What's the point of evangelism if everyone will automatically be saved?
These two questions show a common misunderstanding about Christian Universalism.
(Universal Reconciliation, Universal Restoration, Ultimate Redemption, UR)
These quotes are from the website
Universalist Musings.
"When this question is raised, in most cases it’s almost as though the objector is assuming that without the threat of eternal damnation there would be no point in following Jesus or living in obedience to his calling for us. This brings to light the problematic fact that many infernalists seem to view Jesus merely (or at least chiefly) as a ‘get out of hell free’ card, so to speak—remove the real possibility of everlasting hell, and these individuals would apparently say ‘forget Jesus.’ This, of course, is not a proper understanding of gospel motivation."
The reason we ought to follow Jesus and proclaim the gospel without delay, is not primarily for fear of damnation as a consequence if we don’t, but rather because Jesus is inherently worthy of our devotion and obedience, and the gospel is inherently good news worth proclaiming!"
"... have you ever considered why it is that the doctrine of eternal conscious torment has, as a matter of practical fact, failed to motivate most people to turn to Christ, and has likewise failed to motivate most Christians to consistently evangelize? Could this be because most of us, at least deep-down, recognize that it is an inherently absurd and incoherent concept, and thus, is a threat that we recognize does not deserve to be taken seriously?"
Source (question 12 pp 3, 4, 7)
Discussion questions:
- Is there any reason to follow Jesus if the threat of hell in the afterlife is removed?
- Is there any value in following Jesus in the here and now?
- What effect might the removal of the threat of hell from the gospel message have?
- Would anyone choose to follow Jesus without the threat of hell?