Teach Me About Christianity!

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New Member
Jan 1, 2011

[/b][/b][/b][/font][/size][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]First of all, excuse my poor English! I'm an Arab. And no, I don't ride camels, I actually have BMW car
. Just in case you're wondering
[/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]I joined this forum to learn more about Christianity. I most note here that although I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam is the ultimate truth I always try to learn about other religions. [/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="Arial"]I was born Muslim and raised within its culture never really had the chance to discuss and talk about Christianity, I do have Christians friends and some of my teachers are Christians too, but I have never met a "practising" Christian who would go to church every Sunday or read the Bible.[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="Arial"][/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]I would like to have devoted Christian friends who would like to preach about Jesus and his teachings and who would be able to answer my questions about Christianity, I want some one who is willing to try to convince me that Christianity is the true path (I'm not easily convinced by the way
) . And if you are worried that I will talk about Islam I give you my promise now that I will never do that (unless you want me to do so

[font="arial][font="Arial"]I'm interested mostly in the Catholic sect I have never met a Catholic though I have just seen them in English movies. The reason why I like this sect is because I think they are most devoted and committed to the Lord sect (or maybe this is how movies portray it idk). Anyways, I would like to know more about Catholics as well.[/font][/font]
[/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]Peace! [/font]
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Post Tenebras Lux
Aug 9, 2009
Philadelphia, PA.
United States
Let's start with the Gospel, which is the heart of Christianity.

The Gospel is the good news that:

1. Jesus Christ lived a sinless life of perfect obedience in our place.

2. He died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins.

3. He was raised to life on the third day for our justification.

4. There is now no condemnation for those who trust in Jesus as savior and Lord.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.



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Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
I have some devotionals available at...


Three sons of Noah

Shem - Mid Eastern with whom the birthright fell. Abraham inherited this blessing.
Ham - Lost his blessing
Japheth - God enlarged the tents of Japheth

God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. -Genesis 9:27

The only was we gentiles could enter into the tents of Shem was through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Which is why we are so passionate about Jesus Christ, its our only ticket to the blessings that came down the line of Abraham. As a matter Jesus tool this thought a step further...

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. -John 14:6

John Bunyan once cried "Oh friends! Cry unto God to reveal unto you Jesus Christ! For there is none that teaches like he!"

Pray that the Lord will reveal to you the paths that are best for you!
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Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
I'm not an expert in Hebrew or Greek or church history but I'll share the first thing I read of Jesus when I said to myself this is God.

It was this

"Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”

that was after the Pharisees had said this,
“Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.”"

To me there was just something in that, that was so pure and perfect. It was God's wisdom just shutting down the hypocrisy of men. And I loved that... it's the heart that matters... POW!!! that hit me hard.

To me that wisdom was deeper than human understanding... because humans look at the outward but Jesus was looking at the inward... that's when I said to myself, "This is God"

That might seem super simple but for me that's all it took...

Hope this blesses you....


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
[font="arial][font="Arial"]The reason why I like this sect is because I think they are most devoted and committed to the Lord sect (or maybe this is how movies portray it idk). [/font][/font]
All Christians are supposed to be wholly devoted to Christ, and I can personally vouch for more work done for the Kingdom by people not willing to have themselves branded by a denomination than those that do (Catholic, Baptist, it doesn't matter). So yes, that's more of a movie thing.

I highly suggest a read through Colossians. It has some great info regarding Christ. You'll find that Christ is the image of the invisible God. Many people want to know more about God, but Colossians gives us the answer to this: look at Christ.
By him, through him, and for him were all things created.
You will also see that the FULLNESS of God dwells within him. He is fully God.

Romans will be a fantastic book for you to read regarding the salvation process as a whole. If I could recommend a single book, it would probably be this one.

I know there's alot of reading, but in my opinion, anyone can nit-pick and selectively give you scriptures. Reading these books as whole for yourself will do immensely more.

I guess more than anything, do you have any specific questions you'd like to know?
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Martin W.

Active Member
Jan 16, 2009
Winnipeg Canada
You are better off asking someone who has power and authority. We are just men.

(If you are able) Ask the Lord the God of Israel to lead you to the truth.

I guarantee you he will. He guarantees it also.

Providing you really want it in the first place.

Welcome , I hope you find what you seek. Best wishes.



“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

[/b][/b][/b][/font][/size][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]First of all, excuse my poor English! I'm an Arab. And no, I don't ride camels, I actually have BMW car
. Just in case you're wondering
[font="arial][font="Arial"] [/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]
[/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]I joined this forum to learn more about Christianity. I most note here that although I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam is the ultimate truth I always try to learn about other religions. [/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="Arial"]I was born Muslim and raised within its culture never really had the chance to discuss and talk about Christianity, I do have Christians friends and some of my teachers are Christians too, but I have never met a "practising" Christian who would go to church every Sunday or read the Bible.[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="Arial"] [/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]I would like to have devoted Christian friends who would like to preach about Jesus and his teachings and who would be able to answer my questions about Christianity, I want some one who is willing to try to convince me that Christianity is the true path (I'm not easily convinced by the way
) . And if you are worried that I will talk about Islam I give you my promise now that I will never do that (unless you want me to do so

[font="arial][font="Arial"]I'm interested mostly in the Catholic sect I have never met a Catholic though I have just seen them in English movies. The reason why I like this sect is because I think they are most devoted and committed to the Lord sect (or maybe this is how movies portray it idk). Anyways, I would like to know more about Catholics as well.[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="Arial"] [/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]
[/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"]Peace! [/font]

Hi Jorry

I am a Catholic Christian. There some differences between Catholics and Protestants (denominations), but we are more similar in our beliefs than different. I would be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
[font="arial][font="Arial"]I was born Muslim and raised within its culture never really had the chance to discuss and talk about Christianity, I do have Christians friends and some of my teachers are Christians too, but I have never met a "practising" Christian who would go to church every Sunday or read the Bible.[/font][/font][font="arial][font="Arial"][/font][/font]

Hello Jorry! First of all I should probably point out that if your friends claim to be Christian, but don't 'practice' it, then they really aren't Christian at all. A Christian is a person who claims Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and that truth is visible in our daily lives. A Christians doesn't go to Church, read the Bible and study it because we have to...we do it because we get to...because we long to know more of our Lord!

[font="arial][font="Arial"]I would like to have devoted Christian friends who would like to preach about Jesus and his teachings and who would be able to answer my questions about Christianity, I want some one who is willing to try to convince me that Christianity is the true path (I'm not easily convinced by the way
) . And if you are worried that I will talk about Islam I give you my promise now that I will never do that (unless you want me to do so

As far as the 'details' of Christianity, I will do my best to explain it so you will understand. I think the first thing I need to say, is Christianity is really different to religion. Religion tells people that to be accepted by God they must do...(insert various religious practices!).
Christianity tells people that we are accepted by God through Jesus, through His death.

Let me explain further. Mankind is fallen...we sin. You can see it all around...the state of the world or just our own neighborhoods. God tells us the price of sin is death...both natural death and a spiritual one (hell). And although mankind strives in different ways to be righteous enough to save our own souls....that will never happen. The only way to achieve our own righteousness is to be perfect. Perfect in actions and thoughts, perfect in everything. It simply is impossible for us.
So God, who is our loving Father, sent Jesus to us. Jesus, who is also fully God, humbled Himself and came to earth in a human body. He did what no one could, and lived a perfect life. Because (as is so often the case) sinful man didn't like the truths Jesus preached, they murdered Him. And in the moment of His death, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of all mankind. He died for us; taking the penalty of sins...death. Because He was perfect, death could not hold Him, and three days later Jesus rose to life!
Now, because of His amazing sacrifice, those of us who believe in Him and love Him, we are given grace. Grace is a completely free gift...there is nothing we can do to earn it, all we can do is accept it. And those of us that do accept it, we have the promise of eternal life....of heaven with our Savior for eternity!

So you see this is why Christians love and follow Jesus. We do it because of the amazing gift given us...we love in response to the actions of God to save us....not out of obligation so that we may be saved.

Does that make sense? I hope so!


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
Jorry said:

First of all, excuse my poor English! I'm an Arab. And no, I don't ride camels, I actually have BMW car
. Just in case you're wondering

I joined this forum to learn more about Christianity. I most note here that although I'm Muslim and I believe that Islam is the ultimate truth I always try to learn about other religions.

I was born Muslim and raised within its culture never really had the chance to discuss and talk about Christianity, I do have Christians friends and some of my teachers are Christians too, but I have never met a "practising" Christian who would go to church every Sunday or read the Bible.

I would like to have devoted Christian friends who would like to preach about Jesus and his teachings and who would be able to answer my questions about Christianity, I want some one who is willing to try to convince me that Christianity is the true path (I'm not easily convinced by the way
) . And if you are worried that I will talk about Islam I give you my promise now that I will never do that (unless you want me to do so

I'm interested mostly in the Catholic sect I have never met a Catholic though I have just seen them in English movies. The reason why I like this sect is because I think they are most devoted and committed to the Lord sect (or maybe this is how movies portray it idk). Anyways, I would like to know more about Catholics as well.


The difference between Christianity and other religions is that only in Christianity God came down to meet man. In other religions, it is man who goes to god and the god remains far off. In Christianity, God understands humility not only through knowledge but even through experience because He experienced humility through Christ, who is God. God understands human fears and even death, not only through knowledge, but through experience because God has experience human fears and death through Christ, who is God. The one True God fully knows through both knowledge and experience while other gods only have a concept of what it might be. To fully understand and know something is to actually experience it. In other words, the One True God can tell man to be humble and know what it means to actually be humble because God humbled Himself into the form of a man. The other gods have no idea what humility means because they have never humbled themselves.

In the Holy Bible, there is beautiful story of the prodigal son. When the sinner repents, he goes back to his father's home. When the father sees his son coming to him, he runs to greet his son. The father did not wait for the son to come to him. It is the same with the One True God. He comes to man and He looks for the lost sheep because that is what true love is. The false god waits for man to come to him because the false god does not know how to love man. Man calls their false god "master" and views themselves as "servants". The One True God views Himself as a "Father" and calls man his sons and daughters. That is the difference between Christianity and other religions.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Follow Christ by loving your neighbor as yourself.......submit yourself to the Holy Spirit by practicing your sanctification by actually loving your neighbor......as Christ promises, loving you neighbor through action is loving Him.
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