Exposing Jehovah's Witnesses False Doctrines and Prophecies

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Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
I've written this document to print out and go through with some Jehovah's Witnesses I know. If there's any issues, or anyone would like to add or improve anything I'd really appreciate it. Mainly I think the "some quick points" at the end could use some improvement.


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New Member
Jun 19, 2024
JW are the worst, but you're not gonna convince anyone that's deep in that vortex to suddenly change their minds. Their whole family, social circles, and possibly even their livelihoods are connected to that cult.

I think the best help we can offer those poor lost souls is: if they wake up and want to leave, we can provide support systems to help them do so. JW isn't exerting direct force to keep them in there, it's soft power and social pressure. But anyone that REALLY wants to leave can leave and we man make it easier for them to get back on their feet.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
JW are the worst, but you're not gonna convince anyone that's deep in that vortex to suddenly change their minds. Their whole family, social circles, and possibly even their livelihoods are connected to that cult.

I think the best help we can offer those poor lost souls is: if they wake up and want to leave, we can provide support systems to help them do so. JW isn't exerting direct force to keep them in there, it's soft power and social pressure. But anyone that REALLY wants to leave can leave and we man make it easier for them to get back on their feet.
The thing is though if they leave the Faith I’ve heard, they are then are cut off from family.

Plus a JW can only marry another JW?


Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
JW are the worst, but you're not gonna convince anyone that's deep in that vortex to suddenly change their minds. Their whole family, social circles, and possibly even their livelihoods are connected to that cult.

I think the best help we can offer those poor lost souls is: if they wake up and want to leave, we can provide support systems to help them do so. JW isn't exerting direct force to keep them in there, it's soft power and social pressure. But anyone that REALLY wants to leave can leave and we man make it easier for them to get back on their feet.
Yeah I realize that, my goal isn't at all to convince them, since I know how stubborn they are. My only goal is to break a single link in the chain and hope and pray the rest will unwravel in time.

The thing is though if they leave the Faith I’ve heard, they are then are cut off from family.

Plus a JW can only marry another JW?
That's a big reason for them wanting to stay. I also was thinking of writing something about how the laws and regulations they're following are much like the Pharisees, and that they're following the traditions of men, and aren't God-fearing, but congregation-fearing. My hope is to expose the greed and corruption in their cult, and show them that to be saved, you don't have to do anything but trust in Jesus and Jesus alone. But I need to word it in a way that it doesn't come across as a personal attack; make them realize that they don't really fear God, but the congregation.

Also, I used this playlist and those videos to write out the document. What would be nice is to eventually get everything we can aggregated into a single document/website/blogpost and share it around with other Christians to use as a way to respond to JWs.

And this website has some common responses: Responses to questions posed by a Jehovah's Witness (page 1)
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
I've written this document to print out and go through with some Jehovah's Witnesses I know. If there's any issues, or anyone would like to add or improve anything I'd really appreciate it. Mainly I think the "some quick points" at the end could use some improvement.
I never noticed Rev 5 before- excellent. I imagine when they notice that an (other) will be inserted.
Aside from trinity and false prophecies, I think that a little known humdinger is this one-

They believe that Romans 6 teaches that when they die, they have their sins forgiven automatically. That is, that their death PAYS their own sin debt. No need for Jesus! He only paid for Adam's sin. I'm 100% serious. Read the thread and you will see them admit this.

Have a look below, and use what you want from it. It's my thread. The 2 Jws on there are Kiew and Auntie Jane.
Auntie Jane decided to shun me over it- as she had no answer., and Kiew is dancing as fast as possible to avoid what it plainly says. I hope Kiew will come around and wake up.

Pray for them. This is a deadly serious cult.
Thanks for posting! I learned a new one!


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
The thing is though if they leave the Faith I’ve heard, they are then are cut off from family.

Plus a JW can only marry another JW?
Their entire universe is cut-off. Jws only socialize with other Jws, so for many all of their life they've only known Jws. When shunned they lose all family and every friend or aquaintance- they don't even speak to them. no text, phone, nothing. It's like you died. Many are made to leave home. It's incredibly cruel. And we arent talking about only what they call a "serious sin".. people have been Df'd for having a beard, smoking a cigarette, a bday card, etc. When caught sinning ( Jws tell on each other) they have to face a judicial board for a hearing and the elders decide if you are sorry enough or not. They have had many suicides.
Even children who have been molested have been subjected to these hearings of all men. A child, a female, all alone with a bunch of men who are asking if she liked it, or did she scream or not, asking every detail. Police are not called. They have a rule that 2 or more need to witness against a man- so the child is told, we can't do anything since there are no witnesses. The molester goes free every time.
I'm going to stop here.


Aug 6, 2023
United Kingdom
I never noticed Rev 5 before- excellent. I imagine when they notice that an (other) will be inserted.
Aside from trinity and false prophecies, I think that a little known humdinger is this one-

They believe that Romans 6 teaches that when they die, they have their sins forgiven automatically. That is, that their death PAYS their own sin debt. No need for Jesus! He only paid for Adam's sin. I'm 100% serious. Read the thread and you will see them admit this.

Have a look below, and use what you want from it. It's my thread. The 2 Jws on there are Kiew and Auntie Jane.
Auntie Jane decided to shun me over it- as she had no answer., and Kiew is dancing as fast as possible to avoid what it plainly says. I hope Kiew will come around and wake up.

Pray for them. This is a deadly serious cult.
Thanks for posting! I learned a new one!
It was incredibly painful to read that thread. They are utterly brainwashed. Only the righteous will get grace? The very definition of grace is undeserved favour lol. But it's interesting to see what makes a JW a JW; they can't wrap their head around the gospel and end up needing to add works for it to make any sense. I guess the only thing you can do then is to continue preaching the gospel to them, show them the errors in their teachings, and expose the hypocrisy of the watchtower. Mike Winger made a great playlist exposing their lies. In his blood transfusions video, he said that conservative estimates show that 3 Jehovah's Witnesses die per DAY for refusing blood transfusions.

I guess what bothers me the most about all of this is none of it is necessary. All the truth is out there and could set all of them free in an instant, but the lies of the enemy have them blind.

I've updated the document and printed it out, mainly the "A few quick points" section. I think the last page will definitely convict them and help them understand the gospel properly. They said they'd come back soon so I'll be ready then, but if I don't see them within a few weeks I'll head up to their kingdom hall and go through it with them there. I can't really do much more than that. I know it's not really my responsibility, but I do feel somewhat obliged to help them. Last I spoke to them all I could think of was their poor children being indoctrinated into their cult that's sending people straight to hell.

Surprisingly, their NWT did a decent job of translating Galatians 2:21, so you might want to show it to Kiew.
"I do not reject* the undeserved kindness of God,f for if righteousness is through law, Christ actually died for nothing" - Galatians 2:21 NWT


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