Life Advice from a Christian Universalist

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved. Thus, everyone will believe in Christ Jesus and go to Heaven.

Psalm 145:17 "The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.

First off, we must always trust the Lord more so than we trust in money. However, there are those who have been scammed by investments that have damaged their family, so this message is a warning to them.

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency,​

Ezekiel 18:13 Lends at interest, and takes profit; shall he then live? He shall not live. He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself.

Today, I talked to someone in real life who mentioned “Bitcoin”. This isn’t the first time as there’s other people in real life who’ve also mentioned “investing in it” I’ve been following Bitcoin news for years so here are my thoughts.

I personally avoid investing in any sort of cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is associated with cyber crime, like people hacking your personal information and asking for ransom money in return. Bitcoin, or any sort of cryptocurrency, are dangerous like other investments because you can put your money in it and lose it all. It’s much more volatile, as in, fluctuates due to price changes, than regular investments.

Many families have been destroyed because one person decided to invest all their savings in bitcoin (BTC), only for the market to crash and they lose all their money. Family members have given other family members poor financial advice and they end up investing into something that loses all their principal.

Proverbs 11:29 Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart.

In Canada, I’ve seen Bitcoin ATM’s pop up, where you can put money into it and get “Bitcoin”. Imagine a person who doesn’t know about “Bitcoin” sees this ATM and puts their money into it, thinking they saved all the money they worked hard for, only for the value of Bitcoin to suddenly crash and they have no more savings.

Bitcoin has no inherent value on it’s own, we only assign it value. A good type of investment is one that physically helps people. For instance, I invest my money into the construction of a school that will educate children. That is good. If one puts their investment into Bitcoin, there is no physical value there. It’s like buying a “Non Fungible Token”, NFT of a digital artwork. You’re not buying the artwork, you’re buying a receipt of the artwork, so you don’t own the artwork when you buy it, you have some a string of characters and numbers that tell you “own it” digitally. So don’t get scammed when someone offers you an “NFT” of like, the Mona Lisa or some collector’s sports card, you’re not actually buying the object my friends XD.

There are many people who invest into Bitcoin because they are greedy and only wish to get money without helping anyone.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Additionally, the process behind a “blockchain” is overly complicated. As a person who practices Accounting, a ledger that you can’t remove the entries from sounds like a hassle personally. As a person who practices Computer Science, the technology damages the environment and contributes to climate change. And you spend money on transaction fees for purchases if you try to use it as an actual currency.

Now, we can’t even buy a regularly priced graphics card because people are wasting electricity “mining” for Bitcoin with hundreds of computers sitting around doing nothing. There are people who need to hear about the Gospel that Jesus Christ saves all through faith alone!

There are some Bitcoin exchanges which are straight up scams. They say they’ll get your money and exchange it for Bitcoin, but they steal your money and don’t give you anything in return, leaving their website blank! Unlike actual financial institutions and banks, there’s way less accountability. They can literally take your money and just… leave. And because it’s all anonymous, it’s extremely difficult to track them and get your money back.

Pump-and-dump schemes are common amongst new coins, where scammers purposely create a coin and “pump” up it’s value, advertise it amongst celebrities and social media influencers, and then “rug pull” aka “dump” aka sell of their artificially increased stocks at a profit. And the people who bought these artificially increased stocks are now stuck with nobody to sell it to, and then the stock “dumps” down in value where it’s worth close to nothing, essentially meaning all their money is gone.

There are many “Nouveau Riche” which means new rich in French, those who suddenly gained a lot of money from Bitcoin, and then end up buying all these rich things, only to not have enough money to cover the bills and they go bankrupt. Or Bitcoin scammers who are fined by the government or going to jail for their crimes.

Proverbs 20:21 An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end.

Mutli-Level-Marketing Programs (MLM), aka Pyramid Schemes, should be avoided too. They scam the money from those at the bottom, those who came in late, and give it all to the few early adopters. And they’re left “holding the bags” so to speak. As in, they’re left with a stock now devalued to just a penny stock.

Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.

Like certain forums of day-trading, there are those who “leverage” aka go into debt to buy more investments, which is very very dangerous! Not only do you lose all your money, but now you become a slave to the lender! When it’s so incredibly risky that it essentially becomes random chance whether you get something or not, it becomes a form of gambling, which can become an addiction for some who drain all their money and waste it on nothing.

Someone can save as much money as they want, but the only thing that truly saves us from sin at the end of the day is faith alone in Jesus Christ! It doesn’t matter if you have many or little savings in your bank account, even the smallest amount of faith in Christ Jesus washes us away of all our sins!

Heb. 2:9 "Jesus, was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone."

Even smart people can get scammed. Because avoiding scams requires wisdom, and there are many people who are intelligent, but not wise. Isaac Newton was a very intelligent man, yet he lost a lot of his money by investing in the South Sea Company’s stock bubble.

Isaac Newton and the South Sea Bubble + Financial Market Update + 11.10.21

Or some people found rare “tulip bulbs” and sold them to others at a higher price. And those who bought it at a high price wished to sell it at an even higher price! Until you’re left with someone who’s stuck with nothing to sell it to.

Tulip mania - Wikipedia

The amount of money we have can increase or decrease, but no matter what, the Lord is always with us. Thus, trust in the Lord Christ Jesus with faith alone and be saved my friends! Everyone will be saved. It doesn’t matter how rich someone is or how poor someone is, they will be saved by believing in Jesus Christ and everyone will go to Heaven.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

GIC’s, Guaranteed Investment Contrasts, are very good protections against the value of your money deteriorating due to inflation, because you are guaranteed to obtain at least your principal investment, and then some extra money as interest to. However, this interest is oftentimes lower than the inflation rate. For example, the inflation rate is 2% a year, and the interest rate is 1% a year. You would not make a profit, but a loss, however it would be a much smaller loss than if you simply left your money sitting in a savings account. This is a good way to avoid going into debt. For many, the price of food is increasing due to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, so it’s important to save enough money to be able to provide for the well being of your own money.

Psalm 15:5 Who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.

Since anyone can post anything on the Internet, do not get manipulated by what people say online. Read Bible verses about financial advice before making financial decisions. Online, some websites might tell you to “HODL” or “Diamond Hands” (holding stock), “To the moon!” or “Bullish” (implying the stock will soar high), but many of these are from spam bot accounts, to make you think it’s more popular than it actually is.

Overall, avoid get-rich-quick schemes. And avoid going into debt as much as possible, because a person who owes money to a lender is a slave to that lender. Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved. That is what frees us from the slavery of sin. Thus, everyone will become believers in Christ Jesus and go to Heaven.

Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”

Proverbs 13:11 Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Not sure what Bitcoin has to do with universalism.
Lol, if I mention this outside of the Universalism thread, I'm going to be insta-banned XD Did that on another forum, was making an introduction and bam, account permanently banned. So my posts are all stuck inside the Universalism board to avoid my account getting removed.

But hey, advice is good, and just wanted to share to help people learn more truth, which is love :D
1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails!


New Member
Feb 22, 2023
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Thanks for sharing your life advice from a Christian Universalist perspective. While I respect your beliefs, it's important to remember that faith alone is not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. People come from all walks of life and have different experiences that shape their beliefs and values. It's important to listen, understand their origin, and respect their choices.
I also appreciate your warning about the dangers of scams and risky investments. Researching and making informed decisions is crucial, especially regarding financial matters. On a related note, have you heard about the Forex trading sessions in South Africa time? It's an interesting topic that can greatly impact investments, including cryptocurrency. It's always good to stay informed and aware of global events that could affect our finances.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved. Thus, everyone will believe in Christ Jesus and go to Heaven.

If that is true, then why is Hell waiting for Christ Rejectors who went there today, and yesterday, and tomorrow?


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved. Thus, everyone will believe in Christ Jesus and go to Heaven.

Psalm 145:17 "The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.

First off, we must always trust the Lord more so than we trust in money. However, there are those who have been scammed by investments that have damaged their family, so this message is a warning to them.

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency,​

Ezekiel 18:13 Lends at interest, and takes profit; shall he then live? He shall not live. He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself.

Today, I talked to someone in real life who mentioned “Bitcoin”. This isn’t the first time as there’s other people in real life who’ve also mentioned “investing in it” I’ve been following Bitcoin news for years so here are my thoughts.

I personally avoid investing in any sort of cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is associated with cyber crime, like people hacking your personal information and asking for ransom money in return. Bitcoin, or any sort of cryptocurrency, are dangerous like other investments because you can put your money in it and lose it all. It’s much more volatile, as in, fluctuates due to price changes, than regular investments.

Many families have been destroyed because one person decided to invest all their savings in bitcoin (BTC), only for the market to crash and they lose all their money. Family members have given other family members poor financial advice and they end up investing into something that loses all their principal.

Proverbs 11:29 Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart.

In Canada, I’ve seen Bitcoin ATM’s pop up, where you can put money into it and get “Bitcoin”. Imagine a person who doesn’t know about “Bitcoin” sees this ATM and puts their money into it, thinking they saved all the money they worked hard for, only for the value of Bitcoin to suddenly crash and they have no more savings.

Bitcoin has no inherent value on it’s own, we only assign it value. A good type of investment is one that physically helps people. For instance, I invest my money into the construction of a school that will educate children. That is good. If one puts their investment into Bitcoin, there is no physical value there. It’s like buying a “Non Fungible Token”, NFT of a digital artwork. You’re not buying the artwork, you’re buying a receipt of the artwork, so you don’t own the artwork when you buy it, you have some a string of characters and numbers that tell you “own it” digitally. So don’t get scammed when someone offers you an “NFT” of like, the Mona Lisa or some collector’s sports card, you’re not actually buying the object my friends XD.

There are many people who invest into Bitcoin because they are greedy and only wish to get money without helping anyone.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Additionally, the process behind a “blockchain” is overly complicated. As a person who practices Accounting, a ledger that you can’t remove the entries from sounds like a hassle personally. As a person who practices Computer Science, the technology damages the environment and contributes to climate change. And you spend money on transaction fees for purchases if you try to use it as an actual currency.

Now, we can’t even buy a regularly priced graphics card because people are wasting electricity “mining” for Bitcoin with hundreds of computers sitting around doing nothing. There are people who need to hear about the Gospel that Jesus Christ saves all through faith alone!

There are some Bitcoin exchanges which are straight up scams. They say they’ll get your money and exchange it for Bitcoin, but they steal your money and don’t give you anything in return, leaving their website blank! Unlike actual financial institutions and banks, there’s way less accountability. They can literally take your money and just… leave. And because it’s all anonymous, it’s extremely difficult to track them and get your money back.

Pump-and-dump schemes are common amongst new coins, where scammers purposely create a coin and “pump” up it’s value, advertise it amongst celebrities and social media influencers, and then “rug pull” aka “dump” aka sell of their artificially increased stocks at a profit. And the people who bought these artificially increased stocks are now stuck with nobody to sell it to, and then the stock “dumps” down in value where it’s worth close to nothing, essentially meaning all their money is gone.

There are many “Nouveau Riche” which means new rich in French, those who suddenly gained a lot of money from Bitcoin, and then end up buying all these rich things, only to not have enough money to cover the bills and they go bankrupt. Or Bitcoin scammers who are fined by the government or going to jail for their crimes.

Proverbs 20:21 An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end.

Mutli-Level-Marketing Programs (MLM), aka Pyramid Schemes, should be avoided too. They scam the money from those at the bottom, those who came in late, and give it all to the few early adopters. And they’re left “holding the bags” so to speak. As in, they’re left with a stock now devalued to just a penny stock.

Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.

Like certain forums of day-trading, there are those who “leverage” aka go into debt to buy more investments, which is very very dangerous! Not only do you lose all your money, but now you become a slave to the lender! When it’s so incredibly risky that it essentially becomes random chance whether you get something or not, it becomes a form of gambling, which can become an addiction for some who drain all their money and waste it on nothing.

Someone can save as much money as they want, but the only thing that truly saves us from sin at the end of the day is faith alone in Jesus Christ! It doesn’t matter if you have many or little savings in your bank account, even the smallest amount of faith in Christ Jesus washes us away of all our sins!

Heb. 2:9 "Jesus, was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone."

Even smart people can get scammed. Because avoiding scams requires wisdom, and there are many people who are intelligent, but not wise. Isaac Newton was a very intelligent man, yet he lost a lot of his money by investing in the South Sea Company’s stock bubble.

Isaac Newton and the South Sea Bubble + Financial Market Update + 11.10.21

Or some people found rare “tulip bulbs” and sold them to others at a higher price. And those who bought it at a high price wished to sell it at an even higher price! Until you’re left with someone who’s stuck with nothing to sell it to.

Tulip mania - Wikipedia

The amount of money we have can increase or decrease, but no matter what, the Lord is always with us. Thus, trust in the Lord Christ Jesus with faith alone and be saved my friends! Everyone will be saved. It doesn’t matter how rich someone is or how poor someone is, they will be saved by believing in Jesus Christ and everyone will go to Heaven.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

GIC’s, Guaranteed Investment Contrasts, are very good protections against the value of your money deteriorating due to inflation, because you are guaranteed to obtain at least your principal investment, and then some extra money as interest to. However, this interest is oftentimes lower than the inflation rate. For example, the inflation rate is 2% a year, and the interest rate is 1% a year. You would not make a profit, but a loss, however it would be a much smaller loss than if you simply left your money sitting in a savings account. This is a good way to avoid going into debt. For many, the price of food is increasing due to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, so it’s important to save enough money to be able to provide for the well being of your own money.

Psalm 15:5 Who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.

Since anyone can post anything on the Internet, do not get manipulated by what people say online. Read Bible verses about financial advice before making financial decisions. Online, some websites might tell you to “HODL” or “Diamond Hands” (holding stock), “To the moon!” or “Bullish” (implying the stock will soar high), but many of these are from spam bot accounts, to make you think it’s more popular than it actually is.

Overall, avoid get-rich-quick schemes. And avoid going into debt as much as possible, because a person who owes money to a lender is a slave to that lender. Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and be saved. That is what frees us from the slavery of sin. Thus, everyone will become believers in Christ Jesus and go to Heaven.

Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”

Proverbs 13:11 Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
Is there a shorter version to your sermon?