Well-Known Member
That reminds me of a graffito I once saw:I am in the habbit of tearing off 4 sheets in a pile to conserve toliet paper.
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That reminds me of a graffito I once saw:I am in the habbit of tearing off 4 sheets in a pile to conserve toliet paper.
I think he was talking about pushing out a turd....since we are talking about toilet paper.But if that little brown baby boy chooses to be born on the sabbath then he will be thrown into a pit!
I do that too.That reminds me of a graffito I once saw:
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I will ask my wife about installing the one on the left. lol
My mom also used the Sears catalog for toilet paper.
My dad grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. He said when the Sears & Roebuck Christmas catalog came out in late November, they'd keep it in the outhouse, and tear out a page at a time for toilet paper. With luck, it would last until Easter.
I think he was talking about pushing out a turd....since we are talking about toilet paper.
One time we kids were skinny dipping in the River, someone stoe our clothes. That night, we moved their outhouse back off the hole. Their dad, came out looking at a playboy magazine with a flash light, not looking at the ground. He fell in. I tossed in a rope already tied to a tree and we all ran home. At School, all their kids were afriad of us because we were a mean group. We did things like run someone up the flag Pole nude. Once my Brother Larry hooked up a shocker to the plumbing --- when someone peed in a urnal, they got a jolt. I chained all the doors outside and someone else then triggered the fire alarm. Yes, we were not saved at that time.
My dad grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. He said when the Sears & Roebuck Christmas catalog came out in late November, they'd keep it in the outhouse, and tear out a page at a time for toilet paper. With luck, it would last until Easter.
Sure a good thing you guys got saved!One time we kids were skinny dipping in the River, someone stoe our clothes. That night, we moved their outhouse back off the hole. Their dad, came out looking at a playboy magazine with a flash light, not looking at the ground. He fell in. I tossed in a rope already tied to a tree and we all ran home. At School, all their kids were afriad of us because we were a mean group. We did things like run someone up the flag Pole nude. Once my Brother Larry hooked up a shocker to the plumbing --- when someone peed in a urnal, they got a jolt. I chained all the doors outside and someone else then triggered the fire alarm. Yes, we were not saved at that time.
We have 3 new Sisters in Christ. I gave them my blessing, they started asking questions, the Holy Spirit related it all to the gospel. They repented of their sins and asked our lord and savior into their lives.Sure a good thing you guys got saved!
My wife's family tree contains, if it is not in the Bible, you can't do it. Also, one must do things the way Jesus did.
They were over as guests for dinner. I replaced the Toliet Paper with three buckets: 1) Fresh Water to rinse, 2) Soapy Water and 3) Vinegar water with a sponge on a stick.
Back in Jesus's day people would take the stick out of the vinegar water, dip in soapy water, redip in viegar water, then in fresh water to clean their behinds -- leaving the stick in the vinegar water.
I left a note on how to do it all.
Her Brother's wife was first in the latrine. Red the note and screamed for toliet paper. I would not tell anyone where to find it. I explained that is how Jesus did it. And, reminded them what they always tell others to do.
It's still funny the second time you told it!!!My wife's family tree contains, if it is not in the Bible, you can't do it. Also, one must do things the way Jesus did.
They were over as guests for dinner. I replaced the Toliet Paper with three buckets: 1) Fresh Water to rinse, 2) Soapy Water and 3) Vinegar water with a sponge on a stick.
Back in Jesus's day people would take the stick out of the vinegar water, dip in soapy water, redip in viegar water, then in fresh water to clean their behinds -- leaving the stick in the vinegar water.
I left a note on how to do it all.
Her Brother's wife was first in the latrine. Red the note and screamed for toliet paper. I would not tell anyone where to find it. I explained that is how Jesus did it. And, reminded them what they always tell others to do.