Eternally Grateful
Well-Known Member
The problem is not osas. As with every doctrine, there are people who pervert that sounds like you learned a concept from men and they twisted and omitted things in the bible
to justify , maybe it was OSAS in your case . This is why i told ya i have a problem
with The doctrines that OSAS teaches . cause while there be TRUTHS in it there be lies too .
Many are the servants of sin and when i say many i speak of many within christendom .
GOD wont be mocked behold . who one serveth is who one belongs too . many unrepentant
sinners living it up and justifying their sins , THEY DO NOT KNOW HIM they actaully serve another god and another jesus .
NOW YOU need to FIGURE THAT OUT and fast . cause this judge not correct not generation is TOTALLY
destorying christendom from within .
NOW its so bad that they even try and imply ITS NOT EVEN NECESSARY to HAVE BELEIVED JESUS is the CHRIST .
leaven leavens my friend . WE IN A TOTAL MESS these days . NOT looking good at all within many
a house of worhip who holler judge not , hate not , correct not , TO THOSE who came to correct their sin loving ways
THE LIE that merges all has entered big time within EVEN CHRISTENDOM
and its gonna take all who loved sin , loved a lie FOR A RIDE TO PERDITOIN on teh DAY OF THE LORD whom it DENIED .
Can OSAS make one licentious? yes. Of course it can.
does it make OSAS false? Of course not.
NASAS is just as bad as a licentious OSAS belief. Both are based on pride. One says I can sin all i want and I am ok.. One says I have to work to earn my salvation. Or I will not get it.
Both come from the same deep seated strain of pride that satan has decieved many people who walk this earth