My Gods Saved Me - My Experience as a Pagan Growing Up In a "Christian" Culture

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
You were probably put off Jesus by some christians who set a bad example, and you let them stand like a roadblock between you and him.
You don't have to go through them to find Jesus, just go AROUND them..:)

That’s an interesting point.

One of the books I have on my reading list this year is Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, written by Clayton Sullivan.

I met Sullivan (a retired Baptist pastor) about 20 years ago at a conference, purchased his book, but never got around to reading it.

I’ve met a lot of people who have been put off Jesus by the teachings and actions of Christians / Christianity.
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Dec 3, 2022
United States
You gotta be joking mate, I once got an infant school closed down because at least one of the male teachers was a peedo..:)
The 'Wicker Man' movie was about a bunch of pagans on a remote island terrified that their crops were going to fail.
That explanation now doesn't square with your prior post. Thinking a little boy is a lucky little chap to be presented for sex to older pervert pagan women in a fictional movie about Druids is what you were about prior.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..Thinking a little boy is a lucky little chap to be presented for sex to older pervert pagan women in a fictional movie about Druids is what you were about prior.

Incidentally, people tell me I shouldn't post pics of me and my street in forums in case some female stalker tracks me down.
Huh, I should be so lucky, that's why I do it..:)


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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Incidentally, people tell me I shouldn't post pics of me and my street in forums in case some female stalker tracks me down.
Huh, I should be so lucky, that's why I do it..:)

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View attachment 28223

Have you ever been to Kent?


My ancient ancestral home in England, lost in my family‘s rebellion (“Wyatt’s Rebellion”) against Queen Mary.



Dec 3, 2022
United States
Incidentally, people tell me I shouldn't post pics of me and my street in forums in case some female stalker tracks me down.
Huh, I should be so lucky, that's why I do it..:)

View attachment 28222

View attachment 28223
We should pray for you. Not encourage your beliefs about little boys and women.

This is a community dedicated to believers in Christ. It is obvious you are unaware.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Incidentally, people tell me I shouldn't post pics of me and my street in forums in case some female stalker tracks me down.
Huh, I should be so lucky, that's why I do it..:)


We should pray for you. Not encourage your beliefs about little boys and women.
This is a community dedicated to believers in Christ. It is obvious you are unaware.

O God please make me funny..:)



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
I converted to Wicca from my family-based Christianity when I was 10, but later embraced Paganism. When I was very young, age 5, I loved angels, and God, and Jesus. I idolized my parents, until I was about 7. My mom took me to various churches at a young age. I remember being at a Christian preschool/daycare. My hair was a pixie cut. Those children made fun of me, taunting me, saying I was a boy, looked like a boy, when I was definitely a girl (and woman today). The girls watching us seperated me, put me in a corner, and talked about how to handle it. Nothing came of it. Then, the pieces fell apart in the perception of my family. I recognized that my dad was abusive to us and our mother. My mother was neglectful, and slept all day, leaving me to mostly raise my siblings myself. I became very disillusioned. I felt like my culture had not revealed the truth of what was out there. So I did my own research. I discovered gods that had existed before Jesus and the God of Christianity. I also felt abandoned by God. I remember yelling up to him, in my effort to mow a 10-acre property using a small push-mower, and yelling at him, saying he'd abandoned me by placing me with abusive/neglectful parents, and surrounded by a hypocritical Christian culture that only cared to show compassion to them and theirs, and literally to hell with anyone else.

God didn't save me from suicide when I was 14. Athena did. When I was curled on the floor, sobbing, she very distinctly said, "Get off the floor. Get up." It was her presence, her voice, in my mind. Sekhmet protected me from those who would cause me harm, and she healed my soul. Arianrhod helped me conceive my son a month after prayer, when my husband and I had tried for several months. Hermes helped me develop my communication skills, so that I could form relationships with people I otherwise would not have, considering my upbringing.

I read the Bible from time to time... the only people I see not trying to repent for being sinful humans are the hypocritical Christians themselves - and the ones who do repent refuse to call out their brethren. They enable them through their silence, instead of reminding them of their true mission, as Jesus would have done.

And believe it or not - I also have a relationship with Jesus. I am no longer upset with his God, however Jesus knows I do my best to be a good person, as all of my Pagan gods know as well. Of course, I'm not perfect. No one is. I believe in a hell. However, it is the arrogant person, judging me and those like me - all "outsiders" - arrogantly believing they have a guaranteed spot in heaven without repentance- telling me I and those like me (note: anyone different, and outside of their small bubble) that we will go to hell...

Where we go in the afterlife is determined by the Gods. Or, God, for Christianity. How pompous and arrogant does one have to be, to think they have the right to judge?

Jesus sat and communed with outsiders, and railed heavily against the pharisees. And that's all we got these days, preaching from pulpits are pharisees. Perhaps the outsiders are the ones Jesus is actually looking to protect and save... and not just from the bowels of hell.

But it's not my place to judge the perspective and lifestyle of another. I mind the business of myself and my family, and do my best to help those I come across, regardless of religion, gender, race, or any identifying factor.

I would think that, in this age, Jesus would be horrified by what Christianity has become. I know I am. And they wonder why people are leaving the church. Maybe it's not the people leaving the church that you have to fear. Perhaps, it's the people who are pushing people away, active people left in the church, with their judgemental hatred, that you have to fear.

But, I am just a Pagan. What do I know about humanity and divinity, right?

I am open to replies and perspectives, of course. I just needed a place, full of self-proclaimed Christians, to understand what I and many others have dealt with, in regard to the Christian community, for several years. I still shake my head when they act confused about why people are leaving the church. Perhaps if they opened a non-judgmental dialogue with them, they'd find out why. But they're too afraid or wilfully ignorant to do it, I guess. I don't know. You tell me.

You spoke about “Jesus and the God of Christianity” - Jesus is a human person, the Messiah, the Son of “the God of Christianity”. The “God of Christianity” is his God and Father. These things you know. Most who profess to be Christians don’t.

Nothing existed before “the God of Christianity” - certainly not the gods of paganism. If you are no longer angry with the Father, why will you not forsake the gods of the pagans and return to him? There is no God besides the Father alone.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
“There is a massive rise in Paganism and related religious movements in the West.

American Pagans in 2001: 134,000
American Pagans in 2023: 1,500,000

There are currently more Pagans than Presbyterians in the United States.

Our nation is turning from Christ to demons.”

(Ben Zeisloft)

What did we expect when christendom itself brought the pagan into the church and tried to christainize it .
What did we expect when so many now suckle from the TIT of all inclusive junk .
The judge not correct not seeker friendly has done its work and leaven has charged in full force to fill the place FULL .