Total Inability: Genesis 1-4

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The problem is that man's will is enslaved to sin, and not free. In and of himself, he is evil and a slave of Satan...
Why do Calvinists blatantly ignore Scripture when discussing this, and instead rely on Luther's false theology about the free will of man?

1. You have totally ignored the FACT of the existence of the conscience in every person, and that even unsaved men can do righteous deeds when guided by it.

2. You have totally ignored the FACT that in spite of human beings being separated from God, God encourages all men to seek after Him?

3. You have totally ignored the FACT that unsaved men do indeed seek after God and thereby find Him, as God Himself tells us.

All of this is solidly supported by Scripture, but you selectively ignore everything which refutes your false theology.