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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Since there is no forum section for "abuse & trauma recovery" and their associated subject matter, I am placing this here.

This is to help others understand what Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called MPD, or Multiple Personality Disorder) is, and a Christian response to help, ministry, and healing.

NOTE: I may share info from sources that I do not personally advocate as being completely safe for survivors of SRA/MK to reach out to. This is for informational purposes only, and if I have found a ministry to be safe (by personal experience or someone close to me) then I will recommend that ministry.

Edit [June 23, 2021]
This is also a place where other survivors are welcome to contribute and receive support, and noncondemning support from non-survivors is also welcome.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Since there is no forum section for "abuse & trauma recovery" and their associated subject matter, I am placing this here.

This is to help others understand what Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called MPD, or Multiple Personality Disorder) is, and a Christian response to help, ministry, and healing.
Hi, AJ, you've been a busy bee!

I read about your dream in the other thread. The one about the two counselors. Sounds like God has directed you to someone who can help you.

You mentioned that the counseling is theophostic. I looked it up and found this article. I'm posting a link in case others haven't heard of it. Evidently, in the right hands, this form of counseling can be helpful, but in the wrong hands, it can do damage.

What is theophostic counseling, and is it biblical? | GotQuestions.org


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Hi, AJ, you've been a busy bee!

I read about your dream in the other thread. The one about the two counselors. Sounds like God has directed you to someone who can help you.

You mentioned that the counseling is theophostic. I looked it up and found this article. I'm posting a link in case others haven't heard of it. Evidently, in the right hands, this form of counseling can be helpful, but in the wrong hands, it can do damage.

What is theophostic counseling, and is it biblical? | GotQuestions.org
Thank you for sharing, sister. I know all the misinformation and disinformation that is out there claiming that TPM is some.sort of guided imagery. And that simply is not true.

What typically happens in a legit Theophostic Ministry Prayer session might go something like this:
The prayer counselor and client sit and may begin with prayer. They may start with chitchat to get things opened up. The client may be asked to share anything that is on their heart they believe God is pinpointing or bringing their attention to, or maybe they just dive right in to issues the client is currently experiencing. Whatever the case, usually what will happen is that in the course of conversation, the client begins to exhibit emotional pain. This usually leads to exposure of some sort of lie-based thinking that is rooted in a trauma.

For example, they may be dealing with flashbacks or nightmares of a sexual trauma by a parent. What may come up is feelings of shame, guilt, anger, etc. So the counselor may ask if they'd like to address those feelings of shame (etc). They are asked to put words to why they feel shame/ashamed. The client may say, "Well, I loved him, and what kind of person feels love for the person who is raping them?? I must be totally evil!" So there, we have identified a wounding that is rooted in a lie. The counselor will ask something like, "Would you like to take this belief and ask the Lord what He says about it?" The client hopefully agrees and they proceed to ask the Lord to reveal the truth about those things she is believing. What happens after that is up to the Lord, to speak His truth to her. When she is shown the truth from Him, that frees her from the shame.

This is an example from my own experience. One of my child alters came forward in a prayer ministry session with feelings of shame. After being introduced to Christ, she agreed to ask Him to show her how He felt about her feelings of shame.

This is what happened...
She saw a picture of a big huge ugly ball of darkness and evil. But out of the middle of that darkness, she saw a beam of light. God showed her that the darkness was the yucky things that were done to her, and the beam of light was love. The love was not part of the darkness. It had not been tainted or dirtied...because the love came from Him, and it was pure. He showed her that it was love that He placed in her heart that she loved her daddy with. And it was that love that sustained her through the trauma, and drew her heart to Christ...and eventually drew her daddy's heart to Christ.

Now, that was truth that made her free from her shame. There was no guiding words from the counselor that led her to a visualization. There was only prayer..."Lord, what do You have to say about her feelings of shame?"

After receiving truth from the Lord, alters usually are able to merge/integrate fairly easily and often this occurs without much effort. Truth and love brings healing very effectively.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is a layperson speaking from her experience of being a friend and support person for someone with DID as a result of SRA (satanic ritual abuse). It is a very gentle approach, even if not 100% accurate. (For instance, she says that most SRA/DID survivors cannot function normally in life. This is completely untrue. My experience with 100's of other survivors, and myself, is that there is a great deal of functionality until one's programming starts breaking down and memories begin flooding back.)

And I am unsure why she says there is no cure. The answer is Jesus. Healing is a step by step process, but it is possible through Christ.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D) (formally known as multiple personality disorder – MPD) is a condition associated with severe trauma suffered in early childhood – generally extreme physical, sexual, and / or emotional abuse, usually over a period of years. This article is intended to give a basic working knowledge of D.I.D, and it’s impact upon the life of those living with it.

Dissociation – What is it?
Dissociation is an ability to escape ‘within oneself’ during a traumatic event – saving the memories and emotions associated with those events as if it had never occurred. It is similar to the minds ability to simply ‘forget’; and to the ‘repression’ of memories – but is a much more advanced form of this: “The memories are actively pushed out of the Childs mind into a separate, hidden, split off unconscious mental space.”

“If our hand gets too close to the candle flame, we pull it away. If a relationship becomes too frightening or threatening, we back away. If a memory hurts too much, we find ways of avoiding it.” 1

DID is often referred to as “a highly creative survival technique” 2, rather than a disorder per sea. This is because of the way it allows people enduring a severe level of abuse to continue functioning healthily in many ways.

Dissociation is not found only in the condition of DID, but can be found (on a sliding scale of severity) in many peoples experiences. At one end of this scale are very mildly dissociative experiences, common to most people – such as daydreaming; ‘highway hypnosis’; or becoming ‘lost’ in a book 2 – actions which cause one to lose awareness of their immediate surroundings. At the other end of the scale are much more complex, generally chronic, dissociative symptoms, which in some people can cause loss of or inability to function.

D.I.D does not necessarily imply a loss of function, however. The effects of D.I.D very much vary from person to person. Some people with D.I.D, are very ‘high functioning’ : holding down responsible & often demanding jobs, and appearing to function normally.2

Development of DID
When a child continues to dissociate over a period of many years, it can result in the development of a set of separate entities, or mental states – which eventually can become individual ‘personalities’ (sometimes called ‘insiders’ or ‘alters’). These insiders often each carry specific memories and emotions, but these memories are not integrated into a ‘complete self’. These personalities may each have different ways of relating to people, and therefore could appear completely different. These insiders make up the ‘system’ of a individual with DID. Changing between these alters is known as ‘switching’.

Individuals with DID usually have more than one insider, and have been known to have as many as 200. These alters may, or may not, know of other alters within the system. Usually, each insider will have specific roles to carry out – both on the inside, and the outside .. taking care of one another, and carrying out day to day responsibilities such as working, driving, or cooking.

Individuals with DID often refer themselves for counseling or therapy, not knowing their condition. As the stresses of life continue into adulthood, depression, mood swings, memory loss and confusion often become prevalent. Often, a certain experience in adulthood can trigger the return of emotions or even memories which up until that point in time have been segregated in an insiders experience.

“People with DID may experience any of the following : Depression; mood swings; suicidal tendencies; sleep disorders; phobias (flashbacks; reactions to stimuli ‘triggers’); alcohol and drug abuse; compulsions and rituals; psychotic-like symptoms (including auditory and visual hallucinations); and eating disorders. Some people with DID have a tendency towards self persecution; self sabotage, and even violence (both self inflicted and outwardly directed)” 2

Treating DID
Most individuals with DID spend years in the health care system after referral to a therapist – but sadly, there is still much misunderstanding & skepticism regarding the condition within the health care system. Many clients still receive misdiagnosis and are therefore are mismanaged. Sometimes people move from ‘expert’ to ‘expert’ and take different medications, but make little or no progress. Many people also acquire secondary diagnosis’ such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and clinical depression.

Individuals with DID have almost always missed out on many essential things in childhood, such as learning about normal social interaction, and relationship building – as this excerpt from a case study shows :

“Because Julies parents were so abusive, she was unable to trust them with her fears, her pain, or even her joys. Julie was never given a safe space or safe person in which to confide her real emotions” 1

The article goes on to explain how “this is the starting point for effective therapy, for anyone suffering the kind of severe abuses that lie at the root of most cases of DID.”1 – Due to the complex nature of DID, and its accompanying problems; and the internal environment caused by lack of love as a small child, ongoing individual counseling or therapy with a therapist experienced in the successful treatment of DID, is paramount! For the reasons mentioned above, group therapy or short term treatment can be very frightening and therefore ineffective, and even damaging to its recipients. There needs to be time given for trust to be gradually built up between the client and therapist, making it a safe relationship for the client to share within.

Spiritual consequences
As each person consists of three parts – body, soul, and spirit – the capacity of severe abuse to damage does not stop at merely the emotional and physical. The abuse and its effects can cause major pain and confusion in a person’s spiritual life. Many individuals with DID struggle with anger towards God, for allowing their abuse; or feel alienated from Him, believing that God could never love them. Many will have been taught that they are ‘bad’, or ‘evil’, and therefore are hated by God. This is an incredibly damaging belief for a person of any religion to carry … and can cause massive internal conflict – between alters who identify themselves as Christians and those who do not. 1

In addition to this, many people with DID have found themselves in the situation of being the subject of ‘exorcisms’ – the churches in question believing that the cause of the alternate personalities can only be demonic. (Particularly when the alter in question displays anger or violence!) However, this belief discounts the normal reaction of a person when anger is not allowed to be safely admitted as a child. The angry, rebellious part of that person can be split off into an entirely separate alter – creating a personality who may hate God, and even experience a violent reaction to the name of Christ. This does not mean that the alter is a demon – merely that that person has been incredibly damaged, and are angry, disillusioned and confused. DID is not caused by demons or demonic influence, but by severe and continuing abuse – to such an extent that the child has to resort to drastic coping mechanisms to survive!

“Because DID seems so bizarre and unusual, and because one or more of the alters may be furious with God, some people conclude that DID is directly caused by demon possession. While Satan is ultimately the cause of all evil in our world, including fractured and abusive families, that does not mean that problems like DID are directly caused by demon possession or demon activity. In DID, the most likely explanation for trance states, amnesia, hearing voices, subjective feelings about the presence of other identities, and different voices or handwriting styles is early childhood trauma.

Although the New Testament offers several descriptions of the effect of demons on people, including instances when multiple demons influence a person, there are no biblical examples of demon possession creating multiple personalities. Further evidence that DID is not directly caused by demon possession is the fact that many individuals suffering from DID are cured by psychotherapy (including psychotherapy with non Christian therapists). If DID were caused by demon possession, it could not be cured without supernatural intervention.”

During therapy, an experienced therapist will enable a person with DID to work through their spiritual issues in a safe, non-judgemental environment, allowing them to openly discuss the many questions they have of God, such as : ‘How could he allow this to happen to me?’. They will also help individuals to face issues of trust, and shame, and help them to build belief in their acceptance by God. 1

The process of healing for people with DID is a long and complex one, with very different outcomes for different people – but healing is attainable. Some systems will come to a place where they are actually able and willing to ‘integrate’, or ‘blend’ their alternate personalities into one whole person; whereas others will reach a place of high function, with the alters happy to remain separate, but co-conscious (able to communicate) with one-another – functioning together much like a family. With the healing power of God, many DID systems learn to move away from the shame and pain that has been so integral to their makeup, into a true experience of Gods love and acceptance!

© Susannah Grace, CS Ministries 2002


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
One thing that a support person, minister, or counselor may notice in a person with DID who has suffered SRA is that they may experience a crisis, breakdown, or emotional upheaval on or around specific dates. This is because there are specific dates that are used as ritual dates. (We just came through one such date yesterday/last night ...the fall equinox.)

So alters who are used in ritual from early childhood may begin to feel uneasy or fearful, triggered, etc. They may also be getting threats from cult handlers for not attending rituals.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
My intentions for this thread is also to share info about SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and MK Ultra (governmental trauma based mind control) and related subject matter.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Someone shared about the full moon and upcoming moon phases. In relation to halloween, which is a major satanic ritual date, this is a dangerous time for those who have suffered SRA.
Full moons in October: Harvest moon tonight and a rare blue moon on Halloween - CNN
If any read this and feel prompted, please pray concerning this, because there is cult activity in every city, large or small. Your area is not exempt. Praying over your community, especially during these times, is very important.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Concerning DID, I've heard there is a sort of mental detachment that comes along with it. And that those who fully integrate notice increased awareness.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Concerning DID, I've heard there is a sort of mental detachment that comes along with it. And that those who fully integrate notice increased awareness.
Hello, @lforrest ...in a sense, yes, there is a detachment of the part of the mind that lives normal daily life. I'll make a post soon that helps explain that a bit more.
Those who fully integrate do experience more awareness, as the parts of their consciousness are no longer separated from each other.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Concerning DID, I've heard there is a sort of mental detachment that comes along with it. And that those who fully integrate notice increased awareness.
Also, if you (or anyone else) have questions related to what it's like living with, and healing from DID, I'm open to that.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Someone shared about the full moon and upcoming moon phases. In relation to halloween, which is a major satanic ritual date, this is a dangerous time for those who have suffered SRA.
Full moons in October: Harvest moon tonight and a rare blue moon on Halloween - CNN
If any read this and feel prompted, please pray concerning this, because there is cult activity in every city, large or small. Your area is not exempt. Praying over your community, especially during these times, is very important.
Hi, AJ, thanks for sharing all this info.

Every year, I do warfare on this satanic day. My family doesn't celebrate this glorification of death and evil that we call "Halloween." I get so tired of being accosted by the pictures of skeletons, tombstones, witches, etc. when I go shopping. And I'm always glad when it's over.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
This video explains dissociation (DID/MPD) in basic terms...very clearly.

Interesting video, explains allot, and well. I have not watched the whole vid yet, but will finish it later. I wonder if he will speak of repressed memories? That can be a dangerous thing I suppose. One would have to really trust God with whoever they deal with, psych wise.
I bet our dearly departed Willie T. would love to be commenting on this thread!
God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Hello, @lforrest ...in a sense, yes, there is a detachment of the part of the mind that lives normal daily life. I'll make a post soon that helps explain that a bit more.
Those who fully integrate do experience more awareness, as the parts of their consciousness are no longer separated from each other.

We had someone here a few months ago with DID, but she is likely gone for good, done been scared off. Perhaps you could provide constructive criticism for how people approached her.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder) and Faith, Heaven, Hell


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
@lforrest your response to Ava was very refreshing. I am appalled, yet not surprised, by the last response on that thread. I've experienced that myself. I'm sure Ava saw fit to protect the others by leaving the forum. Alters being called demons only reinforces what their cult abusers told them ....that God hates them and they are so bad/evil ...irredeemable. Oftentimes, cult handlers/programmers will tell alters that they are the seed of satan, or they are nephilim, demons, etc ...so as to foster fear and hatred for God, and to create a huge rift between them and God, keeping them from the truth and from their only source of healing and freedom. So a "Christian" who spews self righteous religious opinions and calls them demons, is only helping reinforce the lies told them by the cult. Pretty sad....because if they'd just listen to the heart of God, they could be a part of the solution, rather than bringing further wounding.
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