Urgent prayer for my dad

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
The doctors had my dad do a living will today.
My sister called crying hysterically in a way I have never heard her saying she doesnt know if my dad will make it. Tht she has spent the last month in the hospital watching slowly day and that is a totally nightmare. She sent a photo and its pretty horrendious the shape he is in.

She she wanted to have them put the thing inside his stomache to feed him, but I objected and she decided to give it more time, but my dad agreed to it in his living will.
He is at about 500 calories a day and isnt able to eat more. For some reason today they took him off the puree food idk why they would do that when he really is having such a hard time eating.
Also am not sure why they had him using a stationary bike yesterday then the next day doing a living will somthing feels sooooo off about thiis entire thing.
My mom said they plan to get him out of the hosptial wensday but my sister is crying and crying saying he wont live that long.
Its terrible. My dad is drowling on one side of his mouth but idk why.

I am just going to keep praying I have to.
I missed where he is drooling. Has he had a stroke? Did they vaccinate him or give a him booster?
It is a gov hosp. That could be the problem. I hope not. Praying.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I missed where he is drooling. Has he had a stroke? Did they vaccinate him or give a him booster?
It is a gov hosp. That could be the problem. I hope not. Praying.
I'm just going to say,
my dad never had any problems with his heart or any kind of blood issues.
2 weeks before he had his stroke they gave him both the flu shot and the covid booster. He already had the initial 2 when they first came out but not since then in 2021.
When he went to thehospital I told them not to test him or give him any vaccines until he recovered from his UTI.
They made me leave the emergency room at 3am and told me to come back during visiting hours at 8am.
I slept in the lobby.
When I went back in at 8am they had moved him upstairs and had given him both vaccines.

I can't prove that that's what gave him his stroke. But he never had issues before that. And they will say, well he is 89 you should expect things like that.
Well, I don't belive in coincidences, so there's that.

That was the regular city hospital. Not a VA. I think they all have the same memo though.
I'll be glad when this chapter of this world passes and we can get back to living healthy and happy again.
Or we all go home. Whichever comes first. And justice prevails.

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I'm just going to say,
my dad never had any problems with his heart or any kind of blood issues.
2 weeks before he had his stroke they gave him both the flu shot and the covid booster. He already had the initial 2 when they first came out but not since then in 2021.
When he went to thehospital I told them not to test him or give him any vaccines until he recovered from his UTI.
They made me leave the emergency room at 3am and told me to come back during visiting hours at 8am.
I slept in the lobby.
When I went back in at 8am they had moved him upstairs and had given him both vaccines.

I can't prove that that's what gave him his stroke. But he never had issues before that. And they will say, well he is 89 you should expect things like that.
Well, I don't belive in coincidences, so there's that.

That was the regular city hospital. Not a VA. I think they all have the same memo though.
I'll be glad when this chapter of this world passes and we can get back to living healthy and happy again.
Or we all go home. Whichever comes first. And justice prevails.

Oh Ziggy,
I am so very sorry to hear that. It's just awful! It's no coincidence. You're not wrong.
My cousin was a doctor and he had blood clots after his shot, and then one thing after another until he died. He was perfectly healthy and fit. I had 2 friends who died as well. A pilot in our church died suddenly. All four were mandated or lose your job.
I know others who keep getting sick with colds, and don't know why. A young girl I know had to get it for college and she ended up with Sepsis- very serious! The nurses were trying to report it, but the higher ups made them stop. It is insane! It is totally disgusting. I had a feeling that could have been Sparrow's dad's problem. It sounded like my cousin, but I didn't want to mention it. Idk if I should have.
All we can do is pray and trust Him and try to take good care of ourselves and loved ones. Stay out of hospitals.

Look at this. This report just came out yesterday I think. It's bad. It's a previously censored paper from The Lancet has that has undergone peer review.

There are 5 states now suing Pfizer. I only recall 2- Kansas and Idaho. Nothing we can do to change what has happned, but hopefully we can make them stop selling those shots! I can't even think about it anymore. Makes me sick!
I will be praying for you, Ziggy, and your dad.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
prayer said.

I now think that it's ok to write that because it's comforting for others to know that we're praying for them and as long as it's not said because we want others to think good of us but it's said because we want others to feel comforted and it's the motive that counts.

there is a time for silent prayer as well

I want to say that my mom got reactions that she has never had before as well after the Moderna vaccine and after nowadays says that sometimes her heart beats irregularly, hard and faster

the Covid vaccines were new and it doesn't seem safe, flu shots were around longer so I think it's ok

I feel sad that my mom told me that. My sister is also not doing well nowadays and getting checked out :(

I wish everyone the best!
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Hello, as some of you know my dad recently had to get sudden heart surgery, valve repair. He is at a Va hospital, and its gone from bad to worse many times I really wanted them to take him somehwere else but its the only one in that state.....
After the surgery he left the hospital, the meds they put him on lowered his blood pressure so badly they had to call a ambulance. Then he started to feel like he couldnt breath and had to return to the hospital.... Some how at the hospital he got E coli in his blood, and also bad infection where the tubes where placed. So much so they had to do cleaning surgerys to wash him out over and over he kept waking up from the surgeries screaming in agony..... Becuase of this they had to keep his bones apart so long that they no longer could heal togather like they were going to in the begining.... Finally after a month 3 days ago they were able to put him back togather with medal that would hold his chest togather and stich him up. Meanwhile the pain killers they have been putting him on has been destroying his appetite, because his wieght got so low so they put him on feeding tubes...They messed up with the feeding tubes and he got liquid in his lungs and his lung almost collapsed a couple days ago. Now he has somthing draining the liquid out of his lung.
My dady is 6.0 feet tall.... At this point he is so week he cant walk or even feed himself and he wieghs 125 pounds....The situation is pretty dire, and I really need urgent prayers... So many things have gone wrong, that after going through all of this I am pretty convinced we are under a lot of spiritual warfare.
This space has been sacralised. It is not permitted to be honest here and so I'll say nothing.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
They made me leave the emergency room at 3am and told me to come back during visiting hours at 8am.
I slept in the lobby.
When I went back in at 8am they had moved him upstairs and had given him both vaccines.
I can't prove that that's what gave him his stroke. But he never had issues before that. And they will say, well he is 89 you should expect things like that.
Well, I don't belive in coincidences, so there's that.
That is awful my heart really goes out to you for all that you have endured. I am so sorry they did that.... Honestly waiting until you wernt there to do what you requested them not to do...They were eager to do that but didnt want to give him water. That is so terribly wrong in everyway. I am so sorry for what happened, truly....It wasnt right, and I am sorry.
Bless you for taking care of your dad, getting him out of there and being for him now. I can only hope and pray this didnt happen with my dad, though there is good reason to be suspect as they arent allowed to be with him 24 7... If that did happen I will just have to pray harder and believe more... . If the enemy is doing this to my dad to such a degree then God to even a greater degree can truimph over this evil and give him his life back.

PS95 I am so sorry to hear about your looses as well, what a nightmare, so many people have such similair stories. Truly its so sad.



Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
No one wants food in the hospital. At home you can make nutricious smoothies and broths. Get some strength back.
There may be natural alternatives for drugs he is on.
Pain meds can be very addictive amongst other things. Why did your mom choose Wednesday?
I agree I truly feel this is what needs to be done asap. Wensday really makes me nervious to, but I just have to really pray and keep praying he gets out of there. My sister is the one driving and she is scared he is going to die soon as they get home its several hours of a drive, so there has been some issues there. However my mom really is trying to re assure here its the best thing for him.
My sister trusts the medical system a bit more then she should and thats been difficult.
I am really praying that tomorrow is his last day there and that my Gods strength everyone will rally and he will be free of that place.
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Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
Thank you everyone for your support, encouragement and prayers. Truly.
I am saying this prayer now and believing God for a miracle, if you feel lead please pray this with me also.

I thank you Heavenly Father for your have the victory over all things. I know that you have already overcome death and that you are the one who first gave us life.
By the Authority of Yahsua who lives in me, I speak healing and deliverance over my dad. I renounce any and all evil work, and by Yashua Name I declare that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. I rebuke and bind any plots of the devil, to kill steal or destroy his life. I command all evil to flee from him and that hospital. I rebuke and bind any and all lies of the enemy, and I ask that your Truth saturate that hospital and fill that place with the presence of the holy spirit and that he not be given a spirit of fear, but of power Love and sound minid.

I thank you Heavenly Father that you see and know all things. I ask that you bring my dad a peace that surpasses understanding. Where the enemy has tired to tear him down I ask that you build him up stronger than he was before. I ask that my dad, my sister and mom, and the hospital staff feel the presence of God and the Holy Spirit. I pray that my dad will be set free from all weariness, and that he will fully recover, I declare that by Yashua stripe he will be healed, and that he will walk out of that hospital knowing that you are a God of miracles. I ask you give my mom a spirit of rejoicing and that she also can see that by Yashua stripes we are healed. I thank you Father that nothing is impossible with you and that you can do all things. I ask this outreach of Terra Firma which you have started, begin with a solid foundation that demonstrates your Goodness, Greatness, and Power, showing to the world that you are a God of miracles, that you do set the captives, and that you are our healer and deliver in Yashua Name.

I praise your Name and I thank you for your Love that you have for us, I ask that you pour out your Love to every single person who reads this and has prayed on the behalf of my dad, that you strengthen them and that you give them all a new measure of Faith to believe in you for all things.. Thank you Father for you are a rewarder of those who diligently seek you. I ask that you bless everyone on this forum and that they know you are alone are Good, your are Just, you are Merciful, and full of Lovingkindess.
Please make yourself known to each and everyone of the people here, I ask that you rain down upon them with your Love and your Holy Spirit. If any are weary let them be made strong, if any are down trodden let them be lifted up. Let them run and not grow faint. Help them not grow weary in doing good for in due season they will obtain a harvest, take them up on wings of eagles and renew there youth and bring them into a place of plenty.
Thank you Heavenly Father that you are The Promise of the Promise Land let us all rejoice and be glad for you are the King of Kings and Yehova of Yehovas, for there is none greater than you, Thank you in Yashua Name.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
O`nowhere you have to know
Thank you everyone for your support, encouragement and prayers. Truly.
I am saying this prayer now and believing God for a miracle, if you feel lead please pray this with me also.

I thank you Heavenly Father for your have the victory over all things. I know that you have already overcome death and that you are the one who first gave us life.
By the Authority of Yahsua who lives in me, I speak healing and deliverance over my dad. I renounce any and all evil work, and by Yashua Name I declare that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. I rebuke and bind any plots of the devil, to kill steal or destroy his life. I command all evil to flee from him and that hospital. I rebuke and bind any and all lies of the enemy, and I ask that your Truth saturate that hospital and fill that place with the presence of the holy spirit and that he not be given a spirit of fear, but of power Love and sound minid.

I thank you Heavenly Father that you see and know all things. I ask that you bring my dad a peace that surpasses understanding. Where the enemy has tired to tear him down I ask that you build him up stronger than he was before. I ask that my dad, my sister and mom, and the hospital staff feel the presence of God and the Holy Spirit. I pray that my dad will be set free from all weariness, and that he will fully recover, I declare that by Yashua stripe he will be healed, and that he will walk out of that hospital knowing that you are a God of miracles. I ask you give my mom a spirit of rejoicing and that she also can see that by Yashua stripes we are healed. I thank you Father that nothing is impossible with you and that you can do all things. I ask this outreach of Terra Firma which you have started, begin with a solid foundation that demonstrates your Goodness, Greatness, and Power, showing to the world that you are a God of miracles, that you do set the captives, and that you are our healer and deliver in Yashua Name.

I praise your Name and I thank you for your Love that you have for us, I ask that you pour out your Love to every single person who reads this and has prayed on the behalf of my dad, that you strengthen them and that you give them all a new measure of Faith to believe in you for all things.. Thank you Father for you are a rewarder of those who diligently seek you. I ask that you bless everyone on this forum and that they know you are alone are Good, your are Just, you are Merciful, and full of Lovingkindess.
Please make yourself known to each and everyone of the people here, I ask that you rain down upon them with your Love and your Holy Spirit. If any are weary let them be made strong, if any are down trodden let them be lifted up. Let them run and not grow faint. Help them not grow weary in doing good for in due season they will obtain a harvest, take them up on wings of eagles and renew there youth and bring them into a place of plenty.
Thank you Heavenly Father that you are The Promise of the Promise Land let us all rejoice and be glad for you are the King of Kings and Yehova of Yehovas, for there is none greater than you, Thank you in Yashua Name.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
I have been feeling pretty good but I just got some news thats discouraging.
My sister called today and apperently they are still detecting E coli in his blood. So that is part of the hold up about bringing him home is that we have to wait for the VA to give us the medicine for the E coli to take home.
Also I am confussed because his lab work today said his white blood cells look good. Wouldnt they show signs of having E Coli back?
Anyways so I have some sad news, it appears my dad has annorexcia, because he simply wont eat.
I know part of the problem is that place, he feels like everything is out of control, so he is wanting some control and refusing to eat.
However at this point his wieght is so low that my sister said unless he starts eating she wont take him home. However unless she gets him out of there idk if he will eat at all. So we are at a standstill.
She said she wouldd consider if he got the surgery and got that thing placed inside his somtache to feed him that way. However I am so nervious about this hospital doing anything else to him.
My mom is going to try just feeing him small amounts every hour.
It does appear to be a type of eating disorder.Because she is getting all his fav foods, and buying foods at the store even...At one point he hidding some food and pretending to eat more then he did..... I know this is a control thing.. I havent been discouraged since having that good time in prayer, even when getting bad news I still felt like celebrating my dad returning and ive actually been excited..
Now after taking to my sister though I am feeling discouraged... Please pray that somthing supernatural happens and my mom can some how just help him to eat or he gets delivered from this, as deffanitly this is demonic and its stealing his life.
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I have been feeling pretty good but I just got some news thats discouraging.
My sister called today and apperently they are still detecting E coli in his blood. So that is part of the hold up about bringing him home is that we have to wait for the VA to give us the medicine for the E coli to take home.
Also I am confussed because his lab work today said his white blood cells look good. Wouldnt they show signs of having E Coli back?
Anyways so I have some sad news, it appears my dad has annorexcia, because he simply wont eat.
I know part of the problem is that place, he feels like everything is out of control, so he is wanting some control and refusing to eat.
However at this point his wieght is so low that my sister said unless he starts eating she wont take him home. However unless she gets him out of there idk if he will eat at all. So we are at a standstill.
She said she wouldd consider if he got the surgery and got that thing placed inside his somtache to feed him that way. However I am so nervious about this hospital doing anything else to him.
My mom is going to try just feeing him small amounts every hour, but this is bad. At one point he hidding some food and pretending to eat more then he did..... I know this is a control thing.. I havent been discouraged since having that good time in prayer, even when getting bad news I still felt like celebrating my dad returning and ive actually been excited..
Now after taking to my sister though I am feeling discouraged... Please pray that somthing supernatural happens and my mom can some how just help him to eat or he gets delivered from this, as deffanitly this is demonic and its stealing his life.
Hi sparrow,
I dont understand why your mom isnt the one calling the shots here instead of your sister.
E coli isnt curable with meds. It takes time and fluids.
See here.
E. coli - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic


For illness caused by E. coli, no current treatments can cure the infection, relieve symptoms or prevent complications. For most people, treatment includes:

  • Rest
  • Fluids to help prevent dehydration and fatigue
Avoid taking an anti-diarrheal medication — this slows your digestive system down, preventing your body from getting rid of the toxins. Antibiotics generally aren't recommended because they can increase the risk of serious complications and they don't appear to help treat the infection.

If you have a serious E. coli infection that has caused a life-threatening form of kidney failure (hemolytic uremic syndrome), you'll be hospitalized. Treatment includes IV fluids, blood transfusions and kidney dialysis.
Your dad doesn't have that ^^^^^

A feeding tube is a last resort, and if he came home he may very well begin eating. feeding tubes cause the stomach to shrink even smaller!
Your dad isn't anorexic! He needs to go slowly and be given some hope!! It sounds to me like your sister scares him with all of her fears and her faith in this hospital that caused him to go thru all of this. My m-i-l had heart valve replaced a few yrs ago and was up and around the same day. I think maybe your mom needs to make the decisions. Just my opinion. Wednesday can't get here fast enough. Will keep praying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Can't your mom take him out of that place?

What's to wait for? The E-coli meds?
The hospital has an on site chemist, pharmacy.

You don't want your dad to give up.Which can be a cause behind a refusal to eat.



Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
Thank you. My sister basically started calling the shots since it was her idea he go down there to start, and because my dad didnt want my mom to come until he was out of the hospital. My mom kept thinking he was going to get out any day now for several weeks so she was late arriving.... my sister is leaving tomorrow and everything is going to be entirely up to my mom at that point without any debates. My sister lives 2 hours away from Boise. I spent several hours on the phone trying to convince my sister to let him come to her house but she just keeps saying how she thinks he is going to die some how if we do that. I keep saying geet a wheel chair if he cant walk, and the two of you can get him up the flight of stairs, but then she starts saying how his chest had surgery and if he falls it could come open and he will die. I say how we just have to pray and trust God, but then she says how he cant come to her place unless he is eating or has the that feeing tube put into his somtache. and that he must be stronger.
I was so happy he was getting out of there, I am feeling super crushed right now, praying but really down... We dont have anywhere else to take him we dont live in Idaho. Please pray for my sister to see reason

I am so confussed on what is going on with the E coli then, they are pumping him with some type of liquid solution that is suppose to kill it....This has been going on a month now.
I didnt realize this, about the stomache shrinking thank you! I will tell my mom this immedaitely tomorrow.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
Can't your mom take him out of that place?

What's to wait for? The E-coli meds?
The hospital has an on site chemist, pharmacy.

You don't want your dad to give up.Which can be a cause behind a refusal to eat.


Well the issue now is my sister is backing out on him going to her place, she is using the meds as a excuse but the reality is she doesnt want to let him be there unless he starts showing a effort and eating. We dont have the money for a long term hotel stay but maybe if I can get my mom to agree to to that for a short time my sister might change her mind. Although of course hotels are not nesissarly sanitary at all. She would have to really clean it first.
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Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
Its been raining and strangely a very very large leak appeared in the house today going right into my dads closet. Please pray for me to some how find some one who can repair that.

It looks like things are a lot better today, my sister left and my mom is able to do it her own way and my dad is eating now. Which is a miracle. My sister agreed to him leaving the hospital on friday! thank you for your prayers!
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Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
Avoid taking an anti-diarrheal medication — this slows your digestive system down, preventing your body from getting rid of the toxins. Antibiotics generally aren't recommended because they can increase the risk of serious complications and they don't appear to help treat the infection.
Thank you for this informaton. I am trying to figure out what is best. I spoke to my sister and got more info.
So some how at the hospital he got E coli. What happened is where they did the heart surgery, the E coli spread went to his flesh at the site of the opening, and then it spread to his bones as well.
Last week when they stiched him up they did a swab and still found it.
So that is why they have him on 2 differnt antibiotics. I am confussed though because they do say anti biotics dont help.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Thank you for this informaton. I am trying to figure out what is best. I spoke to my sister and got more info.
So some how at the hospital he got E coli. What happened is where they did the heart surgery, the E coli spread went to his flesh at the site of the opening, and then it spread to his bones as well.
Last week when they stiched him up they did a swab and still found it.
So that is why they have him on 2 differnt antibiotics. I am confussed though because they do say anti biotics dont help.
You're welcome. I think you should really take Blessed Peace's advice about an attorney This is not ok.. A hospital should not be giving someone Ecoli! Have they said anything about it affecting his kidneys? If not, that's good! I would be confused also about the antibiotics because they dont work for E coli and they know that... But isnt that what is always prescribed when they don't know what to do? That's the cause of superbugs- over prescribing. As, I said before, oregano oil will kill any infection. No side effects! I can PM you about where to get it if interested. I would not take the meds. All he will get is the side effects! The new antibiotics have SO manY!
Spread to his flesh and bones is...pure INCOMPETENCE! Make sure your dad goes on a good PROBIOTIC for months.

It sounds like your dad cheers up when your mama is around. GOOD!!!! Why can't she just take him home to where you are?


Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
You're welcome. I think you should really take Blessed Peace's advice about an attorney This is not ok.. A hospital should not be giving someone Ecoli! Have they said anything about it affecting his kidneys? If not, that's good! I would be confused also about the antibiotics because they dont work for E coli and they know that... But isnt that what is always prescribed when they don't know what to do? That's the cause of superbugs- over prescribing. As, I said before, oregano oil will kill any infection. No side effects! I can PM you about where to get it if interested. I would not take the meds. All he will get is the side effects! The new antibiotics have SO manY!
Spread to his flesh and bones is...pure INCOMPETENCE! Make sure your dad goes on a good PROBIOTIC for months.

It sounds like your dad cheers up when your mama is around. GOOD!!!! Why can't she just take him home to where you are?

Thank you so much for your help, yes this is really difficult situation, I cannot believe this happened to him.Deffanitly soon as he is out of there I think I will have to call a attorney because this doesnt even make since.
I had a bad feeling about him doing the surgery when he did from the begining.... But the doctors wouldnt let him come home first they just kept saying he would die if he didnt do it immediatly... Annoying for sure, Thats all water under the bridge now though.
When I look up e coli going to your bones its pretty bad, I wasnt aware of that until now... Its already a miracle he is alive. I am worried though as its in his flesh and bones in his chest obviously we cant have that.... We need to be praying his bones can heal...Or this could mess up his life.
Meanwhile though its a bit scary they are saying if he doesnt do the PICC anti biotics then he will die because his bones will basically be eaten by the e coli.
I am familair with oil or oregano, my dad used to take it for other things. I do believe God gave herbs for our healing so I will talk to my mom about this. If you dont mind for sure you can send me the info. The VA hospital is in Boise.
The issue is we live in Latin America and he cant fly yet.