You do have a way with words amigo de christo
You should see some of the words the apostels used to describe men that decieved . VERY HARSH stuff . but very TRUE .
WE should see what EVEN JESUS HIMSELF called the hyprocrites , brood of vipers
Just look at some of thier letters when describing false ones .
And if we want a clear example that something has went dead wrong .
TODAY many through interfaith means are leading many AWAY from the faith and into a lie .
And yet even when men like me correct that , ITS JUDGE NOT lest ye be judged .
NOW HOW do you think paul would have behaved had he seen ANYONE trying to lead ANYONE away from the faith .
OH wait we see an example of this .
THAT man was trying to lead the deputy away from the faith .
LETS GO SEE what paul told that man . A hint , HE didnt try and hug him and offer him coffee .
was one prhase and paul BLINDED THAT MAN . SO me simply warning against false teachers and false doctrine
SURE DONT make me a hater .
TRUTH IS GOD was very upset and angry at a church for doing just that .
YE ALLOW , YE ALLOW , that woman jezebel to teach and to seduce my servants . HE WAS NOT HAPPY .
GUESS JUDGE NOT CORRECT NOT , DONT WORK ON GOD . we should correct . we been lied too friend
and GOD is gonna hold the churches accountable who did not correct and who did decieve their people .