Why mRNA vaccines are so dangerous -- the science

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
My objective opinion is that taking the holistic heal-itself process of the immune system, was only slightly helped by a vaccine and two boosters, once I got sick.

I say this because I had symptoms lasting a couple of weeks after the infection period. If I had not had the vaccine and the two boosters, I may have been sick for longer, but my healing would have been more complete (fewer lasting symptoms)?

Personally, I don't care, I am just grateful to God that He didn't kill me (... yet).


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2024
United States
There is now no doubt that all the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous. According to “official” data there are presently over 34,000 vaccine deaths in Europe and over 3 million vaccine adverse events! In the USA the vaccines deaths are presently over 20,000 and the adverse events are almost 1 million. Since there is serious under-reporting in the VAERS database these numbers may not be showing the seriousness of the problem,

The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) published a research paper in May, 2021 which should have led to a total ban on mRNA vaccines. But instead, all the governments have doubled down on forcing vaccinations. Nobody cares about the science any more.

The title of this paper is “Worse than the Disease: Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19”. The authors have cited almost 200 recent research papers. They say at the outset that “the objectively assessed risks and safety concerns have received far less detailed attention” in contrast to “the promise of this technology”. Given below is a summation of their results which explain why the “vaccines” are so dangerous.

They first describe the technology of the vaccines (from Pfizer and Moderna), since those from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are different, and have become less relevant. First the DNA of coronavirus is converted to RNA using enzymes. Then the mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) is genetically modified “through specific nucleoside modifications” in order to stabilize it (because it degrades very quickly). Then a full-length genetic sequence of the Sars-COV-2 spike protein (a single strand packaged inside a protein coat) is enclosed in a lipid nanoparticle. This causes virus fusion with the host cell membrane, by binding ACE2 (a plasma protein) in the plasma membrane. This form of mRNA is never seen in nature, and therefore has the potential for unknown consequences”.

The vaccines are delivered through intramuscular injection, and produce inflammation. The antigens (spike proteins) are then carried into the lymph system to present them to the T cells, and the T cells produce “memory” antibodies in response. But the common adverse reactions are injection site pain, swelling, and redness, fatigue, headaches, chills, joint pains, muscle pains, fever, nausea, malaise, and lymphadenopathy.

The lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) which itself can be very dangerous, and produce anaphylaxis and cardiovascular collapse. Also, about 72% of the population has pre-existing anti-PEG-antibodies, which further complicates the response and produces allergic reactions. And a second injection is likely to cause even more anaphylactic reactions (which are life-threatening). Studies have shown that after vaccination the highest concentrations of vaccine mRNA are in the spleen and liver. But it also reaches the brain at lower levels, and that is very disturbing.

Antibodies in insufficient numbers can actually increase the amount of infection.
This is called ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement). Research has shown that the coronavirus vaccines create ADE. It has been suggested that small numbers of antibodies actually combine with the antigens to produce a “cytokine storm”, leading to widespread tissue damage and inflammation. Booster shots could make this even worse.

Many research papers have shown that there is a wide range of “autoimmune” and “autoinflammatory” diseases which occur when there has been a prior Sars-COV-2 infection. Pre-existing antibodies act to suppress the adaptive immune system, and lead to more severe diseases. This is called “pathogenic priming”, and autoimmune diseases can take years to manifest themselves. In this phenomenon the body actually attacks itself. Thus people who were asymptomatic after being exposed to COVID should not be vaccinated.

After the virus has cleared, an important complication from the vaccines is ITP (an autoimmune response). ITP presents itself initially as round spots or rash on the skin, and/or bleeding from mucosal surfaces, hemorrhaging, stroke, and a high risk of death. This is connected with platelet destruction, and platelets are necessary for “autophagy” -- clearing spike proteins, damaged proteins, organelles, and bacterial and viral pathogens from the body. Platelets are blood cells which originate in bone marrow, and they are responsible for blood clots. But they also help to clear out viruses, and the spleen plays a central role in clearing antigens. Since spike proteins impair autophagy by attaching themselves to platelets, they increase the risks to the person who has been vaccinated.


Herpes zoster causes shingles and chickenpox, and there is enough evidence that the vaccines increase this pathogen by suppressing the innate immune response of the body to this infection.

The picture is now emerging that the vaccines have a damaging effect on the vasculature of many organs, including the brain. The walls of blood vessels are thickened by the spike protein, and smooth muscles cells become rounded. In the lungs, the spike proteins suppress ACE2 and cause something similar to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a severe lung disease with a very high mortality. This is because it leads to coronary artery disease and stroke. It is now clear that spike proteins alone cause endothelial damage. (The endothelium is the single cell layer or inner lining of arteries, veins, capillaries and the lymphatic system). This has a direct impact on the brain and can cause encephalitis and fatal brain blood clots.

The spike protein can bind other proteins and cause their misfolding. Prion diseases are a collection of neurodegenerative diseases caused by the misfolding of proteins. According to CDC they progress very rapidly and are generally fatal. In Parkinson’s disease, misfolded proteins can travel to the brain via the vagus nerve, and lead to brain degeneration. Also, with the Pfizer vaccines fragments of the mRNA have been found, and these can lead to unexpected complications.

Exosomes are nano-sized biovesicles released into surrounding body fluids. The spike proteins can be carried through the exosomes and infect others through close contact (inhalation or skin contact). Thus vaccinated people can become a source of infection when unvaccinated people come near them.

Since viruses mutate, coronavirus has been also found to mutate and produce variants. While variants are not always more pathogenic than the virus, they can become resistant to vaccines already found in the body. Which means that fully vaccinated people can become sick again. This has been happening recently. And even after booster shots have been administered people do not have immunity.

It is now an indisputable fact that there are retroviruses which can change DNA through RNA by an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Which means that new genes can be added to the human genome. Thus the vaccine mRNA could be passed on from generation to generation, and no one knows what the end result will be. Researchers from MIT and Harvard have recently shown that there is strong evidence that the Sars-COV-2 RNA can be integrated into human DNA. Thus people are testing positive for COVID even after they recover from the symptoms. Therefore children born to mothers who were vaccinated may not have any resistance to coronavirus.

There is now no question that the mRNA vaccines are more dangerous than coronavirus itself. Thus the title of the paper -- “Worse Than the Disease”. There should have already been a total ban on all these so-called vaccines, but there is a political agenda in place which is forcing people to be vaccinated. Even very young children are being subjected to these lethal and toxic bio-weapons. At the same time, there is a fair bit of resistance to vaccine mandates, and many doctors and health care workers are refusing to be vaccinated and losing their jobs, and clinics and hospitals are being shut down because of staff shortages. It remains to be seen whether COVID tyranny will be stopped or will continue regardless of all the protests and the scientific research
What other virus' are pharmaceutical companies promoting the mRNA vaccines for?
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Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
United States
For those of you who have already taken the shot, my heart goes out to you. You were lied to, in fact, you have been lied to your entire lives, and by people that you should have been able to trust.
God tells us repeatedly to trust no man, especially in these end times that are upon us. The solution for the injected and otherwise "infected" is to confess to God for not performing due diligence and rather placing your trust in man re: the injection in all its disguises, and then repent (turn away) from it i.e. detest it. Having done that, you are now sanctified in that area and thus have the Holy Spirit willing to act on your behalf. This is the time to expel the demon of injections or the demon of pharmakeia. It's name is not important, but identifying what it does is key to being delivered from that particular spirit. It's (the blood of) Jesus that does the heavy lifting.

I personally know many people who have taken the jab with zero ill effect...
Every action runs to some purpose. So every injection has an "effect." The timing of it is largely an issue of demographics and plausible deniability. For example, if too many people are catching on to the game, or too many people from the area "die suddenly," then A.I., which is monitoring social media, will drop the game back down below the level of conscious awareness. And the longer the passage of time from the injection to the present, the more likely any damage becomes plausibly deniable. In any case, a simple frequency can be broadcast to effect the desired result at the desired time.

My own son took the shot, though [he]...could not be reasoned with...we really don't talk anymore...
Yeah, that's part of their plan. There's an intended (spiritual) disconnect, as the nanotech is already at work in the limbic system of the frontal lobe. We are all being attacked as we speak; it's a matter of the degree of nanotec (biosensors) one has replicating within their body.

I have taken a blood test twice in the past year. I got to see my blood via darkfield microscopy. It is an amazing thing to see what is in one drop of blood. I'm not yet convinced that I should reveal what I saw.

Just so you know, I'm neither a doctor or a scientist, just a regular working stiff who loves Christ. But I'm well read, and have spent the last 30 years researching the globalists satanic agenda. The things that I have discovered over the years would be terrifying to me, if not for my unwavering faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ditto that, and amen, brother!

Virology is a LIE.

Its as simple as that.
Indeed it is. And there is no corona virus. There is, however, radiation toxicity.

I'm not suggesting that the people who work in this field are liars, or that they have any evil intent. The average researcher, lab technician, what have you, is probably just your regular guy or gal trying to make a living, or even sincerely believe that they are working for the good of humanity, like my son. But the truth is (do your own research and draw your own conclusions), that they are operating within a false paradigm.
Compartmentalization. Being former US Marine, I know a bit about that. The military hierarchy is patterned after Satan's. If one is captured or compromised, he can only reveal what little he has been allowed to know about his upline and his downline. IOW, compartmentalization is about secrecy and damage control.

There are no viruses. The Luciferian Cabal at the top of the global pyramid know this very well. If viruses were real, if gain of function were possible, then my friends, most of us would be dead already. They would have used this method of depopulation long ago, but they can't, and they know it. So why do they maintain the lie, why does this false paradigm persist? Very simple, if they can convince you of this threat, they can sell you their cure, or sell enough other people on the cure, to make the "cure" compulsory.
You are spot on. When one turns off the TV, there is no covid.

"A common failure among honorable people, is their inability to see how dishonorable other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them."
Thomas So well
You nailed it. This is the logjam the informed are working against. Most folks cannot comprehend the level of evil that the perp's are involved in.

A conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.​

...they have used the fear of viruses to coerce and cajole the masses into accepting their real weapon, the alleged vaccines. This false paradigm has been drilled into your heads, and arms, since you were a child.
Yes, fear is a spirit, specifically, it is not one of God's, but a demon. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (1 Tim. 1:7)

...they are about to do it all again.
Yes, and we've been well-trained via dots on the floor and masks on the face and snitch phone lines and free burgers with fries. And this next time around, it will be much worse all around. It's another form of trauma-based mind control.

I beg you. I implore you, in the Most Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and Father Yahweh, please do your own research.
We're working on it. Pls stick around and assist us.

Alrighty then, I expect to be skewered in the comment section, ridiculed, mocked etc. But I'm used to it. I learned a very long time ago that telling people the truth usually comes with a price, I've been paying it for years.
When one is running a control trip on others, he cannot allow anyone to walk around with the truth.

Don't be fooled.

Trust in Christ alone.
No one is coming to save you.
Thank you for your courage!

What other virus' are pharmaceutical companies promoting the mRNA vaccines for?
All of them are in on it i.e. they are partnered with Satan's kingdom. And the mRNA angle is a red herring, a limited hangout.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
Thank you for adding to, and elaborating upon my post, and the kind words of encouragement.

I could have written a 10,000 word essay on this matter and barely scratched the surface.

The Holy Spirit has been very gracious with me in answering my prayers for wisdom regarding the shots etc, and led me to most of the answers I was seeking. With one exception.

I asked if this was the mark, or perhaps the abomination that makes desolate. After a while without any response, I asked why He wouldn't tell me. The response I received did not surprise, but it provided little comfort either. The Spirit conveyed to me that that knowledge would be of no use at this present time, but would only cause me to treat my fellow man differently than I should, which is with love and compassion. And that, at least for the time being, I should continue on sharing the love of Christ without restriction or respect of persons.

I do hope that you are correct about being able to expel the demons. I must admit, I do not share your view. However, from what I have received in the Spirit, I remain open to the possibility. One fact that adds to this hope, is the very high probability that the first batches were targeted, and the possibility, that many people likely received nothing but saline. As they were not sure after limited trials just how bad a reaction would occur, and too many people dropping dead all at once would not have been beneficial to the overall scheme. But on the other hand, I do believe that getting the nanotech into as many people as possible was their primary focus, the suffering, sterility and death was just a bonus for these ghouls. So its highly likely that the nanotech made its way into all the vials. But of course, that is pure speculation on my part, and I prefer to stick with what I know, versus what can only be presumed. The reality itself is sufficiently horrifying.

Blessings and peace. God be praised.
The Holy Spirt told me to let this shot pass by me. Meaning don't take it. I argued with my doctors, refusing the shot, and every church member at the church I was formerly employed at.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You clearly were not meant to be there. Praise Yah. I hope you found a better situation. I have yet to find a fellowship that did not go along with this disgrace, almost done trying.
your right also about what you wrote concerning the average doctors , nurses and etc
THEY have no idea what has long occured .
THEY have no idea that years and years and years ago THROUGH evil tatics
BIG PHARMA actually re educated the entire field . medical books , education
and etc has all been tainted . ITs why they trust so darn much in pharma and meds
and always are fast to put people onto such meds , WHO DONT EVEN NEED THEM .
diet change is HUGE as wellas prayer .
BUT even science , education and YES the realm of christendom has long been infilatred and trust in men .
ITs why the agenda of this social networking that is actually created a false love
and used that love version to UNITE the religoins . they actually used
tatics to break down churches from within . ONE big socially engineered
mind that serves their agenda . THESE PEOPLE DO NOT care for you , for me
for humanity or for any but themselves and MONEY . they will kill and have no
tears if even billions died . SO long as they can sit as kings and hold the power and control
and sure they need some of the serfs , so dont kill them all , just keep enough to work for ya and worship them as though they be GOD . .


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
United States
The Holy Spirit has been very gracious with me in answering my prayers for wisdom regarding the shots etc, and led me to most of the answers I was seeking.
Same here!!! After a lifestyle that was leading straight to the pit, I had a dramatic conversion (the Lord knew I needed that!). After he melted me with his love, I asked him WHY so many had taken the broad road. I mean, no one would knowingly sign on to a program that leads to destruction and death - so deception must necessarily be employed. And so he began showing me the deceptions, Satan's scams - which continues to this day. I would sometimes even receive info/doc's anonymously. And I'm a skeptic; if it's not in the Bible, it's outta here.

...With one exception.

I asked if this was the mark, or perhaps the abomination that makes desolate.
Make certain you stay situated in that holy place i.e. you are the temple, so you must maintain your standing there, in Christ. That is where safety is, and nowhere else. Stand firm, as Satan wants to be worshipped as God, while sitting in the temple i.e. in you.

After a while without any response, I asked why He wouldn't tell me. The response I received did not surprise, but it provided little comfort either. The Spirit conveyed to me that that knowledge would be of no use at this present time, but would only cause me to treat my fellow man differently than I should, which is with love and compassion. And that, at least for the time being, I should continue on sharing the love of Christ without restriction or respect of persons.
That is spot on, classic Holy Spirit, as he meets each one of us where we are at (and stumbling others is a no-no!).

The spectacle of "The Mark" has been so ballyhooed that I tend to shy from discussing it. My take is that while it's not the mark, it is a precursor to it - more preconditioning to accept the eventuality of THE MARK. I do believe that repentance is still on the table for those who have taken the injection(s) and are now coming under conviction for it. Coming under conviction would mean that one is still able to receive correction from God, which is a good thing. Whereas those who are wilfully ignorant and take the mark (ala Revelation) no longer have the gift of repentance to relieve them of their hellbound burden. It's similar to deliverance in that humility and acknowledgement of one's sorry state before a Creator God are a must!

I do hope that you are correct about being able to expel the demons. I must admit, I do not share your view. However, from what I have received in the Spirit, I remain open to the possibility. One fact that adds to this hope, is the very high probability that the first batches were targeted, and the possibility, that many people likely received nothing but saline. As they were not sure after limited trials just how bad a reaction would occur, and too many people dropping dead all at once would not have been beneficial to the overall scheme.
It's relative, as we are all infected; it's only a matter of degree - which kind of dulls the issue of "The Mark." There is no "good" injection, never has been - even back to the days of our youth, as if some needle can improve on what God has already provided us with i.e. a healthy and heal-able body.

Yes, all the batches are "targeted," but not like "good batch vs. bad batch." ALL batches are bad. The perp's do not waste any opportunity to gain access to the temple. I know that different frequencies can activate different batches/payloads, so there's that. And because this nanotech is in virtually everything now, the injection itself (and thus "The Mark" issue) is rapidly becoming a moot point. So there are other vectors we need to look at and be aware of now.

I will say that being in the deliverance ministry, I have had direct experience dealing with the spirit of pharmakeia, which is one of the boyz we're dealing with re: the nanotech.

At the risk of sounding flippant, ridding oneself or others of demons is not a big deal - IF one is willing. I often tell ppl, "Come back, when you are desperate", as most are worried about their dignity rather than getting set free.

But on the other hand, I do believe that getting the nanotech into as many people as possible was their primary focus, the suffering, sterility and death was just a bonus for these ghouls. So its highly likely that the nanotech made its way into all the vials. But of course, that is pure speculation on my part, and I prefer to stick with what I know, versus what can only be presumed. The reality itself is sufficiently horrifying.
Yes @ "bonus." They are all in for bonuses.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Same here!!! After a lifestyle that was leading straight to the pit, I had a dramatic conversion (the Lord knew I needed that!). After he melted me with his love, I asked him WHY so many had taken the broad road. I mean, no one would knowingly sign on to a program that leads to destruction and death - so deception must necessarily be employed. And so he began showing me the deceptions, Satan's scams - which continues to this day. I would sometimes even receive info/doc's anonymously. And I'm a skeptic; if it's not in the Bible, it's outta here.

Make certain you stay situated in that holy place i.e. you are the temple, so you must maintain your standing there, in Christ. That is where safety is, and nowhere else.

That is spot on, classic Holy Spirit, as he meets each one of us where we are at (and stumbling others is a no-no!).

The spectacle of "The Mark" has been so ballyhooed that I tend to shy from discussing it. My take is that while it's not the mark, it is a precursor to it - more preconditioning to accept the eventuality of THE MARK. I do believe that repentance is still on the table for those who have taken the injection(s) and are now coming under conviction for it. Coming under conviction would mean that one is still able to receive correction from God, which is a good thing. Whereas those who are wilfully ignorant and take the mark (ala Revelation) no longer have the gift of repentance to relieve them of their hellbound burden.

It's relative, as we are all infected; it's only a matter of degree - which kind of dulls the issue of "The Mark." There is no "good" injection, never has been - even back to the days of our youth, as if some needle can improve on what God has already provided us with i.e. a healthy and heal-able body.

Yes, all the batches are "targeted," but not like "good batch vs. bad batch." ALL batches are bad. The perp's do not waste any opportunity to gain access to the temple. I know that different frequencies can activate different batches/payloads, so there's that. And because this nanotech is in virtually everything now, the injection itself (and thus "The Mark" issue) is rapidly becoming a moot point. So there are other vectors we need to look at and be aware of now.

I will say that being in the deliverance ministry, I have had direct experience dealing with the spirit of pharmakeia, which is one of the boyz we're dealing with re: the nanotech.

At the risk of sounding flippant, ridding oneself or others of demons is not a big deal - IF one is willing. I often tell ppl, "Come back, when you are desperate", as most are worried about their dignity rather than getting set free.

Yes @ "bonus." They are all in for bonuses.
i never touched the nasty thing.
What came off the blood of the unborn , THIS LAMB WONT TOUCH IT , no matter if it even healed cancer .


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
United States
Is it Brother Doc or Sister Doc? And where is your ministry if you don't mind me asking? I'm living in Oregon presently.
Male, from Hawaii but presently sojourning at the world's #1 Nanny State of New Zealand.
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Sep 25, 2024
What other virus' are pharmaceutical companies promoting the mRNA vaccines for?
I interrogated chat gpt to save time;

Are These mRNA Vaccines Available?

  • COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are widely available and are regularly updated to address new variants.
  • Flu mRNA vaccines are still in clinical trials, but they are expected to become available in the next couple of years if trials are successful.
  • RSV mRNA vaccines are in late-stage trials, and approval could come in the next year or two.
  • Cancer and other viral mRNA vaccines are in early to mid-stage trials, so they aren't yet available for widespread use but are showing promise.
this Ai is NOT CURRENT, some countries like UK have stock of RSV and other mrnv vaccined they were tester in UK by mozerna and from memory psizer. they also have Mpox and probably others, be careful they are all experimental


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2024
United States
I interrogated chat gpt to save time;

Are These mRNA Vaccines Available?

  • COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are widely available and are regularly updated to address new variants.
  • Flu mRNA vaccines are still in clinical trials, but they are expected to become available in the next couple of years if trials are successful.
  • RSV mRNA vaccines are in late-stage trials, and approval could come in the next year or two.
  • Cancer and other viral mRNA vaccines are in early to mid-stage trials, so they aren't yet available for widespread use but are showing promise.
this Ai is NOT CURRENT, some countries like UK have stock of RSV and other mrnv vaccined they were tester in UK by mozerna and from memory psizer. they also have Mpox and probably others, be careful they are all experimental
And we are the next experimental stage of lab rats.

The expendables.
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