Spreading the gospel isn’t exactly the good news you think is and true atheism is about critical thinking

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Active Member
Jul 20, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Atheism should not even exist. It’s an absurd term and reactionary, really. I like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. Instead of believing, I choose thinking and thinking just so happens to leave me with an absence of belief in God. Even the most rational Christian apologists can’t fully rationalize their belief in God because that would forego faith. They may get close, but doubt is always around the corner. Their logic may be good enough to counter petty arguments about God, but the moment they claim God exists when asks, that is a moment absent of thinking. They can think before or after, but not during the moment they assert God exists. To me, the desire to thinking indicates life. I say desire because there are moments when we don’t think at all where something immediately grabs our attention or when the fight/flight response kicks in, for example. But when given the opportunity to think when asked if God exists and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, that is willfully suspending your desire to think and now you call it ‘faith’. If God can be reached through thinking, then there is no more need for faith. On another note, if people didn’t assert a god or gods exists, then atheism wouldn’t be a thing. Atheism doesn’t even qualify for having a burden of proof because like Matt Dillahunty has said, “It is the rejection of claims that have not met their burden of proof.” No atheist can actually reject God. Sure, arguments can be made about the actions of the god of the Bible but not arguments disproving God. As an atheist, I’m not deciding to ‘not believe’ either because that would be akin to saying that I choose not to believe in winged rabbits. It’s like saying that my favorite hobby is not-going-fishing. I’ve had this non-fishing hobby for a few years now, I enjoy it very much.

There are two main types of Christians: those who take the ‘doom & gloom approach’ to clobber others with the Bible such as nonbelievers by weaponizing it, and those who only who only preach the ‘positive’ side of the Bible such as “Jesus loves you!” and “You matter to God, salvation is possible, don’t lose hope!” The first type is obviously direct, provocative, and confrontational. Many Christians will agree that that is not the proper way to approach nonbelievers. So instead they think they have a better way which is focusing on only the positives. But these types of Christians are the worst and most insidious kind because it allows them to save face while (knowingly or unknowingly) dragging the other person down.

To make one thing clear: You can be condescending while saying kind things. This is exactly where the phrase “There’s no hate like Christian love” comes from. When these Christians play it off as if they’re looking out for us, because they care about us, because we can be saved…is an insult to those who already have a good head on their shoulders. You see, spreading the gospel only works on vulnerable people. If you’re the direct type of Christian of “you’re going to hell”, guess what, you would succeed with most kids because most kids get scared easily. And if you are the ‘Jesus loves you’ type, it would work very well on those who are already depressed and miserable, in desperate need of help.

How do I know that more often than not, that’s what it is? Because I have had more than enough ‘Jesus saves’ Christians begin to slowly lose patience and turn into the direct type resorting to clobbering via the Bible. And no, I never fired back at them with a hostile attack after they were telling me that ‘Jesus loves you’. It would be an answer in kind much like, “Oh I don’t feel the need to be saved.” They then get this attitude of, “You need to stop thinking you’re perfect, because you’re not. You’re a sinner!” as if I declared I was perfect or something. And my answer usually ends up being, “If this is more about your attempt to guilt trip me to feel some type of way and not about just plainly informing me that I’m not perfect, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Most of us atheists actually know we aren’t perfect. And that is exactly one of the main reasons why we don’t believe in God because we don’t want the superiority complex that comes with asserting that God exists. Because God by definition is a perfect being that also transcends time and space. To even conceive of the notion of ‘God‘ is already pure arrogance. Because who would we be as imperfect, finite beings…to dare proclaim the existence of that which is perfect and beyond space-time? Because the Bible says so? Because of ‘so-called evidence’ we choose to decide to count as evidence? Because we choose to declare that Jesus is God or twisting what Jesus said in order to support our belief that he is God? Because we think the universe is obligated to ‘make sense’ to us? We haven’t even ruled out all possibilities for the universe and we are already putting the cart before the horse by declaring, “God!” We still have yet to put a human being on Mars and we’re just going to say that God put all of this here?

And to really take all of this a step further, a truly humble person would admit that they don’t know. To solve the dilemma of needing to think of yourself as good or needing to think of yourself as a sinner, we can just refrain from doing either. WHY does it HAVE to be a conflict between giving yourself a pat on the back and having to repent? It is so incredibly stupid to pigeonhole yourself into seeing yourself as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, perfect or imperfect. Why decide on what to be when I ALREADY am? Whether I tell myself that I’m perfect or not, it does not affect my existence in this moment, right now. Forget being good enough or not good enough, just being is enough because you already existed prior to having any thoughts about yourself. You can’t think yourself into existence, because existence is prior to any thoughts. At best you can think of an idea of yourself into existence, but it only remains an idea. And I don’t think Descartes was dumb enough to believe that you exist because you think, but rather that thinking is a sign of existing, a symbol of sorts if you will.

I think Christian fundamentalism is an underdeveloped form of Christianity that was filtered through dualistic Roman thinking. It’s primitive, black and white, lacking nuance. It is more about conformity and survival than actual love even though ‘love’ appears many times in the Bible. It emphasizes the classic psychology of reward vs. punishment. Humans have taken ‘love’ and confused it with pleasure or the opposite of anything that’s bad or evil. But even as an atheist, my understanding of love is that it is a neutrality that transcends the duality of good and evil. Fundamentalists have a very hard time wrapping their heads around this because their idea of love is splintered into a duality between love and truth. They are afraid that by only emphasizing the ‘love’ part, that it is foregoing or compromising Truth because Truth is supposed to be the bedrock of ‘love’. My point is that a higher level of understanding is that this duality of love and truth is an illusion. The very division between love and Truth just as two separate words alone, implies that they are not unified just as the division between “God is way over there, and I’m a person over here.” Perhaps there’s neither truth or love, there’s just isness or pure beingness with all the rest being a play. Perhaps our mortality is not a curse and we are the ones making it one. Why this desperate need for eternal life? That is a clinging on to life and an avoidance of that which is also part of life: death. How can you truly enjoy life by hating on death and seeking eternity when death is what makes us alive? Perhaps we are already living in the timeless and don’t see it because we are looking for it somewhere else.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV
In their case the god of this world (SATAN) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

John 6:65 ESV
And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father".
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States

Have you ever prayed to God and asked him to give you faith in Jesus? We on this forum are powerless to bring you to faith; only God can do that!

Ephesians 2:8–9
By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Critical thinking isn’t antithetical to Christianity, nor does it inevitably lead to atheism.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
Atheism should not even exist. It’s an absurd term and reactionary, really. I like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. Instead of believing, I choose thinking and thinking just so happens to leave me with an absence of belief in God. Even the most rational Christian apologists can’t fully rationalize their belief in God because that would forego faith. They may get close, but doubt is always around the corner. Their logic may be good enough to counter petty arguments about God, but the moment they claim God exists when asks, that is a moment absent of thinking. They can think before or after, but not during the moment they assert God exists. To me, the desire to thinking indicates life. I say desire because there are moments when we don’t think at all where something immediately grabs our attention or when the fight/flight response kicks in, for example. But when given the opportunity to think when asked if God exists and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, that is willfully suspending your desire to think and now you call it ‘faith’. If God can be reached through thinking, then there is no more need for faith. On another note, if people didn’t assert a god or gods exists, then atheism wouldn’t be a thing. Atheism doesn’t even qualify for having a burden of proof because like Matt Dillahunty has said, “It is the rejection of claims that have not met their burden of proof.” No atheist can actually reject God. Sure, arguments can be made about the actions of the god of the Bible but not arguments disproving God. As an atheist, I’m not deciding to ‘not believe’ either because that would be akin to saying that I choose not to believe in winged rabbits. It’s like saying that my favorite hobby is not-going-fishing. I’ve had this non-fishing hobby for a few years now, I enjoy it very much.

There are two main types of Christians: those who take the ‘doom & gloom approach’ to clobber others with the Bible such as nonbelievers by weaponizing it, and those who only who only preach the ‘positive’ side of the Bible such as “Jesus loves you!” and “You matter to God, salvation is possible, don’t lose hope!” The first type is obviously direct, provocative, and confrontational. Many Christians will agree that that is not the proper way to approach nonbelievers. So instead they think they have a better way which is focusing on only the positives. But these types of Christians are the worst and most insidious kind because it allows them to save face while (knowingly or unknowingly) dragging the other person down.

To make one thing clear: You can be condescending while saying kind things. This is exactly where the phrase “There’s no hate like Christian love” comes from. When these Christians play it off as if they’re looking out for us, because they care about us, because we can be saved…is an insult to those who already have a good head on their shoulders. You see, spreading the gospel only works on vulnerable people. If you’re the direct type of Christian of “you’re going to hell”, guess what, you would succeed with most kids because most kids get scared easily. And if you are the ‘Jesus loves you’ type, it would work very well on those who are already depressed and miserable, in desperate need of help.

How do I know that more often than not, that’s what it is? Because I have had more than enough ‘Jesus saves’ Christians begin to slowly lose patience and turn into the direct type resorting to clobbering via the Bible. And no, I never fired back at them with a hostile attack after they were telling me that ‘Jesus loves you’. It would be an answer in kind much like, “Oh I don’t feel the need to be saved.” They then get this attitude of, “You need to stop thinking you’re perfect, because you’re not. You’re a sinner!” as if I declared I was perfect or something. And my answer usually ends up being, “If this is more about your attempt to guilt trip me to feel some type of way and not about just plainly informing me that I’m not perfect, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Most of us atheists actually know we aren’t perfect. And that is exactly one of the main reasons why we don’t believe in God because we don’t want the superiority complex that comes with asserting that God exists. Because God by definition is a perfect being that also transcends time and space. To even conceive of the notion of ‘God‘ is already pure arrogance. Because who would we be as imperfect, finite beings…to dare proclaim the existence of that which is perfect and beyond space-time? Because the Bible says so? Because of ‘so-called evidence’ we choose to decide to count as evidence? Because we choose to declare that Jesus is God or twisting what Jesus said in order to support our belief that he is God? Because we think the universe is obligated to ‘make sense’ to us? We haven’t even ruled out all possibilities for the universe and we are already putting the cart before the horse by declaring, “God!” We still have yet to put a human being on Mars and we’re just going to say that God put all of this here?

And to really take all of this a step further, a truly humble person would admit that they don’t know. To solve the dilemma of needing to think of yourself as good or needing to think of yourself as a sinner, we can just refrain from doing either. WHY does it HAVE to be a conflict between giving yourself a pat on the back and having to repent? It is so incredibly stupid to pigeonhole yourself into seeing yourself as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, perfect or imperfect. Why decide on what to be when I ALREADY am? Whether I tell myself that I’m perfect or not, it does not affect my existence in this moment, right now. Forget being good enough or not good enough, just being is enough because you already existed prior to having any thoughts about yourself. You can’t think yourself into existence, because existence is prior to any thoughts. At best you can think of an idea of yourself into existence, but it only remains an idea. And I don’t think Descartes was dumb enough to believe that you exist because you think, but rather that thinking is a sign of existing, a symbol of sorts if you will.

I think Christian fundamentalism is an underdeveloped form of Christianity that was filtered through dualistic Roman thinking. It’s primitive, black and white, lacking nuance. It is more about conformity and survival than actual love even though ‘love’ appears many times in the Bible. It emphasizes the classic psychology of reward vs. punishment. Humans have taken ‘love’ and confused it with pleasure or the opposite of anything that’s bad or evil. But even as an atheist, my understanding of love is that it is a neutrality that transcends the duality of good and evil. Fundamentalists have a very hard time wrapping their heads around this because their idea of love is splintered into a duality between love and truth. They are afraid that by only emphasizing the ‘love’ part, that it is foregoing or compromising Truth because Truth is supposed to be the bedrock of ‘love’. My point is that a higher level of understanding is that this duality of love and truth is an illusion. The very division between love and Truth just as two separate words alone, implies that they are not unified just as the division between “God is way over there, and I’m a person over here.” Perhaps there’s neither truth or love, there’s just isness or pure beingness with all the rest being a play. Perhaps our mortality is not a curse and we are the ones making it one. Why this desperate need for eternal life? That is a clinging on to life and an avoidance of that which is also part of life: death. How can you truly enjoy life by hating on death and seeking eternity when death is what makes us alive? Perhaps we are already living in the timeless and don’t see it because we are looking for it somewhere else.
To bad humans couldn't be like an immortal jellyfish, except for being munched on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. Instead of believing,
You may like to think that, but it displays as great an inability to actually think as you complain about in Christians.A Thiest is literally without God.
It is not a claim to lack believe in God or to be thinking or exploring the idea of God.

That is better suited to agnosticism which is literally to be ignorant about God.

Either there is a supernatural being that caused everything to come into being.
That is space, time, energy and matter were created, organised and arranged inaccordance with what we regard as the scientific laws of physics, chemistry and biology.

Such a being existing outside of time and space would be unknowable to the scientific method of Investigation, we would be dependant on that being making itself known to us.

Your problem and that of every person who will not believe in God is to have a reasonable explanation why anything exists.
There is only one remotely reasonabl atheistic explanation, it is unscientific, that matter has always existed.

What is your belief?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Atheism should not even exist. It’s an absurd term and reactionary, really. I like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. [...]
You've gone the path of saying "there is no god, therefore my record is clean".

Would you comfort Jesus that way? "Don't worry Jesus, you are dying for no reason!"

If God didn't believe in Himself, He would be opinionated - can you prove that God is opinionated?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Atheism should not even exist. It’s an absurd term and reactionary, really. I like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. Instead of believing, I choose thinking and thinking just so happens to leave me with an absence of belief in God. Even the most rational Christian apologists can’t fully rationalize their belief in God because that would forego faith. They may get close, but doubt is always around the corner. Their logic may be good enough to counter petty arguments about God, but the moment they claim God exists when asks, that is a moment absent of thinking. They can think before or after, but not during the moment they assert God exists. To me, the desire to thinking indicates life. I say desire because there are moments when we don’t think at all where something immediately grabs our attention or when the fight/flight response kicks in, for example. But when given the opportunity to think when asked if God exists and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, that is willfully suspending your desire to think and now you call it ‘faith’. If God can be reached through thinking, then there is no more need for faith. On another note, if people didn’t assert a god or gods exists, then atheism wouldn’t be a thing. Atheism doesn’t even qualify for having a burden of proof because like Matt Dillahunty has said, “It is the rejection of claims that have not met their burden of proof.” No atheist can actually reject God. Sure, arguments can be made about the actions of the god of the Bible but not arguments disproving God. As an atheist, I’m not deciding to ‘not believe’ either because that would be akin to saying that I choose not to believe in winged rabbits. It’s like saying that my favorite hobby is not-going-fishing. I’ve had this non-fishing hobby for a few years now, I enjoy it very much.

There are two main types of Christians: those who take the ‘doom & gloom approach’ to clobber others with the Bible such as nonbelievers by weaponizing it, and those who only who only preach the ‘positive’ side of the Bible such as “Jesus loves you!” and “You matter to God, salvation is possible, don’t lose hope!” The first type is obviously direct, provocative, and confrontational. Many Christians will agree that that is not the proper way to approach nonbelievers. So instead they think they have a better way which is focusing on only the positives. But these types of Christians are the worst and most insidious kind because it allows them to save face while (knowingly or unknowingly) dragging the other person down.

To make one thing clear: You can be condescending while saying kind things. This is exactly where the phrase “There’s no hate like Christian love” comes from. When these Christians play it off as if they’re looking out for us, because they care about us, because we can be saved…is an insult to those who already have a good head on their shoulders. You see, spreading the gospel only works on vulnerable people. If you’re the direct type of Christian of “you’re going to hell”, guess what, you would succeed with most kids because most kids get scared easily. And if you are the ‘Jesus loves you’ type, it would work very well on those who are already depressed and miserable, in desperate need of help.

How do I know that more often than not, that’s what it is? Because I have had more than enough ‘Jesus saves’ Christians begin to slowly lose patience and turn into the direct type resorting to clobbering via the Bible. And no, I never fired back at them with a hostile attack after they were telling me that ‘Jesus loves you’. It would be an answer in kind much like, “Oh I don’t feel the need to be saved.” They then get this attitude of, “You need to stop thinking you’re perfect, because you’re not. You’re a sinner!” as if I declared I was perfect or something. And my answer usually ends up being, “If this is more about your attempt to guilt trip me to feel some type of way and not about just plainly informing me that I’m not perfect, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Most of us atheists actually know we aren’t perfect. And that is exactly one of the main reasons why we don’t believe in God because we don’t want the superiority complex that comes with asserting that God exists. Because God by definition is a perfect being that also transcends time and space. To even conceive of the notion of ‘God‘ is already pure arrogance. Because who would we be as imperfect, finite beings…to dare proclaim the existence of that which is perfect and beyond space-time? Because the Bible says so? Because of ‘so-called evidence’ we choose to decide to count as evidence? Because we choose to declare that Jesus is God or twisting what Jesus said in order to support our belief that he is God? Because we think the universe is obligated to ‘make sense’ to us? We haven’t even ruled out all possibilities for the universe and we are already putting the cart before the horse by declaring, “God!” We still have yet to put a human being on Mars and we’re just going to say that God put all of this here?

And to really take all of this a step further, a truly humble person would admit that they don’t know. To solve the dilemma of needing to think of yourself as good or needing to think of yourself as a sinner, we can just refrain from doing either. WHY does it HAVE to be a conflict between giving yourself a pat on the back and having to repent? It is so incredibly stupid to pigeonhole yourself into seeing yourself as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, perfect or imperfect. Why decide on what to be when I ALREADY am? Whether I tell myself that I’m perfect or not, it does not affect my existence in this moment, right now. Forget being good enough or not good enough, just being is enough because you already existed prior to having any thoughts about yourself. You can’t think yourself into existence, because existence is prior to any thoughts. At best you can think of an idea of yourself into existence, but it only remains an idea. And I don’t think Descartes was dumb enough to believe that you exist because you think, but rather that thinking is a sign of existing, a symbol of sorts if you will.

I think Christian fundamentalism is an underdeveloped form of Christianity that was filtered through dualistic Roman thinking. It’s primitive, black and white, lacking nuance. It is more about conformity and survival than actual love even though ‘love’ appears many times in the Bible. It emphasizes the classic psychology of reward vs. punishment. Humans have taken ‘love’ and confused it with pleasure or the opposite of anything that’s bad or evil. But even as an atheist, my understanding of love is that it is a neutrality that transcends the duality of good and evil. Fundamentalists have a very hard time wrapping their heads around this because their idea of love is splintered into a duality between love and truth. They are afraid that by only emphasizing the ‘love’ part, that it is foregoing or compromising Truth because Truth is supposed to be the bedrock of ‘love’. My point is that a higher level of understanding is that this duality of love and truth is an illusion. The very division between love and Truth just as two separate words alone, implies that they are not unified just as the division between “God is way over there, and I’m a person over here.” Perhaps there’s neither truth or love, there’s just isness or pure beingness with all the rest being a play. Perhaps our mortality is not a curse and we are the ones making it one. Why this desperate need for eternal life? That is a clinging on to life and an avoidance of that which is also part of life: death. How can you truly enjoy life by hating on death and seeking eternity when death is what makes us alive? Perhaps we are already living in the timeless and don’t see it because we are looking for it somewhere else.
The most educated, knowledgeable, researched, studied atheists of our time openly admit….they cannot explain away the realities of the one question that matters “What happened at the resurrection?”

Otherwise, your uneducated, unskilled diatribe is a fruitless work of fiction. Your faith in nothing, is far greater than our faith in centuries of belief involving one event you have no answer for.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
The gospel is the "good news" of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.. (Romans 1:16) To "believe" the gospel is to trust in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as the ALL-sufficient means of our salvation.
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Jun 10, 2023
United States
Atheism should not even exist. It’s an absurd term and reactionary, really. I like to think of atheism as ‘thinking critically about God’. Instead of believing, I choose thinking and thinking just so happens to leave me with an absence of belief in God. Even the most rational Christian apologists can’t fully rationalize their belief in God because that would forego faith. They may get close, but doubt is always around the corner. Their logic may be good enough to counter petty arguments about God, but the moment they claim God exists when asks, that is a moment absent of thinking. They can think before or after, but not during the moment they assert God exists. To me, the desire to thinking indicates life. I say desire because there are moments when we don’t think at all where something immediately grabs our attention or when the fight/flight response kicks in, for example. But when given the opportunity to think when asked if God exists and the answer is a resounding ‘yes’, that is willfully suspending your desire to think and now you call it ‘faith’. If God can be reached through thinking, then there is no more need for faith. On another note, if people didn’t assert a god or gods exists, then atheism wouldn’t be a thing. Atheism doesn’t even qualify for having a burden of proof because like Matt Dillahunty has said, “It is the rejection of claims that have not met their burden of proof.” No atheist can actually reject God. Sure, arguments can be made about the actions of the god of the Bible but not arguments disproving God. As an atheist, I’m not deciding to ‘not believe’ either because that would be akin to saying that I choose not to believe in winged rabbits. It’s like saying that my favorite hobby is not-going-fishing. I’ve had this non-fishing hobby for a few years now, I enjoy it very much.

There are two main types of Christians: those who take the ‘doom & gloom approach’ to clobber others with the Bible such as nonbelievers by weaponizing it, and those who only who only preach the ‘positive’ side of the Bible such as “Jesus loves you!” and “You matter to God, salvation is possible, don’t lose hope!” The first type is obviously direct, provocative, and confrontational. Many Christians will agree that that is not the proper way to approach nonbelievers. So instead they think they have a better way which is focusing on only the positives. But these types of Christians are the worst and most insidious kind because it allows them to save face while (knowingly or unknowingly) dragging the other person down.

To make one thing clear: You can be condescending while saying kind things. This is exactly where the phrase “There’s no hate like Christian love” comes from. When these Christians play it off as if they’re looking out for us, because they care about us, because we can be saved…is an insult to those who already have a good head on their shoulders. You see, spreading the gospel only works on vulnerable people. If you’re the direct type of Christian of “you’re going to hell”, guess what, you would succeed with most kids because most kids get scared easily. And if you are the ‘Jesus loves you’ type, it would work very well on those who are already depressed and miserable, in desperate need of help.

How do I know that more often than not, that’s what it is? Because I have had more than enough ‘Jesus saves’ Christians begin to slowly lose patience and turn into the direct type resorting to clobbering via the Bible. And no, I never fired back at them with a hostile attack after they were telling me that ‘Jesus loves you’. It would be an answer in kind much like, “Oh I don’t feel the need to be saved.” They then get this attitude of, “You need to stop thinking you’re perfect, because you’re not. You’re a sinner!” as if I declared I was perfect or something. And my answer usually ends up being, “If this is more about your attempt to guilt trip me to feel some type of way and not about just plainly informing me that I’m not perfect, then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

Most of us atheists actually know we aren’t perfect. And that is exactly one of the main reasons why we don’t believe in God because we don’t want the superiority complex that comes with asserting that God exists. Because God by definition is a perfect being that also transcends time and space. To even conceive of the notion of ‘God‘ is already pure arrogance. Because who would we be as imperfect, finite beings…to dare proclaim the existence of that which is perfect and beyond space-time? Because the Bible says so? Because of ‘so-called evidence’ we choose to decide to count as evidence? Because we choose to declare that Jesus is God or twisting what Jesus said in order to support our belief that he is God? Because we think the universe is obligated to ‘make sense’ to us? We haven’t even ruled out all possibilities for the universe and we are already putting the cart before the horse by declaring, “God!” We still have yet to put a human being on Mars and we’re just going to say that God put all of this here?

And to really take all of this a step further, a truly humble person would admit that they don’t know. To solve the dilemma of needing to think of yourself as good or needing to think of yourself as a sinner, we can just refrain from doing either. WHY does it HAVE to be a conflict between giving yourself a pat on the back and having to repent? It is so incredibly stupid to pigeonhole yourself into seeing yourself as either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, perfect or imperfect. Why decide on what to be when I ALREADY am? Whether I tell myself that I’m perfect or not, it does not affect my existence in this moment, right now. Forget being good enough or not good enough, just being is enough because you already existed prior to having any thoughts about yourself. You can’t think yourself into existence, because existence is prior to any thoughts. At best you can think of an idea of yourself into existence, but it only remains an idea. And I don’t think Descartes was dumb enough to believe that you exist because you think, but rather that thinking is a sign of existing, a symbol of sorts if you will.

I think Christian fundamentalism is an underdeveloped form of Christianity that was filtered through dualistic Roman thinking. It’s primitive, black and white, lacking nuance. It is more about conformity and survival than actual love even though ‘love’ appears many times in the Bible. It emphasizes the classic psychology of reward vs. punishment. Humans have taken ‘love’ and confused it with pleasure or the opposite of anything that’s bad or evil. But even as an atheist, my understanding of love is that it is a neutrality that transcends the duality of good and evil. Fundamentalists have a very hard time wrapping their heads around this because their idea of love is splintered into a duality between love and truth. They are afraid that by only emphasizing the ‘love’ part, that it is foregoing or compromising Truth because Truth is supposed to be the bedrock of ‘love’. My point is that a higher level of understanding is that this duality of love and truth is an illusion. The very division between love and Truth just as two separate words alone, implies that they are not unified just as the division between “God is way over there, and I’m a person over here.” Perhaps there’s neither truth or love, there’s just isness or pure beingness with all the rest being a play. Perhaps our mortality is not a curse and we are the ones making it one. Why this desperate need for eternal life? That is a clinging on to life and an avoidance of that which is also part of life: death. How can you truly enjoy life by hating on death and seeking eternity when death is what makes us alive? Perhaps we are already living in the timeless and don’t see it because we are looking for it somewhere else.
The good news of the Gospel is Hope.
And you are correct it is not **all** good news because with it comes judgment.

Oh you said a lot - sounds like someone is angry even at the concept of Christianity.
Too many words for me to even contemplate reading the entire thing - specially since I know it's negativity.

But one thing seems to be clear you have put all Christians in a division with two subdivisions. With a very critical thinking against both as if to say no adult atheist or even any one of a different religion becomes Christians - that only children or depressed and hopeless individuals do. Error! If not, like atheist where is the proof?

Once upon a time I would have addressed the crucial points in your statement but I've learned talking to some people is a waste of time and leads to an unfruitful conversation and hostilities and I understand more so why scripture indicates we shouldn't even try with some individuals.

Before I end this I wonder if you live and you are diagnosed with any illness and told you will see death in a short period of time about certain medications. Will you seek medicines from a physician or healer or whatever you may want to call the person or persons to prolong your life? Or even medicines to rid one of a disease that's fatal. If you do that's seeking life - that is trying to prolong your life - and if possible you would do it for an eternity.
They can give you medicine for the pain and one can except the inevitable.

Enjoy your life