Why It Will Be Satan Himself As the Coming False Messiah on Earth

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
If you think with your 'carnal' fleshy mind, you likely won't understand this. This matter is a Biblical truth that many are completely deceived about, even though God's Word points to it in various Bible Scriptures, while Satan's servants here on earth spend much time keeping the majority in the Church blind about it.

Lord Jesus warned us about the coming of a pseudo-Christ first that will work supernatural signs and wonders, that IF... it were possible, would deceive even His very elect. (Matthew 24:23-26 with Greek pseudochristos). This specific warning Jesus gave the Church in those Matthew 24 verses is confirmed by Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 about the "man of sin", and in 2 Corinthians 11 about the "another Jesus", and by Apostle John in Revelation 13 about the "another beast" that will appear 'like' a lamb, but will speak as a dragon (another title for Satan per Rev.12:9).

In Revelation 17:8, we are shown about the 'beast' of Rev.13:11, as he is said to ascend out of the bottomless pit, and goes into perdition! Does any flesh Antichrist ascend out of that bottomless pit? No! of course not! Satan is who is the angel of that bottomless pit per Revelation 9. That's about the pit of hell. And so far today, ONLY Satan and his angels are already judged and sentenced to perdition in the future "lake of fire"; no flesh born man has been judged to that fire yet, not even Judas Iscariot. Again in Revelation 11:7, it shows that beast which will ascend out of the bottomless pit is who kills God's two witnesses in Jerusalem at the end of this world. Who might that be that ascends out of that bottomless pit? The bogey man? The Swartz? NO! It will be Satan himself, the "another beast" of Rev.13:11 that will work miracles upon this earth at the end, deceiving the whole world, except who? (Rev.13:4-8)

So... do you believe there is another dimension that exists behind a symbolic veil that we here on earth cannot see? Do you believe angels from that other dimension are real? After all, God's Word tells us about angels that have appeared on earth to flesh-born men. God's Word even reveals Scripture of how angels have eaten man's food prepared for them (Genesis 18 & 19). And Hebrews 13:2 admonishes us to be mindful to entertain strangers, because some have entertained angels and were not aware of it (which reveals those angels had the image of man).

Apostle Paul revealed we have another body from God, eternal in the heavens, per 2 Corinthians 5. Paul even said to be absent from the body (flesh) is to be present with The Lord. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul showed on the "last trump", those of us still alive in the flesh on earth when Jesus returns will be changed suddenly, at the twinkling of an eye, to our "spiritual body".

So which type of body is actually the more authentic existence? Our flesh body, which is temporary, and is to return back to the dust of the earth when it dies, or cast off at the "last trump"? Or is our "spiritual body" from God the more REAL existence, which means of the heavenly dimension?

Oh... boy! how many are confused about that "spiritual body" existence and the heavenly dimension. All kinds of imaginations have dreamed up living in a Utopia in outer space or upon a cloud somewhere in the sky! All one need do is look at some of those sci-fi movies on Netflix and pick one. Yet none of those cover what God's Word reveals about the future world to come with that heavenly dimension, which will be manifested right here, on earth, in the same time and space.

Did you not know brethren in Christ, that The Father Himself, the whole Godhead, once dwelt upon this earth, literally? God's promise to dwell forever at Jerusalem on earth is not some ghost fantasy like some think because they don't understand that The Father has the image of man also (see Daniel 7:9 and Daniel 7:13).

Now Hebrews 11:3 reveals that God created this material universe via Spirit, His Spirit. That single Hebrews 11:3 reveals that material matter did not create itself, and even modern science knows that material matter can neither be created nor destroyed by man, but only change its state (liquid, solid, vapor, gas). That means something other than material matter had to have create the material universe. Which dimension then, does make the more REAL? That dimension of Spirit where God and the angels dwell is the more REAL dimension, as it has always existed with GOD, Eternally.

What then is this fleshy existence we are in today?

And "so sorri" Charlie Chan, this flesh existence of this 2nd world earth age today is soon to perish, forever. It will happen when Lord Jesus Christ returns on the "last trump". What will be left of our existence? We will exist in a spirit body, something you already have as Apostle Paul showed in 2 Corinthians 5! Your flesh body will simply be cast off, if you are still alive on earth for the day of Christ's future return. Everyone will be in that future spirit body once Jesus returns, even the wicked will have their own resurrection when Jesus returns (John 5:28-29).

Today we are ever closer to that time when our flesh will be cast off, and our spirit body is revealed in that other dimension, which is how Jesus Christ will gather His faithful Church when He returns in the near future. Are we going to live up in the sky with Him when that happens? No, of course not. Zechariah 14 reveals He brings all His saints with Him to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where His feet are said to touch down. Per Acts 1, the Mount of Olives is where Jesus ascended to Heaven from, in view of His Apostles. That's where He will return when He comes, as written.

How then, will the heavenly manifest upon this earth in that future world? I don't think any man today has figured that out, only GOD knows the science behind that. But God has shown us some hints about it in His Word. Three men appeared suddenly out of nowhere to Abraham at his tent door (Genesis 18). And one of the three men was Lord Jesus who stayed talking with Abraham while the other two men went to Lot and his family in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). In both places, one with Abraham, and the other with Lot, food was prepared for those "three men" (which were in the angelic state). And they did eat. Also, who remembers that the Israelites in the wilderness ate "manna" rained down from Heaven? (Exodus 16)

If one listens to the atheistic, fleshy minds out there, they'll have you believing that none of those above heavenly dimension events written in God's Word ever happened, that they are just symbolic of some other materialistic event. The minds of those are no more developed than an ape, which they believe they originated from.

It's time brethren in Christ, to start thinking about that other dimension of the heavenly, and it being manifested in plain sight upon this earth to all. We are getting ready to see some truly marvelous and miraculous events upon this earth in this final generation that will see Christ's return.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Why will it be Satan himself coming to this earth at the END to play GOD and working miracles to fool the whole world? (Rev.13:4-8)

Do you know HOW Satan originally sinned in the beginning? Do you think the myth that Satan as "that old serpent" in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve was how Satan originally sinned and fell to earth as lightning?

Satan's original sin in the beginning was his coveting God's Throne for himself. Satan wants to be GOD, and worshiped as GOD, even to this day.

Rev.12:3-4 shows Satan also drew a third of the "stars" (angels) to earth in rebellion with him. Ezekiel 28 with the "king of Tyrus" as a 'type' for Satan, as a parable God revealed that Satan is an anointed cherub that covereth. That means Satan was originally created to guard God's Throne in Heaven. Instead, Satan coveted after God's Throne, wanting to be The GOD. That is how Satan as a star fell to earth. At Ezekiel 28:18, God even shows how Satan will die, a fire consuming him from within, while upon the earth in plain sight. That death is reserved only for Satan and his angels, as no one born in the flesh has been judged and sentenced to the "lake of fire" yet. Only Satan and his angels have so far.

Satan wanting to be GOD is also the subject of Isaiah 14 with God even using what Satan said against him there.

When... did Satan first covet God's Throne that it was his job to guard? God tells us in Ezekiel 28 that He created Satan perfect in his ways, until he rebelled. Was Satan perfect in his ways in God's Eden when he tempted Eve? No, of course not. Satan was already in his role as Adversary with tempting Eve in God's Garden as "that old serpent" (Rev.12:9; 2 Corinthians 11). That means Satan had already fallen by the time of Adam and Eve. Satan rebelled in that old world, back in the 1st world earth age. Starting at Genesis 1:3 began this present 2nd world earth age. This should be easy to grasp, since we know by the time Satan tempted Eve, Satan was no longer perfect in his ways serving God, but had already rebelled against God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Why will it be Satan himself coming to this earth at the END to play GOD and working miracles to fool the whole world? (Rev.13:4-8)

Do you know HOW Satan originally sinned in the beginning? Do you think the myth that Satan as "that old serpent" in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve was how Satan originally sinned and fell to earth as lightning?

Satan's original sin in the beginning was his coveting God's Throne for himself. Satan wants to be GOD, and worshiped as GOD, even to this day.

Rev.12:3-4 shows Satan also drew a third of the "stars" (angels) to earth in rebellion with him. Ezekiel 28 with the "king of Tyrus" as a 'type' for Satan, as a parable God revealed that Satan is an anointed cherub that covereth. That means Satan was originally created to guard God's Throne in Heaven. Instead, Satan coveted after God's Throne, wanting to be The GOD. That is how Satan as a star fell to earth. At Ezekiel 28:18, God even shows how Satan will die, a fire consuming him from within, while upon the earth in plain sight. That death is reserved only for Satan and his angels, as no one born in the flesh has been judged and sentenced to the "lake of fire" yet. Only Satan and his angels have so far.

Satan wanting to be GOD is also the subject of Isaiah 14 with God even using what Satan said against him there.

When... did Satan first covet God's Throne that it was his job to guard? God tells us in Ezekiel 28 that He created Satan perfect in his ways, until he rebelled. Was Satan perfect in his ways in God's Eden when he tempted Eve? No, of course not. Satan was already in his role as Adversary with tempting Eve in God's Garden as "that old serpent" (Rev.12:9; 2 Corinthians 11). That means Satan had already fallen by the time of Adam and Eve. Satan rebelled in that old world, back in the 1st world earth age. Starting at Genesis 1:3 began this present 2nd world earth age. This should be easy to grasp, since we know by the time Satan tempted Eve, Satan was no longer perfect in his ways serving God, but had already rebelled against God.
Tooòooo Longgggggg
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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
It will be Satan himself, the "another beast" of Rev.13:11 that will work miracles upon this earth at the end,
Revelaton 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

mouth of the dragon - Satan indwelling the statue image of the beast, which will breathe and speak.
mouth of the beast - the mortally wounded but healed head of the first beast.
mouth of the false prophet - the second beast of Revelation 13:11

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
If you think with your 'carnal' fleshy mind, you likely won't understand this. This matter is a Biblical truth that many are completely deceived about, even though God's Word points to it in various Bible Scriptures, while Satan's servants here on earth spend much time keeping the majority in the Church blind about it.

Lord Jesus warned us about the coming of a pseudo-Christ first that will work supernatural signs and wonders, that IF... it were possible, would deceive even His very elect. (Matthew 24:23-26 with Greek pseudochristos).
Your carnal fleshy mind led you to change scripture to fit your doctrine. That passage makes NO mention of an individual "pseudo-Christ". It mentions multiple pseudo-Christs (false Christs) and multiple false prophets.

Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

What Jesus was saying here is to not allow any false Christs (plural) or false prophets to deceive them into thinking that someone else besides Him was the Christ. No mention of an imaginary individual "pseudo-Christ" here at all. You are making things up to fit your doctrine. You need to look in the mirror when you accuse others of thinking with their carnal fleshy minds when that is exactly what you're doing here by trying to change the context of what Jesus said.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
Tooòooo Longgggggg
Wow. Is your attention span really that short? What he said is wrong, but it's hardly too long. My goodness. Do you only read one or two paragraphs at a time when you read scripture? If you meant "too convoluted" instead of "too long", then I would agree.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Wow. Is your attention span really that short? What he said is wrong, but it's hardly too long. My goodness. Do you only read one or two paragraphs at a time when you read scripture? If you meant "too convoluted" instead of "too long", then I would agree.
A long dialog for a poster that believes the great tribulation in Matthew 24:21 took place in 70AD and Jesus returns immediately after this tribulation in Matthew 24:29-30 that you state is future?

I surely don't see a 2,000 year gap anywhere between those verses, perhaps you can help?



Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
United States
Ugh. Another one... :)

You know, I say, just believe in and worship and serve and glorify the Lord, and live as you are called by Him, presenting yourselves as a living sacrifice. As Paul says...

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship, and do not be conformed to this world (Romans 12:1-2)​
Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit ~ just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call ~ one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:1-6)​

And in the words of Hebrews 12:1-2...

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and run with endurance the race that is set before you, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.​

I mean, in a way this is simple, but in another not so much. But I don't really see anybody trying to do those things here on this board... :)

Grace and peace to all.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
A long dialog for a poster that believes the great tribulation in Matthew 24:21 took place in 70AD and Jesus returns immediately after this tribulation in Matthew 24:29-30 that you state is future?
Why are you lying? I have NEVER said that Jesus returns immediately after what took place in 70 AD.

I surely don't see a 2,000 year gap anywhere between those verses, perhaps you can help?
I have already shown you this, but I guess your short attention span kept you from reading what I said. In the parallel passage of Luke 21:20-28 there is a time period that Luke calls "the times of the Gentiles", during which Jerusalem is spiritually desolate with no temple, and that follows the local tribulation described in Matthew 24:15-22, Mark 13:14-20 and Luke 21:20-24a. Jesus will return at the end of the "times of the Gentiles". The time before His return is not marked by God's wrath against unbelieving Jews, which is what Matthew 24:15-22 (Mark 13:14-20, Luke 21:20-24) is about. Instead, it's marked by increased persecution against believers and increased wickedness (Matthew 24:9-13, Matthew 24:23-26).


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Why are you lying? I have NEVER said that Jesus returns immediately after what took place in 70 AD.
You have stated Matthew 24:21 in the great tribulation took place in 70AD

"I State" that Matthew 24:29 speaks "Immediately After The Tribulation Of Those Days" then Matthew 24:30 shows the "Future" heavenly second coming

Yes you have stated the Matthew 24:21 took place in 70AD and Matthew 24:30 in the second coming is future

Question: Do you believe there is a gap of 2,000+ years between Matthew 24:21 & Matthew 24:29, please explain?

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
You have stated Matthew 24:21 in the great tribulation took place in 70AD
Uh huh.

"I State" that Matthew 24:29 speaks "Immediately After The Tribulation Of Those Days" then Matthew 24:30 shows the "Future" heavenly second coming
No, really? I didn't catch that the first thousand times you indicated that you believe that.

Yes you have stated the Matthew 24:21 took place in 70AD and Matthew 24:30 in the second coming is future
Uh huh.

Question: Do you believe there is a gap of 2,000+ years between Matthew 24:21 & Matthew 24:29, please explain?
Yes. I already did explain multiple times before and again in post #10 of this thread. Is my post #10 too long for you to read? I couldn't care less if you agree with my explanation or not, but don't act as if I haven't already explained it. I have multiple times.