PRAY FOR PEACE not the Globalists - USA and NATO govts, Klaus Schwab and the Rothschilds

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Biden is re-enforcing NATO with troops in case Putin invades the Ukraine. And it looks like it could cause war with Russia. So I would like to start a prayer thread for that issue. If nuclear war breaks out we're all in deep trouble.
I think your thinking is really upside down. Pray for the ethnic Russians and the innocent who have lived there for centuries and are now as we speak/ write being targeted and fired upon by the Globalist-ran Ukraine government who are the same old globalists of old who cannot wait to get control over Russia once more - when they had the nation under communism. The US government and NATO are part of the same color and gang. They want to force Putin to enter into a war to protect his own people. Same or similar playbook that NATO used to kill off and conquer Serbia in the 90s. Russia is the one hold out not under the globalist control......see the picture now?


Is Talk Of A “Russian Invasion” Actually A Smokescreen For A Ukrainian Invasion Of Donetsk And Luhansk?
February 18, 2022 by Michael Snyder

Is all the talk of a “Russian invasion” in the media just an effort to try to prevent the Russians from intervening when Ukraine invades Donetsk And Luhansk? After being armed to the teeth by western powers, last year the Ukrainians were planning a lightning offensive to take back the breakaway republics of Donetsk And Luhansk. This would have never happened during the Trump administration, but the Biden administration had apparently given the Ukrainians their blessing. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, the Russians figured out what was happening and rushed about 100,000 troops to the border with Ukraine. That show of force caused the Ukrainians to back down, and there was relative calm for a few months.

Unfortunately, now both sides have mobilized their forces once again, and the corporate media in the western world insists that it is because the Russians intend to invade Ukraine.

But is it the Ukrainians that are actually intending to invade?

As far as I can determine, it was the Ukrainians that first started shooting on Wednesday evening, and the bombardment of Donetsk and Luhansk hasn’t stopped since then.

The separatists quickly returned fire, and now they are working to evacuate hundreds of thousands of their citizens out of the danger zone…

Russian-backed separatists packed civilians onto buses out of breakaway regions in east Ukraine on Friday, a shock turn in a conflict the West believes Moscow plans to use as justification for an invasion of its neighbour.

Warning sirens blared in Donetsk after it and the other self-proclaimed “People’s Republic”, Luhansk, announced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people to Russia, with women, children and the elderly going first.

In fact, it is being reported that the DPR alone plans to evacuate approximately 700,000 citizens

The emergencies ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Friday it plans to evacuate some 700,000 people to Russia’s southern Rostov region; first buses with refugees are heading to the Russian border.

“The DPR emergencies ministry jointly with the local administrations is carrying out the evacuation of people. It is planned to evacuate around 700,000 DPR residents,” it said. “First buses with people from Donetsk are already heading to the border with Russia.”

Of course this would not have been possible without Russia’s permission. The Russians have opened their doors to the refugees, and the Russian government has already authorized financial support for them…

President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered the Russian government to house and feed people leaving two self-proclaimed east Ukrainian breakaway republics once they arrived in southern Russia.

He also ordered every person who arrived from Donbass to be given a payment of 10,000 roubles ($129).

So why would the DPR and the LPR conduct evacuations on such a large scale?

Needless to say, you only evacuate civilians if you believe that you are about to be attacked.

And right now the DPR and the LPR are under attack. It is being reported that “the most intense artillery bombardment for years” is now underway.

It is also being reported that Ukrainian forces are testing ground defenses all along the front.

When the head of the DPR was asked about the current state of affairs, he openly admitted that he believes [removed]

Russia’s RIA is now reporting that the head of the Russian-backed Donetsk People’s Republic, when asked whether things are moving towards war, said “unfortunately, yes.”

Now that the Ukrainians have initiated hostilities, it will be very interesting to see what the Russians choose to do.

The DPR and the LPR will not be able to repel a full-blown Ukrainian invasion by themselves.

That would require Russian intervention, and right now the Russians have more troops massed in the region than ever before

Russia has now amassed between 169,000 and 190,000 military personnel near Ukraine and in Crimea, up from a force of 100,000 on Jan. 30, Michael Carpenter, the U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, said in prepared remarks to a security conference on Friday.

“This is the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the World War II,” said Mr. Carpenter, who noted that the U.S. estimate includes Russian troops, Russian internal-security units and Russian-led forces in Donbas.

But if the Russians intervene, it will be called a “Russian invasion” in the western world, and Russia will be hit with a whole host of consequences.

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline will be cut off, Russia will be booted out of SWIFT, and virtually all western nations will impose very painful sanctions on the Russians.

Will the threat of such actions really be enough to keep the Russians from helping to defend the DPR and the LPR?

I think that is what Biden and other western leaders are counting on.

But I believe that they could be miscalculating.

On Friday, we learned that Vladimir Putin has decided to call up his military reserves

Putin signed a decree to mobilise his reserve last night as more than half his army is committed to Ukraine and the west has warned thousands will die if he unleashes a planned bloodbath.

Putin seems to be coming to the conclusion that war is unavoidable.

If the Ukrainians start taking big chunks of territory in the DPR and the LPR, I believe that Putin will be compelled to respond.

That will trigger corresponding moves by Biden and other western leaders, and then the game will be on.

Unfortunately for all of us, this particular game is a game [removed]

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Putin: Ukraine Has Become A ‘Puppet Regime’ of NATO & the West
by Jamie White


Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that Ukraine has become a “puppet regime” of Western powers in an address to the world Monday.

During remarks announcing the recognition of two Ukraine separatist states in the Donbas region, Putin explained that Ukraine is now essentially controlled by NATO and the West.

“Ukraine has surrendered its sovereignty to the West. It’s not even a Western protectorate but a colony with a puppet regime,” Putin said during his speech, adding that this culminated with the “coup d’etat of 2014”, referring to the color revolution in Ukraine bankrolled by billionaire George Soros.


Putin explained how Western powers lied to Russia about NATO expansion into Eastern Europe following the end of the Cold War and have completely ignored Russia’s security concerns by encroaching on its border.

“If Ukraine was to join NATO it would serve as a direct threat to the security of Russia,” Putin said, adding the geopolitical situation is “like having a knife against our throat.”

Alex Jones breaks down Vladimir Putin’s formal recognition of Ukraine separatist regions.

“The whole idea of the so-called pro-Western choice of the Ukrainian power was and still is not in creating better conditions for the good of the people, but to serve the geopolitical adversaries of Russia,” he added.

Putin then reminded viewers that “modern Ukraine was created by Russia,” as it was once part of ancient Russian lands.

“More precisely, Bolshevik, communist Russia. This process began immediately after the revolution of 1917,” Putin explained.

“As a result of Bolshevik policy, Soviet Ukraine arose, which even today can with good reason be called ‘Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s Ukraine’. He is its author and architect. This is fully confirmed by archive documents… And now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call decommunisation. Do you want decommunisation? Well, that suits us just fine. But it is unnecessary, as they say, to stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunisation means for Ukraine.”

Putin declared Russia will officially recognize the eastern territories of Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine as sovereign independent states.

“I deem it necessary to make a decision that should have been made a long time ago – to immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic,” Putin proclaimed.

Putin’s resolve on the Ukraine matter appears to be so serious that earlier this month he even threatened the use of nuclear weapons should the Eastern European nation join NATO.

Watch Putin’s full speech:

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Thanks for starting a debate thread instead of debating in the prayer thread. I caught a lot of flack there for even posting that prayer thread.

I see that the USA is not being honest or peaceful in their operations in the Ukraine and it disturbed me enough to start a prayer thread for them. On one side I'm worried about Biden starting a war and getting a lot of innocent people killed. I'm worried about nuclear war as I live next to a naval base. I don't feel like I would survive it. Nor would my family. But Putin also doesn't have the right to invade a foreign country unless attacked.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Thanks for starting a debate thread instead of debating in the prayer thread. I caught a lot of flack there for even posting that prayer thread.

I see that the USA is not being honest or peaceful in their operations in the Ukraine and it disturbed me enough to start a prayer thread for them. On one side I'm worried about Biden starting a war and getting a lot of innocent people killed. I'm worried about nuclear war as I live next to a naval base. I don't feel like I would survive it. Nor would my family. But Putin also doesn't have the right to invade a foreign country unless attacked.
Devin FYI, I did not start this thread. A mod automatically made the post I sent to you into this thread. All the same it is more appropriate I reckon. I guess my message to you is not being squelched then....

Yes, the US corrupt govt is not an honest broker....we have no people-ran govt today in the US, like Canada, OZ and NZ and even the UK. It is ran by globalists...sad...what are we to do?
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
The Truth About Ukraine
by Paul Joseph Watson

NOTE: a little vulgar language for a few seconds

Arming rebels and occupying territory as a pretext to invade and topple governments is only bad when Russia does it.

When NATO does exactly the same thing, with disastrous consequences, it’s virtuous and noble.

Please share this video!

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Putin seems to be coming to the conclusion that war is unavoidable.
Since Putin is a warmonger, he must simply be loving this. It distracts everyone from his tyranny and kleptocracy. But then Biden is also a warmonger, so both these criminals (along with Trudeau and Xi) need to be arrested and locked up. Then things can be resolved properly.
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Feb 4, 2018
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Russia Announces Plans for Military Bases in Ukrainian Breakaway Provinces – Strikes a Deal to Move Troops into Region
By Jim Hoft
Published February 22, 2022 at 12:42pm


Russia announced an agreement to move its troops into the Donbass region in Ukraine. According to state-run media Russia struck a deal with Ukraine to move military equipment and troops into the breakaway region.

Russia Today reported:

While Russia has struck a deal that enables it to deploy troops and military hardware on a long-term basis to sites across the Donbass, at present it has no concrete plans to establish installations in the newly recognized Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Moscow has revealed, despite speculation its troops are already there.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko explained what moves his country’s armed forces are considering taking in the region.

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: "CAPITOL POLICE TRIED TO MURDER ME!" January 6th Viral Victim Who Was Pushed Off Second Story Ledge by Police Speaks Out, Announces LAWSUIT!

“So far, there hasn’t been any talk about setting up bases” he said. “But if necessary, we will do everything that needs to be done. The agreement stipulates that,” he said.

His comments come shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree officially recognizing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as sovereign nations. Following the Kremlin’s affirmation of their independence, Putin ordered the Russian armed forces to “secure the peace” in the newly recognized Donbass republics. Within hours, unconfirmed reports and videos emerged purporting to show Russian troops moving across the border.

Under the terms of a friendship and co-operation deal ratified by the parliaments of the two breakaway regions on Tuesday, Moscow can establish military bases on their territory. However, Ukraine and many Western nations accuse Moscow of having sent troops to the region in 2014 and maintaining a military presence there since then. On Tuesday, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, claimed that deployments of Russian troops had begun crossing the border shortly after the decision to grant thm recognition.

The leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik, formally appealed to Putin to proclaim them sovereign nations amid reports of heavy shelling between the two breakaway regions and Ukraine’s armed forces. Last week, the two regional chiefs announced that they had begun evacuating civilians to Russia, citing a sharp spike in hostilities, and ordered the mobilization of all able-bodied men to be ready to take up arms in a potential conflict.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
On the news here I seen a reporter attack a Russian diplomat on a TV interview on Monday I think it was, they were sitting on chairs in a on a forum from what I could see, and this moron reporter got up ran to punched the Russian diplomat in the face as he was sitting down and then got him on the ground trying to strangle the diplomat to death, but our MSM did not bother on Channel 9 news to bother to show anything more than the shortest line and air time on the subject they could :rolleyes:. Lost puppy dogs get more air time and the full story line. but this was a outright example of trying to make the moron attacker out to be the one of virtue, my guess would be that if they showed more of the show the attacker would be seen in the light of a moron.
Like who attacks a diplomat like that ! regardless if one comes across as bad or not, such was a degenerate lowlife act. but we the people were not given the time to evaluate what was truly going on. so we can not make an informed opinion on the subject that was truly at hand. we are fed like mushrooms by a Power that dominates over our lives like a mongrel Dog.

The NWO is a Nazi type of dictatorship. it's all their way or else ! they are god :rolleyes:.

As to Ukraine the USA and UK should never of provoked the situation in the first place, or we would not be dealing with all this madness, it's Biden and Co, With Dr Evil G Soros a total degenerate and his brainwashed mob of Nazi dupes, that he created and funded in Ukraine to cause all this nonsense in Ukraine for years.

One never hears about George Soros in the MSM, I never have ! they never mention such powerful people like that or expose them.
G Soros has more power then the UK Queen in fact by far with the MSM as they do not dare expose the people like Soros regardless because they fear such as him totally.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
People need to learn the history of the current situation in the Ukraine...the historical foundation of Ukraine and the Russian relationship created BY LENIN...BEFORE taking a side...

What Putin really said yesterday and what MSM won’t tell you.
February 22, 2022 10:21 am by IWB

English translation of Putin's Address to the Russian Federation


First he explains the historical foundation of Ukraine and Russias relationship.
“I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties.”

He then goes on

“Essentially, the so-called pro-Western civilisational choice made by the oligarchic Ukrainian authorities was not and is not aimed at creating better conditions in the interests of people’s well-being but at keeping the billions of dollars that the oligarchs have stolen from the Ukrainians and are holding in their accounts in Western banks, while reverently accommodating the geopolitical rivals of Russia.

Some industrial and financial groups and the parties and politicians on their payroll relied on the nationalists and radicals from the very beginning. Others claimed to be in favour of good relations with Russia and cultural and language diversity, coming to power with the help of their citizens who sincerely supported their declared aspirations, including the millions of people in the south-eastern regions. But after getting the positions they coveted, these people immediately betrayed their voters, going back on their election promises and instead steering a policy prompted by the radicals and sometimes even persecuting their former allies – the public organisations that supported bilingualism and cooperation with Russia. These people took advantage of the fact that their voters were mostly law-abiding citizens with moderate views who trusted the authorities, and that, unlike the radicals, they would not act aggressively or make use of illegal instruments.”

See also Biden “convinced” Putin Will Invade
“Ukraine itself was placed under external control, directed not only from the Western capitals, but also on the ground, as the saying goes, through an entire network of foreign advisors, NGOs and other institutions present in Ukraine. They have a direct bearing on all the key appointments and dismissals and on all branches of power at all levels, from the central government down to municipalities, as well as on state-owned companies and corporations, including Naftogaz, Ukrenergo, Ukrainian Railways, Ukroboronprom, Ukrposhta, and the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority.”

h/t SharknatoTomato

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Feb 4, 2018
United States
More Facts on the US/NATO controlled Ukraine, since 2014

Here are some excerpts/....
The Ukraine Crisis: Facts Versus Lies - An American Christian Perspective

Thomas Ertl Sun, Feb 20 2022 | 2920 words 4,797 Comments

Is it possible today to get “just the facts” about anything in the Western world? No, because the corporate media is complicit in all the crimes of their global masters of the universe and have become the propaganda arm of disinformation advancing their worldwide globalist agenda.


This is the case with the globalist empire that is provoking Russia by way of Ukraine. Of course by “empire,” I mean the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire of the New World Order headquartered in the City of London with offices in Brussels, New York, and Washington, DC.

The Empire’s goal of world domination over the decades of the last century has been achieved through both deception and the force of arms. By the use of propaganda and disinformation, along with color revolutions, the Empire has funded proxies used to destabilize nations they seek to topple and absorb.

This is what is happening in the Ukraine right now. This ginned up “crisis” is not about the wellbeing of Ukraine, but rather it is about the Empire’s attempt to chip away at Russia and isolate them, since they are a firewall to the Empire’s goal of world subjection.

So let us look at the Empire’s media lies and propaganda and contrast it with facts. I write from the worldview of an American Protestant who places his Christian religion above his nationalism.



FACTS: Since the Soviet empire fell and the various satellite nations of the Eastern Bloc gained their independence, the present Russian Federation, created in 1991, has done nothing to threaten the United States or to compromise its borders. They have not planted military bases near the United States, nor have they posed any threat to our domestic economy. Yes, Russia is competing with the US to provide natural gas to Europe, but they are doing so—ahem—in a capitalist free-market manner. Their product is quicker and cheaper. Remember, it was Germany who asked Russia to build Nord Stream II.

If the question is formulated, “Was the Soviet Union an enemy of the US?”, then the answer would be yes. But there is no more Soviet Union, which Reagan accurately labeled “the Evil Empire,” with its expansionist military aggression.

Russian president Putin has come under tremendous criticism in his own country for being conciliatory to the US in his public addresses, referencing the US as “colleagues and partners.”

Putin, along with his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, has always resorted to dialogue and cooperation rather than coercive military action, “foreign aid” bribes, or meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. When dealing with the Empire and NATO, the foreign policy of Russia toward Ukraine has been strictly defensive. Their time is running out. Just as the United States in the early ‘60s did not want Russian nukes in Cuba, so too Russia does not want NATO military bases and missiles in the Ukraine.

When one examines “just the facts,” what we see is Russia’s unbelievable forbearance in the face of ceaseless aggression of the Empire and the non-stop agitation of the Western propaganda machine.


FACTS: This is one of the “whopper” lies. The fact is that the Ukraine is currently a vassal state of the Anglo-American Empire, and its shadow government is being run out of the United States embassy in Kiev, being led and orchestrated by a Russophobe, neo-con American, Victoria Nuland, who serves as the Under Secretary of State.

Any sovereignty Ukraine possessed disappeared when the US State Department engineered a coup d’état where democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych was forced to flee in 2014. These events were called the “Maidan Revolution.” In the Western media it was called the “Revolution of Dignity.” It was one of the Empire’s many “color revolutions” to isolate and chip away at Russia and expand the Empire’s hegemony.

The main narrative created by the Empire, the American war party, neo-cons, and their supportive conservative pundits is, “Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it deserves our US protection and support.”

Yet the opposite is true. The US-led regime change in Ukraine’s government was under the direct control of the United States, which has installed its successive puppets. Americans are very comfortable with effecting “regime change” while hypocritically talking about “respecting sovereignty.” The dissonance could not be clearer.

If the American commentators are really concerned about Ukraine sovereignty, shouldn’t they be exposing the past actions against Ukraine’s sovereignty by the US State Department and NATO?


FACTS: This lie cannot be effectively understood without knowing the history of NATO (1949) and the dissolving of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO was created as a military alliance of Western European countries, including Canada and the US, to counter FDR, Churchill, and Truman’s assistance to Stalin’s invasion of seven Eastern European countries by 1948.

The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the Russian Federation formed with pro-Empire president, Boris Yeltsin, installed. At the time, George H. W. Bush, James Baker, and American diplomats assured President Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward. None of these agreements were put in writing (Gorbachev’s mistake) and the US went back on their commitment. NATO, which started with 12 members as an answer to the former Warsaw Pact nations, now stands at 30 members and is constantly working to surround Russia with additional NATO states. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved on July 1, 1991, after communism fell.

The issue over Ukraine membership in NATO, is Russian security and Article 5 of the NATO member states’ agreement. Article 5 is based on military alliance commitments that when one member state is attacked, all other NATO members must come to its defense. This absurd article is a sure path to war. This is similar to the “entangling alliances” over Serbia that compelled Europe to the disaster of WWI.

A simple application of the Golden Rule brings this all in perspective. How would we respond if Russia built and fortified military bases in Cuba, Mexico, and Canada, and stocked it with nuclear missiles? We all know how that went over. Why should anyone expect Russia not to respond similarly when NATO seeks to expand into the Ukraine and place massive amounts of military equipment and even nukes on its border? Why can’t we be honest about this? Why do our conservative commentators never bring this up for discussion?


FACTS: This lie is another whopper. The US, which runs Ukraine, has placed CIA operatives and numerous military advisers throughout Ukraine, along with offensive and defensive military weapons. Supplying military equipment to a border country is in itself an act of war.

In response, Russia has had to build up its defenses in its own country near the Ukraine border and in Belarus.

The Empire and NATO is moving toward Russia’s front porch, just miles from Moscow and yet Russia is the aggressor? Putin currently has stated that Russia has nowhere else to retreat. It is commonly said that the side which fires the first shot starts the war. This is not actually true. It is another neo-con trick. It is the one who makes firing the first shot necessary who starts the war. The Empire’s endgame with Russia is to encircle, attack, destroy, and subjugate.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

FACTS: This claim is laughable. When the Empire decapitates a nation, installs their own puppets, and takes control of a country, that country ends up being plundered financially by being made dependent on their conquerors.

In the days of the Soviet Union, and even after the collapse of communism in 1991, the Ukraine was an agricultural and industrial center. Since 1991, and the Empire’s regime change in 2014, Ukraine has become Europe’s poorest country and has lost 14.7 million people.

Ukraine has fared no differently than other nations brought under Western hegemony, facing poverty, destruction of its defenses, massive loss of population, and third world dependency. Who is the real aggressor?

The only reason the US State Department is in Ukraine is in order to destabilize Russia. The Empire’s plan is to isolate Russia by the numerous color revolutions it organizes in the nations that border Russia. The most recent example is what just happened this January in Kazakhstan. The culprits in this recent Kazakhstan color revolution are always the same: CIA, English MI6, and Israel’s Mossad.


FACTS: No, the invasion has already taken place since 2005 and 2014 by the Empire and NATO. The Empire’s invasion was similar to invasions of other countries, regime changes, takeovers of the military, and running puppet governments from US embassies, turning Ukraine from its own sovereign nation into a vassal state.

If the Russian military enters Ukrainian territory, it will be for purposes of liberation of the Ukrainian people from their present conquerors. The liberation will be first in the Donbas region marked by Russian humanitarian aid, with some help to rebuild the Ukrainian infrastructure and economy which the Empire has destroyed.

Russia is committed to defend Russian people in the Donbas of Ukraine but has no desire to incorporate Ukraine into the Russian Federation.


The sources of power for a new order in the world are already in. The days of American hegemony, instituted at Bretton Woods (1944), are in full reversal. The world is fast moving from the Empires unipolar base to a multipolar base of power of Russia, China, Iran, and India.

Unfortunately, the Empire’s arrogance in their rejection of Russia forced the Russians eastward to China. However, Russia is ever so careful in their new relationship with China, not to mention an “alliance,” meaning militarily, but a “strategic partnership” which is mostly economic. Russia will never foolishly enter into the obligations of a military alliance.

This move has put Russia in a somewhat difficult position, especially if the relationship deepens. For Russia is Christian and China is atheistic. Russia’s hope here is the growing numbers and vigor of the Chinese church.

History demonstrates that when a major shift in power moves from an old order to a new one, that the transition period is never smooth. For despite being vassal states of the old order, the smaller states are often militarily and economically dependent on the empire. When an empire fades from power, old disputes immediately emerge and smaller economies go into freefall.

Also, despite Russia’s advances out of the Western financial systems, they remain tied to a Western-styled central bank. They will never be truly free from the Empire until they rid themselves from the City of London financial center. All of these things take time.

But what is certain is the tectonic plates of power have now shifted from the Empire’s old order to a new Eastern order. The old corrupt Empire must fall and, hopefully, a new multipolar order will provide a base for the nations to live in peace.


American conservatives and Christians need to start putting their Christianity above their nationalism and take an objective view of the foreign policy of our country. We will not be able to correct our disastrous international policies unless we take an honest look at what we have done.

The days of conservatives covering up the State Department’s international crimes with chest beating and shouts of “Oohrah” and “USA, USA” are over. We must stop listening to the Sean Hannity-matinee-commentator types who “see no evil” when they look at US foreign policy. The American neo-cons have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. War fatigue has set in. Americans have lost their stomach for their endless and pointless wars.

Questions are starting to be asked. Why does the United States military have over 750 bases in over 150 countries? Who gave the United States Department of State the right to rule the world? What is the real American interest in these foreign countries?

We must face the massive amount of destruction and human misery the US State Department has brought to the world since WWII. The US policy of war, economic sanctions, regime changes, created conflicts, blockades, currency devaluation, and trade restrictions have resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis since the end of WWII. Does the average American recognize how much we as a country are hated and despised around the world because of our meddling? “Saving the world for democracy?” Oh, please.

I am afraid that the average American mind—having lived under decades of propaganda extolling US foreign policy as the epitome of righteousness with some kind of holy calling—will be unable to escape their mental conditioning.

But there is good news. The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is in a freefall collapse. America’s military and worldwide hegemony is coming to an end. NATO’s disintegration is in process. There are already French politicians pushing a French exit out of NATO.

All empires fall. This one will also fall. Empires fall because they are unable to sustain the costs of hegemony and they go broke. The Empire’s defeat in Afghanistan is the start of a larger pattern that will continue to the utmost edges of the Empire.

The other good news is the ascent of the Russian Federation’s influence around the world. Russia, which seems to be the only voice of international reason in the world, has been a tremendously stabilizing influence in the last decade.

Russia has virtually ended the US funding and led proxy wars in the Middle East and is one of the few countries that can get the rogue state of Israel under control where they would be compelled to live in peace with their neighbors.

Russia had an empire once. It does not seek another one, but they would like to have security for their people from the evil, war-loving, sodomy-promoting, gender-confused, hedonistic, pro-abortion, porn-ified, anti-family, anti-Christ nations of the West.

To the West, leave Russia alone. Its recovery out of atheistic Bolshevism is the modern miracle of our time. Who could have seen a Christian Russia emerge from the rubble of communism, and all in just three decades?

America, let Russia finish its recovery. Let her new destiny run its course. A destiny that will once again bring her to a place as one of the great Christian nations of the world.

As for post-Christian Europe and America, all that remains is judgment. I believe it to be irreversible. The West has squandered its Christian heritage and blessings. Its 100 years of unending wars, state-sponsored terror, and institutionalized decadence has reaped the whirlwind. The collapse is not coming; it is already upon us.

Like Russia, the West also has its coming destiny which must run its course. After its collapse, Europe and America must rebuild again.

Maybe in God’s gracious providence a Christian Russia could be our model and aid us in the renewal of a new Western Christian civilization.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
APAK I would say that the West has been under attack from the one in the same that the Bible points out, that Israel was dealing with back in the days, the same identity one could say has crept in unawares ? and now it dominates ! just like the majority of the Jewish people were led astray by such cunning dogs, who Stephen pointed out in Acts and got murdered by them, who Jesus warned who they truly were serving in fact.

Now why did they kill Stephen ? well he exposed them for what they were, God less ! heading down the wrong path.
The Trash that the Vineyard story exposes as killing all of Gods Prophets. as Jesus says who their Father is in fact, Of Lies and was a murderer from the beginning.

Now do most Christians know or understand the point that I am showing them in this ? They should understand it all clearly if they were truly Christians. if not why are they so daft on such a Key subject in the Bible ?

Well I would say that it's because for many years all of our Churches have been corrupted from within, by the same as the Jews were exposed to, that undermined it. so we are now left with only a % of people who are truly worthy of God just like in Jesus days it was.
One has to be carful with churches nowadays because they are a carnal so called Church that knows not Jesus Christ at all.
Look at their works ? the people have been abandoning the Churches in droves for 50 years, they have no Faith at all, now why is that I would ask, well it's because Christ Jesus is not the Key point in their lives at all.
One only has to look at all the Rot that has set in nowadays, you just pointed it out, Evil war-loving, full on promoting sodomy, Gender-confusion, hedonism, Pro-abortion insanity, all the sick porn-ified degenerate and not to mention anti-family promoting even. Ho boy ! and turn to the Pope ! and what does he say ? He is one of them in fact ! as are many leadership in every Church.
I have seen the 180 deg turn around in the Churches in my lifetime, to now totally stuck up trash dictating nonsense, I may as well go join the Freemasons or the Socialist Party with their Political Correct hogwash, as it's the same sewer of degenerate Godless low life's peddling a Mans works barrow. Such is like trying to push a 44 gallon barrel of molasses up a hill ! the chance of it coming down rolling over you is that high.
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
APAK I would say that the West has been under attack from the one in the same that the Bible points out, that Israel was dealing with back in the days, the same identity one could say has crept in unawares ? and now it dominates ! just like the majority of the Jewish people were led astray by such cunning dogs, who Stephen pointed out in Acts and got murdered by them, who Jesus warned who they truly were serving in fact.

Now why did they kill Stephen ? well he exposed them for what they were, God less ! heading down the wrong path.
The Trash that the Vineyard story exposes as killing all of Gods Prophets. as Jesus says who their Father is in fact, Of Lies and was a murderer from the beginning.

Now do most Christians know or understand the point that I am showing them in this ? They should understand it all clearly if they were truly Christians. if not why are they so daft on such a Key subject in the Bible ?

Well I would say that it's because for many years all of our Churches have been corrupted from within, by the same as the Jews were exposed to, that undermined it. so we are now left with only a % of people who are truly worthy of God just like in Jesus days it was.
One has to be carful with churches nowadays because they are a carnal so called Church that knows not Jesus Christ at all.
Look at their works ? the people have been abandoning the Churches in droves for 50 years, they have no Faith at all, now why is that I would ask, well it's because Christ Jesus is not the Key point in their lives at all.
One only has to look at all the Rot that has set in nowadays, you just pointed it out, Evil war-loving, full on promoting sodomy, Gender-confusion, hedonism, Pro-abortion insanity, all the sick porn-ified degenerate and not to mention anti-family promoting even. Ho boy ! and turn to the Pope ! and what does he say ? He is one of them in fact ! as are many leadership in every Church.
I have seen the 180 deg turn around in the Churches in my lifetime, to now totally stuck up trash dictating nonsense, I may as well go join the Freemasons or the Socialist Party with their Political Correct hogwash, as it's the same sewer of degenerate Godless low life's peddling a Mans works barrow. Such is like trying to push a 44 gallon barrel of molasses up a hill ! the chance of it coming down rolling over you is that high.
Stephan was stoned to death by the same Anti-Christ spirit that nailed Christ to the Cross. And now they continue to meddle into the affairs of others and corrupt their nations. They completely want the Ukraine and Russia. Their home is the City of London, and their masterpiece, the false nation of Israel today.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The Pentagon and Dept of Defence have been sinking billions of dollars into Ukraine for many years.
They have something like 33 biolaboratories, 3 in Kiev.
It was where quid pro quo Joe went when he said if you don't fire the prosecuter you won't get the billion dollar grant.
Grant for what? I'm thinking NIH in Kiev.
Maybe we were led on a Hunter witch hunt to lead us to the real demons.
Fauci and company.

There are no coincidences...
I'm just adjusting my tin foil hat.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists
by Brandon Smith |

Within the next couple of months it is likely that there will be direct US military involvement in Ukraine, with Russia now openly supporting and recognizing separatist groups in the Donbass region on the eastern edge of the country and apparently moving to aid them militarily in separation.

This is not the first time Russia has sent military units into Ukraine, but it is the first time since 2014 and the annexation of Crimea that the threat of military action has been overt rather than covert.

When conflict erupts, you are going to see a swarm of media stories in western nations trying to outline the complexity of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union, while ignoring certain inconvenient truths. You will see many of these stories construct a narrative which then oversimplifies the situation and paints Russia as the monstrous aggressor. The goal will be to convince the public that our involvement in Ukraine is a moral and geopolitical necessity. There will be attempts to gain American favor and a call for US boots on the ground. Joe Biden will be at the forefront of this push.

The surface trigger for the confrontation is obviously rooted in the 2009 decision by western powers and Ukrainian officials to consider the country for membership in NATO. Most of Russia’s actions when dealing with Ukraine can be owed to NATO involvement in the region, including the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014. Strategically, it makes sense. Imagine if Mexico suddenly announced it was joining a military alliance with China and that Chinese military assets were going to be transferred near the US southern border? It probably would not end well.

To be sure, Russia has a history of hypocritical behavior when it comes to its involvement in the affairs of its neighbors. For example, only a few months ago Kazakhstan was facing mass protests which the government claimed were caused by “foreign manipulation.” Zero proof was presented to justify this assertion. However, the claim was enough to rationalize the deployment of 2300 Russian troops over the border to shut down the protests.

In reality, citizens of Kazakhstan were angry over a spike in inflation and high gas prices which continue to grind down the middle class and those in poverty (sound familiar?). In 2019, only 4% of the population lived under the official poverty line. In 2020, that number exploded to 14% of the population. Accurate numbers are difficult to find for 2021, but it is likely that poverty levels are now closer to 16%-20%. The reasons for civil unrest were obvious and justified, but the protesting Kazakhs were accused of being pawns of foreign enemies. As I have noted in many articles lately, this is a typical strategy of corrupt governments trying to retain power when the people rise up and rebel for legitimate reasons.

Again, imagine if the Canadian government under Trudeau asked for US military assistance in scattering the trucker protests against his draconian vaccine mandates? We need to look at these decisions in context in order to grasp how insane they really are.

Ironically, Russia is happy to support the unrest of separatists in Ukraine while also helping to silence unrest in Kazakhstan. Keep this pattern in mind because it will help in understanding how events surrounding Russia reflect a global trend that might effect Americans in the future.

The diplomatic mess between Ukraine and Russia can be blamed in part on both sides, and it’s this kind of historical ambiguity where globalists tend to thrive. The fog of war helps to obscure establishment activities and often it is hard for people to see who is truly benefiting from the chaos until it’s too late. It is my belief that the Ukraine problem is at least partially engineered and that it is designed as a first domino in a chain of intended crises.

I don’t think there is anything unique to the Ukraine conflict for the globalists; they could have just as easily tried to initiate a regional war in Taiwan, North Korea, Iran, etc. There are numerous powder keg countries that they have been cultivating for a couple of decades. We should not hyperfocus on who is to blame between Ukraine or Russia, we should focus on the effects that will result from any major regional disaster and how the globalists exploit such catastrophes to further the agenda of total centralization of power.

The Ukraine scenario could be easily defused if both sides took some basic diplomatic measures, but this is not going to happen. NATO officials could take a step back from their pursuit of adding Ukraine to the ranks. The US could stop pouring cash and weaponry into Ukraine to the tune of $5.4 billion since 2014. Over 90 tons of military equipment has been sent to the country in 2022 alone. Russia could stop sending covert special operations units into the Donbass and be more willing to come to the table to discuss diplomatic solutions. The reason these things do not happen is because they are not allowed to happen by the power brokers behind the curtain.

We are all aware of the globalist influences behind US and NATO leaders, we present the undeniable evidence of this on a regular basis. Biden’s penchant for globalist institutions is well known. But what about Russia?

There are some in the alternative media and the liberty movement who falsely believe that Russia is anti-globalist – Nothing could be further from the truth. As with many political leaders Putin will sometimes use anti-globalists rhetoric, but his relationships tell another story. In Putin’s first autobiography, titled ‘First Person’, he discusses with fondness his first encounter with New World Order globalist Henry Kissinger as a member of the FSB (formerly the KGB). As Putin rose through the political ranks he maintained a steady friendship with Kissinger and to this day they have regular lunches and Kissinger has been an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin.

---------------continued below--------------
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
It doesn’t stop there, though. Putin and the Kremlin have also kept a steady dialogue with the World Economic Forum, the project of the now notorious globalist Klaus Schwab. In fact, only last year Russia announced it was joining the WEF’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution Network” which focuses on economic socialization, Artificial Intelligence, the “internet of things” and a host of other globalist interests which will all lead to worldwide technocracy and tyranny.

Again, the Russian government is NOT anti-globalist. This claim is nonsense and always has been. I would attribute the fantasy of Russian opposition to a steady stream of propaganda and what I call the False East/West Paradigm – The fraudulent notion that the globalist agenda is a purely Western or American agenda and that countries like China and Russia are opposed to it. If you look at the close interactions between the east and the globalists, this idea completely falls apart.

It’s important to understand that most conflicts between the East and the West are engineered conflicts and the leaders of BOTH SIDES are not really at odds with each other. Rather, these wars are Kabuki Theater; they are wars of convenience to achieve covert ends while mesmerizing the masses with moments of terror and calamity. For anyone who has doubts about this, I highly recommend they read the thoroughly researched and evidenced works of professional historian and economist Antony Sutton, who quite accidentally stumbled onto the facts surrounding the globalist conspiracy and went on to expose their habit of playing both sides of nearly every war over the past century from the Bolshevik Revolution to WWII and onward.

The strategy of order out of chaos is nothing new, it’s something the globalists have been doing for a very long time. The number of open revelations post-Covid about the ‘Great Reset’ that globalists have publicly admitted to is so staggering that their plans can no longer be denied. Any skeptics at this point should be suspected of having a single digit IQ.

So, now that we have established the reality of globalist involvement in both the west and in Russia, we need to ask ourselves how they benefit from initiating a crisis between these powers over Ukraine? What do they get out of it?

As I have noted in recent articles, it appears to me that Ukraine is a Plan B attempt to conjure more smoke and mirrors where the covid pandemic failed to satisfy the Great Reset plan. As Klaus Schwab and the WEF has constantly asserted, they saw the pandemic as the perfect “opportunity” to force the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the world. As globalist Rahm Emanual once opined in the wake of the 2008 economic crash:

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

The WEF is an old hand at this tactic. Klaus Schwab also used the same exact language right after the credit crash of 2008 as he has used after the spread of covid, always trying to sell global governance as the solution to every disaster:

“What we are experiencing is the birth of a new era, a wake-up call to overhaul our institutions, our systems and, above all, our thinking, and to adjust our attitudes and values to the needs of a world which rightly expects a much higher degree of responsibility and accountability,” he explained. “If we recognize this crisis as being really transformational, we can lay the fundaments for a more stable, more sustainable and even more prosperous world.”

– Klaus Schwab on the Global Redesign Initiative, 2009

Schwab jumped the gun back then just as he jumped the gun in 2020 when he declared the Great Reset an inevitability in the face of covid. The globalists must have expected a much higher death rate from the virus because they were practically dancing in the streets, elated over the amount of power they could steal in the name of “protecting the public from a global health threat.” If you look at the WEF and Gates Foundation simulation of a covid pandemic, Event 201 which was held only two months before the REAL THING happened, they clearly expected covid to do way more damage, predicting an initial death tally of 65 million. This never happened; it isn’t even close.

It’s hard to say why an obvious bioweapon like covid failed to do the job. Viruses tend to mutate rapidly in the wild and behave differently than they do in a lab setting. I would even consider the possibility of divine intervention. Whatever the reason, the globalists did not get what they wanted and now they need yet another crisis to oil the gears of the Reset machine. With the already tiny death rate of covid now dropping even further with the Omicron variant and half the states of the US in full defiance of the vax mandates it is only a matter of time before the rest of the world asks why they are still under medical authoritarianism?

War in Ukraine and the mere threat of that war expanding beyond the region could accomplish a number of things covid has not. It provides an ongoing cover for the stagflationary collapse which is now in full swing in the US, the supply chain problems that continue globally as well as the destabilization of the European economy. In particular, the EU is strongly reliant on Russian natural gas in order to heat homes and maintain its economy. Russia has strangled natural gas supplies to Europe in the past and they will do it again. Russian oil exports also fill demand gaps globally, and these exports will be strangled by sanctions or by the Kremlin deliberately cutting supplies to certain nations.

War is always a distraction from economic sabotage. Even though the seeds of financial crashes are often planted and watered well in advance by central banks, the banks never get the blame because international conflicts conveniently take center stage. By extension, economic crisis causes mass poverty, mass desperation, and mass hysteria, and globalists will say that these dangers require an international solution that they will happily provide in the form of centralization.

In the US and in many other western nations which have a large number of people still defending individual freedom, the globalists clearly want to use tensions with Russia as a means to silence public dissent over authoritarian policies. Already I am seeing numerous instances of establishment officials and leftists on social media suggesting that liberty activists are “pawns of the Russians” and that we are being used to “divide and conquer.” This is nonsense backed by nothing, but they are trying out the narrative anyway to see if it sticks.

I have no doubt that any rebellion in the US against the globalists will be blamed on foreign interference. As mentioned earlier, the last thing the elites want is movements of free people obstructing the Reset in the name of liberty. We witnessed this in Canada where Trudeau announced unilateral emergency powers against the trucker protests, giving himself totalitarian levels of control. Even the Russian government has intervened in such public actions to prevent any kind of activist momentum. Biden will try to do the same thing, and war, even a smaller regional war, gives him a rationale to oppress dissent in the name of public security.

Interestingly, martial law in the US is also much easier to legally and historically justify for the government as long as it is done in response to the invasion of a foreign enemy. The Russian influence narrative may very well be in preparation for martial law within America. Whether or not this actually succeeds is another matter.

The consequences of a shooting event in Ukraine will be far reaching well beyond a distraction for the American public; my intent here is not to suggest only Americans will be affected. My point is that there are certain places in the world that are naturally resistant to the globalist scheme, and freedom minded Americans are a primary obstacle. If there is a large scale rebellion against the Great Reset, it’s going to start here. The globalists know this as well, which is why the US will undoubtedly be centrally involved in the Ukraine quagmire.

While the event would be disastrous for Ukrainians and probably many Russians, there are deeper and more dangerous underlying threats intended for the US and a war in Ukraine acts as an effective scapegoat for many of them.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
NY Times: Putin Orders Forces to Russia-Backed Ukraine Regions and Hints at Wider Military Aims

The moves by the Russian leader were his most blatant yet in a confrontation with the West that threatens to escalate into the biggest military action in Europe since World War II.

FEBRUARY 23, 2022

REBUTTAL BY............................................

Vlad the Bad Putin has essentially just established the pro-Russian eastern Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as Russian protectorates -- and there's not a darn thing that the Globalists at the Council on Foreign Relations, their bullhorn buddies at "the paper of record," and their tethered NATO war dogs can do about it. It's not that the mighty US-led coalition of America and Europe hasn't the military capability to go toe-to-toe with Russia, you understand. No.

The reason why "the free world" will not stop Putin's "invasion" of the region known as "Donbass" is because Trump and the patriots, not the Globalists, are in control. You can be sure that this deal to deactivate the eastern European trip-wire for World War III -- much like the deal which had earlier deactivated another dangerous trip-wire in Syria -- had already been worked out by Putin and Trump -- the latter, not "Joe Biden," still commanding the US military.

Of course, this won't stop the breathless propagandists at Sulzberger's Slimes from pining away for yet another of their European bloodbaths to reinvigorate their dying New World Order. Not this time, Hymie. Sorry.

Let's clean up a few verses of this latest war song.




Don't believe the hype. There isn't going to be a war.

Slimes: President Vladimir V. Putin on Monday ordered troops into separatist-held eastern Ukraine ....
Rebuttal: Eastern Ukraine is not "separatist held." The people are Russian; they speak Russian; they love Putin; and they want nothing to do with the pro-NATO western wannabees and thugs of the western portion of Ukraine. Nobody is "holding" the people.

Slimes: ... and hinted at the possibility of a wider military campaign,
Rebuttal: Having watched the Putin speech (with English captions) in its entirety, the "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times must have missed these "hints" -- so subtle the "hints" must have been. Did he wink or something?

Slimes: After the speech, state television showed Mr. Putin signing decrees recognizing the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics
Rebuttal: What do "youse guys" mean by "so-called" republics? If the people, virtually unanimously, desire to be independent of western political intrigue and embrace Russia, then why denigrate their proclaimed status as independent republics with the insulting term, "so-called?" Should we refer to the United States as a "so-called" republic because the new nation had separated from Britain in 1776?

Slimes: ..... which were formed after Russia fomented a separatist war in eastern Ukraine in 2014.
Rebuttal: No no no no no! You dad-gum ever-projecting liars! The Donetsk and Luhansk Republics were formed after CIA-Soros-McStain-Nuland-Mossad and company fomented a "Color Revolution" coup which violently overthrew the Russia-friendly government based in western Ukraine -- in Kiev -- and installed a pack of corrupt and maniacal anti-Russian puppets who had been tasked with oppressing the easterners and kicking-off World War III.




Donetsk and Luhansk are happy to be free from the control of the type of western Ukrainian criminals that scum like the late (executed, we believe) John McStain had installed in 2014.

Slimes: The action by Mr. Putin, who has commandeered the world’s attention....
Rebuttal: No. It is Fake News hype about World War III that has "commandeered the world’s attention."

Slimes: .... with an enormous deployment of troops along Ukraine’s border.
Rebuttal: That border along which this "enormous deployment" was put in place, is mainly shared with Russian Donetsk and Luhansk -- whose citizens have never regarded themselves as part of the fake state of Ukraine (which has been historically, culturally, racially Russian for a 1000 years).

Slimes: Putin even went so far as to describe Ukraine’s elected pro-Western leaders as stooges and cast them as the aggressors
Rebuttal: Well ... he's right, ya know.

Slimes: The White House said Mr. Biden would impose sanctions against people doing business in the separatist regions ..... The leaders of the European Union condemned the recognition “in the strongest possible terms,” and the secretary-general of the United Nations said the move was “inconsistent with the principles” of the U.N. charter.
Analysis: As previously stated, the huffing and puffing Globalists can't do anything about it -- because Trump and Putin make a mighty awesome pair.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Are we not simply seeing Bible prophesy being fulfilled? This is history written in advance so whatever will be, will be....nothing can alter or detour the course of Bible prophesy.

This world is drowning in its own selfish decisions, influenced by “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). It is a world about to confront the real ruler whose power will make them look like ants.

Since the law of “cause and effect” is sound, whatever results from whatever causes these events to unfold, is inevitable...uncontrollable....unavoidable. They do not involve those who are Christ’s true disciples because we are told to be “no part of the world” (John 18:36).....we will be the neutral by-standers, observing the events......and for many being the victims of them, but physical hardship or death is not to be feared by us. A return to life, once all of this is over, will see us inherit what Christ died to bring back to us.....a peaceful and wonderful life in paradise on earth forever. All these troubles will be things of the past....never to be repeated....never to be a painful memory to spoil our future. (Isaiah 65:17)

So for now, we turn off the MSM and our political biases created by them, and read our Bibles, confident that God has all things well in hand.
What is happening is what was foretold, and the outcome will be just as the Bible foretold as well.

Do we have the faith? Are we going to be found “doing the will of God”? (Matthew 7:21-23)


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Biased as this news source is, it does however expose the most recent war that began this century between the two countries, especially when/since (2014) the hated Soros installed a Zionist Jew anti-Christian puppet president of Ukraine Selinskyy .....and then the Donbass region lit up well suppoted by NATO and the US during Obama's administration.

24 Feb, 2022 19:25
HomeRussia & FSU

Moscow claims this is culmination of 8 year Ukrainian war
Russia’s Foreign Ministry says it wants to end the 8-year bloodbath in Donbass that both Ukraine and the West turned a blind eye to

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, February 24, 2022 © RT
The West spent eight years ignoring the “sea of blood” in Donbass while arming Ukraine, and now claims Moscow is the aggressor when it stepped in to end the conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told RT on Thursday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday, claiming it was necessary to “demilitarize and de-nazify” the neighbor. Kiev accused Russia of aggression, while the US, EU and NATO have called it an “unprovoked” invasion. Moscow insists this is not the case.

In announcing the operation, Putin said the “main objective is to stop the escalation of the war that’s been going on for eight years, and to stop the war,” Zakharova told RT in an exclusive interview.

“Russia did not commit aggression of any kind,” Zakharova insisted. “This did not start yesterday. There’s a sea of blood that’s appeared over the past 8 years,” she added, referring to the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which Russia on Monday recognized as independent states.

The main aim is to stop the escalation of the war that’s been going on for eight years, to stop this war

Donetsk and Lugansk broke away from Ukraine in 2014, after the West-backed coup ousted the democratically elected government in Kiev. Zakharova noted that the two self-proclaimed republics held a referendum eight years ago, saying they did not want to remain in Ukraine, but both Moscow and the West rejected this and tried to put the “broken” country back together.

READ MORE: Russian military attack on Ukraine: How we got there
When asked about President Volodymyr Zelensky’s statement that Ukraine wanted peace, Zakharova wondered why Ukraine was arming itself and refusing to negotiate with the Donbass.

“If Ukraine wanted peace, why did they get all these weapons” from all over the world, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman told RT, adding, “It was clear that these were offensive weapons. Who were they fighting? Their own people in southeast Ukraine, and spoke often about seizing Crimea.” The peninsula voted to rejoin Russia in March 2014, but Ukraine and its Western backers have refused to recognize this, calling it an “annexation.”

Zakharova also noted that the top Ukrainian officials have openly and publicly brought up the idea of obtaining nuclear weapons in recent weeks, pointing out this was a fact and not something claimed by Russian intelligence.

READ MORE: Putin will decide when Ukraine offensive ends – Kremlin
Divisions in Ukraine go beyond Donetsk and Lugansk, Zakharova added, accusing armed groups with Nazi-era symbols – such as the notorious Azov Battalion – of having influence over much of the country.

For years, she said, Western media so concerned over human rights in places like South Sudan and Myanmar kept silent on all this, ignoring that more than 13,000 people have died in the Donbass – many of them civilians. While Russia provided them with humanitarian aid, Kiev besieged them by cutting off trade, finance, and even utilities. Zakharova noted that the water canal towards Crimea is now once again operational after Ukraine “criminally” shut it off years ago.