Putin’s Warning To The West

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I do not believe that God is in control at all !

But you can not win against God in fact. but you can try ?

People try to win because they are fools ! serving this world that is full of deceptions and delusions in fact !

God gave us free will and so that's why we fail on our own, because one is lost in this world, so when we see all of the Stupid Wars ? who brings that all on ? It's Mans works in fact ! Nothing to do with God at all ! in the end God makes the last call. So we did it all to ourselfs for you were Lost as a Goose.
If we all knew better their would be no Wars in fact !
People plot Wars for their own gains !
You are absolutely right.
But God knows the end game.

The bible tells me that those who don't get the best seats in the house in this life, will sit among the rafters in the next with the best seats in that kingdom. And those who think they control today have nothing to show for it tomorrow.
Are we gonna go down with the ship? Aye matey, we are. But we already know that everything in this life is temporal.
It's what survives the spiritual flood that matters. And God is in control of that flood.

Paul says the elements of the world are gonna burn baby burn. And I anticipate some form of fallout and perhaps total destruction.
I read about it in Jeremiah chapter 4. Everything becomes void, and there are no birds in the air, and no man to till the ground.
Same in Genesis 1, and in the Revelation of all things.
Those things that were, those that are, and those that will be.

We been here before and still humans have survived even if that means God has to recreate us from the dust of the earth.
There will always be a remnant to bind together to keep the light of life burning.

Are you afraid to face the end of the world? I am not. Because I know that after this there is a new beginning.
And someday we will end up right where we are again. And some will be saved and some will be lost.
As the days of Noah.

The hard part is being a watcher of the self-destruction man brings upon himself. Wanting to wave a magic wand and make it all work out the way we think it should be.
But it will be exactly as God intends it to be. And he gave us the plan from day one. All we have to do is believe in it.

Man will try to convince you that they have the power to thwart God's plans. But as seen in the past, they don't have any power at all.
They are just doing according as it is written. God's word does not return unto him void. It will always be the way he put it into motion.

I was thinking today about how there is this weird mission for some people to want to go out and destroy monuments and statues and re-write history. Do you think that that is organic or is there some reasoning behind it?
We really don't know much about the truth of history. We only have the word of a few who told us it all came about this way.

I think in the new beginning there will be some of the remnant of believers who will once again tell the story of In the beginning God.
And it will be up to those who are selected and chosen to once again be Adam who names the living things and hands down what knowledge they can remember.
There will be a few stragling evil ones who will infiltrate and persuade men to do evil things. And here we go again....

And many who have said in their hearts, I would of done it different if I was Adam or Eve, will have their chance to prove it.

Jer 4:19
My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.
Jer 4:20
Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.
Jer 4:21
How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet?
Jer 4:22
For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

Jer 4:23
I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.
Jer 4:24
I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.
Jer 4:25
I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
Jer 4:26
I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.
Jer 4:27
For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.
Jer 4:28
For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

Gen 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Gen 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Rev 19:6
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Rev 21:1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

What was, what is, and what will be.

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
And for awhile there will be peace on earth, good will towards man... and then comes Cain to start the ball rolling again.
And Pharoah will build his Kingdom, Nimrod will build his Babel, Nebuchadnezzar will build his Babylon.
Because God decides who rules and who is humbled. And who will overcome and who will perish.
And the choice to follow him or your own desires he has left up to man to decide.

I have set before you life and death, choose life.
The Neverending story of Eternity.


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Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
As a watcher Do you have an opinion on how long it will take before we hit this new beginning
I am not arguing that there will be a new beginning. I’m just curious on when you think this will happen. this year?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
As a watcher Do you have an opinion on how long it will take before we hit this new beginning
I am not arguing that there will be a new beginning. I’m just curious on when you think this will happen. this year?
I'm not a prophet, I'm just watching events unfold one day at a time.
Apparently we're attacking Russian beaches now and killing civilians.
Climate change activists are attacking golf courses, and anti-Israel protests happening all around the world now.
I wonder how long the storm clouds gathered before the first raindrops fell on Noah's head.
How bad did Sodom and Gomorrah have to get before they had to go?

I think we have some cooler heads trying to keep things from exploding. It's the rogue crazies that have no care about life or death that worry me. And those kind are growing in numbers daily.
Too many globalists have big plans for 2030, so I don't suppose they will allow the world to be destroyed before they put their own plans into full swing.

Like Jesus says, no one knows but the Father. He is already preparing a place for us, so I'm not worried about the day or hour.
But we can watch for the signs like he told us to. So watch and be prepared. Keep your faith strong.
Big delusions hitting all the airwaves. Propaganda everywhere.
Trust God's plan.


Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
I'm not a prophet, I'm just watching events unfold one day at a time.
Apparently we're attacking Russian beaches now and killing civilians.
Climate change activists are attacking golf courses, and anti-Israel protests happening all around the world now.
I wonder how long the storm clouds gathered before the first raindrops fell on Noah's head.
How bad did Sodom and Gomorrah have to get before they had to go?

I think we have some cooler heads trying to keep things from exploding. It's the rogue crazies that have no care about life or death that worry me. And those kind are growing in numbers daily.
Too many globalists have big plans for 2030, so I don't suppose they will allow the world to be destroyed before they put their own plans into full swing.

Like Jesus says, no one knows but the Father. He is already preparing a place for us, so I'm not worried about the day or hour.
But we can watch for the signs like he told us to. So watch and be prepared. Keep your faith strong.
Big delusions hitting all the airwaves. Propaganda everywhere.
Trust God's plan.
Great answer thank you

I, too, am watching current events, including Trump, coming out and saying the next five months are going to be a lifetime and that he takes many wounds for us

Seems like the Bible is playing out right in front of us. The debate that tribulation can be five months instead of seven years, and the deadly wound seem very apparent, and Trump’s talking is trying to make him appear to be the antichrist

I just find it very interesting. I don’t take any of this personal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You can't make this stuff up.

Didn't the Biden Admin just take a trip to Kenya not too long ago?
Everywhere he goes he leaves a wake of chaos in his path.
Just saying..
And look who's leading the crowd.

FACT SHEET: Kenya State Visit to the United States

May 23, 2024Today, President Biden welcomes President Ruto of Kenya for a State Visit and Dinner to celebrate and deepen ties between our two nations. This visit marks 60 years of official U.S.-Kenya partnership.

https://www.reuters.com › world › biden-welcomes-kenyas-ruto-white-house-with-investments-promises-2024-05-23

Biden, Kenya's Ruto pledge protect democracy in Africa and beyond

May 24, 2024Biden said he would designate Kenya as the first sub-Saharan African country to be a major non-NATO ally. Qatar, Israel and 16 other countries share that designation.

This is what democracy looks like... you can keep your democracy and I'll keep my republic, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Mod hat off....

Vladimir Putin... Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah and the same old Blah, Blah, Blah. As far as I am concerned the same old silly nonsense. Not afraid!

Mod hat back on....

Carry on all!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I would say that Putin is the best leader that the world has ever had in the whole history of the world.

Russia before Putin was a Hell hole, a garbage dump full of total trash insanity that was a total threat to the world ! I for one would of attacked Communist Russia full on ? but why not ! They were the worst Nation by far, totally evil !

Why did the West look away and let Communist Russia get away with it all ! Gutless ? Stupid ! or feared to take them on because they had little Nuclear bombs ?

Nowadays Russia has a huge Nuclear power, anyone who plays stupid pathetic games with Russia is a total moronic fool ! they should not be in office in fact ! they are just like 5yo snot nosed little brats you do not play childish stupid games with such a Power ?

Lucky we have Putin in charge of Russia and i mean it ! Lucky ! because if it was not for Putin, another Leader would have to prove himself ?

We know what the Russia people think of Zelensky and they are not going to put up with the likes of Zelensky at all ever in fact !

Not to mention who truly cares what happens to that part of Ukraine. truly is it a real big issue, the Borders are they that much of an issue ! that we must threaten the whole world over ? It's Russia back yard and issues are regards them people over their, not to mention the people in them easten borders Voted to become into Russia in fact !

It's Joe Bidens War ! he is the problem in fact ! but why did he want to escalate such a War ? and nothing but escalate escalate and totaly disregarding the people who lived in the areas rights to Vote in fact !

Zelensky is only a Puppet ! he does not have any right to be leader of Ukraine anymore, his time is up in fact ! but this monster will not call an election ! for he will loose in fact badly ! very badly ! oh that's right Zelensky got rid of the other political Partys in Ukraine !
Ukraine is a Dictator ship in fact ! that's proped up by evil Anti-Christ in the West in fact who are Socialist ! Queer Socialist creepy morons who dominate over everyone in the West in fact. They tell you how to think !

I would not give 2 cents to fight Russia.

I thought Russia was doing so well in coming forward out of the puss that it once was ! and that the future was going to be fine and all of the issues of the past resolved !
But Biden and Co has gone and done the worst thing ever that one could ever do ! and put back all of the work that Putin and good people in the West has done in bring Russia out of that past puss !

Joe Biden's Socialist want nothing better than to drag Russia back into Communism, for Biden is clearly a Communist ! That's where the USA and the West is heading, that's what they have been funding and promoting in Russia Political Partys, who work to undermine Putin are all Communist bastards in fact ! and Queer as Hell ! and outright Anti-Christ in fact !

The Governments in USA have done nothing for their Nation for many years, bar Trump ! and in the UK it's the same deal it's Traitors within, France, Germany, Canada, Australia ! all are pathetic selling their own people out ! for what whack job Queers and militant Islam to dominate over everyone.
Are you alowed to expose the worst of trash Queers No ! they hide all that in fact ! same with Militant Islam and all people who want to kill you all in fact ! Who let such people into our Nation ? with no regard at all, brought in an hostile enemy that wants to kill you all in fact !
That's what the workings of Satan does, leads you all astray in fact ! People under the influence of Satan are like moths to the fire ! Queers promoting Islam Cnine: the very people who are going to kill them first ! that's how totaly deluded they are !
Moderate Queers may understand for they may not be totaly possessed !

One has to be Possessed in fact, if you do not understand that you mess with somthing like a fool, such could come back to bite you badly, Like what could happen with taking on Russia ! They can wipe out all of the USA in fact ? all of Europe as well in fact !
But pay no mind to that as well ! we are all awesome heros ! What drugs are they in Governments on ! they must be smacked out of their face !
We have bigger issues to deal with than Ukraine, that are coming up because of fool idiot management.

Ukraine should of never become a problem in fact, just as the letting Terrorist attack the Jews should never got of the ground in fact, but for Joe Biden and his Socialist Co of Satanic game plays. Look at how Biden and Co has attacked Trump ! it's pathetic, cunning but outright totally pathetic, but that's typical of Socialist, for they have not grown up yet, for they totally lack maturity !


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Its quite possible that the Rocket(s) that just Hit a very important Bridge in "The Crimea" were USA Rockets authorized by Joe Biben.

This is what Russia is claiming, and Biden did authorized "additional longer range" Missiles to be given to Zelensky's military, recently.

So, what we have to consider is..... "If you have a gun, and your neighbor gives you the bullets, and then you shoot someone....then are you alone responsible, or is the neighbor who gave you the bullets, equally culpable ??

So, if Biden furnished the Rockets that Zelensky used to bomb The Crimea, then Putin is correct.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Its quite possible that the Rocket(s) that just Hit a very important Bridge in "The Crimea" were USA Rockets authorized by Joe Biben.

This is what Russia is claiming, and Biden did authorized "additional longer range" Missiles to be given to Zelensky's military, recently.

So, what we have to consider is..... "If you have a gun, and your neighbor gives you the bullets, and then you shoot someone....then are you alone responsible, or is the neighbor who gave you the bullets, equally culpable ??

So, if Biden furnished the Rockets that Zelensky used to bomb The Crimea, then Putin is correct.
If i gave someone a bullit for their gun, because they wanted to shoot another person in fact ! then the one who gave such is guilty of such an intent, for they knew what it was for !

If i gave a gun and the bullits to another, because that person wanted to kill someone, yes i would be in the wrong to do so !

If a Nation had weapons in another Country like was done in Afghanistan and just walked out directly leaving all such weapons with no regard ! that is a criminal act for sure, especially if you know that they will use such against the Jews for a fact !
Who would say that such a people would never do such as that ? seriously ! They were used in a Terrorist attack on the State of Israel !

The thing is that Israel knew such was going to be coming at them ! who did not know that ? but the Socialist Jews alowed this to happen in fact ! for an ends ! that's Typical of radical Socialist in fact, the means justfy the ends ! for they are at war 24/7 regardless for they are Satanist ! The same is with Islam they are at war 24/7 for the means justfy the ends ? people being killed are offered up to Satan and any cunning mongrel dog trick is used regardless in fact ! for they want power for themselves to dominate over everyone, that's the whole intent.

The Socialist leadership of the Jews should be exposed for their part in all that happened at the very start ! and all through because they are against PM Ben, he was always number one enemy to the Socialist and it sticks out like dogs balls. They only want to get rid of the right wing and old criminal Joe Biden is working to that ends in fact ! in Israel and the USA in fact, total criminal acts in working so as too undermine the USA. I can see it's clearly ! everything is done so as too undermine the people of the USA and they clearly stole the Election from Trump ! and they use propaganda just like the Nazis and Communist did, only such is more advanced nowadays, so as to keep the people fooled !
Every person that i know who lived under Communism says they know that game that is being played out, they once lived under such trash people who dominated over them.

A Polish Doctor was at a Political meeting once came out front exposing such that is taking place and he got fired on by some in the crowd, when he was finished i came over to him and he feared for his life, he thought i was going to kill him ! but we sat down and talked and he said, how do i know so much ? because your average Australian is a total moron on such issues because they know nothing truly on such subjects ! The only thing that they get is from the Media indoctrination! for they feel as tho they are being educated by the media in fact ! that's how it was in Nazi Germany as well as under Communism, such people just swallowed it all hook line and sinker.
They would not listen outside of that indoctrination BS !

The days will come when all will say, what happened to our freedom man ! you sold yourselves out to trash ! their is no Truth in them in fact !

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

He's right.
Totaly !

See in Bolivia of late, It's a Socialist Country in fact ! but look at what they are saying, They claim to be a Democracy ! they clearly are not a Democracy at all !
They are a Socialist Democracy in fact ! That's a huge diffrence in fact !

The Democratic nature of the USA history was once Democratic, that is what built the USA !
But their is a Huge diffrence betwen Bidens Socialist Democracy and the Democracy of the past in fact.

Hitler had a Socialist Democracy in fact ! that's what a Socialist Democract is in fact ! run by fruit loops who love to dominate over everyone and play games to destroy people ! sadly that the majority of people in the USA have not worken up to the under lining of such nastyness of Socialist Democracy's.
Hitler was good in the begining as well, untill they the people got undermined by so much BS ! That they had to believe and follow or they became an enemy of the State !
Clearly the world has not learnt a thing about morons like Hitler and Stalin in fact !

I have people around here claim that Communism is their life ambition to bring it about ! when i point out that such are truly only murders ! For they are good at that in fact, period ! and totaly dominat over everyone like a total moron ! but commo mate says they got the magic wrong ? we the people are going to Rule ! joy: :Laughingoutloud: all of the simple dimwits rule ! people who have never looked past their own nose ! Who informed such people of this fantasy ? people who turn up to work only to bludge about all day and outside of work is only football and hot dogs and women that is on their mind. I have seen this mentality, so who knows what goes through the mind of the queers, for they suport the very people who will kill them all, Islam ! talk about retarded ! but that what people who under the influence of Satan do in fact, for they clearly bathe in such delusions.

It's like fools geting rid of the people who are truly proven qualified to do a job and bringing in Apes to pave the way, they clearly even reject God ! They think that they are going to make a good world ? a world full of depraved retards.
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