"Pastors" that lead church service wearing blue jeans, casual shirts and base ball caps.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
"Pastors" that lead church service wearing blue jeans, casual shirts and base ball caps.
Yes! Many dare go into the house of the eternal living God wearing clothes that they could not even get into a good restaurant wearing=little to no respect.

Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
Yes! Many dare go into the house of the eternal living God wearing clothes that they could not even get into a good restaurant wearing=little to no respect.
Amen. Most people, before going to a wedding, will shower and put on decent clothes. There should be no difference when gathering to worship the eternal living God.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Dressing up for specially for church is more about yourself than God. God is with us seven days a week; he sees us in our work clothes, he sees us without any clothes at all, so why do you think he cares what we wear on a Sunday?

Dressing 'posh' for church is a dated notion, going back to when working people had two sets of clothes - weekday work clothes or Sunday best. And even though they were called 'best' were not so much better than the work clothes.

A church gathering is like a family gathering and people should dress to be comfortable not to impress or stand out. But this obsession with what is considered suitable for Sunday worship is more of an American thing I think, and perhaps also some traditional denominations.

In my own fellowship anything goes as long as it is decent. As somebody said God looks at the heart not at the attire.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
LOL!!! So if you had a invite to any earthly king's home what would you wear blue genes and a tee shirt???


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Dressing up for specially for church is more about yourself than God. God is with us seven days a week; he sees us in our work clothes, he sees us without any clothes at all, so why do you think he cares what we wear on a Sunday?

Dressing 'posh' for church is a dated notion, going back to when working people had two sets of clothes - weekday work clothes or Sunday best. And even though they were called 'best' were not so much better than the work clothes.

A church gathering is like a family gathering and people should dress to be comfortable not to impress or stand out. But this obsession with what is considered suitable for Sunday worship is more of an American thing I think, and perhaps also some traditional denominations.

In my own fellowship anything goes as long as it is decent. As somebody said God looks at the heart not at the attire.
Yes!! These last days "anything" goes!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
"Pastors" that lead church service wearing blue jeans, casual shirts and base ball caps.

I don't understand this. Usually people complai if the Pastor is wear a $1000 suit. Why would anyone complain that the Pastor wears regular clothes?

Jesus set the example. Mother Mary's address to birth the Savior of the world wasnt at the Mayo Clinic, or even at the Sheba Medical Center! She couldnt even get a hotel room! Address: The Stables, Jerusalem. (Bethleham).

If Jesus showed up again today to the church as a humble spirit, they would throw Jeus out! And that's a shame. You dont have to have on a suit to go to church. I used to think it was a respect thing to wear a suit. I liked dressing up in a suit on Sunday and going to church. I move to small town Ohio and my friend invites me to church with him and so naturally I wore a suit. It felt good. Who dont like wearing a suit?! Respect. Lookiing good walking tall. and all that...And when I walked through the door of that church with my friend, I knew I had made a mistake. This was a neighbrohood church and a poor neighbrohood to boot. I was easily the best dressed person there. Geez, the Pastor was wearing a colored T-shirt. I stuck out like a sore thumb and it felt like every eye was on me. Lol!.

I havent worn a suit since in this city! I dress like the locals now and drive a 1995 truck. It's like camoflaugue! No one wants to car jack me. No one wants to rob me.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Is there no understanding of showing honor and respect in God's house??? =Sad!!! Any ambassador "pastor" does not show honor and respect leading worship in God's house by wearing blue genes,tee shirt and base ball cap!!!!THINK!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Is there no understanding of showing honor and respect in God's house??? =Sad!!! Any ambassador "pastor" does not show honor and respect leading worship in God's house by wearing blue genes,tee shirt and base ball cap!!!!THINK!!!

I heard a testimony from a youtube Pastor about he had been praying to be visited by he Lord I think. And the Lord met him is some sort of car dealership somehow and was in disguise as big a big intimidating black man with a big voice that came right up tp him and started talking small talk. And long dtory short, he missed his visitation from Jesus! And later he was in prayer and still asking for a visitation and the Lord said, you missed me today, why is that? And he prolly about fell through the floor to realize that, he missed his visitation from the Lord!

He said he started begging for forgiveness for missing him and repenting and asked if the Lord will give him another chance to recognize Him when He comes? ...And the Lord said Yes, he gets another chance! A couple weeks later, he's as fidgity as man can be I guess! And he is at church sitting in the front row, I think he was going to speak there maybe? ANyway, he said he felt the atmosphere shift somehow. He felt like he should be looking for the Lord. And he sees some long haired scruffy looking homeless person walking in and he's wearing a dirty jean jacket. and he watches him take a seat in the very last row of seats and He leaned back and closed His eyes.

Now the Pastor wont take his eyes off of the homeless guy and walks up there to (Him) and just as he is walking up, the guy starts smiling real big and holds out his hand ina congratulatory shake! He recognized Him!

Jesus disguising Himself as a homeless guy? That makes sense to me and there was one time when I was praying and I was asking for wisdom, understanding and discernment. And I heard Him as plain as day. He said you want to learn Discernment? Practice it by looking for me in others. .../

So I believe that Pastors testimony that he shared. I hope your church did not put any homeless looking people out this morning. Jesus wasnt born into a rich family. He wasnt educated, nor were any of the Apostles except for one. One Apostle was eduacated back then. Know who it was?

Judas Iscariot.
I guess I disagree with you Brother. God is not a respector of persons. He dont care if your in a suit or shorts & a T-shirt. The Pastor at my church in Colorado Springs was a Jeans & Casual shirt kind of guy. (Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel) . I didn't hold it against him that He dressed casual. His messages were smoking hot! He is a good teacher. And it must be so because....IIRC, I went up there to fix something and found them looked around a little and it looked pretty nice so I figure I'll check out the sanctuary real quick before I leave just to see. I already was thinking hey maybe I should come sit through a service here. I wasnt ready for what happened. I walked into the sanctuary and the air was thick with the Holy Spirit.

So I knew from the start that this church was doing something right! Wow. It was the same thing when I came to the service too. The Holy Spirit was thick in the sanctuary. If you ever in C. Springs go see this guys service. His name is Eric. I forget his last name, lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Think!! Why would you wear your best clothes if you were going have a meeting with a king??? Yet many show no honor or respect when going to be with God in a church worship or is the eternal living God not in your Church????


Active Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Think!! Why would you wear your best clothes if you were going have a meeting with a king??? Yet many show no honor or respect when going to be with God in a church worship or is the eternal living God not in your Church????
I am thinking. I fully believe that we can worship anywhere, anytime even in our pjs. When we meet we should dress modestly- that's all. Some people dont have the funds for finer clothing and maybe they are blue collar. Do they buy a new wardrobe to go to your church? dressing down is better for many- it avoids distractions of costly clothing and jewelry. God is not looking at your rags, He is looking at your heart! We really don't want to look at the outside of the cup, do we? straining the gnat?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
GISMYS_7 doesn't read my posts.
However,you all read theirs.

Now,would you like to actually see what they're actually saying of themselves?
And those people are so well dressed.

GISMYS_7 is shocked we aren't like that too.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
It’s man that developed a dress code for church, if you go back to the beginnings of the church ( body of believers who came to Christ ) there was no mention of changing attire when they came together.
You could argue that it is culturally the norm to dress in certain ways within a church service now, so therefore that culture should be taken into account, but is it really God that is offended, or men.
It’s a class issue as far as I am concerned, people looking down on others because of what they are wearing.
Now if this pastor expected the congregation to dress in a certain way, and he didn’t then it could be classed as being hypercritical.