The Left-Wing Media Is Crumbling After Biden's Debate Performance

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The Left-Wing Media Is Crumbling After Biden's Debate Performance

The liberal media is on meltdown, they all have their knives out and Bidens back is their target

DC Shorts 3:03 clip
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Poor Joe Biden ! he is the best Democrat Socialist President ever ! he is doing a good job at being a Socialist !
what are they on about, you can not attack Joe Biden if he is the Leader of the Socialist Party, Socialism is not about ones performance at the Job ! come on man ! it's all about what you say ! not to mention Socialist do not believe in the Truth ! truth to Socialist is all about nothing.

I seen Tucker Carlson in the ACT Australia, it was a 1HR with the Press on Jolian Assange's release, but boy did he expose the morons in the Media, he wiped the floor with such fools.

They came out and attacked poor Tucker full on with speeches ! not Questions ! and Tucked full on laughed at them, for being such total fools.
They came at him with everything that had and he wiped the floor with them all !

The Media said he was this and that ! and he responed openly about his true opinions, Tucker was on fire, much like Ty Cobb, just hitting everything dished up to him, like a Master putting them in their place directly.

They ran away from him in the end because they exposed themselves for being owned by Satan !

Tucker turned around at them and said he was 55yo and worked in the same game as them his whole working life, and that he had no Master that he had to suck up to, because he was un employed ! so no one tells him what to do or say, like they have to do ?

Tucker said how much he loved his homeland the USA and all and said about Australia and said what his own thoughts were about London UK was, HAHA ! for they are selling out their own people ? like Joe Biden is.

If you want to know about our Australia PM just watch, Pauline Hanson's One Nation cartoons, they are reality shows.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
The Left-Wing Media Is Crumbling After Biden's Debate Performance

The liberal media is on meltdown, they all have their knives out and Bidens back is their target

DC Shorts 3:03 clip

Biden's performance and demeanor were so bad that the liberal media couldn't deny it.

Although originally I had CBS on. Immediately after the debate, the news commentator started to blast Trump. I couldn't believe it, after Biden's terrible I immediately changed the channel!!!

The other channel's commentators were talking about Biden.