--- PARODY ---
Christian: Do you believe in the Bible?
Skeptic: Who wrote the Books of Moses?
Christian: Well, Moses obviously. ???
Skeptic: If Adam wasn't a literal human then he didn't literally sin.
Christian: Adam's transgression was the original sin.
Skeptic: If Adam didn't literally sin, then there is no original sin.
Christian: We were all born sinners.
Skeptic: If there is no original sin then being born in Adam's race does not make you a sinner.
Christian: Well... ???
Skeptic: If we are not redeemed from original sin by Christ's payment of the death penalty...
Christian: I suppose, but...
Skeptic: Then the Atonement was of none effect.
Christian: Say what?
Skeptic: If the Atonement was of none effect, we are lost in our sin and awaiting judgment of our works.
Christian: That can't be right... ???
Skeptic: We all fall short of the perceived standard and stand condemned.
Christian: Well, yes, but...
Skeptic: Faith in Christ can't help us, the Atonement is null and void.
Christian: What? !!!
Skeptic: Where does that leave us?
Christian: We need to take the Genesis account as literal history.
Skeptic: Indications are that it is a mythology.
Christian: A mythology means it isn't true!
Skeptic: There is your problem.