action. And to create a constitution law as if they had some form of human rights, that issue should be addressed. Which would read something to the effect that a transgender disguising themselves and not disclosing their true gender in a romantic action is guilty by the law for possible damages which could include mental, emotional and if diseased physical. Christian children of God and other people have the right not to be damaged thru deceptive practices or laws that protect criminal behavior. And that is the moral and ethical issue here.

And I don't support addressing the issue of transgender rights in a constitution of a God fearing and loving country in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
@BlessedPeace I'm not entirely sure what you were saying, please read below and see if it correctly addressed your concerns about anyone have basic human rights given by God. Skip the following paragraph please :)

I'm really disappointed in the lack of support I'm hearing from this forum which is supposed to be Christians and children of God and should be supporting Christianity against the spiritual city of Sodom and Egypt.

I addressed some serious issues of deception from the transgender approach in the community clearly. It is relevant to God given rights as a human being and child of God. People do have the right to be on the beguilers side and approach people in society with deceptive practices of disguising their bodies as to create an image God didn't, which is the presenting and disguising themselves as a gender they were not created with. And I think the Creator would see it as an abomination of what he created.

Humans whether lying about their identity or not do have some rights which all people do which is human rights, like right to food and drink and working to earn money. What they don't have the right to do is lie about their sexual identity while interaction romantically with others. Therefore they must disclose their true sexual identity before approaching someone romantically.

And that problem has been twisted by the ACLU as if they have a right to present themselves deceptively in a romantic action. And to create a constitution law as if they had some form of human rights, that issue should be addressed. Which would read something to the effect that a transgender disguising themselves and not disclosing their true gender in a romantic action is guilty by the law for possible damages which could include mental, emotional and if diseased physical. Christian children of God and other people have the right not to be damaged thru deceptive practices or laws that protect criminal behavior. And that is the moral and ethical issue here.

And I don't support addressing the issue of transgender rights in a constitution of a God fearing and loving country in the first place.
In the States there is a common law known as Fraud by omission or, Fraud by non-disclosure.

I think the Trans issue for deception is able to be prosecuted today.

The STD issue as most know is not exclusively a homosexual issue.

Basically the reality in America is this. The rainbow Sodomites and gender pretenders have rights,Constitutional and Civil, as Americans.

The Civil Union decision by SCOTUS is a 14th Amendment matter. As Christians know, the community of the rainbow gender pretenders can never be married according to God's standards and practice.

I hope that helps.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
In the States there is a common law known as Fraud by omission or, Fraud by non-disclosure.

I think the Trans issue for deception is able to be prosecuted today.

The STD issue as most know is not exclusively a homosexual issue.

Basically the reality in America is this. The rainbow Sodomites and gender pretenders have rights,Constitutional and Civil, as Americans.

The Civil Union decision by SCOTUS is a 14th Amendment matter. As Christians know, the community of the rainbow gender pretenders can never be married according to God's standards and practice.

I hope that helps.
Thanks for your response.

I do have concerns that the first sentence in your response is misleading to the issue I addressed and under-emphasizing the severity of the problem and not addressing the correct area of law or worded to protect people from transgender deceptive practices that can harm innocent individuals. I believe more exact legal language written into the law is a responsibility of the Federal and State governments to ensure that rights of citizens are not violated.

I did a little more investigation and found that the states have taken the authority to interpret the first amendment in their own way, which also might be misleading, and I'm not sure their interpreted and enacted law language is designed to protect against those problems.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Thanks for your response.

I do have concerns that the first sentence in your response is misleading to the issue I addressed and under-emphasizing the severity of the problem and not addressing the correct area of law or worded to protect people from transgender deceptive practices that can harm innocent individuals. I believe more exact legal language written into the law is a responsibility of the Federal and State governments to ensure that rights of citizens are not violated.

I did a little more investigation and found that the states have taken the authority to interpret the first amendment in their own way, which also might be misleading, and I'm not sure their interpreted and enacted law language is designed to protect against those problems.



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Is LGBTQ and Transgender inclusion in civil rights an ethical and moral and constitutional problem for Christians?​

Is the inclusion of sinners in civil rights an ethical and moral and constitutional problem for Christians?