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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
Joining the Dots.

If one is to take a look at what has happened in western civilization, then it all looks a bit confusing to say the least. The real question is are we just looking at a series of random events or is there a definite plan in place that is taking the masses down the tubes with planned intent.

Well lets list all that has happened and see if we can work out the end game and the motivation for this mess.

1) The governments are pushing to remove Christianity from the conscious mind of their local populations. In fact they have gone so far as to equate Christianity with domestic terrorists.

2) Satanism is being promoted openly now in the name of freedom and tolerance. The Tablets with the Ten Commandments are being removed from the courts so as not to offend and statues of Baphomet are being placed instead.
The History of Baphomet

3) LGBTQ or the gays and pedophiles etc are being brought out into the open and promoted in the name of inclusion and tolerance. Those who may offend this group face imprisonment which is an indication that this is supported and enforced by the governing bodies.

4) Islam has become protected as well even though most of the terror attacks actually do come from this group and they are the ones looking on western civilization as the great Satan.

5) It has become painfully obvious that the education systems have been dumbed down drastically to the point where the schools are more indoctrination centers rather than institutions of higher learning. Most kids today have no idea of their countries own history, let alone what the building blocks of a healthy society are.

6) Economically the western nations are being ruined beyond recovery. Food security is being dismantled and energy sectors are being gutted. It resembles a planned national suicide.

7) Alien and UFO disclosure is being opened up after decades or repression and ridicule. The public is being acclimatized to the subject.

So the next question is, is there a method behind this madness, what can the objective be beside the total collapse of every thing. What is going to replace the existing structures once they are all gone.

Well these are the conclusions this old man has come to and you the reader, may find it interesting to consider, though I know most will pull it apart because I am viewing all this through the theological lense.

This world has reached the point where events are able to take place on a global scale and a one world government is practically feasible. All the signs that Christ pointed to that would mark his return and the end of this age are falling into place with the infrastructure to make it happen already built and waiting for its implementation. It has become obvious that this generation is the one that will see this event come to pass. But for this to come to pass the antichrist has to be able to rise to power first. Once the implications of this is understood the rest all starts to fall into place.

In order for the antichrist to rise to power in order to fulfill the last days prophecies, there first has to be a cleaning away of the Christians, There is no way this Son of Perdition can pick up the reigns of power if there is a strong Christian presence opposing him. Hence the rise of globalism has placed politicians in positions of power where they can bring about a movement to rid the nations of Christianity. Because Christianity has shown itself to thrive under persecution the rhetoric and anti Christian deformations is known to not work. Hence the need to fashion a tool to achieve this objective, Hence the rise of the LGBTQ and its promotion and protection.

If there is one thing the covenant faiths like Christianity and Jews cannot adapt to or embrace, it is sexual perversions. It is the perfect weapon to use to isolate and stigmatize these faiths. The perfect weapon. First the general populations need to be acclimatized to this practice which was achieved through porn that became progressively worse and worse but which ended up in demand due to the natural instincts of reproduction. This was pushed everywhere from the entertainment industry to dedicated magazines like Hustler to full web sites like Pornhub. Once the general population had been acclimatized to this practice the next natural outflow was of course the promotion of the gays, which again became worse and worse. The world has embraced this practice while the covenant faiths are isolated and stigmatized because they will not embrace the practice because it is in direct violation of Gods laws. Hence the identification of the Christians becomes easy and often in your face !

It is now the governments and instruments of state using the rule of law that promote the LGBTQ and their various agendas such as the indoctrination of the children. Rainbow flags all over the place with words like pedofile being replace with “minor attracted persons” so as to sanitize the concepts. The idea of political correctness is being used as a tool to control speech which in turn controls logical deductions and reasoning. Any that speak out are branded haters and intolerant bigots. Isolation from accepted society is sure to follow. With the implementation of the social credit score the economic pressure to conform will only grow. It is now only a matter of time before public calls to remove those Christian haters from society is made.

Naturally the spiritual vacuum left by the departing Christians is going to be filled by something else, and that something will naturally be Satanism. Of course Satanism has no problem with sexual perversions as that is an integral part of their do as you wilt ideology. Total freedom which also includes the freedom to dominate over and exploit the gullible. Look up the names of the known demons on the net and you will find that most have their own rock bands and fan clubs dedicated to them. Satanism is prospering at this time and undergoing a time of growth. And as can be expected a great many of the leaders in government are involved in occult practices. The meetings at the Bohemian Grove by the rich and famous is not about the business of running the nations, The sacrifice is to a deity represented by the owl.

Once the Christians have gone the way of the fifth seal in the book of Revelation and Satanism freely open for practice, the door will be flung wide for the Antichrist to establish himself in the seat of political power. It will also be at this time that the usefulness of the LGBTQ will have come to an end. This is where the Muslims that have been held in reserve will come into play. It will be the Muslims that will get rid of the gays and drive them back into their closets. Society cannot prosper with them wrecking the place, even a Satanic society, so the gays will have to go for the nations to rebuild their family structures while there are still people of reproductive age to do it. The gays will not have the protection of government as they do now. The Muslims will start to dominate and Islamic law established. The Muslims will be the enforcers of the New World Order.

Most people do not realize just how much freedom the concept of cash gives them. They just take it for granted. This situation will be considered intolerable in the eyes of the new one world government. There is no real control over what the individual person can spend their money on. Hence the need to get rid of it which is why there seems to be a deliberate action to crash the current world economies and make the world currencies worthless. So in comes the mark of the beast and total oversight of every economic transaction. The new currency, only issued at the government pleasure, being digital fully under governmental oversight.

You will notice that modern politicians come out with catchy phrases that are ambiguous and open to any interpretation of the imagination that a person wants to apply to it. For example Obama used the phrase “ Yes we can” Well the question is , yes we can what ? It has no real meaning or direction but the public lapped it up. Biden came out with the phrase “ Build back better” Again build back what better. What is going to be destroyed that we want to rebuild ? Well at least from his actions we know he wants to dismantle western civilization so it can be rebuild in a new form, and from the indications of the time we live in and from his association with the globalist movements it has become obvious that the world is to be rebuilt in the new order with the antichrist in control. With that in mind it now becomes obvious why he has identified the nations patriots as the enemy and why he wants them disarmed. From the perspective of his traitorous agenda he has correctly identified his enemies.

Now we look at why the UFO thing is being introduced to the public, the last time this happened was during the time of Noah. It did not end well then and it is not going to end well now either. But they are on their way and the nations of this earth will have to acknowledge them. This is the god of forces that the antichrist will be making deals with and honoring. As what is found in the prophecies of the book of Daniel. They will be taking over portions of the earth and the people therein. All sold for a price.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Many years ago we went to a week long series of talks by a preacher called George Miller. In time these talks have proved to be prophetic as the main jist of them was that all seven pillars of society would collapse and in fact they have. What we considered impossible back then we have seen it happening. Families, education, the justice system, medicine/healthcare, press/media, politics and church - all have begun to crumble, some more than others. So God knew what was going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2024
United States
I'd say that you have a good outline for a novel. Personally, I don't buy the UFO stuff, but you have several good points.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
Many years ago we went to a week long series of talks by a preacher called George Miller. In time these talks have proved to be prophetic as the main jist of them was that all seven pillars of society would collapse and in fact they have. What we considered impossible back then we have seen it happening. Families, education, the justice system, medicine/healthcare, press/media, politics and church - all have begun to crumble, some more than others. So God knew what was going to happen.
The thing is that we cannot stop end time events. They are going to plough through like a steam roller. But being able to see what is happening and how it all fits together will enable many saints to hold it together during this time. After all we want the end time events to pass so we can get to the other side where Jesus reigns and all the horror this world system has pushed will be at an end.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Perhaps God is allowing the world to fall apart so that we have to be more reliant on Him than on ourselves.

What is obvious to me is the level of god like actions happening in the world today instigated by those who want to change the world to make it better, but in reality, are only making it worse.

What did God tell Solomon about who was in charge and that if He hears us humbling ourselves and repenting of our foolishness, then He will heal the earth. Sadly, those who know this scripture have a hard time humbling themselves without God nudging us to do so.

There are not that many dots, so to speak to join together to realise what the answer/solution is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Sure there's a plan in place. There always is.
If we could figure it out we'd never be able to stop it so, let's have fun while it's still legal.

The likely outcome.

The world ecumenical council declares atheism to be the only acceptable belief system.

Those who agree receive the equivalent of food stamp cards and government housing. Those who don't disappear.

Baphomet statues are used as covert CCTV systems for big brother to surveil all areas and insure compliance.

The 10 commandments once installed by Hollywood to promote the Heston feature are gone forever.

A decade later people are restless. The system sucks. They decide to revolt.

When suddenly a giant mother ship UFO lands in D. C. ( not unlike decades ago when it was actually flying saucers hovering over the White House. Really.)

The door opens and out walks Jesus Christ Sonanda. ( think Ashtar Command, of the 1990's era).
Come to save the world.

AI implants through a neuro link installed at birth a faith in all people depending upon their cultural history. World government, world religion. Revolutionaries are destroyed by an explosive micro capsule implanted at the same time as was their global ID tattoo, barcode, applied.
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
The day that the patriots , (this is american situation ) were declared the domestic terrorists I knew that the Republic had fallen. The real enemies of the state had picked up the reigns of power and now the process was moving on to the subjection of the local population. This is going to be ongoing for a while now and the only thing holding it back at all is the 2nd amendment. Also the local population has not grasped that they have been defeated yet. They are still trying to play by the rules when they are not there any more.

As I have stated over and over, There is no greater tool in the arsenal of evil than the rule of law. All the greater atrocities of the past century have been enabled by the perversion of the rule of law. Take the holocaust by the Germans for example. It was all done legally in accordance with the rule of law. And the worlds populations have been programmed to be law abiding even when faced with their own destruction.
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May 4, 2018
Dot to Dot Rabbit Coloring Page for Kids

The right order is necessary .....if that's not obvious!


Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Joining the Dots.
Overall I thought this was a good post Traveler…thank you. I am looking at these things and have been for the last 20 years. I think I will engage you from where I am today and hopefully bring some increased “light” to our prophetic pathway here.

This list is good…obviously you see more than you listed however…that list serves your point well Traveler.
So the next question is, is there a method behind this madness, what can the objective be beside the total collapse of every thing. What is going to replace the existing structures once they are all gone.
The spoils go to the victor…right? The replacement is the revealing of what was always there…the established throne of God…as the basis for the power and authority of the Kingdom of God which takes over.

The destruction of the beast and his systems and any cohorts…is the result of the judgment of sin…finally coming home to roost as the hands of the saints no less...the dragon is imprisoned to be dealt with at a later date.
Well these are the conclusions this old man has come to and you the reader, may find it interesting to consider, though I know most will pull it apart because I am viewing all this through the theological lense.

This world has reached the point where events are able to take place on a global scale and a one world government is practically feasible.
Yes, I agree…and perhaps we are already there…just not in the physical realm…in the eyes of some. I too “view all of this through a theological lense.”
All the signs that Christ pointed to that would mark his return and the end of this age are falling into place with the infrastructure to make it happen already built and waiting for its implementation. It has become obvious that this generation is the one that will see this event come to pass. But for this to come to pass the antichrist has to be able to rise to power first. Once the implications of this is understood the rest all starts to fall into place.
Ok, so what does that look like to you?
In order for the antichrist to rise to power in order to fulfill the last days prophecies, there first has to be a cleaning away of the Christians, There is no way this Son of Perdition can pick up the reigns of power if there is a strong Christian presence opposing him. Hence the rise of globalism has placed politicians in positions of power where they can bring about a movement to rid the nations of Christianity. Because Christianity has shown itself to thrive under persecution the rhetoric and anti Christian deformations is known to not work. Hence the need to fashion a tool to achieve this objective, Hence the rise of the LGBTQ and its promotion and protection.
How do you define the “Christianity” that you are referring to here…church?



Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
If there is one thing the covenant faiths like Christianity and Jews cannot adapt to or embrace, it is sexual perversions. It is the perfect weapon to use to isolate and stigmatize these faiths. The perfect weapon. First the general populations need to be acclimatized to this practice which was achieved through porn that became progressively worse and worse but which ended up in demand due to the natural instincts of reproduction. This was pushed everywhere from the entertainment industry to dedicated magazines like Hustler to full web sites like Pornhub. Once the general population had been acclimatized to this practice the next natural outflow was of course the promotion of the gays, which again became worse and worse. The world has embraced this practice while the covenant faiths are isolated and stigmatized because they will not embrace the practice because it is in direct violation of Gods laws. Hence the identification of the Christians becomes easy and often in your face !
I can see where you are going here…it works for me…how will the Christians respond?
It is now the governments and instruments of state using the rule of law that promote the LGBTQ and their various agendas such as the indoctrination of the children. Rainbow flags all over the place with words like pedofile being replace with “minor attracted persons” so as to sanitize the concepts. The idea of political correctness is being used as a tool to control speech which in turn controls logical deductions and reasoning. Any that speak out are branded haters and intolerant bigots. Isolation from accepted society is sure to follow. With the implementation of the social credit score the economic pressure to conform will only grow. It is now only a matter of time before public calls to remove those Christian haters from society is made.

Naturally the spiritual vacuum left by the departing Christians is going to be filled by something else, and that something will naturally be Satanism. Of course Satanism has no problem with sexual perversions as that is an integral part of their do as you wilt ideology. Total freedom which also includes the freedom to dominate over and exploit the gullible.
Ok…these Christian haters exterminate the Christians…is that what you’re saying?

Look up the names of the known demons on the net and you will find that most have their own rock bands and fan clubs dedicated to them. Satanism is prospering at this time and undergoing a time of growth. And as can be expected a great many of the leaders in government are involved in occult practices. The meetings at the Bohemian Grove by the rich and famous is not about the business of running the nations, The sacrifice is to a deity represented by the owl.

Once the Christians have gone the way of the fifth seal in the book of Revelation and Satanism freely open for practice, the door will be flung wide for the Antichrist to establish himself in the seat of political power.
Where do the Christians go?
It will also be at this time that the usefulness of the LGBTQ will have come to an end. This is where the Muslims that have been held in reserve will come into play. It will be the Muslims that will get rid of the gays and drive them back into their closets. Society cannot prosper with them wrecking the place, even a Satanic society, so the gays will have to go for the nations to rebuild their family structures while there are still people of reproductive age to do it. The gays will not have the protection of government as they do now. The Muslims will start to dominate and Islamic law established. The Muslims will be the enforcers of the New World Order.
Perhaps…perhaps…that is an interesting paragraph…some group has to form the NWO and you “Traveler” see it as the Muslims…whoever it is will be brutal beyond expectation.



Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Most people do not realize just how much freedom the concept of cash gives them. They just take it for granted. This situation will be considered intolerable in the eyes of the new one world government.
The idea of “freedom with cash” is an illusion Traveler…perhaps as you suggest it grants a “greater freedom” than what appears to be headed in our direction…which further emphasizes my point of the “systems of the beast” increasing…however the system of cash itself…in its entirety is a satanic construct is it not? Even in the cash system the slaves are still on the plantation.

Consider what Paul wrote in 1st Timothy 6…”For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

When they sent the chief priests, the scribes, the elders and the Herodians to the Lord…in an attempt to trap Him in the “tax law”…they sent many and the top brass to Him this was a big deal no doubt.

He said…"Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to look at." He did not have one…obviously and that should speak to us today…once He has one He looks at it and asks them …"Whose likeness and inscription is this?" They respond “Caesar’s” to which He said…"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Then it says “they were amazed at Him.”

The Lord Yahshua Christ clearly delineated between the economy of the kingdom of the beast and the economy of the Kingdom of God. Separate kingdoms separate economies…money, cash, credit, Ponzi schemes…all of it…are a construct of the kingdom of the dragon’s beast. Ultimately it will all be destroyed and a new Heavenly economy established in its place.

Until then…the economy of the “beast” and the economy of the “Christ” are running parallel and are juxtaposed...can you see that Traveler?

There is no real control over what the individual person can spend their money on.
Maybe Traveler…maybe…but there is a “layer of control” that has been there for a long time. Over the last 25 years I have encountered a number of occasions where access to my money was indeed limited…thereby controlling my ability to spend my money on a thing. I have seen this for countless others as well.



Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
Hence the need to get rid of it which is why there seems to be a deliberate action to crash the current world economies and make the world currencies worthless. So in comes the mark of the beast and total oversight of every economic transaction. The new currency, only issued at the government pleasure, being digital fully under governmental oversight.
It is somewhat baffling to me that someone like yourself “Traveler” can put these very accurate and important points down in writing and in an acceptable context thus illuminating a “scheme of the grandest proportions” and then say something like this…”So in comes the mark of the beast and total oversight of every economic transaction.”

What I am asking is…how can the world we are living in today be governed by the satanic entity “the beast” that “is” increasingly governing it…and also say the mark of the beast is yet future?

The “beast” operating on the earth today does so with the power and authority of Satan’s throne. He is the dragon, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan…all one in the same being…does this not denote that the “beast” has been here in some evolving form since the Garden of Eden as the serpent of old?

The majority of humanity currently…“trusts and lives in”…this beasts system…right now…as you have described it…this is also true for humanity since nearly the time the flood waters receded…even the current global economic system is satanic…utterly…usury?
You will notice that modern politicians come out with catchy phrases that are ambiguous and open to any interpretation of the imagination that a person wants to apply to it. For example Obama used the phrase “ Yes we can” Well the question is , yes we can what ? It has no real meaning or direction but the public lapped it up. Biden came out with the phrase “ Build back better” Again build back what better. What is going to be destroyed that we want to rebuild ? Well at least from his actions we know he wants to dismantle western civilization so it can be rebuild in a new form, and from the indications of the time we live in and from his association with the globalist movements it has become obvious that the world is to be rebuilt in the new order with the antichrist in control.
This was always the plan….the spiritual basis for every nation in all of the earth with the exception of ancient Israel was formed by the dragon’s beast…and he managed to corrupt “them” as well.

The dragon’s beast…is the foundation or operating system underwriting all global systems since the Garden of Eden…it’s just steadily growing into “all prominence” over the earth and those who dwell there, Traveler you know that.

There are only 2 seeds in this creation…the seed of the serpent “beast – 7 heads and 10 horns” and the seed of the woman “Christ – Head and Body.” Clearly none of these earthly or global systems have ever reflected a Kingdom of God standard of righteous and holy living…right? By that I mean the Lord Yahshua Himself said…My Kingdom is not of this world…not of this realm”…meaning the realm of the dragon and his beast.



Active Member
Jul 5, 2023
SC Wisconsin
United States
With that in mind it now becomes obvious why he has identified the nations patriots as the enemy and why he wants them disarmed. From the perspective of his traitorous agenda he has correctly identified his enemies.
This is a red herring Traveler…do not fall for it…the beast is not after what is already his…as the seed of the serpent…his war is with the seed of the woman…”And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name [His authority, power, and throne] and His tabernacle, [The holy of holies…His actual dwelling place] that is, those who dwell in heaven. [The Body of Christ] (7) It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.” Revelation 13:6-7 NASB

Now we look at why the UFO thing is being introduced to the public, the last time this happened was during the time of Noah. It did not end well then and it is not going to end well now either. But they are on their way and the nations of this earth will have to acknowledge them. This is the god of forces that the antichrist will be making deals with and honoring. As what is found in the prophecies of the book of Daniel. They will be taking over portions of the earth and the people therein. All sold for a price.
Interesting Traveler…are you suggesting the hoards of the demonic are UFO’s or is it something else?

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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
We are on the same page. I try to explain things in a manner that those with little concept of scripture can grasp. Not as easy as it looks. A lot of what is found in Revelation is also found in the Old Testament but to keep it simple I just run with Revelation. Where I make comments that pertain to the political it is to try and show how the prophecies play out in the natural. I do think I have a thread on here somewhere where I try to define the concept of mammon.

Interesting that we seem to be the same age.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
When i heard Obama say, Yes we can ! i thought who is truly the We ?
The in regards to the, We ? I think it ment Him ? not us !
The We ? is His Mob ? who ever that truly is ?

I was hearing people so in love with what Obama said in this regard ? that i was going to challange them on the consept ! as in regards to what do you lot think he ment ?

I know History and con-artist game play deceptions reasonably well and when people who talk like such. i can call them out on what they truly mean or not to take such with to much value ?

So when such a statement like, Yes we can ! i ask who is truly the, We !

A lot of political morons talk in such a way, it's all scriped and they are just following their PRO etc who are payed millions a year to peddle such trash. because they all get together and have to come up with something that will slide with the majority of simpletons.

So you can have a political person who came out with a stupid view that was pointed out to be dead stupid but the PRO went to work and turned such around to make a stupid action sound smart !
That's what the PRO are payed millions ! Even in big companys they have Public Relation Officers, who are just pro con-artist in fact !

And to have a political Leader nowadays, that is the number one key to power of running for President, PM, Premier, Public office, or you can not get the Job ! one has to be able to Lie full on like a bastard !
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
And to have a political Leader nowadays, that is the number one key to power of running for President, PM, Premier, Public office, or you can not get the Job ! one has to be able to Lie full on like a bastard !
That is the problem with the system. Only the biggest shark gets to the top by eating all the smaller ones.
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
Interesting Traveler…are you suggesting the hoards of the demonic are UFO’s or is it something else?
I think I spoke of this before. You have aliens which are from our natural realm, You have demons who are from the spiritual realm which I call the next door dimension.

The aliens are able to be influenced by the demonic the same way as Humans can.