What's Up With Sex?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Would you prefer it if men were unresponsive to female beauty? No interest in women? No interest in marriage? No interest in having a family?

What on earth are you talking about....do you get stimulated every time you see a woman dressed in revealing clothes?
What a wonderful world that would be for you. ??? (assuming you would have been born) What accident of nature would produce offspring?

Like I said.....one man one woman....maybe you have slept around before marriage?

I haven’t....that’s probably why we think differently.....I would only want my intended to desire me....not half of the city...

Marriage should be as God intended it to be....one man, one, woman and God.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Further confirming my suspicions. Women coming unhinged at the prospect of discussing sex and the church.

Who taught you to behave this way?

Who taught me to behave what way?

Who taught you to discuss sex with every Tom,dick and Harry on this forum......what triggered your OP is my question......?

Yuck,yuck, and another yuck.

Sex is not dirty...as long as it’s between a husband ,wife and God.

Your thinking is worldly ,imo....re sex.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I’m not talking about sex with a husband and wife....show me where I’ve spoken about sex intimately?

I’m talking about his ridiculous post, blaming the woman for not dressing modestly.and him not having any self control....

This is what he said....she caused the man to become stimulated...LOL!

Yes, it can stimulate a man who sees her, and that's on her. She caused it by revealing too much
So if a woman dresses seductively and displays herself to men to get attention for herself, you hold her faultless and blame the men for their lack of self control?



Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Oh my word..it can stimulate a man, you’ve just revealed a lot about yourself.....by revealing to much?..it’s on the woman?

Why , because your stimulated by what you see.........?thank God I ain’t married to you...as if all men are stimulated by what they see , on how a woman reveals her curves.....does that mean I have to sellotape my massive boobs down on my tiny frame, because my boobs will stimulate a man......oh crikey...thank God not all men think like you!!
You seem to be overeacting a tad? A young Christian (not a mature one) in the presence of a woman scantily clad, Of that course arouses him. Are you that naive? He has eyes doesnt he? As a Christian matures he learns to expect immodesty from the world and ignore it.
So, just to be clear, are you saying that as a Christian woman that you find it impossible to wear clothing that doesnt reveal your "massive boobs"? Because that's how that sounded.
I am not speaking about at the beach as SteVen brought up later.
btw- tip for you. Men DO know what I'm saying. Exception- st steVen.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
So if a woman dresses seductively and displays herself to men to get attention for herself, you hold her faultless and blame the men for their lack of self control?

Some woman have to only wear a sack to get attention....who says she is being seductive by what she wears....that’s your thinking, it’s you who thinks she’s dressed seductively.....one track mind...good grief...where is your mind?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
You seem to be overeacting a tad? A young Christian (not a mature one) in the presence of a woman scantily clad, Of that course arouses him. Are you that naive?
Get a life for heavens sake...your worldly not Godly.
He has eyes doesnt he? As a Christian matures he learns to expect immodesty from the world and ignore it.
So, just to be clear, are you saying that as a Christian woman that you find it impossible to wear clothing that doesnt reveal your "massive boobs"? Because that's how that sounded.
I am not speaking about at the beach as SteVen brought up later.
btw- tip for you. Men DO know what I'm saying. Exception- st steVen.
You sound like a worldly man...


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
So if a woman dresses seductively and displays herself to men to get attention for herself, you hold her faultless and blame the men for their lack of self control?

It appears so. I want to be certain that you aren't speaking about rape or abuse etc. that's is never ok. I only spoke to his thoughts. Can a woman provoke thoughts in a man by dressing scantily. YES. should she consider that? Yeah, if she is mature in her faith she will.
but some take offense. lol Is She considerate of others?
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
It appears so. I want to be certain that you aren't speaking about rape or abuse etc. that's is never ok. I only spoke to his thoughts. Can a woman provoke thoughts in a man by dressing scantily. YES. should she consider that? Yeah, if she is mature in her faith she will.
but some take offense. lol Is She considerate of others?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
No, I don't get stimulated every time I see a woman dressed in revealing clothes.
What is the intention of a woman dressed in revealing clothes? No reaction?
You said her clothes that she wore were seductive...I didn’t...so you were looking at her in the way you said she was dressed...” seductive “ your trip up not mine..
I've heard that the only thing worse than men looking at you is when they stop.

So... you are into threesomes? That's surprising. Tell us how it works. Thanks.
I thought you didn't want to talk about sex?

Are you being serious....I think your post needs to be reported.

Who is in a marriage joined by God.......3, man ,woman, Holy Spirit...who is “ LOVE”.....

Then insinuated that it’s a threesome....now whose trying to be perverse....you!

Worldly comment....certainly not Godly.....do you know what God’s Love is?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
That was your doing. If you have a point, you should make it.
I made my point. 1st post. 1st sentnce.
Another thread highlighting your weakness in the faith.
Then the question not answered.
Ever read Song of Songs?

I asked a question, which you chose NOT to answer.
It is you who have no point with the "what's up with sex?" title. What specifically is on your mind; what is YOUR point for starting this thread? The OP is like a proto-thought, not quite fully developed.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
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Maybe women and men can both do their best with lust issues. Women can work on dressing with good intentions and a good conscience so as to not cause lust unnecessarily.

Men can learn to control where their eyes rest and keep their minds on Godly things.

We can both contribute to modest dress and behavior by supporting each other's human weaknesses out of care for each other.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Maybe both men and woman can become more Godly in their thoughts.

The renewing of our minds.....

Some are weak and lust....some are strong in Gods Love.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
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Maybe lets not assume the worst about men or women either.

Maybe a lustful man would rather not be. Maybe an immodest woman is assuming no one's looking at her in particular or may not have a lot of modest options to wear at that time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Some men / women are into porn...porn is of the world...it’s not of God.

God is pure and Holy.....the world isn’t.....it’s a bad place to be tempted into porn and sexual encounters with every Tom,dick and Harry.

Some men/ women aren’t....into porn and sexual encounters with every Tom, dick and Harry..

All different.....we all have different strengths and weaknesses in different areas....


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
For what purpose?

Only for procreation?

The Earth, is God's University of Brotherly Love. So God invented sex for man as a way to teach him about love, intimacy and creation through another? That sounds right.

So God made woman for man to learn how to love properly. God gave man an insatiable appetite for his Wife which makes man lose his mind when he is around her. And this for only passionate love and not even for Brotherly Love, which I suspect is very much stronger than passionate love. Love, like anything else, takes time to learn properly. Don't believe me, just ask her! Lol.

When a man is in love, nothing else matters except her. So if the woman makes a mistake and yields her body and everything intimate to her to a different man, it takes the poor man who is already out of his mind for her....the rest of the way insane. Sometimes people get killed for cheating with a mans wife. How do you think God feels in the same situation with us?

Types and shadows. As above, so below. On earth as it is in Heaven.

What do you mean on earth as it is in heaven?! It's already here if you can but perceive it.

Love has a prescribed curve of learning and drawing close. It's called Marriage. When we keep the prescription and fulfill it through it through Marriage it keeps it pure. the love grows more powerful between the two, and something else comes into being that one alone can not enjoy without the other.

Our marriage is a dry run for our relationship with Christ. He is the one who is out of his mind in love with you. But being out of your mind in love doesnt mean that a man can't keep his wits about him, right? How much more so God?

So it's not just just a bunch of rules that make it difficult for you to operate in this world with so many delicious temptations everywhere, lol. It's a way to learn about Love and to draw closer to God, the right way.

Sooo, stop cpmplaining! You want to learn dont you?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Maybe women and men can both do their best with lust issues. Women can work on dressing with good intentions and a good conscience so as to not cause lust unnecessarily.
I used to work with a women who always wore low cut shirts and was bug busted. When I started she had just got divorced. Before I even met her, an older woman warned me of her ire.

Over the years, I got to know her a bit. She did remarrry but never changed her revealing clothing. After another women retired, she commented on how this women dressed the way she did because she did not think she’d be valued in the work place otherwise.

So, you see how people cope with life’s challenges. Not very well. We need to be grounded in our value comes from WHO we are (children of God) not WHAT we do.

Today, people have things backwards. They want to feel good in their sin, in their fepravity, and attack those concerned about women who objectify themselves. What a broken world!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Marriage should be as God intended it to be....one man, one, woman and God.

So... you are into threesomes? That's surprising. Tell us how it works.
@St. SteVen, you need help! See a good therapist,

I don’t know if anyone is going to report you for this perversion but I’m inclined to put you on ignore.

Sad that you abuse the privilege of being part of an online community.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I was out of my mind in love with my Wife of 26 years. More than in the beginning! I loved her so much that I never cheated on her for real, and I had plenty of chances to cheat. A couple times, I did want to cheat, but I thought of her. She has done nothing to me to warrant such behavior on my part. Why would I betray her? I can't. I didn't want to be that guy that cheated on his Wife. We had been together so long that I thought the danger was past and we would be together for our entire lives. Grow old together. One man, one Wife. How it is supposed to be...So even though I wanted to cheat with a few of these women, I walked away. Shaking one time! Oh my gosh she was beautiful. But I didnt want to be that guy. So I took my self back home where I was safe, lol.

But the world has many other distractions besides lust. That's what happened to my marriage. Materialsm. Shiny things, Cruise ships. I had utter confidence in her fidelity, she never even gave me one reason to be suspicious of her so I was extra good to her in all ways to show my love and appreciation to her. And that way my downfall. I spoiled her too much. She was rasied basically on a farm dirt poor and she knew how to survive on anything. I wanted to lift her up a bit away from that. And I went too far.

When she turned 40 and could see 50 coming real fast...all of a sudden it was, I'm going to wind up in Florida, I'm going to marry a millionaire, I'm tired of being broke Ed...

When I first went into business for myself (us) was in 1994 and the economy was strong and she loved the money. I let her take cruises with her Mama and do things and bounce around the US visiting family and stuff, while I stayed home and held down the fort. Worked. I basically gave her all the money and let her pay the bills. She was my secretary in the office too. She was good at numbers and I even taught her how to do taxes.

But when the economy started it's slow slide downward in the mid to later 90's...money got more tight. I reassured myself that we would be ok because she knew how to live on little already. But she didnt like it I guess. She did almost marry a Millionaire i Florida, but...she through the overconfidence that I provided to her by putting her on a pedestal all those years made her think she was more than she is...and she got too aggressive with the Millionaire about the subject of their getting married so he showed her the door.
Then she was on the phone to me wanting to come home (the divorce was already finalized and complete!) but she only had 3 conditions to come home again.
Take out a big loan and have a giant wedding and lots of pictures.
Fly in her two hoe girlfriends from Flordia who taught her how to pick up men and buy them round trip tickets so they can come to the wedding.
And lastly, A BMW automobile....

When I heard that, I knew it was over for good with that girl. A BMW and a bunch of debt that I would be responsible for? I think I'll pass, lol. As it turned out I got a good deal in the divorce. I told her she could have everything except my guns, my tools and my clothes...but get it in one trip! I wont have a woman dropping by to go shopping in my house, oh I like tat I'll take it...forget that. And needless to say, she came unprepared. So all you she could do was take all the gold and Jade statues and all the most valuable stuff. No furniture, not even any family photos!

And in order for it not to drive me insane that the Love of my Life was divorcing me, I had to do something. So I turned it into a learning experience for myself and figured out where was my mistake? I couldn't have been that bad because she stayed for 26 years. But! If I was that good, she would have stayed...so, what did I do? She told me. I dont make enough money to continue financing her lifestyle. I spoiled her rotton. That's how I figured all this out.

Don't spoil your Wives. Treat them special and love them. Keep the marrige bed pure, but dont use money as a love language! (I feel like an idiot now, lol!)


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
So, you see how people cope with life’s challenges. Not very well. We need to be grounded in our value comes from WHO we are (children of God) not WHAT we do.

Today, people have things backwards. They want to feel good in their sin, in their fepravity, and attack those concerned about women who objectify themselves. What a broken world!
In my past, I had broken ways.

I definitely had times of putting my desire for attention and being seen and admired ahead of the best interest of those around me.

That attention can be quite a rush and can be addictive, especially if you don't get much positive attention at home.

But I wasn't walking in love by putting on things I knew could cause lust or envy.

I think modesty is part of walking in Christian love as well as righteousness.

Modest feminine clothing puts me in a zone thats hard to describe. Its not the rush of turning heads, but it's a feeling of being special and set apart nonetheless.