Unsure if its consequences or a test

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New Member
Dec 24, 2023
sometimes im not sure what to think, if god is angry at me for something ive done, or if its simply god testing me
just yesterday i had one of those funny days where i was at work for 8 hours, welding and sweating in devastating heat, i went to get groceries before i went home. only to find my cars tyres empty
after 4 hours of waiting i finally got help from a towtruck, and now my fiancé was having issues. i remained calm the whole time but these kinda days and moments makes me ponder, is this god punishing me for something ive done recently.. is this for the past.. is this just a test from above? i dont know how to decipher this
sometimes i worry that the chaos will never end in my life, that ill never have a peaceful and simple life. my life was always like this, one absurdity after another.


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Aug 10, 2012
Nahh, definitely not God. It sounds like a demon. I've heard of this happening before, when nothing ever seems to go right and it is more than could happen by chance.

Someone involved with the deliverance ministry want to clarify?



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
sometimes im not sure what to think, if god is angry at me for something ive done, or if its simply god testing me
just yesterday i had one of those funny days where i was at work for 8 hours, welding and sweating in devastating heat, i went to get groceries before i went home. only to find my cars tyres empty
after 4 hours of waiting i finally got help from a towtruck, and now my fiancé was having issues. i remained calm the whole time but these kinda days and moments makes me ponder, is this god punishing me for something ive done recently.. is this for the past.. is this just a test from above? i dont know how to decipher this
sometimes i worry that the chaos will never end in my life, that ill never have a peaceful and simple life. my life was always like this, one absurdity after another.

The world is not us passing through obstacles set before us by God. Meaning, no, God is not testing or angry with you.

The world is rather the sum of our own issues made manifest. It is everything everyone ever believed, running its course as a witness for or against us before the Judgement. Therefore, our best position to take when under the weight of it all, is to make certain our commitment to God and then continue to affirm it in the face of all that remains...as Job did.

In which case, if you leave no reservations to be laid bear and made manifest, God is a god of mercy and will of His own good timing bring you peace.

Remember, God is for us and wants the best for us, and will deliver when we ourselves are fully a'cling to Him.


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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Definitely not God. More like unforeseen circumstances. But it's good that you were able to stay calm. We all get those days when things seem to be going wrong or against us so it's not just you. The thing to remember is that God loves you and is always there for you. Whatever you are facing he is only a prayer away.

If you were lost in a strange city you wouldn't think twice about using your mobile phone to ask a friend for directions so next time think of God as a friend you can call anytime.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
sometimes im not sure what to think, if god is angry at me for something ive done, or if its simply god testing me
just yesterday i had one of those funny days where i was at work for 8 hours, welding and sweating in devastating heat, i went to get groceries before i went home. only to find my cars tyres empty
after 4 hours of waiting i finally got help from a towtruck, and now my fiancé was having issues. i remained calm the whole time but these kinda days and moments makes me ponder, is this god punishing me for something ive done recently.. is this for the past.. is this just a test from above? i dont know how to decipher this
sometimes i worry that the chaos will never end in my life, that ill never have a peaceful and simple life. my life was always like this, one absurdity after another.
God is your gatekeeper, allowing or not allowing the circumstances of your life. Trouble comes from many directions, but for those who love God, all things are working together for your good.

I think it was Job, "Man is born for trouble as sparks fly up from the fire". Difficulties are addressed in the Bible as both tests and temptations. It's a test if you stand strong through it without sin. If it shows your desire for things you are not to have, or if it shows your reaction against your circumstances, complaining or angry at God (not saying you are), it's temptation, an opportunity to sin by ungodly response to difficulties.

God punished Jesus in your place, so no, He is not punishing your, but I think He's training you. It's hard to get muscle growth unless you are pushing against weight!

I don't know if your circumstances will become easier, and found as I seem to get stronger the tests seem to get harder. So there ya' go!

Much love!


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
im very sure there is some abnormal cause for my life always being like this, its countless abnormal and difficult problems coming to me. i get we all have problems but the absurdity and complexity of the problems i face, i always try to solve it and then a new even less possible thing happens, and then a yet smaller chance thing occurs. i know sometimes i did pick wrong and i was given consequences shortly after, and i would prefer if god keeps the consequences hitting fast so you wont have to go around guessing what you did wrong
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
im very sure there is some abnormal cause for my life always being like this, its countless abnormal and difficult problems coming to me. i get we all have problems but the absurdity and complexity of the problems i face, i always try to solve it and then a new even less possible thing happens, and then a yet smaller chance thing occurs. i know sometimes i did pick wrong and i was given consequences shortly after, and i would prefer if god keeps the consequences hitting fast so you wont have to go around guessing what you did wrong
Can't be any worse than Job.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
im very sure there is some abnormal cause for my life always being like this, its countless abnormal and difficult problems coming to me. i get we all have problems but the absurdity and complexity of the problems i face, i always try to solve it and then a new even less possible thing happens, and then a yet smaller chance thing occurs. i know sometimes i did pick wrong and i was given consequences shortly after, and i would prefer if god keeps the consequences hitting fast so you wont have to go around guessing what you did wrong
Pray about it, Zeth. Ask the Lord to show you your sins and He will. I'm not saying that is why this is happening. I've learend the hard way that the answer is always, prayer. I've also learned that sometimes we go thru things in order to learn to stay close to Him. We all tend to drift off at times! Could be a reminder? Pray.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
im very sure there is some abnormal cause for my life always being like this, its countless abnormal and difficult problems coming to me. i get we all have problems but the absurdity and complexity of the problems i face, i always try to solve it and then a new even less possible thing happens, and then a yet smaller chance thing occurs. i know sometimes i did pick wrong and i was given consequences shortly after, and i would prefer if god keeps the consequences hitting fast so you wont have to go around guessing what you did wrong
You are pretty much describing me, my friend! Lots of problems, tricky ones, unexpected ones, things that should not be happening, right? It's our Father in Heaven guiding the course of our lives. Fun, huh? But He really does love us!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
sometimes im not sure what to think, if god is angry at me for something ive done, or if its simply god testing me
just yesterday i had one of those funny days where i was at work for 8 hours, welding and sweating in devastating heat, i went to get groceries before i went home. only to find my cars tyres empty
after 4 hours of waiting i finally got help from a towtruck, and now my fiancé was having issues. i remained calm the whole time but these kinda days and moments makes me ponder, is this god punishing me for something ive done recently.. is this for the past.. is this just a test from above? i dont know how to decipher this
sometimes i worry that the chaos will never end in my life, that ill never have a peaceful and simple life. my life was always like this, one absurdity after another.
God is not petty but I know one who wants you to think God is.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
God is your gatekeeper, allowing or not allowing the circumstances of your life. Trouble comes from many directions, but for those who love God, all things are working together for your good.

I think it was Job, "Man is born for trouble as sparks fly up from the fire". Difficulties are addressed in the Bible as both tests and temptations. It's a test if you stand strong through it without sin. If it shows your desire for things you are not to have, or if it shows your reaction against your circumstances, complaining or angry at God (not saying you are), it's temptation, an opportunity to sin by ungodly response to difficulties.

God punished Jesus in your place, so no, He is not punishing your, but I think He's training you. It's hard to get muscle growth unless you are pushing against weight!

I don't know if your circumstances will become easier, and found as I seem to get stronger the tests seem to get harder. So there ya' go!

Much love!
Yes. Well said
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
sometimes im not sure what to think, if god is angry at me for something ive done, or if its simply god testing me
just yesterday i had one of those funny days where i was at work for 8 hours, welding and sweating in devastating heat, i went to get groceries before i went home. only to find my cars tyres empty
after 4 hours of waiting i finally got help from a towtruck, and now my fiancé was having issues. i remained calm the whole time but these kinda days and moments makes me ponder, is this god punishing me for something ive done recently.. is this for the past.. is this just a test from above? i dont know how to decipher this
sometimes i worry that the chaos will never end in my life, that ill never have a peaceful and simple life. my life was always like this, one absurdity after another.
While its true that Christianity can make your life harder because you're battling evil and not being like everyone else, God doesn't want our lives to be chaos. He wants our lives and houses in order so that we can represent Him well. Suffering is part of it, but it shouldn't be from unwise decisions or sin .

IHopefully there's a Godly man with confidence and a fruitful life you can talk to. If not or rather in any case, you can ask in faith for God to give you wisdom. He can show you if you have a curse, or sin like unforgiveness, or whatever it is.

I say this because your suspicions might have some truth. Some people really do seem to fall into crisis after crisis in a way that's not normal.


New Member
Dec 24, 2023
haleluja. yes, it is true oftenly when i try to talk to god not too long after my prayers are answered and im guided. i guess ill have to be more deliberate in asking god to show if anything bothers him, oftenly when i go through hard times right after i seem to get very.. lucky
as if, i have to earn whats about to come, and it comes in episodes closely connected, and then some tranquil times before the next thing