The Chosen - Godly Truth or Dangerous Fiction?

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Like your sorrowful diatribe.

Those who fill their head with fictional Jesus are not filling their head with the real Jesus.

You spoke to me about the real Jesus. Some know, or will come to know, the difference between the unreal and the real. Some will move past the unreal Jesus to the real Jesus. Many will not.

Mixing truth with fiction isn’t without danger.

You see no danger. I do, and so do many others.

You dismiss the warning. So will many others.

You’re unhappy about the warning. So are many others.

My conscience is clear, no matter whether others heed the warning. My conscience wouldn’t be clear if I see a danger and don’t sound a warning.

Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, you can see this here, on this Forum.
I find your posts always sound and it shows me you study scripture as well as history and facts that are pertinent to the scripture or the part of scripture you are talking about. And you're right, you can see the lack of Bible reading here on this forum.

Personally I like The Chosen series. So does my wife, and so do other members of our family. I've watched every episode and regard it as a "historical novel" type genre which has only once not been true to the history it's portraying. (I did not like the statement perpetrated to be spoken by Jesus, "I am the law!!"). Nor do I believe it's accurate. The law is a shadow of Christ. Law is not living or alive, and is certainly not the living Word who gave the law to Moses - but that's the only time I saw anything that according to my understanding of scripture nullifies or contradicts the message of scripture.

But the "historical novel" genre is what the whole purpose is of the Producer/Director. He makes human beings human, and because the series is what it is, the series has made Christianity accessible and understandable and real to many for whom the message of the Bible seemed all so remote and strange and often more like a children's story book full of dragons and witches and heroes (just read Acts and you'll find witches and heroes and read Revelation and you'll find a dragon and a beast).
The series makes God and Christ and all the apostles real and is believable for those who lack knowledge - unlike any "Jesus movie" that came before it - because "Jesus movies" are for Christian believers - but this type of genre speaks to those who are unsaved and had no clue what the New Testament was all about. I also know of a number of Christians who were prompted by the series to go and find in the New Testament where this and that was said - which is always good because it encourages even Christians to go reading the Bible.

I have also heard of people being brought to faith in Christ through the series - because they realized that this is all very real and really did happen 2,000 years ago.

I'm aware of the danger always involved in that type of production, and I think the Director does a great job. I can't say I will never find more I disagree with in the future or that no episode will ever put me completely off the series - but "so far, so good", with one exception - and I did not find that the production gave me less faith, but helps strengthen faith.

So I don't know, but I have the sense that it betrays too much legalism on the part of the critics. Including me who strongly disagrees with and does not like to hear "Jesus" saying "I am the law!!" in one episode - but that was one episode out of all the episodes and series I have watched (and I watched them all until the latest series). Only once. I think it's good going. Kudos to Dallas.​
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